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--- /dev/null
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+# GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U
+### Steam Input support
+Yes, but the connected controllers shows up as Generic Controllers.
+### Linux Kernel Support
+Yes, acts a normal USB-hub.
+## How to connect?
+In most cases you just need to connect it via USB and put the device in PC mode on the switch.
+Sometimes the udev rule is missing and you will need to add it:
+1. Open a terminal window
+2. Type `sudo echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTRS{idVendor}=="057e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0337", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/51-gcadapter.rules > /dev/null`
+3. Type `sudo udevadm control --reload-rules`
+4. Sometimes you will need to take out and reinsert the USB connector after you have reloaded the rules.
+### What is the Official - Switch Pro RetroDECK profile called?
+- Generic Gamecube: `RetroDECK: Generic GameCube`
+NOTE: That this will be released at a later date and work has not started on it yet.
diff --git a/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/nintendo/controllers-nintendo.md b/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/nintendo/joycon.md
similarity index 99%
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--- a/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/nintendo/controllers-nintendo.md
+++ b/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/nintendo/joycon.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Nintendo Controllers are controllers made by the company Nintendo.
## Switch Pro
Official Controller for the Nintendo Switch
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+# Nintendo Controllers
+Nintendo Controllers are controllers made by the company Nintendo.
+**Motion Controllers** made by Nintendo are listed under the Motion Controllers entry on the wiki.
+**Note some these inputs are part of the upcoming 0.8b update.**
+## Switch Pro
+Official Controller for the Nintendo Switch
+#### Steam Input support
+#### Linux Kernel Support
+Yes, since 5.16 - `hid-nintendo`
+### What is the Official - Switch Pro RetroDECK profile called?
+- Switch Pro Controller: `RetroDECK: Switch Pro`
+#### What is the Current Version Number of the profile?
+#### Switch Pro - Global Hotkeys: Nintendo Button Combos
+The global hotkeys are activated by pressing the `SELECT` button and holding it while pressing the corresponding other button input.
+What follows is a list of hotkeys:
+`Function` Shows what the hotkey does.
+`Button / Combination` Shows the input you need to make to trigger the command.
+`Command` Shows what is being sent to the emulator.
+`Emulator Support` Shows what emulators support the command.
+`Comment` Just extra comments.
+| Function | Button / Combination| Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
+| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
+| Pause / Resume | `SELECT + B` | `CTRL + P` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
+| Take Screenshot | `SELECT + A` | `CTRL + X` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
+| Fullscreen Toggle | `SELECT + Y` | `CTRL + ENTER` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
+| Open Menu | `SELECT + X` | `CTRL + M` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` |
+| Quit Emulator | `SELECT + Start` | `CTRL + Q` |`RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | | |
+| Previous State Slot | `SELECT + D-Pad Left` | `CTRL + J` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
+| Next State Slot | `SELECT + D-Pad Right` | `CTRL + K` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`|
+| Increase Emulation Speed | `SELECT + D-Pad Up` | `CTRL + 1` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
+| Decrease Emulation Speed | `SELECT + D-Pad Down` | `CTRL + 2` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
+| Load State | `SELECT + L1` | `CTRL + A` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
+| Save State | `SELECT + R1` | `CTRL + S` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
+| Rewind | `SELECT + L2` | `CTRL + -` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` | |
+| Fast forward | `SELECT + R2` | `CTRL + +` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` | |
+| Global Radial Menu | `SELECT + Left Joystick` | | Opens the Radial Menu |
+### Global Radial Menu
+The Global Radial Menu is activated by holding `SELECT` and by moving the `Left Joystick`, then by pressing `L3` allows you press the selected radial button.
