- Choose to install `The Official RetroDECK Steam Deck Controller Layout` (recommended and if you missed to install it check Step 3: of the in depth guide bellow)
- In Steam desktop go to the tab `Games` press `Add non Steam game to My library` and select RetroDECK to add it into your library. If that is not working you can `Right Click` on the RetroDECK desktop icon and press `Add to Steam` in the menu.
- **Optional way:** Get RetroDECK Steam Grid art and add it to your Steam library with BoilR. Or add the art manually from [SteamgridDB](https://www.steamgriddb.com/search/grids?term=RetroDeck) for the Steam Grid.
- Switch over to game mode and go to RetroDECK on the Steam Grid under `Library > Non-Steam`
- Add the Official Layout under `Controller Settings` -> `Controller Layouts` -> `Templates` in the Steam Deck called `RetroDECK: Official Layout` with a version number and apply
- Read up on the [EmulationStation DE: User Guide](../../wiki_emulationStation_de/esde-guide.md)
- Check out our other software recommendations for the Steam Deck [Steam Deck - Software Recommendations](../../wiki_devices/steamdeck/steamdeck-software.md).
- Check various optional optimizations that can make some emulators run even better [Steam Deck - Optimizations](../../wiki_devices/steamdeck/steamdeck-optimize.md).
This step is only needed if you installed the layout. If you missed installed the layout you can always reinstall it from the `RetroDECK Configurator` in `Desktop Mode` or within `Game Mode` from within RetroDECK from the `Main Menu` - `RetroDECK Configurator`<br>
- Get RetroDECK Steam Grid art with BoilR or add it manually from [SteamgridDB](https://www.steamgriddb.com/search/grids?term=RetroDeck) for the Steam Grid.
- Read up on the [EmulationStation DE: User Guide](../../wiki_emulationStation_de/esde-guide.md)
- Check out our other software recommendations for the Steam Deck [Steam Deck - Software Recommendations](../../wiki_devices/steamdeck/steamdeck-software.md).
- Check various optional optimizations that can make some emulators run even better [Steam Deck - Optimizations](../../wiki_devices/steamdeck/steamdeck-optimize.md).
## How do I update RetroDECK on the Steam Deck?
### From Desktop Mode
- Put the Steam Deck into Desktop Mode `Steam button` > `Power` > `Switch to Desktop`
- Open the Discover application.
- Click on the updates tab.
- If there are any updates available it will be shown here.
- Click on the `Update` or `Update all` buttons.
### Decky: AutoFlatpaks
If you have Decky installed and the AutoFlatpaks plugin. You can update RetroDECK from gamemode. <br>
Read more here: [Steam Deck - Software Recommendations](../../wiki_devices/steamdeck/steamdeck-software.md).