# Lightguns Controllers Lightguns are special type of controllers use to play lightgun games is a broad category that encompasses the vast majority of first / third party controllers, DIY and open source projects. ## Sinden <img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-sinden.png" width="250"> [Sinden Website](https://sindenlightgun.com/) ### How to configure? WIP ## GUN4IR <img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-gun4ir.png" width="200"> The GUN4IR uses LED point strips around your display and allows you to rebuild existing lightguns or toyguns into the GUN4IR system. <br> - A configuration software with a valid license is required that be bought from the website (or come with a GUN4IR total system purchase) - The software is as of this date Windows only, you will need to connect the Windows device to the display you want to use. - The calibration and firmware updates can be done in Windows on the display you want to play on. - After the calibrtion you can unplug the device and use it in Linux (but not RetroDECK yet). [GUN4IR Website](https://www.gun4ir.com/) ### How to configure? WIP ## AE Light Gun <img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-aelightgun.png" width="250"> [AE Light Gun Website](https://www.aelightgun.com/) ### How to configure? WIP ## AimTrak <img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-aimtrak.png" width="250"> ### How to configure? WIP ## SAMCO - Arduino Powered IR Light Gun <img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon1.png" width="250"> SAMCO is a way to rebuild old Namco GunCon's with Arduino to a IR Light Gun that works with modern displays. [The SAMCO Project Github](https://github.com/samuelballantyne/IR-Light-Gun) ### How to configure? WIP ## GunCon or G-Con <img src="../../wiki_images/logos/guncon-logo.png" width="250"> The GunCon, known as the G-Con in Europe, is a family of gun peripherals designed by Namco for the PlayStation consoles. ### ConCon 1 and 2 <img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon1.png" width="250"> <img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon2.png" width="250"> The version one and two of the GunCon only works on CRT displays. #### How to configure? WIP ### GunCon 3 <img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon3.png" width="250"> The version three for the Playstation 3 works with some modern displays. #### How to configure? WIP ## Wii Remote Gun <img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-wiigun.png" width="250"> ### How to configure? WIP