# FAQ: Documentation & Wiki <img src="../../wiki_images/logos/mkdocs-material-logo.svg" width="150"> <br> ## What is sudo? The command stands for "superuser do" and in the windows world it is called "run as administrator". Su in "sudo" refers to the "superuser" or in the windows called the "administrator". <br> ## Whats the meaning of the ~ character mean in documentation and examples? The tilde character ~ is the a short way of saying the logged in users home directory in the UNIX world.<br> So for example the Steam Deck:<br> `~ = /home/deck` Read more on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_directory) <br> ## Whats the meaning of the SA acronym in documentation and examples? SA means Standalone and the emulator is not inside RetroArch/LibRetro but a separate program launched within RetroDECK. <br> ## Whats the meaning of the CLI acronym in documentation and examples? CLI stands for command-line interface and is often refereed commands you can run in the the Linux Terminal <br>