+Radial Button | Keyboard Command| Emulator Support | Comment |
+| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
+| Space | `Space` | `PC-Systems` | |
+| Escape | `Escape` | `PPSSPP` `PC-Systems` | On PPPSPP it opens the Menu |
+| Enter | `Enter` | `OpenBOR` `PC-Systems` | |
+| F1 | `F1` | `PC-Systems` | |
+| F5 | `F5` | `PC-Systems` | |
+| F10 | `F10` | `PC-Systems` | |
+| Wii Sync Button | `ALT + W` | `Dolphin/Primehack` | |
+| Swap Dual-Screens | `CTRL + TAB` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `MelonDS` `Cemu`| |
+| Change Dual-Screen Layout | `CTRL + L` | `Citra` | |
+| Widescreen / Aspect Ratio | `CTRL + W` | `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
+| Fullscreen Toggle | `CTRL + ENTER` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
+| Change Disc / Next Disc | `CTRL + D` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation`| |
+### Right Joystick as Temporary Mouse
+By holding `SELECT` and moving the `Right Joystick` you can use it as a mouse for various systems that uses mouse input.
+| Function | Button / Combination| Command | Comment |
+| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
+| Joystick as Mouse | `SELECT + Right Stick` | | Movement |
+| Right Click | `SELECT + L3` | `Right Click` | |
+| Left Click | `SELECT + R3` | `Left Click` | |
+### RetroArch: Additional Hotkeys
+These hotkeys also work for RetroArch and are built in.
+| Function | Button / Combination | Emulator Support | Comment |
+| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
+| Open Menu | `L3 + R3` | `RetroArch` | |
+### Arcade Systems: Additional Hotkeys
+This hotkey work for RetroArch, MAME, FBNEO and other arcade systems.
+| Function | Button / Combination | Emulator Support | Comment |
+| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
+| Insert Credit | `SELECT` | `RetroArch` `MAME` `FBNeo` | |
+## Joy-Cons
+Official Controllers for the Nintendo Switch
+#### Steam Input support
+#### Linux Kernel Support
+Yes, since 5.16 - `hid-nintendo`
+### What is the Official - Switch Pro RetroDECK profile called?
+- Switch Pro: `RetroDECK: Switch Joycons`
+Note that this will be released at a later date and work has not started on it yet.
+## Wii U GamePad
+Official Controller for the Wii U
+#### Steam Input support
+#### Linux Kernel Support
+A list of projects and drivers that try to make the Wii U controller work on Linux.
+There has been efforts of adding by the libdrc team of add their `hid-wiiu-drc` to the Linux Kernel.
+Is a Linux distro that can be used on the Wii U machine. This seams to have a working `hid-wiiu-drc`
+But the efforts to add it to the kernel seams to have been stalled.
+[hid-wiiu-drc in linux-wiiu](https://gitlab.com/linux-wiiu/linux-wiiu/-/blob/rewrite-4.19/drivers/hid/hid-wiiu-drc.c)
+[LWN Discussion on hid-nintendo-wiiu](https://lwn.net/ml/linux-kernel/20211027101043.31609-6-linkmauve@linkmauve.fr/)
+## GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U
+#### Steam Input support
+Yes, but the connected controllers shows up as Generic Controllers
+#### Linux Kernel Support
+Yes, acts a normal USB-hub.
+### How to connect?
+In most cases you just need to connect it via USB and put the device in PC mode on the switch.
+Sometimes the udev rule is missing and you will need to add it:
+1. Open a terminal window
+2. Type `sudo echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTRS{idVendor}=="057e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0337", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/51-gcadapter.rules > /dev/null`
+3. Type `sudo udevadm control --reload-rules`
+4. Sometimes you will need to take out and reinsert the USB connector after you have reloaded the rules.
+### What is the Official - Switch Pro RetroDECK profile called?
+- Switch Pro: `RetroDECK: Generic GameCube`
+NOTE: That this will be released at a later date and work has not started on it yet.
diff --git a/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/nintendo/wiiu-gamepad.md b/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/nintendo/wiiu-gamepad.md
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+# Wii U GamePad
+Official Controller for the Wii U
+#### Steam Input support
+#### Linux Kernel Support
+A list of projects and drivers that try to make the Wii U controller work on Linux.
+There has been efforts of adding by the libdrc team of add their `hid-wiiu-drc` to the Linux Kernel.
+Is a Linux distro that can be used on the Wii U machine. This seams to have a working `hid-wiiu-drc`
+But the efforts to add it to the kernel seams to have been stalled.
