mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00

- Added ability to configure axis min, centre and max values in INI file. This allows some types of steering wheel pedals that use an inverted value range to work properly with the emulator. - Modified CINIFile to read and write signed numbers (needed for above change). - Added check at configuration start for "bad" input sources such as axes that are wrongly calibrated or buttons that are always triggering a value. Otherwise they cause the configuration loop to wait indefinitely for the axis or button to be released. - Removed superfluous check for XInput devices when XInput is not enabled in CDirectInputSystem. - Improved force beedback code in CDirectInputSystem and also added the extra feedback effects needed so far for drive board emulation.
530 lines
23 KiB
530 lines
23 KiB
#include "Supermodel.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
CInputs::CInputs(CInputSystem *system) : m_system(system)
// UI Controls
uiExit = AddSwitchInput("UIExit", "Exit UI", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_ESCAPE");
uiReset = AddSwitchInput("UIReset", "Reset", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_ALT+KEY_R");
uiPause = AddSwitchInput("UIPause", "Pause", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_ALT+KEY_P");
uiSaveState = AddSwitchInput("UISaveState", "Save State", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_F5");
uiChangeSlot = AddSwitchInput("UIChangeSlot", "Change Save Slot", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_F6");
uiLoadState = AddSwitchInput("UILoadState", "Load State", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_F7");
uiDumpInpState = AddSwitchInput("UIDumpInputState", "Dump Input State", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_F8");
uiClearNVRAM = AddSwitchInput("UIClearNVRAM", "Clear NVRAM", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_ALT+KEY_N");
uiToggleCursor = AddSwitchInput("UIToggleCursor", "Toggle Cursor", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_ALT+KEY_I");
uiToggleFrLimit = AddSwitchInput("UIToggleFrameLimit", "Toggle Frame Limiting", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_ALT+KEY_T");
// Common Controls
start[0] = AddSwitchInput("Start1", "P1 Start", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_1,JOY1_BUTTON9");
start[1] = AddSwitchInput("Start2", "P2 Start", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_2,JOY2_BUTTON9");
coin[0] = AddSwitchInput("Coin1", "P1 Coin", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_3,JOY1_BUTTON10");
coin[1] = AddSwitchInput("Coin2", "P2 Coin", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_4,JOY2_BUTTON10");
service[0] = AddSwitchInput("ServiceA", "Service A", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_5");
service[1] = AddSwitchInput("ServiceB", "Service B", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_7");
test[0] = AddSwitchInput("TestA", "Test A", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_6");
test[1] = AddSwitchInput("TestB", "Test B", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_8");
// 8-Way Joysticks
up[0] = AddSwitchInput("JoyUp", "P1 Joystick Up", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK1, "KEY_UP,JOY1_UP");
down[0] = AddSwitchInput("JoyDown", "P1 Joystick Down", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK1, "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_DOWN");
left[0] = AddSwitchInput("JoyLeft", "P1 Joystick Left", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK1, "KEY_LEFT,JOY1_LEFT");
right[0] = AddSwitchInput("JoyRight", "P1 Joystick Right", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK1, "KEY_RIGHT,JOY1_RIGHT");
up[1] = AddSwitchInput("JoyUp2", "P2 Joystick Up", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK2, "JOY2_UP");
down[1] = AddSwitchInput("JoyDown2", "P2 Joystick Down", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK2, "JOY2_DOWN");
left[1] = AddSwitchInput("JoyLeft2", "P2 Joystick Left", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK2, "JOY2_LEFT");
right[1] = AddSwitchInput("JoyRight2", "P2 Joystick Right", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK2, "JOY2_RIGHT");
// Fighting Game Buttons
punch[0] = AddSwitchInput("Punch", "P1 Punch", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1");
kick[0] = AddSwitchInput("Kick", "P1 Kick", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2");
guard[0] = AddSwitchInput("Guard", "P1 Guard", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "KEY_D,JOY1_BUTTON3");
escape[0] = AddSwitchInput("Escape", "P1 Escape", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "KEY_F,JOY1_BUTTON4");
punch[1] = AddSwitchInput("Punch2", "P2 Punch", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "JOY2_BUTTON1");
