mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00

- Fixed bug with mapping of multiple assignments. - Added new ! operator for input mappings, which lets the user specify that an input must not be active. - Added option to print info about input system (such as settings and detected keyboards, mice and joysticks) during input configuration. - Added new trigger input for lightgun games with a configurable option to automatically pull trigger when offscreen input is activated (this makes playing with the mouse easier as the gun can be reloaded with single mouse button, rather than having to press both buttons at the same time). - Added -xinput command line option that switches to using XInput API rather than DirectInput for XBox 360 controllers (this allows the XBox 360 controller's two triggers to be read independently which works better for driving games when they are mapped to accele rator and brake). - Added initial version of force feedback implementation to DirectInputSystem (this still needs work).
1100 lines
30 KiB
1100 lines
30 KiB
** Supermodel
** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski
** This file is part of Supermodel.
** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
** any later version.
** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
** more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
** with Supermodel. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Main.cpp
* Main program driver for the SDL port.
* Compile-Time Options
* --------------------
* - SUPERMODEL_SOUND: Enables experimental sound code. The 68K core (Turbo68K)
* only works on x86 (32-bit) systems, so this cannot be enabled on 64-bit
* builds.
* - SUPERMODEL_WIN32: Define this if compiling on Windows.
* - SUPERMODEL_OSX: Define this if compiling on Mac OS X.
* TO-DO List
* ----------
* - A lot of this code is actually OS-independent! Should it be moved into the
* root of the source tree? Might not be worth it; eventually, OS-dependent
* UIs will be introduced.
#include <new>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "Pkgs/glew.h"
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
#include <SDL.h>
#include "Supermodel.h"
#include "SDLInputSystem.h"
#include "OSD/Windows/DirectInputSystem.h"
Display Management
* Position and size of rectangular region within OpenGL display to render to
unsigned xOffset, yOffset; // offset of renderer output within OpenGL viewport
unsigned xRes, yRes; // renderer output resolution (can be smaller than GL viewport)
* CreateGLScreen():
* Creates an OpenGL display surface of the requested size. xOffset and yOffset
* are used to return a display surface offset (for OpenGL viewport commands)
* because the actual drawing area may need to be adjusted to preserve the
* Model 3 aspect ratio. The new resolution will be passed back as well.
static BOOL CreateGLScreen(const char *caption, unsigned *xOffsetPtr, unsigned *yOffsetPtr, unsigned *xResPtr, unsigned *yResPtr, BOOL fullScreen)
const SDL_VideoInfo *VideoInfo;
GLenum err;
float model3Ratio, ratio;
float xRes, yRes;
// Initialize video subsystem
if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0)
return ErrorLog("Unable to initialize SDL video subsystem: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
// Important GL attributes
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE,5); // need at least RGB555 for Model 3 textures
// Set video mode
if (SDL_SetVideoMode(*xResPtr,*yResPtr,0,SDL_OPENGL|(fullScreen?SDL_FULLSCREEN|SDL_HWSURFACE:0)) == NULL)
ErrorLog("Unable to create an OpenGL display: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
return FAIL;
VideoInfo = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); // what resolution did we actually get?
