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** Supermodel
** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
** Copyright 2011-2012 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson
** This file is part of Supermodel.
** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
** any later version.
** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
** more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
** with Supermodel. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* TileGen.cpp
* Implementation of the CTileGen class: 2D tile generator. Palette decoding
* and synchronization with the renderer (which may run in a separate thread)
* are performed here as well. For a description of the tile generator
* hardware, please refer to the 2D rendering engine source code.
* Palettes
* --------
* Multiple copies of the 32K-color palette data are maintained. The first is
* the raw data as written to the VRAM. Two copies are computed, one for layers
* A/A' and the other for layers B/B'. These pairs of layers have independent
* color offset registers associated with them. The renderer uses these
* "computed" palettes.
* The computed palettes are updated whenever the real palette is modified, a
* single color entry at a time. If the color register is modified, the entire
* palette has to be recomputed accordingly.
* The read-only copy of the palette, which is generated for the renderer, only
* stores the two computed palettes.
* TO-DO List:
* -----------
* - For consistency, the registers should probably be byte reversed (this is a
* little endian device), forcing the Model3 Read32/Write32 handlers to
* manually reverse the data. This keeps with the convention for VRAM.
#include <cstring>
#include "Supermodel.h"
// Macros that divide memory regions into pages and mark them as dirty when they are written to
#define PAGE_WIDTH 10
#define DIRTY_SIZE(arraySize) (1+(arraySize-1)/(8*PAGE_SIZE))
#define MARK_DIRTY(dirtyArray, addr) dirtyArray[addr>>(PAGE_WIDTH+3)] |= 1<<((addr>>PAGE_WIDTH)&7)
// Offsets of memory regions within TileGen memory pool
#define OFFSET_VRAM 0x000000 // VRAM and palette data
#define OFFSET_PAL_A 0x120000 // computed A/A' palette
#define OFFSET_PAL_B 0x140000 // computed B/B' palette
#define MEM_POOL_SIZE_RW (0x120000+0x040000)
#define OFFSET_VRAM_RO 0x160000 // [read-only snapshot]
#define OFFSET_PAL_RO_A 0x280000 // [read-only snapshot]
#define OFFSET_PAL_RO_B 0x2A0000
#define MEM_POOL_SIZE_RO (0x120000+0x040000)
#define OFFSET_VRAM_DIRTY 0x2C0000
#define MEM_POOL_SIZE_DIRTY (DIRTY_SIZE(0x120000)+2*DIRTY_SIZE(0x20000)) // VRAM + 2 palette dirty buffers
Save States
void CTileGen::SaveState(CBlockFile *SaveState)
SaveState->NewBlock("Tile Generator", __FILE__);
SaveState->Write(vram, 0x120000); // Don't write out palette, read-only snapshots or dirty page arrays, just VRAM
SaveState->Write(regs, sizeof(regs));
void CTileGen::LoadState(CBlockFile *SaveState)
if (OKAY != SaveState->FindBlock("Tile Generator"))
ErrorLog("Unable to load tile generator state. Save state file is corrupt.");
// Load memory one word at a time
for (int i = 0; i < 0x120000; i += 4)
UINT32 data;
SaveState->Read(&data, sizeof(data));
WriteRAM32(i, data);