kick[1] = AddSwitchInput("Kick2", "P2 Kick", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "JOY2_BUTTON2");
guard[1] = AddSwitchInput("Guard2", "P2 Guard", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "JOY2_BUTTON3");
escape[1] = AddSwitchInput("Escape2", "P2 Escape", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "JOY2_BUTTON4");
// Virtua Striker Buttons
shortPass[0] = AddSwitchInput("ShortPass", "P1 Short Pass", GAME_INPUT_SOCCER, "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1");
longPass[0] = AddSwitchInput("LongPass", "P1 Long Pass", GAME_INPUT_SOCCER, "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2");
shoot[0] = AddSwitchInput("Shoot", "P1 Shoot", GAME_INPUT_SOCCER, "KEY_D,JOY1_BUTTON3");
shortPass[1] = AddSwitchInput("ShortPass1", "P2 Short Pass", GAME_INPUT_SOCCER, "JOY2_BUTTON1");
longPass[1] = AddSwitchInput("LongPass1", "P2 Long Pass", GAME_INPUT_SOCCER, "JOY2_BUTTON2");
shoot[1] = AddSwitchInput("Shoot1", "P2 Shoot", GAME_INPUT_SOCCER, "JOY2_BUTTON3");
// Racing Game Steering Controls
CAnalogInput *steeringLeft = AddAnalogInput("SteeringLeft", "Steer Left", GAME_INPUT_VEHICLE, "KEY_LEFT");
CAnalogInput *steeringRight = AddAnalogInput("SteeringRight", "Steer Right", GAME_INPUT_VEHICLE, "KEY_RIGHT");
steering = AddAxisInput ("Steering", "Full Steering", GAME_INPUT_VEHICLE, "JOY1_XAXIS", steeringLeft, steeringRight);
accelerator = AddAnalogInput("Accelerator", "Accelerator Pedal", GAME_INPUT_VEHICLE, "KEY_UP,JOY1_UP");
brake = AddAnalogInput("Brake", "Brake Pedal", GAME_INPUT_VEHICLE, "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_DOWN");
// Racing Game Gear Shift
CSwitchInput *shift1 = AddSwitchInput("GearShift1", "Shift 1/Up", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, "KEY_Q,JOY1_BUTTON5");
CSwitchInput *shift2 = AddSwitchInput("GearShift2", "Shift 2/Down", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, "KEY_W,JOY1_BUTTON6");
CSwitchInput *shift3 = AddSwitchInput("GearShift3", "Shift 3", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, "KEY_E,JOY1_BUTTON7");
CSwitchInput *shift4 = AddSwitchInput("GearShift4", "Shift 4", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, "KEY_R,JOY1_BUTTON8");
CSwitchInput *shiftUp = AddSwitchInput("GearShiftUp", "Shift Up", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, "NONE");
CSwitchInput *shiftDown = AddSwitchInput("GearShiftDown", "Shift Down", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, "NONE");
gearShift4 = AddGearShift4Input("GearShift", "Gear Shift", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, shift1, shift2, shift3, shift4, shiftUp, shiftDown);
// Racing Game VR View Buttons
vr[0] = AddSwitchInput("VR1", "VR1", GAME_INPUT_VR, "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1");
vr[1] = AddSwitchInput("VR2", "VR2", GAME_INPUT_VR, "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2");
vr[2] = AddSwitchInput("VR3", "VR3", GAME_INPUT_VR, "KEY_D,JOY1_BUTTON3");
vr[3] = AddSwitchInput("VR4", "VR4", GAME_INPUT_VR, "KEY_F,JOY1_BUTTON4");
// Sega Rally Buttons
viewChange = AddSwitchInput("ViewChange", "View Change", GAME_INPUT_RALLY, "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1");
handBrake = AddSwitchInput("HandBrake", "Hand Brake", GAME_INPUT_RALLY, "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2");
// Virtua On Controls
twinJoyTurnLeft = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyTurnLeft", "Turn Left", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_Q,JOY1_RXAXIS_NEG");
twinJoyTurnRight = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyTurnRight", "Turn Right", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_W,JOY1_RXAXIS_POS");
twinJoyForward = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyForward", "Forward", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_UP,JOY1_YAXIS_NEG");
twinJoyReverse = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyReverse", "Reverse", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_YAXIS_POS");
twinJoyStrafeLeft = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyStrafeLeft", "Strafe Left", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_LEFT,JOY1_XAXIS_NEG");
twinJoyStrafeRight = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyStrafeRight", "Strafe Right", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_RIGHT,JOY1_XAXIS_POS");
twinJoyJump = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyJump", "Jump", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_E,JOY1_BUTTON1");
twinJoyCrouch = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyCrouch", "Crouch", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_R,JOY1_BUTTON2");
