# Guide: Ponzu (Legacy AppImage Loader)

<img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/ponzu.png" width="150">

Ponzu is an as-is function that is searching for user provided (Defunct) Citra and Yuzu AppImages and make them available (if possible) as emulators inside RetroDECK.

### Should this be seen as alternative official support for the removed emulators?

No, this is a tool to point towards those versions from RetroDECK and some parts to be used from within RetroDECK and the ES-DE Frontend.

RetroDECK will not provide any new: configs, bugfixes, improvements and support towards this function or the AppImages. If future updates breaks the AppImages it will probably not be fixed, this is a as-is solution.

## Where to put the AppImages

Ponzu is looking for the AppImages in the `retrodeck/ponzu/` directory (lowercase).

### Accepted filenames & versions

- Yuzu*.AppImage
- yuzu*.AppImage
- Citra*.AppImage
- citra*.Appimage
Where `*` means that there can be a combination of any character.

Only the last versions will work.

## How to:

- Create the `retrodeck/ponzu/` folder
- Put the AppImages in there
- Open RetroDECK and wait.
- When RetroDECK is loaded you can point towards the AppImages (if they still work)

## How to uninstall the emulators

- Open Configurator
- Navigate to RetroDECK Tools
- Run Ponzu - Remove Ponzu
- This removes the AppImages

Your saves and games will not be deleted, so if you decide to re-install them everything will be as you left, except for the configurations that they will reset as RetroDECK defaults.