# Dolphin Controls

## Gamecube Controls

The controls here are described as an Xbox Layout style controller.

|  Action                                    |    Button        |    Comment      |
| :---                                      | :---:           |         :---:   |
| A                             |   `A `          |                 |
| B                              |   `B`          |                 |
| X                              |   `X`          |                 |
| Y                              |   `Y`          |                 |
| Z                              |   `R2 or L2`          |                 |
| START                          |   `START`          |                 |
| Control Stick                   |   `Left Stick`          |                 |
| C Stick                   |   `Right Stick`          |                 |
| D-Pad Up                             |   `D-Pad Up`          |                 |
| D-Pad Down                               |   `D-Pad Down`          |                 |
| D-Pad Left                              |   `D-Pad Left`          |                 |
| D-Pad Right                               |   `D-Pad Right`          |                 |

## Wii - How do I use a Real Wii Remote with RetroDECK and Dolphin / Primehack?

To get a Wii Remote working on Dolphin / Primehack and Linux read more here in this in-depth guide:

[Wii Remote - Guide](../../wiki_controllers/nintendo/wii-remote.md)

## Wii Controls for Controllers

The controls here are described as an Xbox Layout style controller.

There are hotkeys in the Radial Menus to change the Wii Mote from Upright / Sidways.

|  Action                                    |    Button        |    Comment      |
| :---                                      | :---:           |         :---:   |
| A                              |   `A` or `Left Mouse Click`         |                 |
| B                              |   `B`         |                 |
| 1                              |   `Y`         |                 |
| 2                              |   `X`         |                 |
| -                              |   `Select`         |                 |
| +                              |   `Start`         |                 |
| C                              |   `R1`         |                 |
| Z                              |   `R2 or L2`         |                 |
| Shake Wii Mote                 |   `L1`         |                 |
| Shake Nunchuck                 |   `L1 + L2`         |                 |
| D-Pad Up                             |   `D-Pad Up`          |                 |
| D-Pad Down                               |   `D-Pad Down`          |                 |
| D-Pad Left                              |   `D-Pad Left`          |                 |
| D-Pad Right                               |   `D-Pad Right`          |                 |
| Home                   |   `R3`         |                 |

### Wii Motion - General Pointer Emulation

- Mouse movement is the general way to to get the pointer emulation.
- `Left Mouse Click`  that correspons to a press of the `A` button (as that one is the one mostly used for Wii games that are based around pointing as the primary button).
- That also means if you run RetroDECK on a computer you could also use your mouse.

#### External Controllers - Joystick as Temporary Mouse

For all external controllers without a touchpad (this can also be used for those with touchpad if wanted).

By holding `SELECT` and moving the `Right Joystick` you can use it as a mouse for various systems that uses mouse input.

| Function                 | Button / Combination|      Comment     |
| :---                    | :---:     |           :---:          |
| Joystick as Mouse        |  `SELECT + Right Stick`                       |  Cursor Movement  |
| Right Mouse Click       |  `SELECT + L3`          |                      |
| Left Mouse Click        |  `SELECT + R3`           |                  |

#### Steam Deck

| Function                 | Button / Combination     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                    |    :---:     |
| Right Touchpad         |             |               The entire touchpad acts a mouse   |
| Right Touchpad Press   |    `Left Mouse Click`  |                 |

The Steam Deck uses the `Right Touchpad` for mouse movement and `Wii Pointer` emulation, clicking on the Touchpad will produce a `Left Click` and send the press of the `A` button.

#### Dualshock 4 and DualSense

The touchpads acts as a mouse and can be used to navigate mouse based inputs and be used for Dolphin.

| Function                 | Button / Combination     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                    |    :---:     |
| Full Touchpad          |             |  The entire touchpad acts a mouse   |
| Right Touchpad Click         |  `Left Mouse Click`     |         |
| Left Touchpad Click         |  `Right Mouse Click`      |         |

#### Steam Controller - Gordon:

**You can use the general:**

Hold `SELECT` or `L4` and move the `Right Touchpad` while holding if you don't want to switch modes.

**Right Touchpad: Joystick Mode / Mouse Mode Switch**

By pressing `R4` you can switch the right touchpad between semi-permanent `Right Joystick Mode` or `Mouse Mode`.

| Function                 | Button / Combination  | Comment     |
| :---                    | :---:               |       :---:          |
| Touchpad as Mouse  / Joystick Switch      |  `R4`         | The entire touchpad acts a mouse or the right joystick    |
| Left Click - Mouse Mode       |  `R3`           |   `Left Click`            |     |

### Wii Motion - Tilt Emulation

Tilt emulation is made possible by holding the `L2` button and moving the `Right Joystick`.

|  Action                                    |    Button        |    Comment      |
| :---                                      | :---:           |         :---:   |
| Tilt Up                             |   `L2 + Right Joystick Up`          |                 |
| Tilt Down                               |   `L2 + Right Joystick Down`         |                 |
| Tilt Left                              |   `L2 + Right Joystick Left`        |                 |
| Tilt Right                               |   `L2 + Right Joystick Right`          |                 |