<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <component type="desktop"> <id>org.ppsspp.PPSSPP</id> <name>PPSSPP</name> <summary>A PlayStation Portable emulator</summary> <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license> <project_license>GPL-2.0</project_license> <description> <p> PPSSPP is a PSP emulator that can run games full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures that would otherwise be too blurry as they were made for the small screen of the original PSP. </p> </description> <url type="homepage">http://www.ppsspp.org/</url> <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/issues</url> <screenshots> <screenshot type="default">https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flathub/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/master/screenshots/1.png</screenshot> <screenshot>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flathub/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/master/screenshots/2.png</screenshot> <screenshot>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flathub/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/master/screenshots/3.png</screenshot> <screenshot>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flathub/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/master/screenshots/4.png</screenshot> </screenshots> <releases> <release version="1.11.3" date="2021-06-10"> <description> <p>What's new in 1.11.3:</p> <ul> <li>Fix for graphics glitches in the on-screen keyboard</li> </ul> </description> </release> <release version="1.11.2" date="2021-02-14"> <description> <p>What's new in 1.11.2:</p> <ul> <li>An additional few crash fixes(#14129, #14134, #14132)</li> </ul> </description> </release> <release version="1.11.1" date="2021-02-11"> <description> <p>What's new in 1.11.1:</p> <ul> <li>A few crash fixes (#14085, #14089, #14091, #14092), a few adhoc fixes</li> <li>Glitchy menu audio on some devices (#14101), in-game UI font memory leak (#14078)</li> <li>Couple of adhoc fixes (#14106, #14117)</li> </ul> </description> </release> <release version="1.11.0" date="2021-02-07"> <description> <p>What's new in 1.11.0:</p> <ul> <li>Lots of minor bug fixes, crash fixes, and performance fixes and improvements.</li> <li>New Browse... button to allow opening SD cards on Android 11</li> <li>Countless AdHoc networking fixes by ANR2ME, for example Dragon Ball Shin Budokai, PowerStone, Bleach Heat The Soul 7, Kingdom Hearts, GTA: VCS and many more.</li> <li>Graphics issue with car reflections fixed in Outrun, Dirt 2 (#13636, #13640, #13760)</li> <li>Cut-off cards in Yu Gi Oh fixed (#7124).</li> <li>Numerous fixes to the builtin fonts by nassau-tk</li> <li>Added exception handler so PPSSPP stays alive if a game crashes (#11795/#13092)</li> <li>Desktop: Support for multiple instance multiplayer (#13172, ...)</li> <li>Workaround for rendering bugs with flat shading in iOS 14</li> <li>Multiple fixes to the IR interpreter (#13897, ...)</li> <li>UI: New fullscreen button on desktop platforms, optional navigation sounds (#13239)</li> <li>Audio and multiple hangs fixes in UWP version (#13792, ...)</li> <li>Partial microphone support (#12336, ...)</li> <li>Workaround for wacky action mirroring bug in Hitman Reborn Battle Arena 2 (#13706, #13526)</li> <li>Hardware texture upscaling for Vulkan, mipmap generation (#13235, #13514)</li> <li>Added MMPX Vulkan texture upscaling shader (#13986)</li> <li>Depth texturing support in Vulkan and D3D11 (#13262, #13556, ...)</li> <li>Performance fix for Test Drive Unlimited (#13355, ...)</li> <li>Allow rewind on mobile (#13866)</li> <li>Added option to disable on-screen messages (#13695)</li> <li>Added "Lower resolution for effects" on libretro (#13654)</li> <li>Allow chaining multiple post-processing shaders (#12924)</li> <li>Support for loading game-specific plugins (#13335)</li> <li>Fixed Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines Save issue on Android (#12761)</li> <li>Hanayaka Nari Wa ga Ichizoku: mono voices fixed (#5213)</li> <li>Additional fixed games:</li> <li>Namco Museum - Battle Collection, Vol 2 ([#9523], [#13297], [#13298])</li> <li>Dream Club Portable (graphics bugs, GL and Vulkan) ([#6025])</li> <li>Xyanide Resurrection (freezing) ([#8526])</li> <li>Dissidia Final Fantasy Chinese (patched game, invalid address) ([#13204])</li> <li>Crazy Taxi ([#13368])</li> <li>Spiderman: Friend or Foe ([#13969])</li> <li>Downstream Panic (US) (New Game crash) ([#13633])</li> </ul> </description> </release> <release version="1.10.0" date="2020-06-27"/> <release version="1.9.4" date="2019-10-16"/> <release version="1.8.0" date="2019-03-14"/> <release version="1.7.5" date="2018-12-05"/> <release version="1.7.2" date="2018-11-03"/> <release version="1.7.1" date="2018-11-01"/> <release version="1.6.3" date="2018-06-05"/> <release version="1.6.1" date="2018-05-30"> <description> <p>Fix various crashes.</p> </description> </release> <release version="1.6" date="2018-05-26"> <description> <p>What's new in 1.6</p> <ul> <li>OpenGL backend now properly multithreaded, giving a good speed boost.</li> <li>Various Vulkan performance improvements and memory allocation fixes.</li> <li>GPU command interpreter performance improvements</li> <li>Bugfixes and some performance improvements in the ARM64 JIT compiler and IR interpreter</li> <li>Shader cache enabled for Vulkan</li> <li>Texture replacement ID bugfix (note: some textures from 1.5.4 may become incompatible)</li> <li>Adhoc multiplayer fixes</li> <li>Vulkan support on Linux/SDL</li> </ul> </description> </release> <release version="1.5.4" date="2017-12-05"/> <release version="1.5.1" date="2017-11-29"> <description> <p>1.5 has support for Vulkan, the new faster way to draw graphics. Supported on many modern Android devices, and if enabled (change Backend in Graphics settings) you will see a massive speed boost. PPSSPP 1.5 also has the usual assortment of fixes:</p> <ul> <li>Full Vulkan support, also for Android now. Very fast on supported devices. (#10033, #10049)</li> <li>Smarter graphics state management, reduced CPU consumption on all backends (#9899)</li> <li>Android: Support for Arabic and other scripts we couldn't support before</li> <li>Fixes to video dumping</li> <li>Fix Android widgets, screen scaling (#10145)</li> <li>Geometry problems fixed in Medal of Honor</li> <li>Implement immediate draws, fixing Thrillville (#7459)</li> <li>Software rendering improvements, speed and accuracy</li> <li>Partial sceUsbGps and sceUsbCam support (Android)</li> <li>Hardware tesselation of PSP Beziers and Splines (used by a few games)</li> <li>Android "Sustained performance mode" to avoid thermal throttling (#9901)</li> <li>Linux controller mapping fixes (#9997)</li> <li>Assorted bugfixes and compatibility improvements</li> </ul> </description> </release> </releases> <content_rating type="oars-1.1" /> <update_contact>b@bpiotrowski.pl</update_contact> </component>