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synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00

- Added ability to configure axis min, centre and max values in INI file. This allows some types of steering wheel pedals that use an inverted value range to work properly with the emulator. - Modified CINIFile to read and write signed numbers (needed for above change). - Added check at configuration start for "bad" input sources such as axes that are wrongly calibrated or buttons that are always triggering a value. Otherwise they cause the configuration loop to wait indefinitely for the axis or button to be released. - Removed superfluous check for XInput devices when XInput is not enabled in CDirectInputSystem. - Improved force beedback code in CDirectInputSystem and also added the extra feedback effects needed so far for drive board emulation.
601 lines
15 KiB
601 lines
15 KiB
** Supermodel
** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski
** This file is part of Supermodel.
** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
** any later version.
** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
** more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
** with Supermodel. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* INIFile.cpp
* INI file management. Implementation of the CINIFile class.
* To-Do List
* ----------
* - Add boolean on/off, true/false keywords.
* - Allow a "default" section to be specified (other than "").
* - Note that linePtr does not necessarily correspond to actual lines in the
* file (newlines should be counted by the tokenizer for that).
* Grammar
* -------
* Section: '[' Identifier ']'
* Line: Identifier '=' Argument
* Argument: Number
* String
* Overview
* --------
* INI files are linear in nature, divided into sections. Each section has
* settings associated with it which may be either numerical values or strings.
* Presently, only unsigned 32-bit integers are supported.
* INI files are first opened, then parsed, and finally closed. The parse tree
* is cleared only during object construction and when the INI file is closed.
* Default settings may be inserted before a file is opened or parsed. When an
* INI file is written out, the current INI file on the disk is cleared. If an
* error occurs during this process, the data will be lost.
* Blank sections (sections for which no settings are defined) are not stored
* in the parse tree. Sections are added only when a setting is found in that
* section. A default section name can be specified (for settings that are not
* associated with any section), otherwise an empty string ("") is used.
#include "Supermodel.h"
using namespace std;
Basic Functions
BOOL CINIFile::Write(const char *comment)
BOOL writeSuccess;
// In order to truncate, we must close and reopen as truncated
File.clear(); // required to clear EOF flag (open() does not clear)
if (File.fail())
return FAIL;
// Output comment
if (comment != NULL)
File << comment << endl;
// Iterate through all sections sequentially
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Sections.size(); i++)
// Output section name
if (Sections[i].Name != "") // if null name, don't output section at all
File << "[ " << Sections[i].Name << " ]" << endl << endl;
// Iterate through all settings within this section
for (unsigned j = 0; j < Sections[i].Settings.size(); j++)
// Output setting
File << Sections[i].Settings[j].Name << " = ";
if (Sections[i].Settings[j].isNumber)
File << Sections[i].Settings[j].value << endl;
File << '\"' << Sections[i].Settings[j].String << '\"' << endl;
// New line
File << endl;
writeSuccess = File.good()?OKAY:FAIL;
// Close and reopen as read/write
if (File.fail())
//printf("unable to re-open %s for reading/writing\n", FileName.c_str());
return FAIL;
// Report any errors that occurred during writing
return writeSuccess;
BOOL CINIFile::Open(const char *fileNameStr)
FileName = fileNameStr;
File.open(fileNameStr, fstream::in|fstream::out);
if (File.fail())
//printf("unable to open %s\n", fileNameStr);
return FAIL;
return OKAY;
void CINIFile::Close(void)
Sections.clear(); // clear the parse tree!
Management of Settings
// Finds index of section in the section list. Returns FAIL if not found.
BOOL CINIFile::LookUpSection(unsigned *idx, string SectionName)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Sections.size(); i++)
if (Sections[i].Name == SectionName)
*idx = i;
return OKAY;
return FAIL;
// Finds index of the setting in the given section. Returns FAIL if not found.
