# Guide: GZDoom <img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/gzdoom-logo.png" width="150"> WIP ## Where to put the games Doom games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/doom/` directory. ## .doom folder ## File types - .wad - `Where's All the Data?` file - .iwad - `internal wad` - .pwad - `patch wad` have priority over iwad - .pk3 - is a `.zip` file archive - .ipk3 - `internal pk3` file - .pk4 - is a `.zip` file archive - .pk7 - is a `.7zip` file archive - .pke - is a `.zip` file archive made for the the Eternity Engine - .epk - is a `.zip` file archive made for the EDGE engine - .deh — `DeHackEd file`, edits hardcoded parts of the DOOM engine. - .bex — `Enhanced DeHackEd` file has more features then `.deh` and used by various ports. - .lev — A file that renames levels of a `.pwad` - .mus — `Music file` format of `DOOM`, `Heretic`, `Hexen` and `Strife` ## The RetroDECK DOOM Parser The Iwad parser will look for any of the CORE DOOM files that could be required to run a DOOM mod in the `/retrodeck/roms/doom/` directory.<br> We have not decided on the entire structure yet under `/retrodeck/roms/doom/` but you can follow our efforts on the Discord. Here is what files it is currently looking for: ``` IWAD_FILES=("DOOM1.WAD" "DOOM.WAD" "DOOM2.WAD" "DOOM2F.WAD" "DOOM64.WAD" "TNT.WAD" "PLUTONIA.WAD" "HERETIC1.WAD" "HERETIC.WAD" "HEXEN.WAD" "HEXDD.WAD" "STRIFE0.WAD" "STRIFE1.WAD" "VOICES.WAD" "CHEX.WAD" "CHEX3.WAD" "HACX.WAD" "freedoom1.wad" "freedoom2.wad" "freedm.wad" "doom_complete.pk3" ) ```