SaveState->Read(regs, sizeof(regs));
// Because regs were read after palette, must recompute
// If multi-threaded, update read-only snapshots too
if (m_gpuMultiThreaded)
void CTileGen::BeginVBlank(void)
printf("08: %X\n", regs[0x08/4]);
printf("0C: %X\n", regs[0x0C/4]);
printf("20: %X\n", regs[0x20/4]);
printf("40: %X\n", regs[0x40/4]);
printf("44: %X\n", regs[0x44/4]);
printf("60: %08X\n", regs[0x60/4]);
printf("64: %08X\n", regs[0x64/4]);
printf("68: %08X\n", regs[0x68/4]);
printf("6C: %08X\n", regs[0x6C/4]);
void CTileGen::EndVBlank(void)
void CTileGen::RecomputePalettes(void)
// Writing the colors forces palettes to be computed
if (m_gpuMultiThreaded)
for (unsigned colorAddr = 0; colorAddr < 32768*4; colorAddr += 4 )
MARK_DIRTY(palDirty[0], colorAddr);
MARK_DIRTY(palDirty[1], colorAddr);
WritePalette(colorAddr/4, *(UINT32 *) &vram[0x100000+colorAddr]);
for (unsigned colorAddr = 0; colorAddr < 32768*4; colorAddr += 4 )
WritePalette(colorAddr/4, *(UINT32 *) &vram[0x100000+colorAddr]);
UINT32 CTileGen::SyncSnapshots(void)
// Good time to recompute the palettes
if (recomputePalettes)
recomputePalettes = false;
if (!m_gpuMultiThreaded)
return 0;
// Update read-only snapshots
return UpdateSnapshots(false);
UINT32 CTileGen::UpdateSnapshot(bool copyWhole, UINT8 *src, UINT8 *dst, unsigned size, UINT8 *dirty)
unsigned dirtySize = DIRTY_SIZE(size);
if (copyWhole)
// If updating whole region, then just copy all data in one go
memcpy(dst, src, size);
memset(dirty, 0, dirtySize);
return size;
// Otherwise, loop through dirty pages array to find out what needs to be updated and copy only those parts
UINT32 copied = 0;
UINT8 *pSrc = src;
UINT8 *pDst = dst;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < dirtySize; i++)
UINT8 d = dirty[i];
if (d)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (d&1)
// If not at very end of region, then copy an extra 4 bytes to allow for a possible 32-bit overlap
UINT32 toCopy = (i < dirtySize - 1 || j < 7 ? PAGE_SIZE + 4 : PAGE_SIZE);
memcpy(pDst, pSrc, toCopy);
copied += toCopy;
d >>= 1;
pSrc += PAGE_SIZE;
pDst += PAGE_SIZE;
dirty[i] = 0;
pSrc += 8 * PAGE_SIZE;
pDst += 8 * PAGE_SIZE;
return copied;
UINT32 CTileGen::UpdateSnapshots(bool copyWhole)
// Update all memory region snapshots
UINT32 palACopied = UpdateSnapshot(copyWhole, (UINT8*)pal[0], (UINT8*)palRO[0], 0x020000, palDirty[0]);
UINT32 palBCopied = UpdateSnapshot(copyWhole, (UINT8*)pal[1], (UINT8*)palRO[1], 0x020000, palDirty[1]);
UINT32 vramCopied = UpdateSnapshot(copyWhole, (UINT8*)vram, (UINT8*)vramRO, 0x120000, vramDirty);
memcpy(regsRO, regs, sizeof(regs)); // Always copy whole of regs buffer
//printf("TileGen copied - palA:%4uK, palB:%4uK, vram:%4uK, regs:%uK\n", palACopied / 1024, palBCopied / 1024, vramCopied / 1024, sizeof(regs) / 1024);
return palACopied + palBCopied + vramCopied + sizeof(regs);
void CTileGen::BeginFrame(void)
// NOTE: Render2D->WriteVRAM(addr, data) is no longer being called for RAM addresses that are written
// to and instead this class relies upon the fact that Render2D currently marks everything as dirty
// with every frame. If this were to change in the future then code to handle marking the correct
// parts of the renderer as dirty would need to be added here.
