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synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00

Some games update the tilegen after the ping_ping bit has flipped at 66% of the frame, so we need to split the tilegen drawing up into two stages to get some effects to work. So having the tilegen draw independantly of the 3d chip can make this happen.
362 lines
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362 lines
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#pragma once
// I altered this code a bit to make sure it always compiles with gl 4.1. Version 4.5 allows you to specify arrays differently.
// Ripped out most of the common code, people have been pushing changes to the shaders but we are ending up with diverging implementations
// between triangle / quad version which is less than ideal.
static const char* fragmentShaderR3DCommon = R"glsl(
#define LayerColour 0x0
#define LayerTrans0 0x1
#define LayerTrans1 0x2
vec4 ExtractColour(int type, uint value)
vec4 c = vec4(0.0);
if(type==0) { // T1RGB5
c.r = float((value >> 10) & 0x1Fu);
c.g = float((value >> 5 ) & 0x1Fu);
c.b = float((value ) & 0x1Fu);
c.rgb *= (1.0/31.0);
c.a = 1.0 - float((value >> 15) & 0x1u);
else if(type==1) { // Interleaved A4L4 (low byte)
c.rgb = vec3(float(value&0xFu));
c.a = float((value >> 4) & 0xFu);
c *= (1.0/15.0);
else if(type==2) {
c.a = float(value&0xFu);
c.rgb = vec3(float((value >> 4) & 0xFu));
c *= (1.0/15.0);
else if(type==3) {
c.rgb = vec3(float((value>>8)&0xFu));
c.a = float((value >> 12) & 0xFu);
c *= (1.0/15.0);
else if(type==4) {
c.a = float((value>>8)&0xFu);
c.rgb = vec3(float((value >> 12) & 0xFu));
c *= (1.0/15.0);
else if(type==5) {
c = vec4(float(value&0xFFu) / 255.0);
if(c.a==1.0) { c.a = 0.0; }
else { c.a = 1.0; }
else if(type==6) {
c = vec4(float((value>>8)&0xFFu) / 255.0);
if(c.a==1.0) { c.a = 0.0; }
else { c.a = 1.0; }
else if(type==7) { // RGBA4
c.r = float((value>>12)&0xFu);
c.g = float((value>> 8)&0xFu);
c.b = float((value>> 4)&0xFu);
c.a = float((value>> 0)&0xFu);
c *= (1.0/15.0);
else if(type==8) { // low byte, low nibble
c = vec4(float(value&0xFu) / 15.0);
if(c.a==1.0) { c.a = 0.0; }
else { c.a = 1.0; }
else if(type==9) { // low byte, high nibble
c = vec4(float((value>>4)&0xFu) / 15.0);
if(c.a==1.0) { c.a = 0.0; }
else { c.a = 1.0; }
else if(type==10) { // high byte, low nibble
c = vec4(float((value>>8)&0xFu) / 15.0);
if(c.a==1.0) { c.a = 0.0; }
else { c.a = 1.0; }
else if(type==11) { // high byte, high nibble
c = vec4(float((value>>12)&0xFu) / 15.0);
if(c.a==1.0) { c.a = 0.0; }
else { c.a = 1.0; }
return c;
int GetPage(int yCoord)
return yCoord / 1024;
int GetNextPage(int yCoord)
return (GetPage(yCoord) + 1) & 1;
int GetNextPageOffset(int yCoord)
return GetNextPage(yCoord) * 1024;
// wrapping tex coords would be super easy but we combined tex sheets so have to handle wrap around between sheets
// hardware testing would be useful because i don't know exactly what happens if you try to read outside the texture sheet
// wrap around is a good guess
ivec2 WrapTexCoords(ivec2 pos, ivec2 coordinate)
ivec2 newCoord;
newCoord.x = coordinate.x & 2047;
newCoord.y = coordinate.y;
int page = GetPage(pos.y);
newCoord.y -= (page * 1024); // remove page
newCoord.y &= 1023; // wrap around in the same sheet
newCoord.y += (page * 1024); // add page back
return newCoord;
ivec2 GetTextureSize(int level, ivec2 size)
int mipDivisor = 1 << level;
return size / mipDivisor;
