# RetroDECK v0.6.2b **Release Date: 2023-03-15** ## New features - General: - Persistent configurations when updating RetroDECK <br> (This means your custom configurations should be saved across future versions. We also laid groundwork for dynamic persistent configurations, more on that in a future update. This is the reason why it has taken quite long to fix this). - Added Primehack controller profiles for both Xbox and Nintendo button layouts - Added a warning when running RetroDECK in desktop mode that not all control inputs will work properly. It also comes with a "Never show again" button. - Added CLI for CHD compression (chdman) of single games - Reworked CLI commands and added safety "y/n" confirmations for the reset arguments. ## New features - RetroDECK Configurator: - The RetroDECK Configurator "toolbox" has a new structure for more easy access to various tools - The power user prompt has a "Never show again" button - Added tool to do CHD compression (chdman) of single games (multi-game batch compression coming in a future update) - Added tool to check for common BIOS files - Added tool to check for common multi-file game structure issues ## Bug fixes and other changes: - Fixed Primehack initial configuration as it was broken (will automatically reset the emulator just this once) - Fixed Duckstation initial configuration as it was broken (will require user-performed reset just this once) - Fixed Pico-8 initial configuration as it was broken. - Fixed Pico-8 dual bios folders. The program files `pico8_dyn`,`pico8.dat` and `pico8` have to be manually moved to the correct location`~/retrodeck/bios/pico-8/`. The old `~/retrodeck/bios/pico8/` is renamed `~/retrodeck/bios/pico8_olddata/` to avoid confusion on where to put files. After the files have moved the `pico8_olddata `folder can be deleted. - Fixed a bug that made the Dolphin RetroArch core not working properly (the standalone version of Dolphin always worked and is the default) - Various backend fixes ## Updates: - Updated all Emulators, RetroArch and libreretro cores. <br> (PLEASE NOTE! ES-DE was not updated to version 2.0, this will be done in the next major version of RetroDECK as we need more time to work on the new theme format).