// Fix the aspect ratio of the resolution that the user passed to match Model 3 ratio
xRes = (float) *xResPtr;
yRes = (float) *yResPtr;
model3Ratio = 496.0f/384.0f;
ratio = xRes/yRes;
if (yRes < (xRes/model3Ratio))
xRes = yRes*model3Ratio;
if (xRes < (yRes*model3Ratio))
yRes = xRes/model3Ratio;
// Center the visible area
*xOffsetPtr = (*xResPtr - (unsigned) xRes)/2;
*yOffsetPtr = (*yResPtr - (unsigned) yRes)/2;
// If the desired resolution is smaller than what we got, re-center again
if (*xResPtr < VideoInfo->current_w)
*xOffsetPtr += (VideoInfo->current_w - *xResPtr)/2;
if (*yResPtr < VideoInfo->current_h)
*yOffsetPtr += (VideoInfo->current_h - *yResPtr)/2;
// Create window caption
// Initialize GLEW, allowing us to use features beyond OpenGL 1.2
err = glewInit();
if (GLEW_OK != err)
ErrorLog("OpenGL initialization failed: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(err));
return FAIL;
// OpenGL initialization
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // clear at least once to ensure black border
// Write back resolution parameters
*xResPtr = (unsigned) xRes;
*yResPtr = (unsigned) yRes;
return 0;
#define CONFIG_FILE_PATH "Config/Supermodel.ini"
#define CONFIG_FILE_COMMENT ";\n" \
"; Supermodel Configuration File\n" \
// Create and configure inputs
static CInputs *CreateInputs(CInputSystem *InputSystem, BOOL configure)
// Create and initialize inputs
CInputs* Inputs = new CInputs(InputSystem);
if (!Inputs->Initialize())
ErrorLog("Unable to initalize inputs.\n");
return NULL;
// Open and parse configuration file
INI.Open(CONFIG_FILE_PATH); // doesn't matter if it exists or not, will get overwritten
Inputs->ReadFromINIFile(&INI, "Global");
InputSystem->ReadFromINIFile(&INI, "Global");
// If the user wants to configure the inputs, do that now
if (configure)
// Open an SDL window
unsigned xOffset, yOffset, xRes=496, yRes=384;
if (OKAY != CreateGLScreen("Supermodel - Configuring Inputs...",&xOffset,&yOffset,&xRes,&yRes,FALSE))
ErrorLog("Unable to start SDL to configure inputs.\n");
return NULL;
// Configure the inputs
if (Inputs->ConfigureInputs(NULL, xOffset, yOffset, xRes, yRes))
// Write input configuration and input system settings to config file
Inputs->WriteToINIFile(&INI, "Global");
InputSystem->WriteToINIFile(&INI, "Global");
ErrorLog("Unable to save configuration to %s.", CONFIG_FILE_PATH);
printf("Configuration successfully saved to %s.\n", CONFIG_FILE_PATH);
puts("Configuration aborted...");
return Inputs;
Save States and NVRAM
Save states and NVRAM use the same basic format.
Header block name: "Supermodel Save State" or "Supermodel NVRAM State"
Data: Save state file version (4-byte integer), ROM set ID (up to 9 bytes,
including terminating \0).
Different subsystems output their own blocks.
#define STATE_FILE_VERSION 0 // save state file version
static unsigned saveSlot = 0; // save state slot #
static void SaveState(CModel3 *Model3)
CBlockFile SaveState;
char filePath[24];
int fileVersion = STATE_FILE_VERSION;
sprintf(filePath, "Saves/%s.st%d", Model3->GetGameInfo()->id, saveSlot);
if (OKAY != SaveState.Create(filePath, "Supermodel Save State", "Supermodel Version " SUPERMODEL_VERSION))
ErrorLog("Unable to save state to %s.", filePath);
// Write file format version and ROM set ID to header block
SaveState.Write(&fileVersion, sizeof(fileVersion));
SaveState.Write(Model3->GetGameInfo()->id, strlen(Model3->GetGameInfo()->id)+1);
// Save state
printf("Saved state to %s.\n", filePath);
DebugLog("Saved state to %s.\n", filePath);
