# Compress games ## Compression function The function is called `/RetroDECK/functions/compression.sh` ## Compression targets reference list The reference list is located under: `/RetroDECK/emu-configs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/compression_targets.cfg` The config is populated with compression formats with within [] and what es-de folders that are targeted for the format compression. Each system can only have one format. Each new system has to be on a new line under it's compression format ### Example [chd] 3do amigacd32 [rvz] gc [zip] atari2600 - 3do and amigcd32 is converted to chd - gc is conrverted to rvz - atari2600 is converted to zip ## How to add new system to compress 1. Make sure the emulator supports the compression format and RetroDECK is using that version that supports it. 2. Add the es-de folder name to `compression_targets.cfg` to the compression format it supports.