void CTileGen::PreRenderFrame(void)
void CTileGen::RenderFrameBottom(void)
void CTileGen::RenderFrameTop(void)
void CTileGen::EndFrame(void)
Emulation Functions
UINT32 CTileGen::ReadRAM32(unsigned addr)
return *(UINT32 *) &vram[addr];
void CTileGen::WriteRAM32(unsigned addr, UINT32 data)
if (m_gpuMultiThreaded)
MARK_DIRTY(vramDirty, addr);
*(UINT32 *) &vram[addr] = data;
// Update palette if required
if (addr >= 0x100000)
if (data >> 16) {
int debug = 0;
addr -= 0x100000;
unsigned color = addr/4; // color index
// Same address in both palettes must be marked dirty
if (m_gpuMultiThreaded)
MARK_DIRTY(palDirty[0], addr);
MARK_DIRTY(palDirty[1], addr);
// Both palettes will be modified simultaneously
WritePalette(color, data);
//TODO: 8- and 16-bit handlers have not been thoroughly tested
uint8_t CTileGen::ReadRAM8(unsigned addr)
return vram[addr];
void CTileGen::WriteRAM8(unsigned addr, uint8_t data)
uint32_t tmp = ReadRAM32(addr & ~3);
uint32_t shift = (addr & 3) * 8;
uint32_t mask = 0xff << shift;
tmp &= ~mask;
tmp |= uint32_t(data) << shift;
WriteRAM32(addr & ~3, tmp);
// Star Wars Trilogy uses this
uint16_t CTileGen::ReadRAM16(unsigned addr)
return *((uint16_t *) &vram[addr]);
void CTileGen::WriteRAM16(unsigned addr, uint16_t data)
uint32_t tmp = ReadRAM32(addr & ~1);
uint32_t shift = (addr & 1) * 16;
uint32_t mask = 0xffff << shift;
tmp &= ~mask;
tmp |= uint32_t(data) << shift;
WriteRAM32(addr & ~1, tmp);
void CTileGen::InitPalette(void)
for (int i = 0; i < 0x20000/4; i++)
WritePalette(i, *(UINT32 *) &vram[0x100000 + i*4]);
if (m_gpuMultiThreaded)
palRO[0][i] = pal[0][i];
palRO[1][i] = pal[1][i];
static inline UINT32 AddColorOffset(UINT8 r, UINT8 g, UINT8 b, UINT8 a, UINT32 offsetReg)
INT32 ir, ig, ib;
* Color offsets are signed but I'm not sure whether or not their range is
* merely [-128,+127], which would mean adding to a 0 component would not
* result full intensity (only +127 at most). Alternatively, the signed
* value might have to be multiplied by 2. That is assumed here. In either
* case, the signed addition should be saturated.
ib = (INT32) (INT8)((offsetReg>>16)&0xFF);
ig = (INT32) (INT8)((offsetReg>>8)&0xFF);
ir = (INT32) (INT8)((offsetReg>>0)&0xFF);
ib *= 2;
ig *= 2;
ir *= 2;
// Add with saturation
ib += (INT32) (UINT32) b;
if (ib < 0) ib = 0;
else if (ib > 0xFF) ib = 0xFF;
ig += (INT32) (UINT32) g;
if (ig < 0) ig = 0;
else if (ig > 0xFF) ig = 0xFF;
ir += (INT32) (UINT32) r;
if (ir < 0) ir = 0;
else if (ir > 0xFF) ir = 0xFF;
// Construct the final 32-bit ABGR-format color
r = (UINT8) ir;
g = (UINT8) ig;
b = (UINT8) ib;
return ((UINT32)a<<24)|((UINT32)b<<16)|((UINT32)g<<8)|(UINT32)r;
void CTileGen::WritePalette(unsigned color, UINT32 data)
UINT8 r, g, b, a;
a = 0xFF * ((data>>15)&1); // decode the RGBA (make alpha 0xFF or 0x00)
a = ~a; // invert it (set on Model 3 means clear pixel)
if ((data&0x8000))
r = g = b = 0;
b = (((data >> 10) & 0x1F) * 255) / 31;
g = (((data >> 5) & 0x1F) * 255) / 31;
r = ((data & 0x1F) * 255) / 31;
pal[0][color] = AddColorOffset(r, g, b, a, regs[0x40/4]); // A/A'
pal[1][color] = AddColorOffset(r, g, b, a, regs[0x44/4]); // B/B'
UINT32 CTileGen::ReadRegister(unsigned reg)
reg &= 0xFF;
return regs[reg/4];
void CTileGen::WriteRegister(unsigned reg, UINT32 data)
reg &= 0xFF;
switch (reg)
case 0x00:
case 0x08:
case 0x0C:
case 0x20:
case 0x60:
case 0x64:
case 0x68:
case 0x6C:
case 0x40: // layer A/A' color offset
case 0x44: // layer B/B' color offset
// We only have a mechanism to recompute both palettes simultaneously.