ivec2 GetTexturePosition(int level, ivec2 pos)
const int mipXBase[] = int[](0, 1024, 1536, 1792, 1920, 1984, 2016, 2032, 2040, 2044, 2046, 2047);
const int mipYBase[] = int[](0, 512, 768, 896, 960, 992, 1008, 1016, 1020, 1022, 1023);
int mipDivisor = 1 << level;
int page = pos.y / 1024;
pos.y -= (page * 1024); // remove page from tex y
ivec2 retPos;
retPos.x = mipXBase[level] + (pos.x / mipDivisor);
retPos.y = mipYBase[level] + (pos.y / mipDivisor);
retPos.y += (page * 1024); // add page back to tex y
return retPos;
ivec2 GetMicroTexturePos(int id)
const int xCoords[8] = int[](0, 0, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128);
const int yCoords[8] = int[](0, 128, 0, 128, 256, 384, 256, 384);
return ivec2(xCoords[id],yCoords[id]);
float mip_map_level(in vec2 texture_coordinate) // in texel units
vec2 dx_vtc = dFdx(texture_coordinate);
vec2 dy_vtc = dFdy(texture_coordinate);
float delta_max_sqr = max(dot(dx_vtc, dx_vtc), dot(dy_vtc, dy_vtc));
float mml = 0.5 * log2(delta_max_sqr);
return max( 0.0, mml );
float LinearTexLocations(int wrapMode, float size, float u, out float u0, out float u1)
float texelSize = 1.0 / size;
float halfTexelSize = 0.5 / size;
if(wrapMode==0) { // repeat
u = u * size - 0.5;
u0 = (floor(u) + 0.5) / size; // + 0.5 offset added to push us into the centre of a pixel, without we'll get rounding errors
u0 = fract(u0);
u1 = u0 + texelSize;
u1 = fract(u1);
return fract(u); // return weight
else if(wrapMode==1) { // repeat + clamp
u = fract(u); // must force into 0-1 to start
u = u * size - 0.5;
u0 = (floor(u) + 0.5) / size; // + 0.5 offset added to push us into the centre of a pixel, without we'll get rounding errors
u1 = u0 + texelSize;
if(u0 < 0.0) u0 = 0.0;
if(u1 >= 1.0) u1 = 1.0 - halfTexelSize;
return fract(u); // return weight
else { // mirror + mirror clamp - both are the same since the edge pixels are repeated anyway
float odd = floor(mod(u, 2.0)); // odd values are mirrored
if(odd > 0.0) {
u = 1.0 - fract(u);
else {
u = fract(u);
u = u * size - 0.5;
u0 = (floor(u) + 0.5) / size; // + 0.5 offset added to push us into the centre of a pixel, without we'll get rounding errors
u1 = u0 + texelSize;
if(u0 < 0.0) u0 = 0.0;
if(u1 >= 1.0) u1 = 1.0 - halfTexelSize;
return fract(u); // return weight
vec4 texBiLinear(usampler2D texSampler, ivec2 wrapMode, vec2 texSize, ivec2 texPos, vec2 texCoord)
float tx[2], ty[2];
float a = LinearTexLocations(wrapMode.s, texSize.x, texCoord.x, tx[0], tx[1]);
float b = LinearTexLocations(wrapMode.t, texSize.y, texCoord.y, ty[0], ty[1]);
vec4 p0q0 = ExtractColour(baseTexType,texelFetch(texSampler, WrapTexCoords(texPos,ivec2(vec2(tx[0],ty[0]) * texSize + texPos)), 0).r);
vec4 p1q0 = ExtractColour(baseTexType,texelFetch(texSampler, WrapTexCoords(texPos,ivec2(vec2(tx[1],ty[0]) * texSize + texPos)), 0).r);
vec4 p0q1 = ExtractColour(baseTexType,texelFetch(texSampler, WrapTexCoords(texPos,ivec2(vec2(tx[0],ty[1]) * texSize + texPos)), 0).r);
vec4 p1q1 = ExtractColour(baseTexType,texelFetch(texSampler, WrapTexCoords(texPos,ivec2(vec2(tx[1],ty[1]) * texSize + texPos)), 0).r);
if(alphaTest) {
if(p0q0.a > p1q0.a) { p1q0.rgb = p0q0.rgb; }
if(p0q0.a > p0q1.a) { p0q1.rgb = p0q0.rgb; }
if(p1q0.a > p0q0.a) { p0q0.rgb = p1q0.rgb; }
if(p1q0.a > p1q1.a) { p1q1.rgb = p1q0.rgb; }
if(p0q1.a > p0q0.a) { p0q0.rgb = p0q1.rgb; }
if(p0q1.a > p1q1.a) { p1q1.rgb = p0q1.rgb; }
if(p1q1.a > p0q1.a) { p0q1.rgb = p1q1.rgb; }
if(p1q1.a > p1q0.a) { p1q0.rgb = p1q1.rgb; }
// Interpolation in X direction.
