# RetroDECK v0.6.1b

**Release Date: 2023-02-21**

## New features:
* Added CLI option to run Configurator directly
* Added "--configure" option to RetroDECK CLI

## Updates:
* Yuzu updated to mainline-1301

## Fixes & adjustments:
* Adjusted Configuration window sizes
* Temporarily removed Ryjuinx as it was broken and had too many issues (will be added back in a future patch).
* Removed deprecated emulators from Configurator (eg. Legacy PCSX2)
* Made improvements to file-moving code
* Fixed Primehack preconfiguration and Configurator entry
* Fixed a bug where the hidden files were not moved during the directory preparation
* Fixed a bug where the symlinks were recursively placed inside the prepeared paths
* Fixed issue with missing symlink after RetroDECK base directory was moved somewhere else
* Fixed Duckstation preconfiguration