static void LoadState(CModel3 *Model3)
CBlockFile SaveState;
char filePath[24];
int fileVersion;
// Generate file path
sprintf(filePath, "Saves/%s.st%d", Model3->GetGameInfo()->id, saveSlot);
// Open and check to make sure format is correct
if (OKAY != SaveState.Load(filePath))
ErrorLog("Unable to load state from %s.", filePath);
if (OKAY != SaveState.FindBlock("Supermodel Save State"))
ErrorLog("%s does not appear to be a valid save state file.", filePath);
SaveState.Read(&fileVersion, sizeof(fileVersion));
if (fileVersion != STATE_FILE_VERSION)
ErrorLog("Format of %s is incompatible with this version of Supermodel.", filePath);
// Load
printf("Loaded state from %s.\n", filePath);
DebugLog("Loaded state from %s.\n", filePath);
static void SaveNVRAM(CModel3 *Model3)
CBlockFile NVRAM;
char filePath[24];
int fileVersion = STATE_FILE_VERSION;
sprintf(filePath, "NVRAM/%s.nv", Model3->GetGameInfo()->id);
if (OKAY != NVRAM.Create(filePath, "Supermodel NVRAM State", "Supermodel Version " SUPERMODEL_VERSION))
ErrorLog("Unable to save NVRAM to %s. Make sure directory exists!", filePath);
// Write file format version and ROM set ID to header block
NVRAM.Write(&fileVersion, sizeof(fileVersion));
NVRAM.Write(Model3->GetGameInfo()->id, strlen(Model3->GetGameInfo()->id)+1);
// Save NVRAM
DebugLog("Saved NVRAM to %s.\n", filePath);
static void LoadNVRAM(CModel3 *Model3)
CBlockFile NVRAM;
char filePath[24];
int fileVersion;
// Generate file path
sprintf(filePath, "NVRAM/%s.nv", Model3->GetGameInfo()->id);
// Open and check to make sure format is correct
if (OKAY != NVRAM.Load(filePath))
//ErrorLog("Unable to restore NVRAM from %s.", filePath);
if (OKAY != NVRAM.FindBlock("Supermodel NVRAM State"))
ErrorLog("%s does not appear to be a valid NVRAM file.", filePath);
NVRAM.Read(&fileVersion, sizeof(fileVersion));
if (fileVersion != STATE_FILE_VERSION)
ErrorLog("Format of %s is incompatible with this version of Supermodel.", filePath);
// Load
DebugLog("Loaded NVRAM from %s.\n", filePath);
Main Program Driver
All configuration management is done prior to calling Supermodel().
static int Supermodel(const char *zipFile, CInputs *Inputs, unsigned ppcFrequency, unsigned xResParam, unsigned yResParam, BOOL fullScreen, BOOL noThrottle, BOOL showFPS, const char *vsFile, const char *fsFile)
char titleStr[128], titleFPSStr[128];
CModel3 *Model3 = new CModel3();
CRender2D *Render2D = new CRender2D();
CRender3D *Render3D = new CRender3D();
unsigned prevFPSTicks, currentFPSTicks, currentTicks, targetTicks, startTicks;
unsigned fpsFramesElapsed, framesElapsed;
BOOL showCursor = FALSE; // show cursor in full screen mode?
BOOL quit = 0;
BOOL paused = 0;
// Info log user options
InfoLog("PowerPC frequency: %d Hz", ppcFrequency);
InfoLog("Resolution: %dx%d (%s)", xResParam, yResParam, fullScreen?"full screen":"windowed");
InfoLog("Frame rate limiting: %s", noThrottle?"Disabled":"Enabled");
// Initialize and load ROMs
if (OKAY != Model3->LoadROMSet(Model3GameList, zipFile))
return 1;
// Load NVRAM
// Start up SDL and open a GL window
xRes = xResParam;
yRes = yResParam;
sprintf(titleStr, "Supermodel - %s", Model3->GetGameInfo()->title);
if (OKAY != CreateGLScreen(titleStr,&xOffset,&yOffset,&xRes,&yRes,fullScreen))
return 1;
// Hide mouse if fullscreen
// Attach the inputs to the emulator
// Initialize the renderer
if (OKAY != Render2D->Init(xOffset, yOffset, xRes, yRes))
goto QuitError;
if (OKAY != Render3D->Init(xOffset, yOffset, xRes, yRes, vsFile, fsFile))
goto QuitError;
// Emulate!
