But as the big Citra forks are merging into one, it feels better to wait until they have sorted everything sorted out and get the best project into RetroDECK proper. When their new repo is up and running we will target that.
We are looking into utilizing [UMU launcher](https://github.com/Open-Wine-Components/umu-launcher) for Xenia instead and other Wine based systems in the future. This is instead of pulling in all of Wine into RetroDECK and configure it manually.
UMU feels like a better approach that can give more synergies in the future.
We are waiting for the Open Wine Components Team (Heroic Game Launcher, Lutris, Bottles, Lutris, Proton-GE) to finish up their flatpak version (they do great work!).
On the Steam Deck, Game Mode has no included web browser that can be launched via flatpak thus rendering the the wiki links and website links useless in Game Mode. We will probably keep the buttons but only have them shown in Desktop Mode (or any normal Linux Desktop).
We currently don't feel like we want to ship an entire web browser inside of RetroDECK to remedy it.
Instead we are looking into a sophisticated markdown viewer instead. That will give you the ability to sync the entire wiki down to local storage with the click of a button and have it readable no matter if you are online or offline.