vec4 pInterp_q0 = mix( p0q0, p1q0, a ); // Interpolates top row in X direction.
vec4 pInterp_q1 = mix( p0q1, p1q1, a ); // Interpolates bottom row in X direction.
return mix( pInterp_q0, pInterp_q1, b ); // Interpolate in Y direction.
vec4 textureR3D(usampler2D texSampler, ivec2 wrapMode, ivec2 texSize, ivec2 texPos, vec2 texCoord)
float numLevels = floor(log2(min(float(texSize.x), float(texSize.y)))); // r3d only generates down to 1:1 for square textures, otherwise its the min dimension
float fLevel = min(mip_map_level(texCoord * vec2(texSize)), numLevels);
if(alphaTest) fLevel *= 0.5;
else fLevel *= 0.8;
int iLevel = int(fLevel);
ivec2 texPos0 = GetTexturePosition(iLevel,texPos);
ivec2 texPos1 = GetTexturePosition(iLevel+1,texPos);
ivec2 texSize0 = GetTextureSize(iLevel, texSize);
ivec2 texSize1 = GetTextureSize(iLevel+1, texSize);
vec4 texLevel0 = texBiLinear(texSampler, wrapMode, vec2(texSize0), texPos0, texCoord);
vec4 texLevel1 = texBiLinear(texSampler, wrapMode, vec2(texSize1), texPos1, texCoord);
return mix(texLevel0, texLevel1, fract(fLevel)); // linear blend between our mipmap levels
vec4 GetTextureValue()
vec4 tex1Data = textureR3D(tex1, textureWrapMode, ivec2(baseTexInfo.zw), ivec2(baseTexInfo.xy), fsTexCoord);
if(textureInverted) {
tex1Data.rgb = vec3(1.0) - vec3(tex1Data.rgb);
if (microTexture) {
vec2 scale = (vec2(baseTexInfo.zw) / 128.0) * microTextureScale;
ivec2 pos = GetMicroTexturePos(microTextureID);
// add page offset to microtexture position
pos.y += GetNextPageOffset(baseTexInfo.y);
vec4 tex2Data = textureR3D(tex1, ivec2(0), ivec2(128), pos, fsTexCoord * scale);
float lod = mip_map_level(fsTexCoord * scale * vec2(128.0));
float blendFactor = max(lod - 1.5, 0.0); // bias -1.5
blendFactor = min(blendFactor, 1.0); // clamp to max value 1
blendFactor = (blendFactor + 1.0) / 2.0; // 0.5 - 1 range
tex1Data = mix(tex2Data, tex1Data, blendFactor);
if (alphaTest) {
if (tex1Data.a < (32.0/255.0)) {
if(textureAlpha) {
if(discardAlpha) { // opaque 1st pass
if (tex1Data.a < 1.0) {
else { // transparent 2nd pass
if ((tex1Data.a * fsColor.a) >= 1.0) {
if (textureAlpha == false) {
tex1Data.a = 1.0;
return tex1Data;
void Step15Luminous(inout vec4 colour)
// luminous polys seem to behave very differently on step 1.5 hardware
// when fixed shading is enabled the colour is modulated by the vp ambient + fixed shade value
// when disabled it appears to be multiplied by 1.5, presumably to allow a higher range
if(hardwareStep==0x15) {
if(!lightEnabled && textureEnabled) {
if(fixedShading) {
colour.rgb *= 1.0 + fsFixedShade + lighting[1].y;
else {
colour.rgb *= 1.5;
float CalcFog()
float z = -fsViewVertex.z;
float fog = fogIntensity * clamp(fogStart + z * fogDensity, 0.0, 1.0);
return fog;
void WriteOutputs(vec4 colour, int layer)
vec4 blank = vec4(0.0);
if(layer==LayerColour) {
out0 = colour;
out1 = blank;
out2 = blank;
else if(layer==LayerTrans0) {
out0 = blank;
out1 = colour;
out2 = blank;
else if(layer==LayerTrans1) {
out0 = blank;
out1 = blank;
out2 = colour;