fpsFramesElapsed = 0;
framesElapsed = 0;
prevFPSTicks = SDL_GetTicks();
startTicks = prevFPSTicks;
while (!quit)
// If not paused, run one frame
if (!paused)
// If not, run one frame
// Swap the buffers
// Poll the inputs
if (!Inputs->Poll(Model3->GetGameInfo(), xOffset, yOffset, xRes, yRes))
quit = 1;
// Check UI controls
if (Inputs->uiExit->Pressed())
// Quit emulator
quit = 1;
else if (Inputs->uiReset->Pressed())
// Reset emulator
printf("Model 3 reset.\n");
else if (Inputs->uiPause->Pressed())
// Toggle emulator paused flag
paused = !paused;
else if (Inputs->uiSaveState->Pressed())
// Save game state
else if (Inputs->uiChangeSlot->Pressed())
// Change save slot
saveSlot %= 10; // clamp to [0,9]
printf("Save slot: %d\n", saveSlot);
else if (Inputs->uiLoadState->Pressed())
// Load game state
else if (Inputs->uiDumpInpState->Pressed())
// Dump input states
else if (Inputs->uiToggleCursor->Pressed() && fullScreen)
// Toggle cursor in full screen mode
showCursor = !showCursor;
else if (Inputs->uiClearNVRAM->Pressed())
// Clear NVRAM
printf("NVRAM cleared.\n");
else if (Inputs->uiToggleFrLimit->Pressed())
// Toggle frame limiting
noThrottle = !noThrottle;
printf("Frame limiting: %s\n", noThrottle?"Off":"On");
SCSP_MidiIn(0x01); // stop?
//Sound codes:
// A0 11 xx (0F=time extend, 11=jumbo left right)
// AF 10 xx (music -- 01 seems to work)
// FPS and frame rate
currentFPSTicks = SDL_GetTicks();
currentTicks = currentFPSTicks;
// FPS
if (showFPS)
if((currentFPSTicks-prevFPSTicks) >= 1000) // update FPS every 1 second (each tick is 1 ms)
sprintf(titleFPSStr, "%s - %1.1f FPS", titleStr, (float)fpsFramesElapsed*(float)(currentFPSTicks-prevFPSTicks)/1000.0f);
prevFPSTicks = currentFPSTicks; // reset tick count
fpsFramesElapsed = 0; // reset frame count
// Frame limiting/paused
if (paused || !noThrottle)
targetTicks = startTicks + (unsigned) ((float)framesElapsed * 1000.0f/60.0f);
if (currentTicks <= targetTicks) // add a delay until we reach the next (target) frame time
else // begin a new frame
framesElapsed = 0;
startTicks = currentTicks;
// Save NVRAM
// Shut down
delete Model3;
delete Render2D;
delete Render3D;
// Dump PowerPC registers
#ifdef DEBUG
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i += 4)
i + 0, ppc_get_gpr(i + 0),
i + 1, ppc_get_gpr(i + 1),
i + 2, ppc_get_gpr(i + 2),
i + 3, ppc_get_gpr(i + 3));
printf("PC =%08X\n", ppc_get_pc());
printf("LR =%08X\n", ppc_get_lr());
printf("DBAT0U=%08X\tIBAT0U=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT0U), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT0U));
printf("DBAT0L=%08X\tIBAT0L=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT0L), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT0L));
printf("DBAT1U=%08X\tIBAT1U=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT1U), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT1U));
printf("DBAT1L=%08X\tIBAT1L=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT1L), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT1L));
printf("DBAT2U=%08X\tIBAT2U=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT2U), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT2U));
printf("DBAT2L=%08X\tIBAT2L=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT2L), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT2L));
printf("DBAT3U=%08X\tIBAT3U=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT3U), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT3U));
printf("DBAT3L=%08X\tIBAT3L=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT3L), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT3L));
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
printf("SR%d =%08X\n", i, ppc_read_sr(i));
for (int i = 10; i < 16; i++)
printf("SR%d=%08X\n", i, ppc_read_sr(i));
printf("SDR1=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_SDR1));
printf("68K PC =%08X\n", Turbo68KReadPC());
return 0;
// Quit with an error
delete Model3;
delete Render2D;
delete Render3D;
return 1;
Error and Debug Logging
#define DEBUG_LOG_FILE "debug.log"
#define ERROR_LOG_FILE "error.log"
* DebugLog(fmt, ...):
* Prints to debug log. The file is opened and closed each time so that its
* contents are preserved even if the program crashes.
