# Set Controller Order in Steam

<img src="../../wiki_images/steam/steam-controller-order.png" width="300">:

## Steam on Linux Desktop

1. Launch `RetroDECK`
2. Tab back to Steam and press the `Controller Icon 🎮` (this only shows up when a controller is connected).
3. Press the `Reorder Controllers` button (this only shows up when a game is running and multiple controllers are connected).
4. Set the controller order to what you want.
5. Go back to `RetroDECK` and continue playing.

## Steam Deck in Gamemode

1. Launch `RetroDECK`
2. Press the `STEAM` button.
3. Go to `Controller Settings` and press `Controller Settings`
4. Press the `Reorder Controllers` button (this only shows up when a game is running and multiple controllers are connected).
5. Set the controller order to what you want.
6. Go back to `RetroDECK` and continue playing.