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synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00
Documentation on adding Ruffle. About 70% complete
Will add rest of the docs tomorrow. On branch ruffle Changes to be committed: modified: wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_development/general/add-system.md modified: wiki-rtd/mkdocs.yml
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,114 +1,169 @@
# Add a new system to RetroDECK.
# Add a new system to RetroDECK
This is a WIP document to show how the Ruffle emulator was added RetroDeck. From initial testing of the emulator, to integrating Ruffle into Flatpack build process and then how to integrate Ruffle into RetroDeck Configuration system for saving game data, resetting/moving config etc.
## Overview
Article assumes that the defaults path for RetroDECK are
Installation folder
That you have looked at [the build local](build-locally.md) document as this continues from that introduction.
## Preparation
How well do you know the emulator you are looking to add to RetroDECK.
* Can it run fullscreen
* Does it save config files
* Does it need a default config file
* What libraries and assets does it need.
* Does it need bios files
* Controller support
* Command line arguments for redirecting configs or saves etc.
## Tasks Involved
### Clone RetroDeck
Fork and clone the main [RetroDeck project.](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/fork)
Adding an emulator would be classed as a new feature so create a branch based of the label feat
ie feat/new_emulator_name
An example for ruffle can be seen [here.](https://github.com/monkeyx-net/RetroDECK_UK/tree/feat/ruffle)
Initial testing can be done via the [debug mode](/wiki_development/general/debug-mode/#retrodeck-in-debug-mode)
You will be able to manually run via emulator and test functionality.
To get the emulator added to the manifest an example of ruffle is shown below as simple example manifest.
### Editing the manifest file
```bash linenums="1"
# Ruffle - START
- name: ruffle
buildsystem: simple
- mkdir -p "${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/ruffle"
- tar -zxvf *.tar.gz -C "${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/ruffle"
- chmod +x "${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/ruffle/ruffle"
- ln -s ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/ruffle/ruffle ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/ruffle
- type: file
# Ruffle - END
* Please note lines 1 and 15 as remarks/labels having these help with logging and fund the emulator within the file.
* Line 3 is a label
* Lines 4 indicates a simple build type ie downloading and copying files rather than compiling and building the project. The preference is to compile and build emulators to support the Flatpak process in producing increased compatibly and customisation. Ruffle is a rust project and under constant development. It is hoped to make this a compiled project in the future.
* A simple project is also a good starting point to flatpak builds.
* Lines5 to 9 shows the build process kinked to the downloaded ruffle file.
* Line 10 sources has some place holders url: and sha256: See below
Check from scratch for these pre -create or created in first run?
### Add/Change Placeholders
Config folder(s)
The placeholders are referenced in the file automation_tools/automation_task_list.cfg
``` bash linenums="1"
# The proper format for this file is
# hash^DOOMSHAPLACEHOLDER^https://buildbot.libretro.com/assets/cores/DOOM/Doom%20%28Shareware%29.zip
url^RUFFLEURLPLACEHOLDER^"https://github.com/ruffle-rs/ruffle/releases/download/$(git ls-remote --tags https://github.com/ruffle-rs/ruffle.git | tail -n 1 | cut -f2 | sed 's|refs/tags/||')/ruffle-$(git ls-remote https://github.com/ruffle-rs/ruffle.git | tail -n 1 | cut -f2 | sed -E 's|refs/tags/||; s/-/_/2; s/-/_/2')-linux-x86_64.tar.gz"
hash^RUFFLESHAPLACEHOLDER^"https://github.com/ruffle-rs/ruffle/releases/download/$(git ls-remote --tags https://github.com/ruffle-rs/ruffle.git | tail -n 1 | cut -f2 | sed 's|refs/tags/||')/ruffle-$(git ls-remote https://github.com/ruffle-rs/ruffle.git | tail -n 1 | cut -f2 | sed -E 's|refs/tags/||; s/-/_/2; s/-/_/2')-linux-x86_64.tar.gz"
hash^RETRODECKMAMEPLACEHOLDER^"https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK-MAME/releases/download/$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/XargonWan/RetroDECK-MAME/releases/latest | grep -oP '"tag_name": "\K(.*?)(?=")')/RetroDECK-MAME-Artifact.tar.gz"
url^RETRODECKMAMEURLPLACEHOLDER^"https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK-MAME/releases/download/$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/XargonWan/RetroDECK-MAME/releases/latest | grep -oP '"tag_name": "\K(.*?)(?=")')/RetroDECK-MAME-Artifact.tar.gz"
Data folder
The example above shows the relevant Ruffle entries at lines line 11 and 12.
* Line 11 creates the URL based on date/time.
* Line 12 created a sha256 hash. The Flatpak build gave a sha error build without passing a sha256 hash.
The automation_tools/automation_task_list.cfg is processed by the automation_tools/pre_build_automation.sh script and replaces the placeholders with the calculated values.
You can edit and run the developer_toolbox/build_retrodeck_locally.sh below to check how it changes the manifest file. By using the file below and comment all .sh scripts apart from line 13. It restores the default manifest file after the test run.
