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# Welcome to the RetroDECK wiki!


## 🏗️ This wiki is currently under construction 🏗️**<br>
Some articles are marked as WIP (Work in Progress).

Those can either be:

- Preparation articles for an upcoming update
- They could also be articles we have not had the time to fully write yet.

### Do you want to help to contribute to the wiki?

Join the [Discord](https://discord.gg/Dz3szYsP8g) and post in `💙-i-want-to-help` channel that you want to help out with the wiki.<br>
You will then get access to the `🖋-wiki-maintainers`channel by one of the mods and you can discuss with your fellow contributors in that channel.

## Start using RetroDECK

Begin by checking the following articles:

- [What is RetroDECK?](wiki_general/what-is-retrodeck.md)
- [What is included in RetroDECK?](wiki_general/what-is-included.md)
- [Supported Devices](wiki_general/supported-devices.md)
- [About the BETA Period](wiki_general/beta-period.md)
- [Getting Started](wiki_general/retrodeck-start.md)

## The RetroDECK community

### Other links
[Website](https://retrodeck.net) <br/>
[Github](https://github.com/XargonWan/) <br/>