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# General information
**Disclaimer: This list is a work in progress and might contain errors, not all of these systems are enabled**
What follows is a list of each systems supported file extensions and the path to the folder where to put the roms.
# 3DO
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/3do
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .iso .ISO .bin .BIN .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Adventure Game Studio Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ags
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Amstrad
## Amstrad CPC
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/amstradcpc
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cdt .CDT .cpr .CPR .dsk .DSK .kcr .KCR .m3u .M3U .sna .SNA .tap .TAR .voc .VOC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Amstrad GX4000
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gx4000
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Android (Google)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/android
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Apple
## Apple II
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/apple2
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .nib .NIB .do .DO .po .PO .dsk .DSK .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Apple IIGS
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/apple2gs
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .nib .NIB .do .DO .po .PO .dsk .DSK .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Arcade
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/arcade
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cmd .CMD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Atari
## Atari 2600
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atari2600
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .a26 .A26 .bin .BIN .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari 5200
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atari5200
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .xfd .XFD .atr .ATR .atx .ATX .cdm .CDM .cas .CAS .bin .BIN .a52 .A52 .xex .XEX .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari 7800 ProSystem
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atari7800
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .a78 .A78 .bin .BIN .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari 800
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atari800
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .xfd .XFD .atr .ATR .atx .ATX .cdm .CDM .cas .CAS .bin .BIN .a52 .A52 .xex .XEX .rom .ROM .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari Jaguar
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atarijaguar
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .j64 .J64 .jag .JAG .rom .ROM .abs .ABS .cof .COF .bin .BIN .prg .PRG .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari Jaguar CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atarijaguarcd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .j64 .J64 .jag .JAG .rom .ROM .abs .ABS .cof .COF .bin .BIN .prg .PRG .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari Lynx
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atarilynx
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .lnx .LNX .o .O .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari ST
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atarist
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .st .ST .msa .MSA .stx .STX .dim .DIM .ipf .IPF .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari XE
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atarixe
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .xfd .XFD .atr .ATR .atx .ATX .cdm .CDM .cas .CAS .bin .BIN .a52 .A52 .xex .XEX .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Atomiswave
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atomiswave
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cdi .CDI .iso .ISO .elf .ELF .bin .BIN .cue .CUE .gdi .GDI .lst .LST .dat .DAT .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Bandai
## Bandai SuFami Turbo
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/sufami
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bml .BML .bs .BS .fig .FIG .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .st .ST .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Bandai WonderSwan
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/wonderswan
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ws .WS .pc2 .PC2 .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Bandai WonderSwan Color
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/wonderswancolor
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ws .WS .wsc .WSC .pc2 .PC2 .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Bally Astrocade
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/astrocde
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# BBC Micro
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/bbcmicro
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Commodore
## Commodore Amiga
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/amiga
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .adf .ADF .adz .ADZ .dms .DMS .fdi .FDI .ipf .IPF .hdf .HDF .hdz .HDZ .lha .LHA .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .nrg .NRG .mds .MDS .iso .ISO .uae .UAE .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Commodore Amiga 600
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/amiga600
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .adf .ADF .adz .ADZ .dms .DMS .fdi .FDI .ipf .IPF .hdf .HDF .hdz .HDZ .lha .LHA .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .nrg .NRG .mds .MDS .iso .ISO .uae .UAE .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Commodore Amiga 1200
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/amiga1200
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .adf .ADF .adz .ADZ .dms .DMS .fdi .FDI .ipf .IPF .hdf .HDF .hdz .HDZ .lha .LHA .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .nrg .NRG .mds .MDS .iso .ISO .uae .UAE .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Commodore Amiga CD32
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/amigacd32
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .adf .ADF .adz .ADZ .dms .DMS .fdi .FDI .ipf .IPF .hdf .HDF .hdz .HDZ .lha .LHA .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .nrg .NRG .mds .MDS .iso .ISO .uae .UAE .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Commodore 64
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/c64
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .cmd .CMD .crt .CRT .d2m .D2M .d4m .D4M .d64 .D64 .d6z .D6Z .d71 .D71 .d7z .D7Z .d80 .D80 .d81 .D81 .d82 .D82 .d8z .D8Z .g41 .G41 .g4z .G4Z .g64 .G64 .g6z .G6Z .gz .GZ .lnx .LNX .m3u .M3U .nbz .NBZ .nib .NIB .p00 .P00 .prg .PRG .t64 .T64 .tap .TAP .vfl .VFL .vsf .VSF .x64 .X64 .x6z .X6Z .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Commodore CDTV
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/cdtv
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .nrg .NRG .mds .MDS .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Commodore VIC-20
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/vic20