```bash linenums="1"
# WARNING: run this script from the project root folder, not from here!!
git submodule update --init --recursive
cp net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml.bak
cp net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml.bak
rm -f net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml
rm -f net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
cp net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml.bak net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml
cp net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml.bak net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
Path to emu_configs
### Build the RetroDECK flatpak
Create ruffle folder in all 3 locations above
If you have added the necessary files to the manifest
Move you new yml code to just after key dependencies in the manifest. So that you do not have to wait until near the end of the build to check your manifest actions.
Not even ES-DE should be needed to test the additional emulator. In fact it will not show up in ES-DE. See [here for more.](#add-emulatorsystem-to-es-de)
Build using [self hosted runner](build-locally/#build-locally-installed-github-runner) is the recommended method. Can also build via a [bash script](build-locally/#build-locally-via-bash-script)
If you run via self hosted it easier to track the build and any issues/errors are logged.
Other than human error with the code the most frequent issue is with sha256 issues due to issue with download or a version change. So there sha256 no longer matches.
If the build completes without errors it should produce an artifact that you can download and test
## Configs for Ruffle
## Backup your key data and configs
Be sure to clean your own data (your paths, your own specific configs), and when you need to insert a path remember that Ruffle will not know what $saves_folder is, so you have to put some placeholders, for example:
RETRODECKHOMEDIR is $rdhome (aka retrodeck folder)
RETRODECKSAVESDIR is $saves_folder (aka retrodeck/saves)
RETRODECKROMSDIR is $roms_dir (aka retrodeck/roms)
Make a copy of ~/.var/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck/ folder and name it old.net.retrodeck.retrodeck
Make a full back up or partial backups of the retrodeck folder normally under ~/retrodeck or sdcard/other drive.
On retrodeck folder backups:
you can find them all by searching the config files, I don't remember them all
Generally, very few things would target the roms folder, but the other folders could be targeted for various scripts. Our recommendation would be to back up the full ~/retrodeck folder, but as a tester you can decide how much you want to risk.
Show example ruffle like this
## Install and Test the built flatpak
$(EmulatorDir): RETRODECKHOMEDIR/bios/rpcs3/
/dev_hdd0/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_hdd0/
/dev_hdd1/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_hdd1/
/dev_flash/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_flash/
/dev_flash2/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_flash2/
/dev_flash3/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_flash3/
/dev_bdvd/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_bdvd/
/games/: RETRODECKHOMEDIR/roms/ps3/
Remove current version of RetroDECK
To clean your own specific data you can move away your actual config files and make the software (Ruffle) create an empty one.
You can then compare them (I like Meld to do this) and move in the clean one only the worthy settings.
`flatpak uninstall net.retrodeck.retrodeck` and press (y) yes to remove RetroDECK. If you have more then one version installed for some reason choose to remove all versions.
Create new version of image and move

Download and unzip the artifact to a folder of your choice and then run this command in the same folder and the unarchived file.
`flatpak install --user --bundle --noninteractive -y RetroDECK-cooker.flatpak`
On first run it will ask you to upgrade
If it then asks to upgrade the cooker as well. Then say no
1. - place the component name there, in this case ruffle|all (all lowercase), this means that this script is running when you reset "ruffle" or "all" the components.
1. - That is logged and even an indication for us that that part is for Ruffle
1. - Action that are executed on multi user mode ONLY
1. - Single user action: what is not multi user but single user ONLY
1. - Shared actions: something that is working regardless of the multi user mode or not, this is the part that interests you more: put all the logic here (which logic? I'll tell you later)
1. - action to be executed only when the folder are moved with the tool (like we want to move the folder and tell the configuration files where is the folder located now)
You might ignore for the moment the multi user mode stuff and put just a # TODO: add multi user mode stuff
you can just populate the postmove and the shared actions, shared actions as you can see are inside the if [[ "$action" == "reset" ]]; then without any other check.
This if [[ "$action" == "postmove" ]]; then # Run only post-move commands instead, is out of the reset function.
the reset function is called when the component is installed (aka the first time a user installs RetroDECK) and when a reset is triggered from the configurator.
Move image

Then you need to add it to the cli, as you can reset components via cli.
ruffle --saves $saves_dir ?
if you put $saves_dir probably ES-DE will fail as it doesn´t know what $saves_dir is, so you might want to create a wrapper like ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/ruffle-rd-wrapper.sh
in this wrapper you can:
source /app/libexec/global.sh
ruffle --saves $saves_dir
in es_find_rules.xml (of ES-DE) you need to add a line where the ruffle executable is /app/bin/ruffle-rd-wrapper.sh
## Test New System Locally out side of RetroDeck
Use Meld to view default/changed config files
Ensure to remove any personal data.
custom_systems for es-de
## Integrate to RetroDeck locally
Store the default config you create in
## Add emulator/system to ES-DE
Fork and clone the RetroDECK ES-DE [Repo](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK-ES-DE/fork)
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- Folders and Filepaths: wiki_development/general/folders-filepaths.md
- Start with Development (WIP): wiki_development/general/general-development.md
- Build Locally (WIP): wiki_development/general/build-locally.md
- Add System (WIP) ✚: wiki_development/general/add-system.md
- Testing 📝:
- How do I help out with testing?: wiki_development/testing/general-testing.md
- Release Candidate Testing: wiki_development/testing/release-candidate-testing.md
Reference in a new issue