twinJoyLeftShot = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyLeftShot", "Left Shot Trigger", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON5");
twinJoyRightShot = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyRightShot", "Right Shot Trigger", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON6");
twinJoyLeftTurbo = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyLeftTurbo", "Left Turbo", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_Z,JOY1_BUTTON7");
twinJoyRightTurbo = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyRightTurbo", "Right Turbo", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_X,JOY1_BUTTON8");
// Analog Joystick
CAnalogInput *analogJoyLeft = AddAnalogInput("AnalogJoyLeft", "Analog Left", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "KEY_LEFT");
CAnalogInput *analogJoyRight = AddAnalogInput("AnalogJoyRight", "Analog Right", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "KEY_RIGHT");
CAnalogInput *analogJoyUp = AddAnalogInput("AnalogJoyUp", "Analog Up", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "KEY_UP");
CAnalogInput *analogJoyDown = AddAnalogInput("AnalogJoyDown", "Analog Down", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "KEY_DOWN");
analogJoyX = AddAxisInput ("AnalogJoyX", "Analog X-Axis", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "JOY_XAXIS,MOUSE_XAXIS", analogJoyLeft, analogJoyRight);
analogJoyY = AddAxisInput ("AnalogJoyY", "Analog Y-Axis", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "JOY_YAXIS,MOUSE_YAXIS", analogJoyUp, analogJoyDown);
analogJoyTrigger = AddSwitchInput("AnalogJoyTrigger", "Trigger Button", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "KEY_A,JOY_BUTTON1,MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON");
analogJoyEvent = AddSwitchInput("AnalogJoyEvent", "Event Button", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "KEY_S,JOY_BUTTON2,MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON");
// Lightguns
CAnalogInput *gun1Left = AddAnalogInput("GunLeft", "P1 Gun Left", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "KEY_LEFT");
CAnalogInput *gun1Right = AddAnalogInput("GunRight", "P1 Gun Right", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "KEY_RIGHT");
CAnalogInput *gun1Up = AddAnalogInput("GunUp", "P1 Gun Up", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "KEY_UP");
CAnalogInput *gun1Down = AddAnalogInput("GunDown", "P1 Gun Down", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "KEY_DOWN");
gunX[0] = AddAxisInput("GunX", "P1 Gun X-Axis", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "MOUSE_XAXIS,JOY1_XAXIS", gun1Left, gun1Right, 150, 400, 651); // normalize to [150,651]
gunY[0] = AddAxisInput("GunY", "P1 Gun Y-Axis", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "MOUSE_YAXIS,JOY1_YAXIS", gun1Up, gun1Down, 80, 272, 465); // normalize to [80,465]
CSwitchInput *gun1Trigger = AddSwitchInput("Trigger", "P1 Trigger", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1,MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON");
CSwitchInput *gun1Offscreen = AddSwitchInput("Offscreen", "P1 Point Off-screen", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2,MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON");
trigger[0] = AddTriggerInput("AutoTrigger", "P1 Auto Trigger", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, gun1Trigger, gun1Offscreen);
CAnalogInput *gun2Left = AddAnalogInput("GunLeft2", "P2 Gun Left", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "NONE");
CAnalogInput *gun2Right = AddAnalogInput("GunRight2", "P2 Gun Right", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "NONE");
CAnalogInput *gun2Up = AddAnalogInput("GunUp2", "P2 Gun Up", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "NONE");
CAnalogInput *gun2Down = AddAnalogInput("GunDown2", "P2 Gun Down", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "NONE");
gunX[1] = AddAxisInput("GunX2", "P2 Gun X-Axis", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "JOY2_XAXIS", gun2Left, gun2Right, 150, 400, 651); // normalize to [150,651]
gunY[1] = AddAxisInput("GunY2", "P2 Gun Y-Axis", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "JOY2_YAXIS", gun2Up, gun2Down, 80, 272, 465); // normalize to [80,465]
CSwitchInput *gun2Trigger = AddSwitchInput("Trigger2", "P2 Trigger", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "JOY2_BUTTON1");
CSwitchInput *gun2Offscreen = AddSwitchInput("Offscreen2", "P2 Point Off-screen", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "JOY2_BUTTON2");
trigger[1] = AddTriggerInput("AutoTrigger2", "P2 Auto Trigger", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, gun2Trigger, gun2Offscreen);
for (vector<CInput*>::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++)
delete *it;
