./Flight of the Amazon Queen (CD DOS).scummvm Flight of the Amazon Queen Joe King is the hero of this point and click adventure. His plane is carrying actress Faye Russell when it crash lands in a remote jungle, and he must battle through 100 screens of adventure and puzzle. The game's feel is influenced by hammy B-movies, and the characters are quite stereotyped and comic. As standard in point and click adventures, a set of icons at the bottom of the screen allow you to interact with visible characters and items in the main view area. 0.8 19950101T000000 Interactive Binary Illusions Renegade Software Adventure 1 ./Beneath a Steel Sky (DOS CD VGA).scummvm Beneath A Steel Sky Beneath A Steel Sky (BASS) is set in a post-apocalyptic Australia where you're an orphan living with a tribe in the wastelands the 'gap' when a helicopter comes to take you to the enormous Union City. The game starts with the helicopter crashing down in the city and you making your escape into one of the large tall plants. Your goal? To discover who you really are and why you were taken to the city. 0.9 19940301T000000 Revolution Software Virgin Adventure / Point and Click 1 1 20230516T155747