# Getting started <img src="../../wiki_icons/pixelitos/retrodeck.png" width="50"> ## Step 0: Prerequisites This is a guide on how to get started with RetroDECK ### What do I need? You need to meet the following prerequisites before you start following this guide: * You need to have a device to install RetroDECK on. * Have related BIOS & Firmware ready * Have game backups of various formats ready that you want to play ## Step 1: Installation & Configuration Only install RetroDECK from the official channels via Flathub! ### Steam Deck - Installation Read and follow the following guide [Steam Deck - Installation and Updates](../wiki_devices/steamdeck/steamdeck-start.md) ### Linux Desktop - Installation Read and follow the: [Linux Desktop - Installation and Updates](../wiki_devices/linux_desktop/linux-install.md) ### Other SteamOS / Linux gaming devices - Installation (more information later) ## Step 2: BIOS & Firmware **NOTE:** On the Steam Deck this step needs to be done in Desktop Mode ### Information Read up on [Manage your BIOS/Firmware](../wiki_management/bios-firmware.md) * The BIOS & Firmware files go into the `~/retrodeck/bios/` directory **Example:** You have a BIOS for the PSX called `exampleBIOSPSX.bin`, you just put that file into the `~/retrodeck/bios/` folder. ## Step 3: ROMs **NOTE:** On the Steam Deck this step needs to be done in Desktop Mode ### On ROMs Rom files needs to be put in their corresponding system directory inside the `roms` folder. Note that the `roms` folder location can be different depending on where you choose to put it during the installation process. The following options are available during the installation: #### **Choice: Internal** If during the installation of RetroDECK you choose the Internal option for the roms folder: The roms folder is:`~/retrodeck/roms/` #### **Choice: SDCard** If during the installation of RetroDECK you choose the SDCard option for the roms folder: The roms folder is: `<sdcard>/retrodeck/roms/` (Please note that the `<sdcard>` is an example and not called so inside your Linux/SteamOS system but rather your unique per SDCard ID number). #### **Choice: Custom** If during the installation of RetroDECK you choose the Custom option for the roms folder:<br> The roms folder wherever you choose. ### Let us get started on ROMs/Games: Read up on `RetroDECK Management 🗜️` section of this wiki. * Put the corresponding roms inside the corresponding system folder **Example:** You have an example NES game called `ExampleNESGame.nes` You must put that game into the `/retrodeck/roms/nes` folder. ## Step 4: Playing the Games ### Steam Deck - Gamemode Return to gamemode on the Steam Deck and start up RetroDECK. Now the systems you put rom files for should be shown and be able to be played. **Example:** The NES column should now be shown with our `ExampleNESGame.nes` from `Step 3` ### Linux Desktop Start up RetroDECK from Steam. Now the systems you put rom files for should be shown and be able to be played. **Example:** The NES column should now be shown with our `ExampleNESGame.nes` from `Step 3` ## Step 5: Making the games "pretty" with videos, images, and art. Do the following: 1. Make an account on [Screenscraper](https://www.screenscraper.fr/) 2. Read up on scraping and the various settings that exist for it in the [ES-DE User Guide](../wiki_es_de/esde-guide.md) 3. Login to your screenscraper account inside RetroDECK. 4. Setup the scraping how you want it. 5. Start scraping. 6. Look at your nice pretty games. ## Step 6: ES-DE Themes You can download more themes for ES-DE's frontend with the built-in theme downloader you can find it in: `UI Settings - Theme Downloader` Switch between them and in: `UI Settings - Theme Set`