+[hid-wiiu-drc in linux-wiiu](https://gitlab.com/linux-wiiu/linux-wiiu/-/blob/rewrite-4.19/drivers/hid/hid-wiiu-drc.c)
+[LWN Discussion on hid-nintendo-wiiu](https://lwn.net/ml/linux-kernel/20211027101043.31609-6-linkmauve@linkmauve.fr/)
diff --git a/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_general/.retrodeck-input-support.md.kate-swp b/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_general/.retrodeck-input-support.md.kate-swp
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Binary files /dev/null and b/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_general/.retrodeck-input-support.md.kate-swp differ
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@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-# What are the current versions of the diffrent Steam Input Profiles?
+# RetroDECK Supported Steam Input Controllers
-Here is a list of all the current versions of the Steam Input profiles.
+Here is a list of all the current versions of the Steam Input profiles that RetroDECK Ship so far.
+NOTE: These are upcomming in the 0.8b update
## Nintendo Controllers
diff --git a/wiki-rtd/mkdocs.yml b/wiki-rtd/mkdocs.yml
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--- a/wiki-rtd/mkdocs.yml
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@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ nav:
- What is RetroDECK?: wiki_general/what-is-retrodeck.md
- What is included in RetroDECK?: wiki_general/what-is-included.md
- Supported Devices: wiki_general/supported-devices.md
+ - RetroDECK - Steam Input Controllers (WIP): wiki_general/retrodeck-input-support.md
- The RetroDECK Beta: wiki_general/beta-period.md
- The FAQ โ: wiki_howto_faq/faq.md
- Start using RetroDECK: wiki_howto_faq/retrodeck-start.md
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ nav:
- Known Issues: wiki_bugs/known-issues.md
- How do I help out with testing?: wiki_community/testing-rd.md
- - Development ๐ฅ๏ธ:
+ - Development ๐งช:
- Current Version: wiki_rd_versions/version_0.7b/0.7.5b.md
- Version History (Patchnotes): wiki_rd_versions/version-history.md
- What are you working on?: wiki_development/what-are-you-working.on.md
@@ -81,12 +82,12 @@ nav:
- RetroDECK Configurator ๐ ๏ธ:
- Configurator Features: wiki_general/configurator.md
- - RetroDECK Game Mangement ๐ฌ:
+ - RetroDECK Game Mangement ๐๏ธ:
- Manage your Games: wiki_howto_faq/games-management.md
- Manage your BIOS/Firmware: wiki_howto_faq/bios-firmware.md
- Move RetroDECK to a new device: wiki_howto_faq/retrodeck-move.md
- - RetroDECK and Steam ๐ฌ:
+ - RetroDECK and Steam ๐ป:
- Add RetroDECK to Steam: wiki_howto_faq/add-to-steam.md
- Enable Controllers in Steam: wiki_howto_faq/enable-controllers-steam.md
- Change controller order in Steam: wiki_howto_faq/set-controller-order-steam.md
@@ -150,10 +151,12 @@ nav:
- Different Button Prompts in Games: wiki_controllers/about/diffrent-game-inputs.md
- RetroDECK with Steam Input: wiki_controllers/about/about-steam-input.md
- RetroDECK and Udev Rules: wiki_controllers/about/about-udev.md
- - RetroDECK - Controller Current Version: wiki_controllers/about/retrodeck-input-versions.md
- Controllers - Nintendo:
- - Nintendo - Controllers (WIP): wiki_controllers/nintendo/controllers-nintendo.md
+ - Switch - Pro Controller: wiki_controllers/nintendo/switch-pro.md
+ - Switch - Joy-Cons: wiki_controllers/nintendo/joycon.md
+ - Wii U - Gamepad: wiki_controllers/nintendo/wiiu-gamepad.md
+ - Gamecube - PC / WiiU Adapter: wiki_controllers/nintendo/gamecube-adapter.md
- Controllers - Playstation :
- Playstation - Controllers (WIP): wiki_controllers/playstation/controllers-playstation.md