# Welcome to the RetroDECK wiki!

## 🏗️ This wiki is currently under construction 🏗️
Some articles are marked as WIP (Work in Progress).
Those can either be:
- Preparation articles for an upcoming update.
- They could also be articles we have not had the time to fully write yet.
## What is RetroDECK?
- [What is RetroDECK?](wiki_about/what-is-retrodeck.md)
- [What is included in RetroDECK?](wiki_about/what-is-included.md)
- [Supported Devices](wiki_general/supported-devices.md)
- [Supported Controllers](wiki_general/supported-controllers.md)
For even more information check out the other articles under the ``About 📜` ` section.
## Getting Started with RetroDECK
- [Guide: Getting Started](wiki_general/retrodeck-start.md)
For even more information check out the other articles under the `General Information 📰` section.
## The RetroDECK links
More information in the `Community & Helping Out ❤️` section
### Service Status
[Github - Status](https://www.githubstatus.com/)
[Flathub - Status](https://status.flathub.org/)