BOOL CINIFile::LookUpSetting(unsigned *idx, unsigned sectionIdx, string SettingName)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Sections[sectionIdx].Settings.size(); i++)
if (Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[i].Name == SettingName)
*idx = i;
return OKAY;
return FAIL;
// Assigns a value to the given setting, creating the setting if it does not exist. Nulls out the string (sets it to "").
void CINIFile::Set(string SectionName, string SettingName, int value)
unsigned sectionIdx, settingIdx;
if (OKAY != LookUpSection(§ionIdx, SectionName))
//printf("unable to find %s:%s, creating section\n", SectionName.c_str(), SettingName.c_str());
struct Section NewSection;
NewSection.Name = SectionName;
sectionIdx = Sections.size()-1; // the new section will be at the last index
if (OKAY != LookUpSetting(&settingIdx, sectionIdx, SettingName))
//printf("unable to find %s:%s, creating setting\n", SectionName.c_str(), SettingName.c_str());
struct Setting NewSetting;
NewSetting.Name = SettingName;
settingIdx = Sections[sectionIdx].Settings.size()-1;
// Update value of this setting
Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].isNumber = TRUE;
Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].value = value;
Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].String = "";
// Assigns the string to the given setting, creating the setting if it does not exist. Zeros out the value.
void CINIFile::Set(string SectionName, string SettingName, string String)
unsigned sectionIdx, settingIdx;
if (OKAY != LookUpSection(§ionIdx, SectionName))
//printf("unable to find %s:%s, creating section\n", SectionName.c_str(), SettingName.c_str());
struct Section NewSection;
NewSection.Name = SectionName;
sectionIdx = Sections.size()-1; // the new section will be at the last index
if (OKAY != LookUpSetting(&settingIdx, sectionIdx, SettingName))
//printf("unable to find %s:%s, creating setting\n", SectionName.c_str(), SettingName.c_str());
struct Setting NewSetting;
NewSetting.Name = SettingName;
settingIdx = Sections[sectionIdx].Settings.size()-1;
// Update string
Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].isNumber = FALSE;
Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].String = String;
Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].value = 0;
// Obtains a numerical setting, if it exists, otherwise does nothing.
BOOL CINIFile::Get(string SectionName, string SettingName, int& value)
unsigned sectionIdx, settingIdx;
if (OKAY != LookUpSection(§ionIdx, SectionName))
return FAIL;
if (OKAY != LookUpSetting(&settingIdx, sectionIdx, SettingName))
return FAIL;
value = Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].value;
return OKAY;
BOOL CINIFile::Get(string SectionName, string SettingName, unsigned& value)
int intVal;
if (Get(SectionName, SettingName, intVal) == FAIL || intVal < 0)
return FAIL;
value = (unsigned)intVal;
return OKAY;
// Obtains a string setting, if it exists, otherwise does nothing.
BOOL CINIFile::Get(string SectionName, string SettingName, string& String)
unsigned sectionIdx, settingIdx;
if (OKAY != LookUpSection(§ionIdx, SectionName))
return FAIL;
if (OKAY != LookUpSetting(&settingIdx, sectionIdx, SettingName))
return FAIL;
String = Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].String;
return OKAY;
Never need to check for newlines because it is assumed these have been
stripped by getline().
// Token types
#define TOKEN_INVALID -1
#define TOKEN_NULL 0
#define TOKEN_NUMBER 2
#define TOKEN_STRING 3
// Token constructor (initializes token to null)
type = TOKEN_NULL;
// Returns true for white space, comment symbol, or null terminator.
static BOOL IsBlank(char c)
if (isspace(c) || (c==';') || (c=='\0'))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Fetches a string. Tolerates all characters between quotes.
CINIFile::CToken CINIFile::GetString(void)
CToken T;
// Search for next quote
while (1)
if (linePtr[0] == '\"')
++linePtr; // so we can find next token
else if (linePtr[0] == '\0')
//printf("tokenizer: warning: string is missing end quote\n");
T.String += linePtr[0];
return T;
// Fetch number (decimal or hexadecimal positive/negative integer).
// linePtr must point to a character and therefore linePtr[1] is guaranteed to be within bounds.
