# Can I contribute to the project?

Yes! Everybody is welcome to contribute in any way possible if it is personal time or funds.

- Do you know how to code and want to contribute? Be part of the new developer helpers.

- Maybe you know graphics, art or UI & UX design? Join the creators corner.

- Know how to communicate? Help us populate the wiki or do community maintenance.

- Know how to provide support? You can just help by helping others and guide people on various communication platforms.

- Do you love early testing? You can help by finding bugs, issues and provide suggestions on cooker releases.

- Do you love experimenting and tweaking?  You can help us by finding and the best configurations for the emulators and engines.

- You can also choose do donate to the project over at [Donations & Licenses 🎁](../wiki_credits/donations-licenses.md).

## Any specific examples of what you need help with?

### Artist/Creators:

- Create new pixel art for the Radial menus.

- Create easter egg art for various holidays and functions.

- Create menu art for a new Configurator.

- Create input art that can be shown when you start a game.

- Create input art guides for the wiki for the Steam Deck and later various controllers.

- Create patch note and hype videos.

- Create instruction videos.

- Help us make RetroDECK better.

### Developers:

- Help us put in and make new features.

- Help us make the Configurator a godot application with full controller support.

- Help us get releases out faster.

- Help us make RetroDECK better.

- Help us make an ARM version down the line.

### Testers:

- Help us test cooker builds and submit bugs and feedback.
- Help us make RetroDECK better.

### Everyone:

- Be kind and follow the rules.

- Spread the word of RetroDECK if you like it, if you don't like it or have suggestions put them on github into issues or discuss them on discord.

- Engage with the rest of the community.

- Help us make RetroDECK better.