CSwitchInput *CInputs::AddSwitchInput(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags, const char *defaultMapping,
UINT16 offVal, UINT16 onVal)
CSwitchInput *input = new CSwitchInput(id, label, gameFlags, defaultMapping, offVal, onVal);
return input;
CAnalogInput *CInputs::AddAnalogInput(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags, const char *defaultMapping,
UINT16 minVal, UINT16 maxVal)
CAnalogInput *input = new CAnalogInput(id, label, gameFlags, defaultMapping, minVal, maxVal);
return input;
CAxisInput *CInputs::AddAxisInput(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags, const char *defaultMapping,
CAnalogInput *axisNeg, CAnalogInput *axisPos, UINT16 minVal, UINT16 offVal, UINT16 maxVal)
CAxisInput *input = new CAxisInput(id, label, gameFlags, defaultMapping, axisNeg, axisPos, minVal, offVal, maxVal);
return input;
CGearShift4Input *CInputs::AddGearShift4Input(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags,
CSwitchInput *shift1, CSwitchInput *shift2, CSwitchInput *shift3, CSwitchInput *shift4, CSwitchInput *shiftUp, CSwitchInput *shiftDown)
CGearShift4Input *input = new CGearShift4Input(id, label, gameFlags, shift1, shift2, shift3, shift4, shiftUp, shiftDown);
return input;
CTriggerInput *CInputs::AddTriggerInput(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags,
CSwitchInput *trigger, CSwitchInput *offscreen, UINT16 offVal, UINT16 onVal)
CTriggerInput *input = new CTriggerInput(id, label, gameFlags, trigger, offscreen, offVal, onVal);
return input;
void CInputs::PrintHeader(const char *fmt, ...)
char header[1024];
va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
vsprintf(header, fmt, vl);
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(header); i++)
void CInputs::PrintConfigureInputsHelp()
puts("For each control, use the following keys to map the inputs:");
puts(" Return Set current input mapping and move to next control,");
puts(" c Clear current input mapping and remain there,");
puts(" s Set the current input mapping and remain there,");
puts(" a Append to current input mapping (for multiple assignments)");
puts(" and remain there,");
puts(" r Reset current input mapping to default and remain there,");
puts(" Down Move onto next control,");
puts(" Up Go back to previous control,");
puts(" i Display information about input system and attached devices,");
puts(" h Display this help again,");
puts(" q Finish and save all changes,");
puts(" Esc Finish without saving any changes.");
puts("To assign input(s), simply press the appropriate key(s), mouse button(s)");
puts("or joystick button(s) or move the mouse along one or more axes or move a");
puts("joystick's axis or POV hat controller(s). The input(s) will be accepted");
puts("as soon as all pressed keys and buttons are released and all moved mouse");
puts("and joystick controllers are returned to their rest positions.");
puts(" - in order to assign keys the configuration window must on top,");
puts(" - in order to assign mouse buttons the mouse must be clicked");
puts(" within the window,");
puts(" - in order to assign mouse axes, the cursor must first be placed in");
puts(" the center of the window and then moved in the corresponding");
puts(" direction to the window's edge and then returned to the center.");
CInputSystem *CInputs::GetInputSystem()
return m_system;
bool CInputs::Initialize()
// Make sure the input system is initialized too
if (!m_system->Initialize())
return false;
// Initialize all the inputs
for (vector<CInput*>::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++)
return true;
void CInputs::ReadFromINIFile(CINIFile *ini, const char *section)
m_system->ReadFromINIFile(ini, section);
for (vector<CInput*>::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++)
(*it)->ReadFromINIFile(ini, section);
void CInputs::WriteToINIFile(CINIFile *ini, const char *section)
m_system->WriteToINIFile(ini, section);
for (vector<CInput*>::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++)
(*it)->WriteToINIFile(ini, section);
bool CInputs::ConfigureInputs(const GameInfo *game, unsigned dispX, unsigned dispY, unsigned dispW, unsigned dispH)
// Let the input system know the display geometry
m_system->SetDisplayGeom(dispX, dispY, dispW, dispH);
// Print header and help message
int gameFlags;
if (game != NULL)
PrintHeader("Configure Inputs for %s", game->title);
gameFlags = game->inputFlags;
PrintHeader("Configure Inputs");
gameFlags = GAME_INPUT_ALL;
// Get all inputs to be configured
vector<CInput*> toConfigure;
vector<CInput*>::iterator it;
for (it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++)
if ((*it)->IsConfigurable() && ((*it)->gameFlags & gameFlags))
// Remember current mappings for each input in case changes need to be undone later
vector<string> oldMappings(toConfigure.size());
size_t index = 0;