* Parameters:
* fmt Format string (same as printf()).
* ... Variable number of arguments as required by format string.
void DebugLog(const char *fmt, ...)
#ifdef DEBUG
char string[1024];
va_list vl;
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(DEBUG_LOG_FILE, "ab");
if (NULL != fp)
va_start(vl, fmt);
vsprintf(string, fmt, vl);
fprintf(fp, string);
* InfoLog(fmt, ...);
* Prints information to the error log file but does not print to stderr. This
* is useful for logging non-error information.
* Parameters:
* fmt Format string (same as printf()).
* ... Variable number of arguments as required by format string.
void InfoLog(const char *fmt, ...)
char string[4096];
va_list vl;
FILE *fp;
va_start(vl, fmt);
vsprintf(string, fmt, vl);
fp = fopen(ERROR_LOG_FILE, "ab");
if (NULL != fp)
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", string);
DebugLog("Info: ");
* ErrorLog(fmt, ...):
* Prints an error to stderr and the error log file.
* Parameters:
* fmt Format string (same as printf()).
* ... Variable number of arguments as required by format string.
* Returns:
* Always returns FAIL.
BOOL ErrorLog(const char *fmt, ...)
char string[4096];
va_list vl;
FILE *fp;
va_start(vl, fmt);
vsprintf(string, fmt, vl);
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", string);
fp = fopen(ERROR_LOG_FILE, "ab");
if (NULL != fp)
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", string);
DebugLog("Error: ");
return FAIL;
// Clear log file
static void ClearLog(const char *file, const char *title)
FILE *fp = fopen(file, "w");
if (NULL != fp)
unsigned i;
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", title);
for (i = 0; i < strlen(title); i++)
fputc('-', fp);
fprintf(fp, "\n\n");
Diagnostic Commands
// Disassemble instructions from CROM
static int DisassembleCROM(const char *zipFile, UINT32 addr, unsigned n)
const struct GameInfo *Game;
UINT8 *crom;
struct ROMMap Map[] =
{ "CROM", NULL },
{ "CROMxx", NULL },
char mnem[16], oprs[48];
UINT32 op;
// Do we have a valid CROM address?
if (addr < 0xFF800000)
return ErrorLog("Valid CROM address range is FF800000-FFFFFFFF.");
// Allocate memory and set ROM region
crom = new(std::nothrow) UINT8[0x8800000];
if (NULL == crom)
return ErrorLog("Insufficient memory to load CROM (need %d MB).", (0x8800000/8));
Map[0].ptr = crom;
Map[1].ptr = &crom[0x800000];
// Load ROM set
Game = LoadROMSetFromZIPFile(Map, Model3GameList, zipFile, FALSE);
if (NULL == Game)
return ErrorLog("Failed to load ROM set.");
// Mirror CROM if necessary
if (Game->cromSize < 0x800000) // high part of fixed CROM region contains CROM0
CopyRegion(crom, 0, 0x800000-0x200000, &crom[0x800000], 0x800000);
// Disassemble!
addr -= 0xFF800000;
while ((n > 0) && ((addr+4) <= 0x800000))
op = (crom[addr+0]<<24) | (crom[addr+1]<<16) | (crom[addr+2]<<8) | crom[addr+3];
printf("%08X: ", addr+0xFF800000);
if (DisassemblePowerPC(op, addr+0xFF800000, mnem, oprs, 1))
if (mnem[0] != '\0') // invalid form
printf("%08X %s*\t%s\n", op, mnem, oprs);
printf("%08X ?\n", op);
printf("%08X %s\t%s\n", op, mnem, oprs);
addr += 4;
delete [] crom;
return OKAY;
* PrintGLInfo():
* Queries and prints OpenGL information. A full list of extensions can
* optionally be printed.
