# RetroDECK Boot Splash / Logo <img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/rd-esde-logo.svg" width="300"> ## Main splash location The main retrodeck splash is located in: [res/splash.svg](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/blob/main/res/splash.svg) This is used at all times unless it is being overridden by the Easter Egg function. ## Easter Egg function The function is part of the [functions/functions.sh](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/blob/main/functions/functions.sh) shell script. The `easter_eggs()` function looks in the reference list and overrides the bootlogo with one of the .svg files from the referense list. Decription of the function: ``` easter_eggs() { # This function will replace the RetroDECK startup splash screen with a different image if the day and time match a listing in easter_egg_checklist.cfg # The easter_egg_checklist.cfg file has the current format: $start_date^$end_date^$start_time^$end_time^$splash_file # Ex. The line "1001^1031^0000^2359^spooky.svg" would show the file "spooky.svg" during any time of day in the month of October # The easter_egg_checklist.cfg is read in order, so lines higher in the file will have higher priority in the event of an overlap # USAGE: easter_eggs ``` The `easter_eggs()` function is as a part of the `start_retrodeck()` bootup function. ## Easter Egg reference list The reference list is located under: [emu-configs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/easter_egg_checklist.cfg](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/blob/main/emu-configs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/easter_egg_checklist.cfg) The config is populated with references with dates and time on when the easter egg splash should show up in the following format with `^` as seperators. Each new splash logo is added as a new line. ### Example `MMDD^MMDD^HHMM^HHMM^<rd-logoname-splash.svg>` The order is: - Start Date: MMDD - End Date: MMDD - Start Time: HHMM - End Time: HHMM - The `rd-logoname-splash.svg` should match the exact filename under [res/extra_splashes](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/tree/main/res/extra_splashes) ### Example rd-xmas-splash.svg The [res/extra_splashes/rd-xmas-splash.svg](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/blob/main/res/extra_splashes/rd-xmas-splash.svg) is the xmas splash screen. The xmas splash in the reference list `1201^1231^0000^2359^rd-xmas-splash.svg` It says that the logo: `rd-xmas-splash.svg` Should be displayed between: - The 1st December and 31 December - Within the time of 0000 to 2359 aka 24 hours. ## How to add a new splash logo 1. Get a hold of the logo in .svg format and it should have a transparent background. 2. Rename the logo so it matches the rd-logoname-splash.svg name so if as an example you want to add Easter name it: rd-easter-splash.svg 3. Put the logo in [extra_splashes](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/tree/main/res/extra_splashes) 4. Update the [easter_egg_checklist.cfg](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/blob/main/emu-configs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/easter_egg_checklist.cfg) with new information. 5. Change the date of your PC to when the logo is supposed to show up to make sure it is working. 6. Done