// These regs are often written together in the same frame. To avoid
// needlessly recomputing both palettes twice, we defer the operation.
if (regs[reg/4] != data) // only if changed
recomputePalettes = true;
case 0x10: // IRQ acknowledge
// MAME believes only lower 4 bits should be cleared
//IRQ->Deassert(data & 0x0F);
DebugLog("Tile Generator reg %02X = %08X\n", reg, data);
//printf("%02X = %08X\n", reg, data);
// Modify register
regs[reg/4] = data;
void CTileGen::Reset(void)
unsigned memSize = (m_gpuMultiThreaded ? MEMORY_POOL_SIZE : MEM_POOL_SIZE_RW);
memset(memoryPool, 0, memSize);
memset(regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
memset(regsRO, 0, sizeof(regsRO));
recomputePalettes = false;
DebugLog("Tile Generator reset\n");
Configuration, Initialization, and Shutdown
void CTileGen::AttachRenderer(CRender2D *Render2DPtr)
Render2D = Render2DPtr;
// If multi-threaded, attach read-only snapshots to renderer instead of real ones
if (m_gpuMultiThreaded)
Render2D->AttachPalette((const UINT32 **)palRO);
Render2D->AttachPalette((const UINT32 **)pal);
DebugLog("Tile Generator attached a Render2D object\n");
bool CTileGen::Init(CIRQ *IRQObjectPtr)
unsigned memSize = (m_gpuMultiThreaded ? MEMORY_POOL_SIZE : MEM_POOL_SIZE_RW);
float memSizeMB = (float)memSize/(float)0x100000;
// Allocate all memory for all TileGen RAM regions
memoryPool = new(std::nothrow) UINT8[memSize];
if (NULL == memoryPool)
return ErrorLog("Insufficient memory for tile generator object (needs %1.1f MB).", memSizeMB);
// Set up main pointers
vram = (UINT8 *) &memoryPool[OFFSET_VRAM];
pal[0] = (UINT32 *) &memoryPool[OFFSET_PAL_A];
pal[1] = (UINT32 *) &memoryPool[OFFSET_PAL_B];
// If multi-threaded, set up pointers for read-only snapshots and dirty page arrays too
if (m_gpuMultiThreaded)
vramRO = (UINT8 *) &memoryPool[OFFSET_VRAM_RO];
palRO[0] = (UINT32 *) &memoryPool[OFFSET_PAL_RO_A];
palRO[1] = (UINT32 *) &memoryPool[OFFSET_PAL_RO_B];
vramDirty = (UINT8 *) &memoryPool[OFFSET_VRAM_DIRTY];
palDirty[0] = (UINT8 *) &memoryPool[OFFSET_PAL_A_DIRTY];
palDirty[1] = (UINT8 *) &memoryPool[OFFSET_PAL_B_DIRTY];
// Hook up the IRQ controller
IRQ = IRQObjectPtr;
DebugLog("Initialized Tile Generator (allocated %1.1f MB and connected to IRQ controller)\n", memSizeMB);
return OKAY;
CTileGen::CTileGen(const Util::Config::Node &config)
: m_config(config),
memoryPool = NULL;
DebugLog("Built Tile Generator\n");
// Dump tile generator RAM
#if 0
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("tileram", "wb");
if (NULL != fp)
fwrite(memoryPool, sizeof(UINT8), 0x120000, fp);
printf("dumped %s\n", "tileram");
printf("unable to dump %s\n", "tileram");
if (memoryPool != NULL)
delete [] memoryPool;
memoryPool = NULL;
DebugLog("Destroyed Tile Generator\n");