<img src="https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK-Wiki/blob/main/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_images/logos/rd-logo-box.png" width="500"> # RetroDECK Wiki ## Links [RetroDECK Wiki](https://retrodeck.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) [Discord](https://discord.gg/WDc5C9YWMx) ## Do you want to help to contribute to the wiki? Join the Discord and post in `💙-i-want-to-help` channel that you want to help out with the wiki. You will then get access to the `🖋-wiki-maintainers`channel by one of the mods and you can discuss with your fellow contributors in that channel. ## How to submit articles? You need to have git, gh and python installed. 1. Clone the wiki repo. 2. Install `pip install mkdocs-material` & `pip install mkdocs-rss-plugin` & `pip install mkdocs-video` 3. Navigate to the `/wiki-rtd/` directory where the `mkdocs.yml` is located. 4. Type in cli `mkdocs serve` to start the local webserver. 5. Browse to `` and you will have a local instance of the wiki running. 6. Submit and commit new wiki .md articles under the docs/ structure and wait for a wikimaintaners review to merge the commit. 7. Talk to `🖋-wiki-maintainers` before creating new subfolders under /docs