static void PrintGLInfo(BOOL printExtensions)
const GLubyte *str;
char *strLocal;
GLint value;
unsigned xOffset, yOffset, xRes=496, yRes=384;
if (OKAY != CreateGLScreen("Supermodel - Querying OpenGL Information...",&xOffset,&yOffset,&xRes,&yRes,FALSE))
ErrorLog("Unable to query OpenGL.\n");
puts("OpenGL information:\n");
str = glGetString(GL_VENDOR);
printf(" Vendor: %s\n", str);
str = glGetString(GL_RENDERER);
printf(" Renderer: %s\n", str);
str = glGetString(GL_VERSION);
printf(" Version: %s\n", str);
printf(" Shading Language Version: %s\n", str);
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES, &value);
printf("Maximum Vertex Array Size: %d vertices\n", value);
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &value);
printf(" Maximum Texture Size: %d texels\n", value);
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &value);
printf("Maximum Vertex Attributes: %d\n", value);
printf(" Maximum Vertex Uniforms: %d\n", value);
if (printExtensions)
str = glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
strLocal = (char *) malloc((strlen((char *) str)+1)*sizeof(char));
if (NULL == strLocal)
printf(" Supported Extensions: %s\n", str);
strcpy(strLocal, (char *) str);
printf(" Supported Extensions: %s\n", (strLocal = strtok(strLocal, " \t\n")));
while ((strLocal = strtok(NULL, " \t\n")) != NULL)
printf(" %s\n", strLocal);
Entry Point and Command Line Procesing
// Print Supermodel title and copyright information
static void Title(void)
puts("Supermodel: A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator (Version "SUPERMODEL_VERSION")");
puts("Copyright (C) 2011 by Bart Trzynadlowski");
// Print usage information
static void Help(void)
puts("Usage: Supermodel <romset> [options]");
puts("ROM set must be a valid ZIP file containing a single game.");
puts("General Options:");
puts(" -?, -h Print this help text");
puts(" -print-games List supported games");
puts("Emulation Options:");
puts(" -ppc-frequency=<f> Set PowerPC frequency in MHz [Default: 25]");
puts("Video Options:");
puts(" -res=<x>,<y> Resolution");
puts(" -fullscreen Full screen mode");
puts(" -no-throttle Disable 60 Hz frame rate limit");
puts(" -show-fps Display frame rate in window title bar");
#ifdef DEBUG // ordinary users do not need to know about these, but they are always available
puts(" -vert-shader=<file> Load 3D vertex shader from external file");
puts(" -frag-shader=<file> Load 3D fragment shader from external file");
puts("Input Options:");
puts(" -input-system=<s> Set input system [Default: SDL]");
puts(" -print-inputs Prints current input configuration");
puts(" -config-inputs Configure inputs for keyboards, mice and joysticks");
puts("Diagnostic Options:");
#ifdef DEBUG
puts(" -dis=<addr>[,n] Disassemble PowerPC code from CROM");
puts(" -print-gl-info Print extensive OpenGL information\n");
// Print game list
static void PrintGameList(void)
int i, j;
puts("Supported games:");
puts(" ROM Set Title");
puts(" ------- -----");
for (i = 0; Model3GameList[i].title != NULL; i++)
printf(" %s", Model3GameList[i].id);
for (j = strlen(Model3GameList[i].id); j < 8; j++) // pad for alignment (no game ID is more than 8 letters)
printf(" ");
printf(" %s\n", Model3GameList[i].title);
* main(argc, argv):
* Program entry point.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i, ret;
int cmd=0, fileIdx=0, cmdFullScreen=0, cmdNoThrottle=0, cmdShowFPS=0, cmdPrintInputs=0, cmdConfigInputs=0, cmdPrintGames=0, cmdDis=0, cmdPrintGLInfo=0;
unsigned n, xRes=496, yRes=384, ppcFrequency=25000000;
char *vsFile = NULL, *fsFile = NULL, *inpSysName = NULL;
UINT32 addr;
if (argc <= 1)
return 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
ClearLog(DEBUG_LOG_FILE, "Supermodel v"SUPERMODEL_VERSION" Debug Log");
ClearLog(ERROR_LOG_FILE, "Supermodel v"SUPERMODEL_VERSION" Error Log");
// Parse command line
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-h") || !strcmp(argv[i],"-?"))
