# Solarus - General Guide

<img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/solarus-logo.svg" width="150">

Solarus is an open-source adventure game engine.

### Solarus Links:

[Solarus Community](https://www.solarus-games.org/community/)

[Solarus Docs](https://docs.solarus-games.org/)

[Solarus Gitlab](https://gitlab.com/solarus-games/)

[Solarus Web page](https://www.solarus-games.org/)

## Where to put the games
Solarus games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/solarus/` directory.

## Does Solarus require BIOS or Firmware?

## What file format is supported?


## Solarus TIPS

- Each game is its own self-contained game, and no overarching settings exist.
- Some games don't autostart in Fullscreen so you need to either `Select + West (X, Square)` or press ` CTRL + Enter`  or ` Alt + Enter`
- To quit games you need to press `Escape` that exists on in the radial menu system for the controllers.