for (it = toConfigure.begin(); it != toConfigure.end(); it++)
oldMappings[index++] = (*it)->GetMapping();
const char *groupLabel = NULL;
// Loop through all the inputs to be configured
index = 0;
while (index < toConfigure.size())
// Get the current input
CInput *input = toConfigure[index];
// If have moved to a new input group, print the group heading
const char *itGroupLabel = input->GetInputGroup();
if (groupLabel == NULL || stricmp(groupLabel, itGroupLabel) != 0)
groupLabel = itGroupLabel;
printf("%s:\n", groupLabel);
// Print the input label, current input mapping and available options
if (index > 0)
printf(" %s [%s]: Ret/c/s/a/r/Up/Down/h/q/Esc? ", input->label, input->GetMapping());
printf(" %s [%s]: Ret/c/s/a/r/Down/h/q/Esc? ", input->label, input->GetMapping());
fflush(stdout); // required on terminals that use buffering
// Loop until user has selected a valid option
bool done = false;
char mapping[50];
while (!done)
// Wait for input from user
if (!m_system->ReadMapping(mapping, 50, false, READ_KEYBOARD|READ_MERGE, uiExit->GetMapping()))
// If user pressed aborted input, then undo all changes and finish configuration
index = 0;
for (it = toConfigure.begin(); it != toConfigure.end(); it++)
return false;
if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_RETURN") == 0 || stricmp(mapping, "KEY_S") == 0)
// Set the input mapping
fflush(stdout); // required on terminals that use buffering
if (input->Configure(false, uiExit->GetMapping()))
printf(" %s\n", input->GetMapping());
if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_RETURN") == 0)
done = true;
printf(" [Cancelled]\n");
goto Redisplay;
else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_A") == 0)
// Append to the input mapping(s)
fflush(stdout); // required on terminals that use buffering
if (input->Configure(true, uiExit->GetMapping()))
printf(" %s\n", input->GetMapping());
printf(" [Cancelled]\n");
goto Redisplay;
else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_C") == 0)
// Clear the input mapping(s)
goto Redisplay;
else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_R") == 0)
// Reset the input mapping(s) to the default
goto Redisplay;
else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_DOWN") == 0)
// Move forward to the next mapping
done = true;
else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_UP") == 0)
// Move back to the previous mapping
if (index > 0)
done = true;
else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_HOME") == 0)
// Move to first input
index = 0;
done = true;
else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_I") == 0)
// Print info about input system
goto Redisplay;
else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_H") == 0)
// Print the help message again
goto Redisplay;
else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_Q") == 0)
// Finish configuration
return true;
// All inputs set, finish configuration
return true;
void CInputs::PrintInputs(const GameInfo *game)
// Print header
int gameFlags;
if (game != NULL)
PrintHeader("Input Assignments for %s", game->title);
gameFlags = game->inputFlags;
PrintHeader("Input Assignments");
gameFlags = GAME_INPUT_ALL;
const char *groupLabel = NULL;
for (vector<CInput*>::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++)
if (!(*it)->IsConfigurable() || !((*it)->gameFlags & gameFlags))
const char *itGroupLabel = (*it)->GetInputGroup();
if (groupLabel == NULL || stricmp(groupLabel, itGroupLabel) != 0)
groupLabel = itGroupLabel;
printf("%s:\n", groupLabel);
printf(" %s = %s\n", (*it)->label, (*it)->GetMapping());
bool CInputs::Poll(const GameInfo *game, unsigned dispX, unsigned dispY, unsigned dispW, unsigned dispH)
// Update the input system with the current display geometry
m_system->SetDisplayGeom(dispX, dispY, dispW, dispH);
// Poll the input system
if (!m_system->Poll())
return false;
// Poll all UI inputs and all the inputs used by the current game, or all inputs if game is NULL
int gameFlags = (game != NULL ? game->inputFlags : GAME_INPUT_ALL);
for (vector<CInput*>::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++)
if ((*it)->IsUIInput() || ((*it)->gameFlags & gameFlags))
return true;
void CInputs::DumpState(const GameInfo *game)
// Print header
int gameFlags;
if (game != NULL)
PrintHeader("Input States for %s", game->title);
gameFlags = game->inputFlags;
PrintHeader("Input States");
gameFlags = GAME_INPUT_ALL;
// Loop through the inputs used by the current game, or all inputs if game is NULL, and dump their values to stdout
for (vector<CInput*>::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++)
if (!(*it)->IsUIInput() && !((*it)->gameFlags & gameFlags))
if ((*it)->IsVirtual())
printf("%s = (%d)\n", (*it)->id, (*it)->value);
printf("%s [%s] = (%d)\n", (*it)->id, (*it)->GetMapping(), (*it)->value);