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .cmd .CMD .crt .CRT .d2m .D2M .d4m .D4M .d64 .D64 .d6z .D6Z .d71 .D71 .d7z .D7Z .d80 .D80 .d81 .D81 .d82 .D82 .d8z .D8Z .g41 .G41 .g4z .G4Z .g64 .G64 .g6z .G6Z .gz .GZ .lnx .LNX .m3u .M3U .nbz .NBZ .nib .NIB .p00 .P00 .prg .PRG .t64 .T64 .tap .TAP .vfl .VFL .vsf .VSF .x64 .X64 .x6z .X6Z .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Cave Story (NXEngine)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/cavestory
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .exe .EXE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# ChaiLove Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/chailove
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chai .CHAI .chailove .CHAILOVE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# ColecoVision
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/coleco
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .cas .CAS .col .COL .cv .CV .dsk .DSK .m3u .M3U .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .ri .RI .rom .ROM .sc .SC .sg .SG .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Capcom Play System
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/cps
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Daphne Arcade LaserDisc Emulator
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/daphne
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .daphne .singe
# Doom
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/doom
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .wad .WAD .iwad .IWAD .pwad .PWAD
# DOS (PC)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/dos
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bat .BAT .com .COM .conf .CONF .cue .CUE .dosz .DOSZ .exe .EXE .iso .ISO .7z .7Z
# Dragon 32
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/dragon32
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Fairchild Channel F
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/channelf
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .chf .CHF .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# FinalBurn
## FinalBurn Alpha
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/fba
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .iso .ISO .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## FinalBurn Neo
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/fbneo
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ccd .CCD .cue .CUE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Intellivision - Mattel Electronics
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/intellivision
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .int .INT .bin .BIN .rom .ROM .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Infocom Z-machine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/zmachine
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/j2me
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .jar .JAR .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Lutro Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/lutro
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .lua .LUA .lutro .LUTRO .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/mame
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cmd .CMD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Multi Emulator Super System (MESS)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/mess
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chd .CHD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## MSX
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/msx
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .rom .ROM .ri .RI .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .col .COL .dsk .DSK .cas .CAS .sg .SG .sc .SC .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## MSX1
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/msx1
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .rom .ROM .ri .RI .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .col .COL .dsk .DSK .cas .CAS .sg .SG .sc .SC .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## MSX2
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/msx2
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .rom .ROM .ri .RI .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .col .COL .dsk .DSK .cas .CAS .sg .SG .sc .SC .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## MSX Turbo R
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/msxturbor
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .rom .ROM .ri .RI .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .col .COL .dsk .DSK .cas .CAS .sg .SG .sc .SC .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Microsoft Xbox
## Microsoft Xbox
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/xbox
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .iso .ISO
## Microsoft Xbox 360
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/xbox360
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .iso .ISO .xex .XEX
# Othello Multivision
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/multivision
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .gg .GG .rom .ROM .sg .SG .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Nintendo
## Nintendo 64
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/n64
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .n64 .N64 .v64 .V64 .z64 .Z64 .bin .BIN .u1 .U1 .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo 64DD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/64dd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .n64 .N64 .v64 .V64 .z64 .Z64 .bin .BIN .u1 .U1 .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo 3DS
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/n3ds
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .3ds .3DS .3dsx .3DSX .app .APP .axf .AXF .cci .CCI .cxi .CXI .elf .ELF .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo DS
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/nds
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .nds .NDS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/nes
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .nes .NES .unf .UNF .unif .UNIF .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Family Computer (Famicom)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/famicom
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .nes .NES .unf .UNF .unif .UNIF .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Famicom Disk System
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/fds
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .nes .NES .fds .FDS .unf .UNF .UNIF .UNIF .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Game and Watch
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gameandwatch
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .mgw .MGW .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Game Boy
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gb
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bs .BS .cgb .CGB .dmg .DMG .gb .GB .gbc .GBC .sgb .SGB .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Game Boy Advance
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gba
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .agb .AGB .bin .BIN .cgb .CGB .dmg .DMG .gb .GB .gba .GBA .gbc .GBC .sgb .SGB .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Game Boy Color
