# RetroDECK: What's included?

What follows is a list of features and software currently included in RetroDECK

## Features

### The RetroDECK Configurator

Is a powerful Utility that can be used to change/modify and manipulate various aspects of RetroDECK using the `RetroDECK Framework` more information in the `RetroDECK Configurator 🛠️` section.

## ES-DE Frontend

ES-DE is the base frontend for RetroDECK.

RetroDECK comes with specific tweaks to the ES-DE standard setup to enable RetroDECK unique functions like the `RetroDECK Framework` and `RetroDECK Configurator`.

## Emulators

The emulators are the software that runs the retro games.

### Multi-Emulators

#### RetroArch

RetroDECK ships will all cores under the stable branch of RetroArch.

If there is no stable version of a core the nightly version will be used instead.

### Standalone Emulators

The following standalone emulators are currently included:

- Cemu (WiiU)
- Citra (3DS)
- Dolphin (GameCube/Wii)
- Duckstation (PSX)
- MelondDS (DS)
- PCSX2 (PS2)
- Primehack (Metroid Prime - Dolphin Fork)
- RPCS3 (PS3)
- Xemu (XBOX)
- Yuzu (Switch)

## RetroDECK: Included ES-DE Themes

RetroDECK includes the following themes.


More themes can be easily be added, check: `EmulationStation-DE Guide 📘` - `ES-DE Themes` for details.

### Art Book Next

| System View | Gamelist View |
| ![rd-theme-ArtBookNext-SystemView](https://gitlab.com/es-de/themes/themes-list/-/raw/master/screenshots/art-book-next-es-de/art-book-next-es-de_01.jpg) | ![rd-theme-ArtBookNext-GamelistView](https://gitlab.com/es-de/themes/themes-list/-/raw/master/screenshots/art-book-next-es-de/art-book-next-es-de_04.jpg) |

### Slate

| System View | Gamelist View |
| ![rd-theme-ArtBookNext-SystemView](https://gitlab.com/es-de/themes/themes-list/-/raw/master/screenshots/slate-es-de/slate-es-de_01.jpg) | ![rd-theme-ArtBookNext-GamelistView](https://gitlab.com/es-de/themes/themes-list/-/raw/master/screenshots/slate-es-de/slate-es-de_04.jpg) |

### Modern

| System View | Gamelist View |
| ![rd-theme-ArtBookNext-SystemView](https://gitlab.com/es-de/themes/themes-list/-/raw/master/screenshots/modern-es-de/modern-es-de_01.jpg) | ![rd-theme-ArtBookNext-GamelistView](https://gitlab.com/es-de/themes/themes-list/-/raw/master/screenshots/modern-es-de/modern-es-de_02.jpg) |

## Missing Features

We plan to add more emulators, engines, systems, and functions over the course of the development cycle.

We do not have any plans to ship all emulators, engines, or systems in existence for each game system or console. The goal is to ship those that handle that system the best with the most features.

For the latest things The RetroDECK Team is working on check:

`General Information 📰` - `What are you working on?` and `Version History (Patchnotes)`