# Singstar - Microphone

<img src="../../../wiki_images/controllers/singstar-microphone.png" width="250">

Used by the several games in the `Singstar` game series.

### Steam Input support

### Linux Kernel Support
Unknown, but you can use any microphone.

### Emulator usecase

### How to emulate

#### PCSX2 - Playstation 2

You need to have a `Microphone` connected or an `Integrated Microphone`.

- Open `RetroDECK Configurator`
- Open `PCSX2`
- Go to `Settings` -> `Controllers` -> Select `USB Port` -> Select `Singstar` from the Dropdown list -> Select the `Player 1 Device` of your connected `Microphone` from the Dropdown list.
- If you want 2 player you also map `Player 2 Device` to a different `Microphone`.