# How to: Get WADs from your bought copies of DOOM <img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/gzdoom-logo.png" width="150"> ## Where are the base core iwads? ### Steam DOOM 2: - `Steam/steamapps/common/Doom 2/masterbase/doom2/` - `Steam/steamapps/common/Doom 2/masterbase/master/wads/` - `Steam/steamapps/common/Doom 2/masterbase/Doom 2/masterbase/doom2/` DOOM 1: `DOOM.WAD` - `Steam/steamapps/common/Ultimate Doom/base/` ## Where are the Official Addons wads? [Doom Wiki - Official Addons](https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Official_add-ons) ### Prerequisite: Download the Official Addons 🛑 DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE ADDONS FOR BOTH DOOM AND DOOM 2 🛑 You first need to download the addons from within the 2022 `Unity Versions` of either `DOOM 2` or `DOOM 1993`. Launch either of the titles and go from the `Main Menu` into the `Addons Menu` Download them all. ### GOG Location WIP ### Steam Location **DOOM 2:** Steam: `Steam/steamapps/compatdata/2300/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/id Software/DOOM 2/WADs/` **DOOM 1:** Steam: `Steam/steamapps/compatdata/2280/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/id Software/DOOM Classic/WADs/` #### Flatpak steamapps/ location If you got the Flatpak version of Steam the Links the `Steam/steamapps/` folder is located in:<br> `home/<username>/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/` ## Addon List | Name | Creator | WAD name | ADDON ID | | :--- | :--- | :---: | :---: | | Anomaly Report | Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) | `AR.WAD` | `16` | | Arrival | Walker Wright (Pavera) and Brayden Hart (AD_79) | `ARRIVAL.WAD` | `15` | | Base Ganymede | Adam Woodmansey (Khorus) | `BGCOMP.WAD` | `18` | | BTSX Episode 1 | Esselfortium et al. | `BTSX_E1.WAD` | `8` | | BTSX Episode 2 | Esselfortium et al. | `BTSX_E2.WAD` | `9` | | Deathless | James Paddock | `DEATHLESS.WAD` | `7` | | Doom Zero | Christopher Golden (DASI-I) | `DOOMZERO.WAD` | `11` | | Double Impact | Ralphis & RottKing | `DBIMPACT.WAD` | `5` | | Earthless: Prelude | James Paddock & Fuzzball | `EARTHLESS_PR.WAD` | `13` | | Harmony | Thomas van der Velden, James Paddock | `HARM1.WAD` | `17` | | No End In Sight | Emil Brundage, Christopher Lutz, Xaser | `NEIS.WAD` | `6` | | No Rest for the Living | Nerve Software | `NERVE.WAD` | `3` | | The Plutonia Experiment | Dario Casali & Milo Casali | `PLUTONIA.WAD` | `2` | | REKKR | Matthew Little (Revae) et al. | `REKKR.WAD` | `10` | | Revolution! | Thomas van der Velden; MIDI pack contributors | `TVR!.WAD` | `14` | | Scientist | Roland van der Velden | `SCI.WAD` | `19` | | SIGIL | Romero Games | `SIGIL.WAD` | `4` | | SIGIL II | Romero Games | `SIGILII.WAD` | `21` | | Syringe | Pavera, Tarnsman, Marcaek, & Xaser | `SYRINGE.WAD` | `12` | | TNT: Evilution | Team TNT | `TNT.WAD` | `1` | | The Troopers' Playground | Matthias Worch | `TTP.WAD` | `20` | ### How to extract them? Each file is located in the `WADs/` folder from the step above with an ID number that you can check on the list. #### Example: Sigil Sigil has the ID of `4` and is then located in the `/WADs/4/` folder. Within that folder there are images and also a file without an extension just called `4`. That `4` file is the `SIGIL.WAD` file. All you need to do is copy the ``/WADs/4/4` file to `retrodeck/roms/doom` then rename it `SIGIL.WAD`. ## Extra: Windows tips If you want to move the WADs from a Windows installations instead you can use this software: [Unity Doom Ripper](https://github.com/kevansevans/Unity-Doom-Ripper) The WADs are located in `My Documents\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM 2\WADs\` or `My Documents\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM Classic\WADs\` Then just transfer them with a USB Stick or another way to your Linux machine.