CINIFile::CToken CINIFile::GetNumber(void)
CToken T;
unsigned long long number = 0;
int overflow = 0;
// See if begins with minus sign
if (linePtr[0]=='-')
isNeg = TRUE;
// Hexadecimal?
if ((linePtr[0]=='0') && ((linePtr[1]=='X') || (linePtr[1]=='x')))
linePtr += 2; // advance to digits
// Ensure that at we have at least one digit
if (!isxdigit(linePtr[0]))
//printf("tokenizer: invalid hexadecimal number\n");
return T;
// Read number digit by digit
while (1)
if (isxdigit(linePtr[0]))
number <<= 4;
if (isdigit(linePtr[0]))
number |= (linePtr[0]-'0');
else if (isupper(linePtr[0]))
number |= (linePtr[0]-'A');
else // must be lowercase...
number |= (linePtr[0]-'a');
// Check for overflows
if (!isNeg && number > 0x000000007FFFFFFFULL || isNeg && number > 0x0000000080000000ULL)
overflow = 1;
else if (IsBlank(linePtr[0]))
//printf("tokenizer: invalid hexadecimal number\n");
return T;
// Decimal?
// Read number digit by digit
while (1)
if (isdigit(linePtr[0]))
number *= 10;
number += (linePtr[0]-'0');
// Check for overflows
if (!isNeg && number > 0x000000007FFFFFFFULL || isNeg && number > 0x0000000080000000ULL)
overflow = 1;
else if (IsBlank(linePtr[0]))
//printf("tokenizer: invalid number\n");
return T;
//if (overflow)
// printf("tokenizer: number exceeds 32 bits and has been truncated\n");
T.number = (isNeg ? -(int)number : (int)number);
return T;
// Fetch identifier
CINIFile::CToken CINIFile::GetIdentifier(void)
CToken T;
while (1)
if (isalpha(linePtr[0]) || isdigit(linePtr[0]) || (linePtr[0]=='_'))
T.String += linePtr[0];
return T;
// Fetch token
CINIFile::CToken CINIFile::GetToken(void)
CToken T;
while (1)
// Gobble up whitespace
if (isspace(linePtr[0]))
// Comment or end of line
else if ((linePtr[0]==';') || (linePtr[0]=='\0'))
T.type = TOKEN_NULL;
return T;
// Delimiters
else if ((linePtr[0]=='[') || (linePtr[0]==']') || (linePtr[0]=='='))
T.type = *linePtr++;
return T;
// Identifier?
else if (isalpha(linePtr[0]) || (linePtr[0] == '_'))
T = GetIdentifier();
return T;
// Number? (+/-?)
else if (isdigit(linePtr[0]))
T = GetNumber();
return T;
// String?
else if (linePtr[0]=='\"')
T = GetString();
return T;
// Illegal symbol
break; // return null token
// If we got here, invalid token
return T;
BOOL CINIFile::Parse(void)
CToken T, U, V, W;
string currentSection; // current section we're processing
BOOL parseStatus = OKAY;
//currentSection = defaultSection; // default "global" section
lineNum = 0;
if (!File.is_open())
return FAIL;
if (!File.good())
return FAIL;
while (!File.eof())
if (File.fail())
return FAIL;
linePtr = lineBuf; // beginning of line
// Top level
T = GetToken();
U = GetToken();
V = GetToken();
W = GetToken(); // should always be null
switch (T.type)
// [ Identifier ]
case '[':
if ((U.type==TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) && (V.type==']') && (W.type==TOKEN_NULL))
//printf("Section: %s\n", U.String.c_str());
currentSection = U.String;
parseStatus = FAIL;
//printf("%d: parse error\n", lineNum);
// Identifier '=' Argument
if (U.type != '=')
parseStatus = FAIL;
//printf("%d: expected '=' after identifier\n", lineNum);
if (((V.type==TOKEN_NUMBER) || (V.type==TOKEN_STRING)) && (W.type==TOKEN_NULL))
if (V.type == TOKEN_NUMBER)
//printf("\t%s = %X\n", T.String.c_str(), V.number);
Set(currentSection, T.String, V.number);
else if (V.type == TOKEN_STRING)
//printf("\t%s = %s\n", T.String.c_str(), V.String.c_str());
Set(currentSection, T.String, V.String);
parseStatus = FAIL;
//printf("%d: expected a number or string after '='\n", lineNum);
// Blank line
// Illegal
parseStatus = FAIL;
//printf("%d: parse error\n", lineNum);
//printf("end of file reached\n");
return parseStatus;