# RetroDECK 0.8.2b

**Release date:** 2024-07-17

There is a know issue about Ryujinx, please read more in the [Known Issues](../../wiki_bugs/known-issues.md) page.

### Thanks: Ryujinx Team - TSR Berry

We would like to thank TSR Berry of the Ryujinx Team for working with us and helping us making Ryujinx better in RetroDECK (and Linux) over the recent months.

TSR Berry is still hammering things out (related to the issue above), but Ryujinx should have a better handling of symlinks on Linux after TSR Berrys work is done. This will make everything in RetroDECK more clean with various subfolders and allow us do more things later on.

If you are using a standalone Ryujinx outside of RetroDECK this will also benefit you as you can use symlinks.

We hope to do a tiny update 0.8.3b when all the fixes are in.

## Updates

Everything was updated to their latest version where possible.

- Emulators
- Engines
- RetroArch: Stable Cores and Nightly Cores

## Framework upgrade

We upgraded KDE Framework to 6.7, the original plan was to do this during 0.9.0b but we manged to squeeze it in now thanks to new PR's in Dolphin and Primehack.

## RetroDECK Configurator


- A new `Empty ROMs folder removal` tool. This tools cleans up empty folders from `retrodeck/roms`. It's for those users that don't want to have a bunch of empty subfolders populating `retrodeck/roms` to keep it slim and clean for the games they play.
- A new `Rebuild removed ROMs folders` tool. It's for those users that did not want to have a bunch of empty folders populating `retrodeck/roms` and ran the `Empty ROMs folder removal` tool. But then realized after a long bit of pondering and regret that they still wanted them. Or it can be used by those users that accidentally deleted `retrodeck/roms` subfolders while moving files around (you know who you are).


- A problem with `.chd` compression that was introduced in 0.8.1b.
- A problem with multi-file compression tool that prevented some file types to be properly converted that was introduced in 0.8.1b.



- Added microphone blow input to R3 (this only works is some games).


- A problem with audio output on when docking and undocking.
- A problem with input for certain users, reset CEMU after the update and it should work if you got an issue.

## Dolphin


- Dolphin have implemented RetroAchievements, but we have not added autologin via the Configurator yet (it will come in a later update) as this was a last minute addition to 0.8.2b. But you can login manually by opening the Emulator via the Configurator and login via the achivemnets window under the tools menu.

[Read more here](https://dolphin-emu.org/blog/2024/07/15/unlocked-retroachievements-come-dolphin/)

## Duckstation


- Duckstation is now out of the rolling release, the build should be more stable now albeit we're still using tested nighties.

##  RetroDECK Framework / Backend:


- Enabled a self-hosted Gitea repo for disaster recovery.
- Added headless states for some functions (this will help to migrate to the Godot Configurator)


- An issue where second level subfolders inside retrodeck folder were not correctly placed, this caused errors on ES-DE as `themes` and `downloaded_media` folder could not be found after a reset or first install.