mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 17:35:39 +00:00
398 lines
13 KiB
398 lines
13 KiB
## Supermodel
## A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
## Copyright 2003-2024 The Supermodel Team
## This file is part of Supermodel.
## Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
## any later version.
## Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
## more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with Supermodel. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Rules.inc
# Build rules, included by all (platform-specific) top-level Makefiles.
# Output Locations
OBJ_DIR = obj$(strip $(BITS))
BIN_DIR = bin$(strip $(BITS))
OUTFILE = supermodel
# Compiler Flags
# Construct Supermodel build options
# If render state analyser is enabled, need to define DEBUG
ifeq ($(strip $(DEBUG)),1)
# If Net Board support is enabled, need to define NET_BOARD
ifeq ($(strip $(NET_BOARD)),1)
# If Bart's new frame timing is enabled, need to define NEW_FRAME_TIMING
ifeq ($(strip $(NEW_FRAME_TIMING)),1)
# If built-in debugger enabled, need to define SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER
ifeq ($(strip $(ENABLE_DEBUGGER)),1)
# Compiler options
OPT = -O3
WARN = -Wall
CSTD = -std=iso9899:2011
CXXSTD = -std=c++17
LDOPT = -s
# Construct the compiler (C and C++) and linker flags
# Source Files
Src/CPU/PowerPC/PPCDisasm.cpp \
Src/BlockFile.cpp \
Src/Pkgs/unzip.cpp \
Src/Pkgs/ioapi.cpp \
Src/Model3/93C46.cpp \
Src/Util/BitRegister.cpp \
Src/JTAG.cpp \
Src/Graphics/Legacy3D/Error.cpp \
Src/Pkgs/glew.cpp \
Src/Graphics/Shader.cpp \
Src/Model3/Real3D.cpp \
Src/Graphics/Legacy3D/Legacy3D.cpp \
Src/Graphics/Legacy3D/Models.cpp \
Src/Graphics/Legacy3D/TextureRefs.cpp \
Src/Graphics/New3D/GLSLShader.cpp \
Src/Graphics/New3D/R3DFrameBuffers.cpp \
Src/Graphics/New3D/New3D.cpp \
Src/Graphics/New3D/Mat4.cpp \
Src/Graphics/New3D/Model.cpp \
Src/Graphics/New3D/PolyHeader.cpp \
Src/Graphics/New3D/VBO.cpp \
Src/Graphics/New3D/Vec.cpp \
Src/Graphics/New3D/R3DShader.cpp \
Src/Graphics/New3D/R3DFloat.cpp \
Src/Graphics/New3D/R3DScrollFog.cpp \
Src/Graphics/New3D/TextureBank.cpp \
Src/Graphics/FBO.cpp \
Src/Graphics/Render2D.cpp \
Src/Graphics/SuperAA.cpp \
Src/Model3/TileGen.cpp \
Src/Model3/Model3.cpp \
Src/CPU/PowerPC/ppc.cpp \
Src/OSD/SDL/Main.cpp \
Src/OSD/SDL/Audio.cpp \
Src/OSD/SDL/Thread.cpp \
Src/Model3/SoundBoard.cpp \
Src/Sound/SCSP.cpp \
Src/Sound/SCSPDSP.cpp \
Src/CPU/68K/68K.cpp \
$(OBJ_DIR)/m68kcpu.c \
$(OBJ_DIR)/m68kopnz.c \
$(OBJ_DIR)/m68kopdm.c \
$(OBJ_DIR)/m68kopac.c \
$(OBJ_DIR)/m68kops.c \
Src/Model3/DSB.cpp \
Src/CPU/Z80/Z80.cpp \
Src/Model3/IRQ.cpp \
Src/Model3/53C810.cpp \
Src/Model3/PCI.cpp \
Src/Model3/RTC72421.cpp \
Src/Model3/DriveBoard/DriveBoard.cpp \
Src/Model3/DriveBoard/WheelBoard.cpp \
Src/Model3/DriveBoard/JoystickBoard.cpp \
Src/Model3/DriveBoard/SkiBoard.cpp \
Src/Model3/DriveBoard/BillBoard.cpp \
Src/Model3/MPC10x.cpp \
Src/Inputs/Input.cpp \
Src/Inputs/Inputs.cpp \
Src/Inputs/InputSource.cpp \
Src/Inputs/InputSystem.cpp \
Src/Inputs/InputTypes.cpp \
Src/Inputs/MultiInputSource.cpp \
Src/OSD/SDL/SDLInputSystem.cpp \
Src/OSD/SDL/Crosshair.cpp \
Src/OSD/Outputs.cpp \
Src/Sound/MPEG/MpegAudio.cpp \
Src/Model3/Crypto.cpp \
Src/OSD/Logger.cpp \
Src/Util/Format.cpp \
Src/Util/NewConfig.cpp \
Src/Util/ByteSwap.cpp \
Src/Util/ConfigBuilders.cpp \
Src/GameLoader.cpp \
Src/Pkgs/tinyxml2.cpp \
Src/ROMSet.cpp \
ifeq ($(strip $(NET_BOARD)),1)
Src/Network/TCPReceive.cpp \
Src/Network/TCPSend.cpp \
Src/Network/NetBoard.cpp \
ifeq ($(strip $(ENABLE_DEBUGGER)),1)
Src/Debugger/Debugger.cpp \
Src/Debugger/ConsoleDebugger.cpp \
Src/Debugger/SupermodelDebugger.cpp \
Src/Debugger/CPUDebug.cpp \
Src/Debugger/AddressTable.cpp \
Src/Debugger/Breakpoint.cpp \
Src/Debugger/CodeAnalyser.cpp \
Src/Debugger/Exception.cpp \
Src/Debugger/Interrupt.cpp \
Src/Debugger/DebuggerIO.cpp \
Src/Debugger/Label.cpp \
Src/Debugger/Register.cpp \
Src/Debugger/Watch.cpp \
Src/Debugger/CPU/PPCDebug.cpp \
Src/Debugger/CPU/68KDebug.cpp \
Src/Debugger/CPU/Musashi68KDebug.cpp \
# Sorted-path compile order
OBJ_FILES = $(foreach file,$(SRC_FILES),$(OBJ_DIR)/$(basename $(notdir $(file))).o)
# Deduce include directories from the source file list. The sort function
# removes duplicates and is used to construct a set.
INCLUDE_DIRS = $(sort $(foreach file,$(SRC_FILES),$(dir $(file))))
# Targets
# Default target: build Supermodel binary. Must be specified *before* the auto-
# generated dependencies because otherwise, make gets confused for some reason
# and thinks the default target is just one of the object files.
all: $(BIN_DIR)/$(OUTFILE)
# Supermodel3.com release targets: used only to create official builds stamped
# with the Git version number. Double-colon rules should force ordered
# execution. The automated build script relies on these -- don't modify their
# output!
.PHONY: clean
.PHONY: set_version
.PHONY: print_message
.PHONY: version
release:: set_version
release:: print_message
release:: clean
release:: all
# Github release flow (not yet used).
PKG_FILES += $(BIN_DIR)/$(OUTFILE) Docs/README.txt Docs/LICENSE.txt Config Assets
pkg: pkg/$(PKG_TYPE)
$(info Cleaning up : $(PKG_STAGE_PATH))
$(SILENT)cd pkg && rm -r $(notdir $(PKG_STAGE_PATH))
pkg/tgz: pkg/stage
$(info Creating package : $(PKG_PATH))
$(SILENT)tar -C pkg -czf $(PKG_PATH) $(notdir $(PKG_STAGE_PATH))
pkg/zip: pkg/stage
$(info Creating package : $(PKG_STAGE_PATH).zip)
$(SILENT)cd pkg && zip -r $(notdir $(PKG_PATH)) $(notdir $(PKG_STAGE_PATH))
pkg/stage:: all
pkg/stage:: pkg/path
$(info Staging package : $(PKG_STAGE_PATH))
$(SILENT)rm -rf $(PKG_PATH) $(PKG_STAGE_PATH) ; mkdir -p $(PKG_STAGE_PATH)
$(SILENT)tar -cf - $(PKG_FILES) | tar -C $(PKG_STAGE_PATH) -xf -
mkdir NVRAM Saves ROMs && \
echo "NVRAM files go here." > NVRAM/DIR.txt && \
echo "Save states go here." > Saves/DIR.txt && \
echo "Recommended (but not mandatory) location for ROM sets." > ROMs/DIR.txt && \
mv $(BIN_DIR)/$(OUTFILE) . && rmdir $(BIN_DIR) && \
mv Docs//* . && rmdir Docs
$(info Generating : $(PKG_STAGE_PATH)/CHANGES.txt)
$(SILENT)OUTPUT=$(PKG_STAGE_PATH)/CHANGES.txt ./Scripts/changelog.sh
pkg/path: set_version
$(eval PKG_STAGE_PATH = pkg/supermodel-$(VERSION))
$(eval PKG_PATH = pkg/supermodel-$(VERSION).$(PKG_TYPE))
@echo $(PKG_PATH)
# Sets a VERSION variable based on the git sha.
$(eval VERSION = $(strip $(subst ',,0.3a-git-$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD --sq))))
# Prints a message containing the version number to stdout for informational
# purposes only.
print_message: set_version
$(info Building Supermodel Version $(VERSION))
# Print *only* the version directly.
version: set_version
@echo $(VERSION)
# Supermodel binary
$(info --------------------------------------------------------------------------------)
$(info Linking Supermodel : $(BIN_DIR)/$(OUTFILE))
$(info --------------------------------------------------------------------------------)
# Directory to which binary will be written. Note that Supermodel is never
# packaged with this directory.
$(info Creating directory : $(BIN_DIR))
$(SILENT)mkdir $(BIN_DIR)
# Object directory
$(info Creating directory : $(OBJ_DIR))
$(SILENT)mkdir $(OBJ_DIR)
# Rules
# Create list of auto-generated dependency files (which contain rules that make
# understands) and include them all.
AUTODEPS := $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJ_FILES))
-include $(AUTODEPS)
# VPATH is the search path for files. This trick allows a single %.cpp rule to
# be matched against files in sub-directories of Src/.
# Compilation rules that both auto-generate the dependency files and compile
# the source code. This technique is described in the reply by user "rr-" at:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8025766/makefile-auto-dependency-generation
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp | $(OBJ_DIR)
$(info Generating dependencies: $< -> $(OBJ_DIR)/$(*F).d)
$(SILENT)$(CXX) -MM -MP -MT $(OBJ_DIR)/$(*F).o -MT $(OBJ_DIR)/$(*F).d $(CXXFLAGS) $< > $(OBJ_DIR)/$(*F).d
$(info Compiling : $< -> $@)
$(SILENT)$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.c | $(OBJ_DIR)
$(info Generating dependencies: $< -> $(OBJ_DIR)/$(*F).d)
$(SILENT)$(CC) -MM -MP -MT $(OBJ_DIR)/$(*F).o -MT $(OBJ_DIR)/$(*F).d $(CFLAGS) $< > $(OBJ_DIR)/$(*F).d
$(info Compiling : $< -> $@)
$(SILENT)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Musashi 68K emulator
# All generated source files are emitted to the object directory. For MSVC,
# INLINE must be redefined as "static __inline", which is the syntax in C mode.
# The .exe suffix is absolutely required for native Windows non-MSYS builds!
MUSASHI_OUTFILE = $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kmake.exe # do not remove the .exe suffix!
MUSASHI_CFLAGS = -ISrc/CPU/68K/Musashi -I$(OBJ_DIR) -DINLINE="static inline" -Wno-unused-variable
$(MUSASHI_OUTFILE): Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68kmake.c Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68k_in.c | $(OBJ_DIR)
$(info --------------------------------------------------------------------------------)
$(info Compiling : $< -> $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kmake.o)
$(SILENT)$(CC) $< $(CFLAGS) -o $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kmake.o
$(info Linking : $(MUSASHI_OUTFILE))
$(OBJ_DIR)/m68kops.h $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kops.c $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kopac.c $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kopdm.c $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kopnz.c: $(MUSASHI_OUTFILE) Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68k_in.c Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68k.h Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68kconf.h | $(OBJ_DIR)
$(info Generating 68K emulator: $@)
@$(MUSASHI_OUTFILE) $(OBJ_DIR) Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68k_in.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/m68kcpu.o: Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68kcpu.c $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kops.h Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68k.h Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68kconf.h | $(OBJ_DIR)
$(info Compiling : $< -> $@)
@$(CC) $< $(CFLAGS) $(MUSASHI_CFLAGS) -o $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kcpu.o
$(OBJ_DIR)/m68kops.o: $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kops.c $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kops.h Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68k.h Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68kconf.h $(MUSASHI_OUTFILE) | $(OBJ_DIR)
$(info Compiling : $< -> $@)
@$(CC) $< $(CFLAGS) $(MUSASHI_CFLAGS) -o $@
$(OBJ_DIR)/m68kopac.o: $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kopac.c $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kops.h Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68k.h Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68kconf.h $(MUSASHI_OUTFILE) | $(OBJ_DIR)
$(info Compiling : $< -> $@)
@$(CC) $< $(CFLAGS) $(MUSASHI_CFLAGS) -o $@
$(OBJ_DIR)/m68kopdm.o: $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kopdm.c $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kops.h Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68k.h Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68kconf.h $(MUSASHI_OUTFILE) | $(OBJ_DIR)
$(info Compiling : $< -> $@)
@$(CC) $< $(CFLAGS) $(MUSASHI_CFLAGS) -o $@
$(OBJ_DIR)/m68kopnz.o: $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kopnz.c $(OBJ_DIR)/m68kops.h Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68k.h Src/CPU/68K/Musashi/m68kconf.h $(MUSASHI_OUTFILE) | $(OBJ_DIR)
$(info Compiling : $< -> $@)
@$(CC) $< $(CFLAGS) $(MUSASHI_CFLAGS) -o $@