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Add RetroDECK to Steam: wiki_general/add-to-steam.md - Supported Devices ๐บ: wiki_general/supported-devices.md - Supported Controllers ๐น๏ธ: wiki_general/supported-controllers.md - Change Controller Order: wiki_rd_controls/change-controller-order-steam.md - Different Button Prompts in Games โ: wiki_rd_controls/diffrent-game-inputs.md - Version History ๐: wiki_rd_versions/version-history.md - How to Contribute? โค๏ธ: wiki_community/contibute-rd.md - Bugs & Known Issues ๐: wiki_bugs/known-issues.md - FAQ โ: - Documentation & Wiki: wiki_faq/faq-documentation.md - Feature Requests: wiki_faq/faq-feature.md - ES-DE Frontend: wiki_faq/faq-esde.md - ES-DE Scraping: wiki_faq/faq-scraping.md - RetroDECK General: wiki_faq/faq-rd-general.md - RetroDECK Usage: wiki_faq/faq-rd-usage.md - Steam Deck: wiki_faq/faq-rd-steamdeck.md - Guides - RetroDECK Controls & Hotkeys ๐ฎ: - RetroDECK & Udev Rules: wiki_rd_controls/about-udev.md - Generic Standard - Hotkeys & Layout: wiki_rd_controls/hotkeys-generic-standard.md - Nintendo - Hotkeys & Layout: wiki_rd_controls/hotkeys-nintendo.md - Playstation - Hotkeys & Layout: wiki_rd_controls/hotkeys-playstation.md - Xbox - Hotkeys & Layout: wiki_rd_controls/hotkeys-xbox.md - Steam Deck - Hotkeys & Layout: wiki_rd_controls/hotkeys-steamdeck-neptune.md - Steam Deck - Gyro: wiki_rd_controls/gyro-steamdeck-neptune.md - Steam Controller - Hotkeys & Layout: wiki_rd_controls/hotkeys-steam-controller-gordon.md - RetroDECK - Simple Radial Menu: wiki_rd_controls/radial-simple.md - RetroDECK - Full Radial Menu: wiki_rd_controls/radial-steamdeck-full.md - Guides - RetroDECK Configurator ๐งฐ: - Configurator Features: wiki_configurator/configurator.md - Ponzu: wiki_configurator/ponzu.md - Guides - Files & Game Management ๐: - Game Compability Lists: wiki_management/compatibility-lists.md - Manage your BIOS/Firmware: wiki_management/bios-firmware.md - Manage your Multidisk/file games: wiki_management/multi-disk.md - Move RetroDECK to a new device: wiki_management/retrodeck-move.md - Scraping Game Media: wiki_management/about-scraping.md - Spreading Files over Multiple Drives: wiki_management/spread-files.md - Guides - Steam Deck ๐น๏ธ: - RetroDECK Installation and Updates: wiki_devices/steamdeck/steamdeck-start.md - Optimizations: wiki_devices/steamdeck/steamdeck-optimize.md - Recommended Software: wiki_devices/steamdeck/steamdeck-software.md - Steam Deck - Hotkeys & Layout: wiki_rd_controls/hotkeys-steamdeck-neptune.md - Steam Deck - Gyro: wiki_rd_controls/gyro-steamdeck-neptune.md - Guides - Linux Desktop ๐ง: - Installation and Updates: wiki_devices/linux_desktop/linux-install.md - Recommended Software: wiki_devices/linux_desktop/linux-software.md - Guides - ES-DE Frontend ๐ค: - ES-DE - User Guide: wiki_es_de/esde-guide.md - Themes: wiki_es_de/esde-themes.md - Guides - Engines ๐ ๏ธ: - GZDoom ๐น: - GZDoom - General Guide: wiki_engine_guides/gzdoom/gzdoom-guide.md - GZDoom - Controls Guide: wiki_engine_guides/gzdoom/gzdoom-controls.md - GZDoom - Get started on .doom files: wiki_engine_guides/gzdoom/retrodeck-doomfile.md - GZDoom - Get the WADs from bought games: wiki_engine_guides/gzdoom/extract-doom-wads.md - IkemenGO / M.U.G.E.N ๐ฅ: - IkemenGO - General Guide: wiki_engine_guides/ikemengo/ikemengo-guide.md - IkemenGO - M.U.G.E.N Convertion Guidelines: wiki_engine_guides/ikemengo/mugen-conversion.md - Pico-8 8๏ธโฃ: - Pico-8 - General Guide: wiki_engine_guides/pico8/pico8-guide.md - ScummVM ๐ฑ๏ธ: - ScummVM - General Guide: wiki_engine_guides/scummvm/scummvm-guide.md - Solarus ๐: - Solarus - General Guide: wiki_engine_guides/solarus/solarus-guide.md - OpenBOR ๐: - OpenBOR - General Guide: wiki_engine_guides/openbor/openbor-guide.md - Guides - Emulators ๐: - Cemu โฌ: - Cemu - General Guide (WIP): wiki_emulator_guides/cemu/cemu-guide.md - Dolphin / Primehack ๐ฌ: - General Guide (WIP): wiki_emulator_guides/dolphin-primehack/dolphin-primehack-guide.md - Mod Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/dolphin-primehack/dolphin-primehack-mod.md - Texture Pack Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/dolphin-primehack/dolphin-primehack-texture-pack.md - Duckstation ๐: - Duckstation - General Guide (WIP): wiki_emulator_guides/duckstation/duckstation-guide.md - Duckstation - Texture Pack Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/duckstation/duckstation-texture-pack.md - MAME ๐ฐ: - MAME - General Guide (WIP): wiki_emulator_guides/mame/mame-guide.md - melonDS ๐: - General Guide (WIP): wiki_emulator_guides/melonds/melonds-guide.md - PCSX2 2๏ธโฃ: - PCSX2 - General Guide (WIP): wiki_emulator_guides/pcsx2/pcsx2-guide.md - PCSX2 - Texture Pack Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/pcsx2/pcsx2-texture-pack.md - PPSSPP ๐บ: - PPSSPP - General Guide (WIP): wiki_emulator_guides/ppsspp/ppsspp-guide.md - PPSSPP - Texture Pack Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/ppsspp/ppsspp-texture-pack.md - RetroArch ๐พ: - RetroArch - General Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/retroarch/retroarch-guide.md - RetroArch - Cores with Rewind support: wiki_emulator_guides/retroarch/retroarch-rewind.md - Mesen Core - Texture Pack Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/retroarch/retroarch-mesen-texture-pack.md - Mupen64Plus-Next Core - Texture Pack Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/retroarch/retroarch-mupen64plus-texture-pack.md - RPCS3 3๏ธโฃ: - RPCS3 - General Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/rpcs3/rpcs3-guide.md - Ryujinx ๐ต: - Ryujinx - General Guide (WIP): wiki_emulator_guides/ryujinx/ryujinx-guide.md - Ryujinx - Mod Guide (WIP): wiki_emulator_guides/ryujinx/ryujinx-mod.md - Vita3K ๐ค: - Vita3K - General Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/vita3k/vita3k-guide.md - xemu โ๏ธ: - xemu - General Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/xemu/xemu-guide.md - The Controller Vault ๐ฎ: - Accessibility โฟ: - About Accessibility Controllers: wiki_controllers/accessibility/about-accessibility.md - Xbox Adaptive Controller: wiki_controllers/accessibility/xac.md - Arcade ๐น๏ธ: - About Arcade Controllers: wiki_controllers/arcade/about-arcade.md - Flight โ๏ธ: - About Flight Controllers: wiki_controllers/flight/about-flight.md - Generic ๐ฎ: - Generic Standard: wiki_controllers/generic/standard/generic-standard.md - Gimmick ๐คก: - About Gimmick Controllers: wiki_controllers/gimmick/about-gimmick.md - Buzz - Buzzers (WIP): wiki_controllers/gimmick/buzz-buzzers.md - Cycling Sports - Cyberbike (WIP): wiki_controllers/gimmick/cyberbike.md - Densha de Go! - Shinkansen Cockpit (WIP): wiki_controllers/gimmick/shinkansen-cockpit.md - Drawsome! - Tablet (WIP): wiki_controllers/gimmick/drawsome-tablet.md - EA - Active Heart Rate Monitor (WIP): wiki_controllers/gimmick/active-heart-rate-monitor.md - RIDE - Balance Board (WIP): wiki_controllers/gimmick/ride-balance-board.md - SEGA - Seamic Controller (WIP): wiki_controllers/gimmick/sega-seamic.md - Steel Battalion - Cockpit: wiki_controllers/gimmick/steel-battalion-cockpit.md - Udraw - Tablet (WIP): wiki_controllers/gimmick/udraw-tablet.md - Lightguns ๐ซ: - About Lightguns: wiki_controllers/lightgun/about-lightguns.md - AE Lightgun (WIP): wiki_controllers/lightgun/ae-lightgun.md - Aimtrak (WIP): wiki_controllers/lightgun/aimtrak.md - GUN4IR (WIP): wiki_controllers/lightgun/gun4ir.md - GunCon 1/2 (WIP): wiki_controllers/lightgun/guncon-1-2.md - GunCon 3 (WIP): wiki_controllers/lightgun/guncon-3.md - SAMCO (WIP): wiki_controllers/lightgun/samco.md - Sinden (WIP): wiki_controllers/lightgun/sinden.md - Wii Remote Gun (WIP): wiki_controllers/lightgun/wii-remote-gun.md - Music / Rhythm๐ต: - About Music / Rhythm Controllers: wiki_controllers/music/about-music.md - Dance Pads: wiki_controllers/music/dance-pads.md - DJ Hero - Turntable (WIP): wiki_controllers/music/dj-hero-turntable.md - DK Bongos: wiki_controllers/music/dk-bongos.md - Guitar Hero / Rockband - Button Guitars (WIP): wiki_controllers/music/guitar-rb-gh.md - Guitar Hero / Rockband - Drums (WIP): wiki_controllers/music/drums-rb-gh.md - Guitar Hero / Rockband - Microphone (WIP): wiki_controllers/music/microphone-rb-gh.md - Keyboardmania - Keyboard (WIP): wiki_controllers/music/keyboardmania-keyboard.md - Rockband - Keyboard (WIP): wiki_controllers/music/keyboard-rb.md - Singstar - Microphone (WIP): wiki_controllers/music/singstar-microphone.md - Taiko Drum & Bachi (WIP): wiki_controllers/music/taiko-drum-bachi.md - Nintendo: - Switch - Joy-Cons (WIP): wiki_controllers/nintendo/joycon.md - Switch - Ring Fit (WIP): wiki_controllers/nintendo/ring-fit.md - Wii U - Gamepad: wiki_controllers/nintendo/wiiu-gamepad.md - Wii - Wii Remote (Wiimote): wiki_controllers/nintendo/wii-remote.md - Wii - Wii Balance Board (WIP): wiki_controllers/nintendo/wii-balance-board.md - Gamecube - PC / WiiU Adapter: wiki_controllers/nintendo/gamecube-adapter.md - Playstation ๐ฎ: - Playstation 2 - EyeToy: wiki_controllers/playstation/eyetoy.md - Playstation 3 - DualShock 3: wiki_controllers/playstation/dualshock-3.md - Playstation 3 - Eye & Move: wiki_controllers/playstation/playstation-move.md - Playstation 4 - DualShock 4: wiki_controllers/playstation/dualshock-4.md - Playstation 5 - DualSense: wiki_controllers/playstation/dualsense.md - Playstation 5 - DualSense Edge: wiki_controllers/playstation/dualsense-edge.md - Racing ๐๏ธ: - About Racing Controllers: wiki_controllers/racing/about-racing.md - Steam/Valve ๐ฎ: - Steam Deck - Controller: wiki_controllers/steam/steamdeck-neptune.md - Steam - Steam Controller - Gordon: wiki_controllers/steam/steam-controller-gordon.md - Toys-to-life ๐งธ: - About Toys-to-life Controllers: wiki_controllers/toystolife/about-toys-to-life.md - Disney Infinity - Infinity Base (WIP): wiki_controllers/toystolife/disney-infinity-base.md - Kamen Rider Summonride - Summonrider Portal (WIP): wiki_controllers/toystolife/kamen-rider-summonrider-portal.md - LEGO Dimensions - LEGO ToyPad: wiki_controllers/toystolife/lego-toypad.md - Skylanders - Portal of Power (WIP): wiki_controllers/toystolife/skylanders-portal-of-power.md - Skylanders - Traptanium Portal (WIP): wiki_controllers/toystolife/skylanders-traptanium-portal.md - Xbox ๐ฎ: - Xbox 360 - Controller: wiki_controllers/xbox/xbox-360.md - Xbox 360 - Kinect V1: wiki_controllers/xbox/xbox-360-kinect.md - Xbox One - Kinect V2: wiki_controllers/xbox/xbox-one-kinect.md - Xbox One/S/X - Xbox Wireless Controller: wiki_controllers/xbox/xbox-wireless.md - Xbox S/X - Xbox Elite Series 2: wiki_controllers/xbox/xbox-wireless-elite.md - Xbox Adaptive Controller (WIP): wiki_controllers/accessibility/xac.md - Development ๐งช: - What are you working on?: wiki_development/general/what-are-you-working.on.md - Social Rules โค๏ธ: - Discord/Matrix: wiki_community/discord-matrix.md - Lemmy/Reddit: wiki_community/lemmy-reddit.md - Credits & Donations ๐: - Credits - RetroDECK Team: wiki_credits/credits-team.md - Credits - Additional: wiki_credits/credits-additional.md - Credits - Boot Logos: wiki_credits/credits-boot.md - Credits - Collaborators: wiki_credits/credits-collaborators.md - Credits - Translations: wiki_credits/credits-translation.md - Donations & Licenses ๐: wiki_credits/donations-licenses.md - Flatpak ๐ฆ: - About Flatpak: wiki_development/flatpak/retrodeck-flatpak.md - Functions โ๏ธ: - Easter Egg Splashes: wiki_development/functions/easter-egg-splashes.md - Compression: wiki_development/functions/compression.md - Creating Emulator/Engine Presets: wiki_development/functions/emulator-presets.md - General ๐๏ธ: - CLI Guide: wiki_development/general/cli-guide.md - Debug Mode: wiki_development/general/debug-mode.md - Folders and Filepaths: wiki_development/general/folders-filepaths.md - Start with Development (WIP): wiki_development/general/general-development.md - Build Locally (WIP): wiki_development/general/build-locally.md - Add System (WIP): wiki_development/general/add-system.md - Testing ๐: - Cooker Testing - FAQ: wiki_development/testing/faq-cooker.md - Cooker Testing - Guide: wiki_development/testing/cooker-testing.md - Expermental Features: wiki_development/testing/experimental-features.md - Archive ๐๏ธ: - Yuzu ๐ด (Archive): - Yuzu - General Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/yuzu/yuzu-guide.md - Yuzu - Mod Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/yuzu/yuzu-mod.md - Yuzu - Gyro Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/yuzu/yuzu-gyro.md - Citra ๐ (Archive): - Citra - General Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/citra/citra-guide.md - Citra - Mod Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/citra/citra-mod.md - Citra - Texture Pack Guide: wiki_emulator_guides/citra/citra-texture-pack.md