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gbc
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bs .BS .cgb .CGB .dmg .DMG .gb .GB .gbc .GBC .sgb .SGB .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo GameCube
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gc
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .gcm .GCM .iso .ISO .wbfs .WBFS .wia .WIA .ciso .CISO .gcz .GCZ .elf .ELF .dol .DOL .dff .DFF .rvz .RVZ .tgc .TGC .wad .WAD .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo SFC (Super Famicom)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/sfc
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .bml .BML .bs .BS .bsx .BSX .dx2 .DX2 .fig .FIG .gd3 .GD3 .gd7 .GD7 .mgd .MGD .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .st .ST .swc .SWC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Virtual Boy
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/virtualboy
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .vb .VB .vboy .VBOY .bin .BIN .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo SNES (Super Nintendo)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/snes
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .bml .BML .bs .BS .bsx .BSX .dx2 .DX2 .fig .FIG .gd3 .GD3 .gd7 .GD7 .mgd .MGD .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .st .ST .swc .SWC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Switch
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/switch
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .nca .NCA .nro .NRO .nso .NSO .nsp .NSP .xci .XCI .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Satellaview
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/satellaview
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bml .BML .bs .BS .fig .FIG .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .swc .SWC .st .ST .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Pokémon Mini
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pokemini
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .min .MIN .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Wii
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/wii
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .gcm .GCM .iso .ISO .wbfs .WBFS .wia .WIA .ciso .CISO .gcz .GCZ .elf .ELF .dol .DOL .dff .DFF .rvz .RVZ .tgc .TGC .wad .WAD .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Wii U
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/wiiu
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## SNK Neo Geo
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/neogeo
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .iso .ISO .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## SNK Neo Geo CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/neogeocd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## SNK Neo Geo CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/neogeocdjp
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## SNK Neo Geo Pocket
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ngp
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ngp .NGP .ngc .NGC .ngpc .NGPC .npc .NPC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ngpc
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ngp .NGP .ngc .NGC .ngpc .NGPC .npc .NPC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Magnavox Odyssey2
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/odyssey2
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# OpenBOR Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/openbor
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .AppImage
# Tandy
## Tandy Color Computer
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/coco
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Tandy TRS-80
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/trs-80
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Tangerine Computer Systems Oric
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/oric
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .dsk .DSK .ort .ORT .tap .TAP .wav .WAV
# Palm OS
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/palm
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .prc .PRC .pqa .PQA .img .IMG .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC PC-8800 Series
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pc88
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .d88 .D88 .u88 .U88 .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC PC-9800 Series
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pc98
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .2hd .2HD .88d .88D .98d .98D .d88 .D88 .d98 .D98 .cmd .CMD .dup .DUP .fdd .FDD .fdi .FDI .hdd .HDD .hdi .HDI .hdm .HDM .hdn .HDN .nhd .NHD .tfd .TFD .thd .THD . xdf .XDF .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC PC Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pcengine
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .img .IMG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .pce .PCE .sgx .SGX .toc .TOC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC PC Engine CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pcenginecd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .img .IMG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .pce .PCE .sgx .SGX .toc .TOC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC SuperGrafx
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/supergrafx
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .pce .PCE .sgx .SGX .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC TurboGrafx-16
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/tg16
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .img .IMG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .pce .PCE .sgx .SGX .toc .TOC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC TurboGrafx-CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/tg-cd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .img .IMG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .pce .PCE .sgx .SGX .toc .TOC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pcfx
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cue CUE .ccd .CCD .toc .TOC .chd .CHD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Philips
## Philips CD-i
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/cdimono1
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .iso .ISO
## Philips Videopac G7000
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/videopac
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# PICO-8
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pico8
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .p8 .P8 .png .PNG
# Ports
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ports
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .sh
# Sony Playstation
## Sony PlayStation (PSX)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/psx
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .cbn .CBN .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .ecm .ECM .exe .EXE .img .IMG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .mdf .MDF .mds .MDS .pbp .PBP .psexe .PSEXE .psf .PSF .toc .TOC .z .Z .znx .ZNX .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sony PlayStation 2