return 0;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-print-games"))
cmd = cmdPrintGames = 1;
else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-ppc-frequency",14))
int f;
ret = sscanf(&argv[i][14],"=%d",&f);
if (ret != 1)
ErrorLog("-ppc-frequency requires a frequency.");
if ((f<1) || (f>1000)) // limit to 1-1000MHz
ErrorLog("PowerPC frequency must be between 1 and 1000 MHz. Ignoring.");
ppcFrequency = f*1000000;
else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-res",4))
unsigned x, y;
ret = sscanf(&argv[i][4],"=%d,%d",&x,&y);
if (ret != 2)
ErrorLog("-res requires both a width and a height.");
xRes = x;
yRes = y;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-fullscreen"))
cmd = cmdFullScreen = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-no-throttle"))
cmd = cmdNoThrottle = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-show-fps"))
cmd = cmdShowFPS = 1;
else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-vert-shader=",13))
if (argv[i][13] == '\0')
ErrorLog("-vert-shader requires a file path.");
vsFile = &argv[i][13];
else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-frag-shader=",13))
if (argv[i][13] == '\0')
ErrorLog("-frag-shader requires a file path.");
fsFile = &argv[i][13];
else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-input-system=", 14))
if (argv[i][14] == '\0')
ErrorLog("-input-system requires an input system name.");
inpSysName = &argv[i][14];
else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-print-inputs"))
cmd = cmdPrintInputs = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-config-inputs"))
cmd = cmdConfigInputs = 1;
else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-dis",4))
ret = sscanf(&argv[i][4],"=%X,%X",&addr,&n);
if (ret == 1)
n = 16;
cmd = cmdDis = 1;
else if (ret == 2)
cmd = cmdDis = 1;
ErrorLog("-dis requires address and, optionally, number of instructions.");
else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-print-gl-info"))
cmd = cmdPrintGLInfo = 1;
else if (argv[i][0] == '-')
ErrorLog("Ignoring invalid option: %s.", argv[i]);
if (fileIdx) // already specified a file
ErrorLog("Multiple files specified. Using %s, ignoring %s.", argv[i], argv[fileIdx]);
fileIdx = i;
// Initialize SDL (individual subsystems get initialized later)
if (SDL_Init(0) != 0)
ErrorLog("Unable to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
return 1;
CInputSystem *InputSystem = NULL;
CInputs *Inputs = NULL;
int exitCode = 0;
// Create input system (default is SDL)
if (inpSysName == NULL || stricmp(inpSysName, "sdl") == 0)
InputSystem = new CSDLInputSystem();
else if (stricmp(inpSysName, "dinput") == 0)
InputSystem = new CDirectInputSystem(false, false, false);
else if (stricmp(inpSysName, "xinput") == 0)
InputSystem = new CDirectInputSystem(false, true, false);
else if (stricmp(inpSysName, "rawinput") == 0)
InputSystem = new CDirectInputSystem(true, false, false);
ErrorLog("Unknown input system: '%s'.\n", inpSysName);
exitCode = 1;
goto Exit;
// Create inputs from input system (configuring them if required)
Inputs = CreateInputs(InputSystem, cmdConfigInputs);
if (Inputs == NULL)
exitCode = 1;
goto Exit;
if (cmdPrintInputs)
// Process commands that don't require ROM set
if (cmd)
if (cmdPrintGames)
goto Exit;
if (cmdPrintGLInfo)
goto Exit;
if (fileIdx == 0)
ErrorLog("No ROM set specified.");
exitCode = 1;
goto Exit;
// Process commands that require ROMs
if (cmd)
if (cmdDis)
if (OKAY != DisassembleCROM(argv[fileIdx], addr, n))
exitCode = 1;
goto Exit;
// Fire up Supermodel
exitCode = Supermodel(argv[fileIdx],Inputs,ppcFrequency,xRes,yRes,cmdFullScreen,cmdNoThrottle,cmdShowFPS,vsFile,fsFile);
if (InputSystem != NULL)
delete InputSystem;
if (Inputs != NULL)
delete Inputs;
return exitCode;