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ps2
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .chd .CHD .ciso .CISO .cso .CSO .dump .DUMP .elf .ELF .gz .GZ .m3u .M3U .mdf .MDF .img .IMG .iso .ISO .isz .ISZ .ngr .NRG
## Sony PlayStation 3
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ps3
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ps3 .PS3 .ps3dir .PS3DIR
## Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/psp
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .elf .ELF .iso .ISO .cso .CSO .prx .PRX .pbp .PBP .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sony PlayStation Vita
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/psvita
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# SAM Coupé
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/samcoupe
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .dsk .DSK .mgt .MGT .sbt .SBT .sad .SAD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# ScummVM Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/scummvm
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .scummvm .SCUMMVM .svm .SVM
# Sega
## Sega Game Gear
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gamegear
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .col .COL .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .rom .ROM .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Dreamcast
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/dreamcast
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chd .CHD .cdi .CDI .iso .ISO .elf .ELF .cue .CUE .gdi .GDI .lst .LST .dat .DAT .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Genesis (Mega Drive)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/genesis
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Master System
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/mastersystem
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .col .COL .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .rom .ROM .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Mega-CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/megacd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Mega Drive
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/megadrive
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Model 2
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/model2
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Model 3
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/model3
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega NAOMI
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/naomi
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cdi .CDI .iso .ISO .elf .ELF .bin .BIN .cue .CUE .gdi .GDI .lst .LST .dat .DAT .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/naomigd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cdi .CDI .iso .ISO .elf .ELF .bin .BIN .cue .CUE .gdi .GDI .lst .LST .dat .DAT .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Saturn
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/saturn
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .iso .ISO .mds .MDS .toc .TOC .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Mega Drive 32X
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/sega32x
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .gen .GEN .smd .SMD .md .MD .32x .32X .cue .CUE .iso .ISO .sms .SMS .68k .68K .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Super 32X
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/sega32xjp
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .gen .GEN .smd .SMD .md .MD .32x .32X .cue .CUE .iso .ISO .sms .SMS .68k .68K .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Genesis 32X
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/sega32xna
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .gen .GEN .smd .SMD .md .MD .32x .32X .cue .CUE .iso .ISO .sms .SMS .68k .68K .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega SG-1000
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/sg-1000
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .ri .RI .rom .ROM .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/segacd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Sharp
## Sharp X1
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/x1
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .dx1 .DX1 .2d .2D .2hd .2HD .tfd .TFD .d88 .D88 .88d .88D .hdm .HDM .xdf .XDF .dup .DUP .tap .TAP .cmd .CMD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sharp X68000
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/x68000
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .dim .DIM .img .IMG .d88 .D88 .88d .88D .hdm .HDM .dup .DUP .2hd .2HD .xdf .XDF .hdf .HDF .cmd .CMD .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Sinclair
## Sinclair ZX81
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/zx81
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .tzx .TZX .p .P .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sinclair ZX Spectrum
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/zxspectrum
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .tzx .TZX .tap .TAP .z80 .Z80 .rzx .RZX .scl .SCL .trd .TRD .sh .SH .sna .SNA .szx .SZX .udi .UDI .mgt .MGT .img .IMG .dsk .DSK .gz .GZ .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Solarus Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/solarus
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Spectravideo
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/spectravideo
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .rom .ROM .ri .RI .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .col .COL .dsk .DSK .cas .CAS .sg .SG .sc .SC .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Stratagus Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/stratagus
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Symbian
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/symbian
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Tano Dragon
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/tanodragon
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Texas Instruments TI-99
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ti99
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .rpk .RPK .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# TIC-80 Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/tic80
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Thomson
## Thomson TO8
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/to8
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .fd .FD .sap .SAP .k7 .K7 .m7 .M7 .m5 .M5 .rom .ROM .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Thomson MO/TO Series
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/moto
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .fd .FD .sap .SAP .k7 .K7 .m7 .M7 .m5 .M5 .rom .ROM .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Uzebox
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/uzebox
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .uze .UZE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Vectrex
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/vectrex
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .vec .VEC .gam .GAM .vc .VC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP