mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 04:15:39 +00:00
dep/reshadefx: Update to 7bdfb03
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
DisplayDepth by CeeJay.dk (with many updates and additions by the Reshade community)
Visualizes the depth buffer. The distance of pixels determine their brightness.
Close objects are dark. Far away objects are bright.
Use this to configure the depth input preprocessor definitions (RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_*).
#include "ReShade.fxh"
// -- Basic options --
#define TEXT_UPSIDE_DOWN "1"
#define TEXT_UPSIDE_DOWN "0"
#define TEXT_REVERSED "1"
#define TEXT_REVERSED "0"
// "ui_text" was introduced in ReShade 4.5, so cannot show instructions in older versions
uniform int iUIPresentType <
ui_label = "Present type";
ui_label_ja_jp = "画面効果";
ui_type = "combo";
ui_items = "Depth map\0Normal map\0Show both (Vertical 50/50)\0";
ui_items_ja_jp = "深度マップ\0法線マップ\0両方を表示 (左右分割)\0";
#if __RESHADE__ < 40500
ui_tooltip =
ui_text =
"The right settings need to be set in the dialog that opens after clicking the \"Edit global preprocessor definitions\" button above.\n"
"If the Depth map is shown upside down set it to " TEXT_UPSIDE_DOWN_ALTER ".\n"
"If close objects in the Depth map are bright and far ones are dark set it to " TEXT_REVERSED_ALTER ".\n"
"Also try this if you can see the normals, but the depth view is all black.\n"
"If the Normal map has banding artifacts (extra stripes) set it to " TEXT_LOGARITHMIC_ALTER ".";
ui_text_ja_jp =
"Adjust Depthアドオンのインストールを検出しました。\n"
"深度マップが上下逆さまに表示されている場合は" TEXT_UPSIDE_DOWN_ALTER "に変更して下さい。\n"
"画面効果が深度マップのとき、近くの形状がより白く、遠くの形状がより黒い場合は" TEXT_REVERSED_ALTER "に変更して下さい。\n"
"画面効果に実際のレンダリングと合致しない縞模様がある場合は" TEXT_LOGARITHMIC_ALTER "に変更して下さい。";
ui_tooltip_ja_jp =
"'両方を表示 (左右分割)'が選択された場合は、左に法線マップ、右に深度マップを表示します。";
> = 2;
uniform bool bUIShowOffset <
ui_label = "Blend Depth map into the image (to help with finding the right offset)";
ui_label_ja_jp = "透かし比較";
ui_tooltip_ja_jp = "補正作業を支援するために、画面効果を半透過で適用します。";
> = false;
uniform bool bUIUseLivePreview <
ui_category = "Preview settings";
ui_category_ja_jp = "基本的な補正";
#if __RESHADE__ <= 50902
ui_category_closed = true;
ui_category_toggle = true;
ui_label = "Show live preview and ignore preprocessor definitions";
ui_label_ja_jp = "プリプロセッサの定義を無視 (補正プレビューをオン)";
ui_tooltip = "Enable this to preview with the current preset settings instead of the global preprocessor settings.";
ui_tooltip_ja_jp =
> = false;
#if __RESHADE__ <= 50902
uniform int iUIUpsideDown <
uniform bool iUIUpsideDown <
ui_category = "Preview settings";
ui_label = "Upside Down";
ui_label_ja_jp = "深度バッファの上下反転を修正";
#if __RESHADE__ <= 50902
ui_type = "combo";
ui_items = "Off\0On\0";
ui_text_ja_jp =
ui_tooltip_ja_jp =
#if __RESHADE__ <= 50902
uniform int iUIReversed <
uniform bool iUIReversed <
ui_category = "Preview settings";
ui_label = "Reversed";
ui_label_ja_jp = "深度バッファの奥行反転を修正";
#if __RESHADE__ <= 50902
ui_type = "combo";
ui_items = "Off\0On\0";
ui_tooltip_ja_jp =
#if __RESHADE__ <= 50902
uniform int iUILogarithmic <
uniform bool iUILogarithmic <
ui_category = "Preview settings";
ui_label = "Logarithmic";
ui_label_ja_jp = "深度バッファを対数分布として扱うように修正";
#if __RESHADE__ <= 50902
ui_type = "combo";
ui_items = "Off\0On\0";
ui_tooltip = "Change this setting if the displayed surface normals have stripes in them.";
ui_tooltip_ja_jp =
// -- Advanced options --
uniform float2 fUIScale <
ui_category = "Preview settings";
ui_label = "Scale";
ui_label_ja_jp = "拡大率";
ui_type = "drag";
ui_text =
" * Advanced options\n"
"The following settings also need to be set using \"Edit global preprocessor definitions\" above in order to take effect.\n"
"You can preview how they will affect the Depth map using the controls below.\n"
"It is rarely necessary to change these though, as their defaults fit almost all games.\n\n";
ui_text_ja_jp =
" * その他の補正 (不定形またはその他)\n"
ui_tooltip =
"Best use 'Present type'->'Depth map' and enable 'Offset' in the options below to set the scale.\n"
"Use these values for:\nRESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_X_SCALE=<left value>\nRESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_Y_SCALE=<right value>\n"
"If you know the right resolution of the games depth buffer then this scale value is simply the ratio\n"
"between the correct resolution and the resolution Reshade thinks it is.\n"
"For example:\n"
"If it thinks the resolution is 1920 x 1080, but it's really 1280 x 720 then the right scale is (1.5 , 1.5)\n"
"because 1920 / 1280 is 1.5 and 1080 / 720 is also 1.5, so 1.5 is the right scale for both the x and the y";
ui_tooltip_ja_jp =
ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 2.0;
ui_step = 0.001;
uniform int2 iUIOffset <
ui_category = "Preview settings";
ui_label = "Offset";
ui_label_ja_jp = "位置オフセット";
ui_type = "slider";
ui_tooltip =
"Best use 'Present type'->'Depth map' and enable 'Offset' in the options below to set the offset in pixels.\n"
"Use these values for:\nRESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_X_PIXEL_OFFSET=<left value>\nRESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_Y_PIXEL_OFFSET=<right value>";
ui_tooltip_ja_jp =
ui_step = 1;
uniform float fUIFarPlane <
ui_category = "Preview settings";
ui_label = "Far Plane";
ui_label_ja_jp = "遠点距離";
ui_type = "drag";
ui_tooltip =
"Changing this value is not necessary in most cases.";
ui_tooltip_ja_jp =
ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1000.0;
ui_step = 0.1;
uniform float fUIDepthMultiplier <
ui_category = "Preview settings";
ui_label = "Multiplier";
ui_label_ja_jp = "深度乗数";
ui_type = "drag";
ui_tooltip = "RESHADE_DEPTH_MULTIPLIER=<value>";
ui_tooltip_ja_jp =
ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1000.0;
ui_step = 0.001;
float GetLinearizedDepth(float2 texcoord)
if (!bUIUseLivePreview)
return ReShade::GetLinearizedDepth(texcoord);
texcoord.y = 1.0 - texcoord.y;
texcoord.x /= fUIScale.x; // RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_X_SCALE
texcoord.y /= fUIScale.y; // RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_Y_SCALE
float depth = tex2Dlod(ReShade::DepthBuffer, float4(texcoord, 0, 0)).x * fUIDepthMultiplier;
const float C = 0.01;
depth = (exp(depth * log(C + 1.0)) - 1.0) / C;
depth = 1.0 - depth;
const float N = 1.0;
depth /= fUIFarPlane - depth * (fUIFarPlane - N);
return depth;
float3 GetScreenSpaceNormal(float2 texcoord)
float3 offset = float3(BUFFER_PIXEL_SIZE, 0.0);
float2 posCenter = texcoord.xy;
float2 posNorth = posCenter - offset.zy;
float2 posEast = posCenter + offset.xz;
float3 vertCenter = float3(posCenter - 0.5, 1) * GetLinearizedDepth(posCenter);
float3 vertNorth = float3(posNorth - 0.5, 1) * GetLinearizedDepth(posNorth);
float3 vertEast = float3(posEast - 0.5, 1) * GetLinearizedDepth(posEast);
return normalize(cross(vertCenter - vertNorth, vertCenter - vertEast)) * 0.5 + 0.5;
void PS_DisplayDepth(in float4 position : SV_Position, in float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD, out float3 color : SV_Target)
float3 depth = GetLinearizedDepth(texcoord).xxx;
float3 normal = GetScreenSpaceNormal(texcoord);
// Ordered dithering
#if 1
const float dither_bit = 8.0; // Number of bits per channel. Should be 8 for most monitors.
// Calculate grid position
float grid_position = frac(dot(texcoord, (BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE * float2(1.0 / 16.0, 10.0 / 36.0)) + 0.25));
// Calculate how big the shift should be
float dither_shift = 0.25 * (1.0 / (pow(2, dither_bit) - 1.0));
// Shift the individual colors differently, thus making it even harder to see the dithering pattern
float3 dither_shift_RGB = float3(dither_shift, -dither_shift, dither_shift); // Subpixel dithering
// Modify shift acording to grid position.
dither_shift_RGB = lerp(2.0 * dither_shift_RGB, -2.0 * dither_shift_RGB, grid_position);
depth += dither_shift_RGB;
color = depth;
if (iUIPresentType == 1)
color = normal;
if (iUIPresentType == 2)
color = lerp(normal, depth, step(BUFFER_WIDTH * 0.5, position.x));
if (bUIShowOffset)
float3 color_orig = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, texcoord).rgb;
// Blend depth and back buffer color with 'overlay' so the offset is more noticeable
color = lerp(2 * color * color_orig, 1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - color) * (1.0 - color_orig), max(color.r, max(color.g, color.b)) < 0.5 ? 0.0 : 1.0);
technique DisplayDepth <
ui_tooltip =
"This shader helps you set the right preprocessor settings for depth input.\n"
"To set the settings click on 'Edit global preprocessor definitions' and set them there - not in this shader.\n"
"The settings will then take effect for all shaders, including this one.\n"
"By default calculated normals and depth are shown side by side.\n"
"Normals (on the left) should look smooth and the ground should be greenish when looking at the horizon.\n"
"Depth (on the right) should show close objects as dark and use gradually brighter shades the further away objects are.\n";
ui_tooltip_ja_jp =
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_DisplayDepth;
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
#pragma once
#if !defined(__RESHADE__) || __RESHADE__ < 30000
@ -105,6 +109,7 @@ namespace ReShade
// Vertex shader generating a triangle covering the entire screen
// See also https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/2j17wk/a_slightly_faster_bufferless_vertex_shader_trick/
void PostProcessVS(in uint id : SV_VertexID, out float4 position : SV_Position, out float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD)
texcoord.x = (id == 2) ? 2.0 : 0.0;
@ -7,27 +7,27 @@
#define RESHADE_VERSION(major,minor,build) (10000 * (major) + 100 * (minor) + (build))
#define SUPPORTED_VERSION(major,minor,build) (__RESHADE__ >= RESHADE_VERSION(major,minor,build))
// Since 3.0.0
// >= 3.0.0
// Commit current in-game user interface status
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/commit/302bacc49ae394faedc2e29a296c1cebf6da6bb2#diff-82cf230afdb2a0d5174111e6f17548a5R1183
// Added various GUI related uniform variable annotations
// https://reshade.me/forum/releases/2341-3-0
#define __UNIFORM_INPUT_ANY ui_type = "input";
#define __UNIFORM_INPUT_BOOL1 __UNIFORM_INPUT_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_INPUT_BOOL2 __UNIFORM_INPUT_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_INPUT_BOOL3 __UNIFORM_INPUT_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_INPUT_BOOL4 __UNIFORM_INPUT_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_INPUT_INT1 __UNIFORM_INPUT_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_INPUT_INT2 __UNIFORM_INPUT_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_INPUT_INT3 __UNIFORM_INPUT_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_INPUT_INT4 __UNIFORM_INPUT_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_INPUT_FLOAT1 __UNIFORM_INPUT_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_INPUT_FLOAT2 __UNIFORM_INPUT_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_INPUT_FLOAT3 __UNIFORM_INPUT_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_INPUT_FLOAT4 __UNIFORM_INPUT_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
// Since 4.0.1
// >= 4.0.1
// Change slider widget to be used with new "slider" instead of a "drag" type annotation
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/commit/746229f31cd6f311a3e72a543e4f1f23faa23f11#diff-59405a313bd8cbfb0ca6dd633230e504R1701
// Changed slider widget to be used with < ui_type = "slider"; > instead of < ui_type = "drag"; >
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY ui_type = "drag";
// Since 4.0.0
// >= 4.0.0
// Rework statistics tab and add drag widgets back
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/commit/1b2c38795f00efd66c007da1f483f1441b230309
// Changed drag widget to a slider widget (old one is still available via < ui_type = "drag2"; >)
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY ui_type = "drag2";
// Since 3.0.0
// >= 3.0.0
// Commit current in-game user interface status
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/commit/302bacc49ae394faedc2e29a296c1cebf6da6bb2#diff-82cf230afdb2a0d5174111e6f17548a5R1187
// Added various GUI related uniform variable annotations
@ -52,20 +52,20 @@
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY ui_type = "drag";
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_BOOL1 __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_BOOL2 __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_BOOL3 __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_BOOL4 __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_INT1 __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_INT2 __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_INT3 __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_INT4 __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_FLOAT1 __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_FLOAT2 __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_FLOAT3 __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_DRAG_FLOAT4 __UNIFORM_DRAG_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
// Since 4.0.1
// >= 4.0.1
// Change slider widget to be used with new "slider" instead of a "drag" type annotation
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/commit/746229f31cd6f311a3e72a543e4f1f23faa23f11#diff-59405a313bd8cbfb0ca6dd633230e504R1699
// Changed slider widget to be used with < ui_type = "slider"; > instead of < ui_type = "drag"; >
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
#define __UNIFORM_SLIDER_ANY ui_type = "slider";
// Since 4.0.0
// >= 4.0.0
// Rework statistics tab and add drag widgets back
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/commit/1b2c38795f00efd66c007da1f483f1441b230309
// Changed drag widget to a slider widget (old one is still available via < ui_type = "drag2"; >)
@ -84,20 +84,20 @@
#define __UNIFORM_SLIDER_BOOL1 __UNIFORM_SLIDER_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_SLIDER_BOOL2 __UNIFORM_SLIDER_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_SLIDER_BOOL3 __UNIFORM_SLIDER_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_SLIDER_BOOL4 __UNIFORM_SLIDER_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_SLIDER_INT1 __UNIFORM_SLIDER_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_SLIDER_INT2 __UNIFORM_SLIDER_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_SLIDER_INT3 __UNIFORM_SLIDER_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_SLIDER_INT4 __UNIFORM_SLIDER_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT1 __UNIFORM_SLIDER_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT2 __UNIFORM_SLIDER_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT3 __UNIFORM_SLIDER_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT4 __UNIFORM_SLIDER_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
// Since 3.0.0
// >= 3.0.0
// Add combo box display type for uniform variables and fix displaying of integer variable under Direct3D 9
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/commit/b025bfae5f7343509ec0cacf6df0cff537c499f2#diff-82cf230afdb2a0d5174111e6f17548a5R1631
// Added various GUI related uniform variable annotations
@ -105,19 +105,19 @@
#define __UNIFORM_COMBO_ANY ui_type = "combo";
#define __UNIFORM_COMBO_BOOL2 __UNIFORM_COMBO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COMBO_BOOL3 __UNIFORM_COMBO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COMBO_BOOL4 __UNIFORM_COMBO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COMBO_INT1 __UNIFORM_COMBO_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_COMBO_INT2 __UNIFORM_COMBO_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_COMBO_INT3 __UNIFORM_COMBO_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_COMBO_INT4 __UNIFORM_COMBO_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_COMBO_FLOAT1 __UNIFORM_COMBO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COMBO_FLOAT2 __UNIFORM_COMBO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COMBO_FLOAT3 __UNIFORM_COMBO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COMBO_FLOAT4 __UNIFORM_COMBO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
// Since 4.0.0 (but the ui_items force set "Off\0On\0"), and if less than it force converted to checkbox
// >= 4.0.0
// Add option to display boolean values as combo box instead of checkbox
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/commit/aecb757c864c9679e77edd6f85a1521c49e489c1#diff-59405a313bd8cbfb0ca6dd633230e504R1147
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/blob/v4.0.0/source/gui.cpp
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
// https://reshade.me/forum/releases/4772-4-0
// Since 4.0.0
// >= 4.0.0
// Cleanup GUI code and rearrange some widgets
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/commit/6751f7bd50ea7c0556cf0670f10a4b4ba912ee7d#diff-59405a313bd8cbfb0ca6dd633230e504R1711
// Added radio button widget (via < ui_type = "radio"; ui_items = "Button 1\0Button 2\0...\0"; >)
@ -136,48 +136,46 @@
#define __UNIFORM_RADIO_BOOL1 __UNIFORM_RADIO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_RADIO_BOOL2 __UNIFORM_RADIO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_RADIO_BOOL3 __UNIFORM_RADIO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_RADIO_BOOL4 __UNIFORM_RADIO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_RADIO_INT1 __UNIFORM_RADIO_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_RADIO_INT2 __UNIFORM_RADIO_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_RADIO_INT3 __UNIFORM_RADIO_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_RADIO_INT4 __UNIFORM_RADIO_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_RADIO_FLOAT1 __UNIFORM_RADIO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_RADIO_FLOAT2 __UNIFORM_RADIO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_RADIO_FLOAT3 __UNIFORM_RADIO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_RADIO_FLOAT4 __UNIFORM_RADIO_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
// Since 4.1.0
// >= 4.1.0
// Fix floating point uniforms with unknown "ui_type" not showing up in UI
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/commit/50e5bf44dfc84bc4220c2b9f19d5f50c7a0fda66#diff-59405a313bd8cbfb0ca6dd633230e504R1788
// Fixed floating point uniforms with unknown "ui_type" not showing up in UI
// https://reshade.me/forum/releases/5021-4-1
#define __UNIFORM_COLOR_ANY ui_type = "color";
// Since 3.0.0
// >= 3.0.0
// Move technique list to preset configuration file
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/blob/84bba3aa934c1ebe4c6419b69dfe1690d9ab9d34/source/runtime.cpp#L1328
// Added various GUI related uniform variable annotations
// https://reshade.me/forum/releases/2341-3-0
// If empty, these versions before 4.1.0 are decide that the type is color from the number of components
#define __UNIFORM_COLOR_BOOL1 __UNIFORM_COLOR_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COLOR_BOOL2 __UNIFORM_COLOR_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COLOR_BOOL3 __UNIFORM_COLOR_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COLOR_BOOL4 __UNIFORM_COLOR_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COLOR_INT1 __UNIFORM_COLOR_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COLOR_INT2 __UNIFORM_COLOR_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COLOR_INT3 __UNIFORM_COLOR_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COLOR_INT4 __UNIFORM_COLOR_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COLOR_FLOAT2 __UNIFORM_COLOR_ANY // It is unsupported on all version
#define __UNIFORM_COLOR_FLOAT3 __UNIFORM_COLOR_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
#define __UNIFORM_COLOR_FLOAT4 __UNIFORM_COLOR_ANY // If it was not supported in someday or now, please add information
// Since 4.2.0
// >= 4.2.0
// Add alpha slider widget for single component uniform variables (#86)
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/commit/87a740a8e3c4dcda1dd4eeec8d5cff7fa35fe829#diff-59405a313bd8cbfb0ca6dd633230e504R1820
// Added alpha slider widget for single component uniform variables
@ -188,7 +186,7 @@
// Since 4.3.0
// >= 4.3.0
// Add new "list" GUI widget (#103)
// https://github.com/crosire/reshade/commit/515287d20ce615c19cf3d4c21b49f83896f04ddc#diff-59405a313bd8cbfb0ca6dd633230e504R1894
// Added new "list" GUI widget
@ -200,17 +198,17 @@
#define __UNIFORM_LIST_BOOL2 __UNIFORM_LIST_ANY // Not supported in all versions
#define __UNIFORM_LIST_BOOL3 __UNIFORM_LIST_ANY // Not supported in all versions
#define __UNIFORM_LIST_BOOL4 __UNIFORM_LIST_ANY // Not supported in all versions
#define __UNIFORM_LIST_INT1 __UNIFORM_LIST_ANY // Supported in 4.3.0
#define __UNIFORM_LIST_INT2 __UNIFORM_LIST_ANY // Not supported in all versions
#define __UNIFORM_LIST_INT3 __UNIFORM_LIST_ANY // Not supported in all versions
#define __UNIFORM_LIST_INT4 __UNIFORM_LIST_ANY // Not supported in all versions
#define __UNIFORM_LIST_FLOAT1 __UNIFORM_LIST_ANY // Not supported in all versions
#define __UNIFORM_LIST_FLOAT2 __UNIFORM_LIST_ANY // Not supported in all versions
#define __UNIFORM_LIST_FLOAT3 __UNIFORM_LIST_ANY // Not supported in all versions
#define __UNIFORM_LIST_FLOAT4 __UNIFORM_LIST_ANY // Not supported in all versions
#define __UNIFORM_LIST_INT1 __UNIFORM_LIST_ANY // >= 4.3.0
// For compatible with ComboBox
// For compatible with 'combo'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
Simple UIMask shader by luluco250
I have no idea why this was never ported back to ReShade 3.0 from 2.0,
but if you missed it, here it is.
It doesn't feature the auto mask from the original shader.
It does feature a new multi-channnel masking feature. UI masks can now contain
separate 'modes' within each of the three color channels.
For example, you can have the regular hud on the red channel (the default one),
a mask for an inventory screen on the green channel and a mask for a quest menu
on the blue channel. You can then use keyboard keys to toggle each channel on or off.
Multiple channels can be active at once, they'll just add up to mask the image.
Simple/legacy masks are not affected by this, they'll work just as you'd expect,
so you can still make simple black and white masks that use all color channels, it'll
be no different than just having it on a single channel.
--You can adjust how much it will affect your HUD by changing "Mask Intensity".
--You don't actually need to place the UIMask_Bottom technique at the bottom of
your shader pipeline, if you have any effects that don't necessarily affect
the visibility of the HUD you can place it before that.
For instance, if you use color correction shaders like LUT, you might want
to place UIMask_Bottom just before that.
--Preprocessor flags:
Enables having up to three different masks on each color channel.
--Refer to this page for keycodes:
--To make a custom mask:
1-Take a screenshot of your game with the HUD enabled,
preferrably with any effects disabled for maximum visibility.
2-Open the screenshot with your preferred image editor program, I use GIMP.
3-Make a background white layer if there isn't one already.
Be sure to leave it behind your actual screenshot for the while.
4-Make an empty layer for the mask itself, you can call it "mask".
5-Having selected the mask layer, paint the places where HUD constantly is,
such as health bars, important messages, minimaps etc.
6-Delete or make your screenshot layer invisible.
7-Before saving your mask, let's do some gaussian blurring to improve it's look and feel:
For every step of blurring you want to do, make a new layer, such as:
Mask - Blur16x16
Mask - Blur8x8
Mask - Blur4x4
Mask - Blur2x2
Mask - NoBlur
You should use your image editor's default gaussian blurring filter, if there is one.
This avoids possible artifacts and makes the mask blend more easily on the eyes.
You may not need this if your mask is accurate enough and/or the HUD is simple enough.
8-Now save the final image with a unique name such as "MyUIMask.png" in your textures folder.
9-Set the preprocessor definition UIMASK_TEXTURE to the unique name of your image, with quotes.
You're done!
MIT Licensed:
Copyright (c) 2017 Lucas Melo
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
//#region Preprocessor
#include "ReShade.fxh"
#include "ReShadeUI.fxh"
#define TEXFORMAT R8
#define UIMASK_TEXTURE "UIMask.png"
namespace UIMask
//#region Uniforms
uniform int _Help
ui_label = " ";
ui_text =
"For more detailed instructions, see the text at the top of this "
"effect's shader file (UIMask.fx).\n"
"Available preprocessor definitions:\n"
" If set to 1, each of the RGB color channels in the texture is "
"treated as a separate mask.\n"
"How to create a mask:\n"
"1. Take a screenshot with the game's UI appearing.\n"
"2. Open the screenshot in an image editor, GIMP or Photoshop are "
"3. Create a new layer over the screenshot layer, fill it with black.\n"
"4. Reduce the layer opacity so you can see the screenshot layer "
"5. Cover the UI with white to mask it from effects. The stronger the "
"mask white color, the more opaque the mask will be.\n"
"6. Set the mask layer opacity back to 100%.\n"
"7. Save the image in one of your texture folders, making sure to "
"use a unique name such as: \"MyUIMask.png\"\n"
"8. Set the preprocessor definition UIMASK_TEXTURE to the name of "
"your image, with quotes: \"MyUIMask.png\"\n"
ui_category = "Help";
ui_category_closed = true;
ui_type = "radio";
uniform float fMask_Intensity
ui_label = "Mask Intensity";
ui_tooltip =
"How much to mask effects from affecting the original image.\n"
"\nDefault: 1.0";
ui_min = 0.0;
ui_max = 1.0;
ui_step = 0.001;
> = 1.0;
uniform bool bDisplayMask <
ui_label = "Display Mask";
ui_tooltip =
"Display the mask texture.\n"
"Useful for testing multiple channels or simply the mask itself.\n"
"\nDefault: Off";
> = false;
uniform bool bToggleRed <
ui_label = "Toggle Red Channel";
ui_tooltip = "Toggle UI masking for the red channel.\n"
"Right click to assign a hotkey.\n"
"\nDefault: On";
> = true;
uniform bool bToggleGreen <
ui_label = "Toggle Green Channel";
ui_tooltip = "Toggle UI masking for the green channel.\n"
"Right click to assign a hotkey."
"\nDefault: On";
> = true;
uniform bool bToggleBlue <
ui_label = "Toggle Blue Channel";
ui_tooltip = "Toggle UI masking for the blue channel.\n"
"Right click to assign a hotkey."
"\nDefault: On";
> = true;
//#region Textures
texture BackupTex
sampler Backup
Texture = BackupTex;
texture MaskTex <source=UIMASK_TEXTURE;>
sampler Mask
Texture = MaskTex;
//#region Shaders
float4 BackupPS(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target {
return tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv);
float4 MainPS(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target {
float4 color = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv);
float4 backup = tex2D(Backup, uv);
float mask = tex2D(Mask, uv).r;
float3 mask_rgb = tex2D(Mask, uv).rgb;
// This just works, it basically adds masking with each channel that has
// been toggled.
float mask = saturate(
1.0 - dot(1.0 - mask_rgb,
float3(bToggleRed, bToggleGreen, bToggleBlue)));
color = lerp(color, backup, mask * fMask_Intensity);
color = bDisplayMask ? mask : color;
return color;
//#region Techniques
technique UIMask_Top
ui_tooltip = "Place this *above* the effects to be masked.";
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = BackupPS;
RenderTarget = BackupTex;
technique UIMask_Bottom
ui_tooltip =
"Place this *below* the effects to be masked.\n"
"If you want to add a toggle key for the effect, set it to this one.";
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = MainPS;
} // Namespace.
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ namespace reshadefx
/// </summary>
class codegen
friend class parser;
/// <summary>
/// Virtual destructor to guarantee that memory of the implementations deriving from this interface is properly destroyed.
@ -23,12 +25,21 @@ namespace reshadefx
virtual ~codegen() {}
/// <summary>
/// Writes result of the code generation to the specified <paramref name="module"/>.
/// Gets the module describing the generated code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="module">Target module to fill.</param>
virtual void write_result(module &module) = 0;
const effect_module &module() const { return _module; }
/// <summary>
/// Finalizes and returns the generated code for the entire module (all entry points).
/// </summary>
virtual std::basic_string<char> finalize_code() const = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Finalizes and returns the generated code for the specified entry point (and no other entry points).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entry_point_name">Name of the entry point function to generate code for.</param>
virtual std::basic_string<char> finalize_code_for_entry_point(const std::string &entry_point_name) const = 0;
/// <summary>
/// An opaque ID referring to a SSA value or basic block.
/// </summary>
@ -40,14 +51,14 @@ namespace reshadefx
/// <param name="loc">Source location matching this definition (for debugging).</param>
/// <param name="info">Description of the type.</param>
/// <returns>New SSA ID of the type.</returns>
virtual id define_struct(const location &loc, struct_info &info) = 0;
virtual id define_struct(const location &loc, struct_type &info) = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Defines a new texture binding.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="loc">Source location matching this definition (for debugging).</param>
/// <param name="info">Description of the texture object.</param>
/// <returns>New SSA ID of the binding.</returns>
virtual id define_texture(const location &loc, texture_info &info) = 0;
virtual id define_texture(const location &loc, texture &info) = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Defines a new sampler binding.
/// </summary>
@ -55,7 +66,7 @@ namespace reshadefx
/// <param name="tex_info">Description of the texture this sampler object references.</param>
/// <param name="info">Description of the sampler object.</param>
/// <returns>New SSA ID of the binding.</returns>
virtual id define_sampler(const location &loc, const texture_info &tex_info, sampler_info &info) = 0;
virtual id define_sampler(const location &loc, const texture &tex_info, sampler &info) = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Defines a new storage binding.
/// </summary>
@ -63,14 +74,14 @@ namespace reshadefx
/// <param name="tex_info">Description of the texture this storage object references.</param>
/// <param name="info">Description of the storage object.</param>
/// <returns>New SSA ID of the binding.</returns>
virtual id define_storage(const location &loc, const texture_info &tex_info, storage_info &info) = 0;
virtual id define_storage(const location &loc, const texture &tex_info, storage &info) = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Defines a new uniform variable.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="loc">Source location matching this definition (for debugging).</param>
/// <param name="info">Description of the uniform variable.</param>
/// <returns>New SSA ID of the variable.</returns>
virtual id define_uniform(const location &loc, uniform_info &info) = 0;
virtual id define_uniform(const location &loc, uniform &info) = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Defines a new variable.
/// </summary>
@ -82,26 +93,25 @@ namespace reshadefx
/// <returns>New SSA ID of the variable.</returns>
virtual id define_variable(const location &loc, const type &type, std::string name = std::string(), bool global = false, id initializer_value = 0) = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Defines a new function and its function parameters and make it current. Any code added after this call is added to this function.
/// Defines a new function and its function parameters and make it current.
/// Any code added after this call is added to this function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="loc">Source location matching this definition (for debugging).</param>
/// <param name="info">Description of the function.</param>
/// <returns>New SSA ID of the function.</returns>
virtual id define_function(const location &loc, function_info &info) = 0;
virtual id define_function(const location &loc, function &info) = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Defines a new effect technique.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="loc">Source location matching this definition (for debugging).</param>
/// <param name="info">Description of the technique.</param>
void define_technique(technique_info &&info) { _module.techniques.push_back(std::move(info)); }
void define_technique(technique &&info) { _module.techniques.push_back(std::move(info)); }
/// <summary>
/// Makes a function a shader entry point.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="function">Function to use as entry point. May be overwritten to point to a new unique function for this entry point.</param>
/// <param name="type">Shader type (vertex, pixel or compute shader).</param>
/// <param name="num_threads">Number of local threads it this is a compute entry point.</param>
virtual void define_entry_point(function_info &function, shader_type type, int num_threads[3] = nullptr) = 0;
/// <param name="function">Function to use as entry point. May be overwritten to point to a new uniquely generated function.</param>
virtual void define_entry_point(function &function) = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Resolves the access chain and add a load operation to the output.
@ -131,6 +141,19 @@ namespace reshadefx
/// <param name="data">Actual constant data to convert into a SSA ID.</param>
/// <returns>New SSA ID with the constant value.</returns>
virtual id emit_constant(const type &type, const constant &data) = 0;
id emit_constant(const type &data_type, uint32_t value)
// Create a constant value of the specified type
constant data = {}; // Initialize to zero, so that components not set below still have a defined value for lookup via std::memcmp
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data_type.components(); ++i)
if (data_type.is_integral())
data.as_uint[i] = value;
data.as_float[i] = static_cast<float>(value);
return emit_constant(data_type, data);
/// <summary>
/// Adds an unary operation to the output (built-in operation with one argument).
@ -222,7 +245,7 @@ namespace reshadefx
/// <summary>
/// Returns <see langword="true"/> if code is currently added to a function.
/// </summary>
virtual bool is_in_function() const { return is_in_block(); }
bool is_in_function() const { return _current_function != nullptr; }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new basic block.
@ -272,93 +295,96 @@ namespace reshadefx
/// <param name="false_target">ID of the basic block to jump to when the condition is false.</param>
/// <returns>ID of the current basic block.</returns>
virtual id leave_block_and_branch_conditional(id condition, id true_target, id false_target) = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Leaves the current function. Any code added after this call is added in the global scope.
/// </summary>
virtual void leave_function() = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Recalculates sampler and storage bindings to take as little binding space as possible for each entry point.
/// </summary>
virtual void optimize_bindings();
/// <summary>
/// Looks up an existing struct type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">SSA ID of the type to find.</param>
/// <returns>Reference to the struct description.</returns>
const struct_info &get_struct(id id) const
const struct_type &get_struct(id id) const
return *std::find_if(_structs.begin(), _structs.end(),
[id](const auto &it) { return it.definition == id; });
[id](const struct_type &info) { return info.id == id; });
/// <summary>
/// Looks up an existing texture binding.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">SSA ID of the texture binding to find.</param>
/// <returns>Reference to the texture description.</returns>
texture_info &get_texture(id id)
texture &get_texture(id id)
return *std::find_if(_module.textures.begin(), _module.textures.end(),
[id](const auto &it) { return it.id == id; });
[id](const texture &info) { return info.id == id; });
/// <summary>
/// Looks up an existing sampler binding.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">SSA ID of the sampler binding to find.</param>
/// <returns>Reference to the sampler description.</returns>
const sampler_info &get_sampler(id id) const
const sampler &get_sampler(id id) const
return *std::find_if(_module.samplers.begin(), _module.samplers.end(),
[id](const auto &it) { return it.id == id; });
[id](const sampler &info) { return info.id == id; });
/// <summary>
/// Looks up an existing storage binding.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">SSA ID of the storage binding to find.</param>
/// <returns>Reference to the storage description.</returns>
const storage_info &get_storage(id id) const
const storage &get_storage(id id) const
return *std::find_if(_module.storages.begin(), _module.storages.end(),
[id](const auto &it) { return it.id == id; });
[id](const storage &info) { return info.id == id; });
/// <summary>
/// Looks up an existing function definition.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">SSA ID of the function variable to find.</param>
/// <returns>Reference to the function description.</returns>
function_info &get_function(id id)
function &get_function(id id)
return *std::find_if(_functions.begin(), _functions.end(),
[id](const auto &it) { return it->definition == id; })->get();
[id](const std::unique_ptr<function> &info) { return info->id == id; })->get();
function &get_function(const std::string &unique_name)
return *std::find_if(_functions.begin(), _functions.end(),
[&unique_name](const std::unique_ptr<function> &info) { return info->unique_name == unique_name; })->get();
id make_id() { return _next_id++; }
static uint32_t align_up(uint32_t size, uint32_t alignment)
alignment -= 1;
return ((size + alignment) & ~alignment);
static uint32_t align_up(uint32_t size, uint32_t alignment, uint32_t elements)
return align_up(size, alignment) * (elements - 1) + size;
effect_module _module;
std::vector<struct_type> _structs;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<function>> _functions;
reshadefx::module _module;
std::vector<struct_info> _structs;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<function_info>> _functions;
id _next_id = 1;
id _last_block = 0;
id _current_block = 0;
function *_current_function = nullptr;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a back-end implementation for GLSL code generation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="version">GLSL version to insert at the beginning of the file.</param>
/// <param name="gles">Generate GLSL ES code instead of core OpenGL.</param>
/// <param name="vulkan_semantics">Generate GLSL for OpenGL or for Vulkan.</param>
/// <param name="debug_info">Whether to append debug information like line directives to the generated code.</param>
/// <param name="uniforms_to_spec_constants">Whether to convert uniform variables to specialization constants.</param>
/// <param name="enable_16bit_types">Use real 16-bit types for the minimum precision types "min16int", "min16uint" and "min16float".</param>
/// <param name="flip_vert_y">Insert code to flip the Y component of the output position in vertex shaders.</param>
codegen *create_codegen_glsl(bool gles, bool vulkan_semantics, bool debug_info, bool uniforms_to_spec_constants, bool enable_16bit_types = false, bool flip_vert_y = false);
codegen *create_codegen_glsl(unsigned version, bool gles, bool vulkan_semantics, bool debug_info, bool uniforms_to_spec_constants, bool enable_16bit_types = false, bool flip_vert_y = false);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a back-end implementation for HLSL code generation.
/// </summary>
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace reshadefx
/// </summary>
struct type
enum datatype : uint8_t
enum datatype : uint32_t
@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ namespace reshadefx
bool is_function() const { return base == t_function; }
bool is_array() const { return array_length != 0; }
bool is_bounded_array() const { return is_array() && array_length != 0xFFFFFFFF; }
bool is_unbounded_array() const { return array_length == 0xFFFFFFFF; }
bool is_scalar() const { return is_numeric() && !is_matrix() && !is_vector() && !is_array(); }
bool is_vector() const { return is_numeric() && rows > 1 && cols == 1; }
bool is_matrix() const { return is_numeric() && rows >= 1 && cols > 1; }
@ -109,27 +111,27 @@ namespace reshadefx
unsigned int components() const { return rows * cols; }
unsigned int texture_dimension() const { return base >= t_texture1d && base <= t_storage3d_float ? ((base - t_texture1d) % 3) + 1 : 0; }
friend inline bool operator==(const type &lhs, const type &rhs)
friend bool operator==(const type &lhs, const type &rhs)
return lhs.base == rhs.base && lhs.rows == rhs.rows && lhs.cols == rhs.cols && lhs.array_length == rhs.array_length && lhs.definition == rhs.definition;
return lhs.base == rhs.base && lhs.rows == rhs.rows && lhs.cols == rhs.cols && lhs.array_length == rhs.array_length && lhs.struct_definition == rhs.struct_definition;
friend inline bool operator!=(const type &lhs, const type &rhs)
friend bool operator!=(const type &lhs, const type &rhs)
return !operator==(lhs, rhs);
// Underlying base type ('int', 'float', ...)
datatype base = t_void;
datatype base : 8;
// Number of rows if this is a vector type
unsigned int rows = 0;
uint32_t rows : 4;
// Number of columns if this is a matrix type
unsigned int cols = 0;
uint32_t cols : 4;
// Bit mask of all the qualifiers decorating the type
unsigned int qualifiers = 0;
// Negative if an unsized array, otherwise the number of elements if this is an array type
int array_length = 0;
uint32_t qualifiers : 16;
// Number of elements if this is an array type, 0xFFFFFFFF if it is an unsized array
uint32_t array_length;
// ID of the matching struct if this is a struct type
uint32_t definition = 0;
uint32_t struct_definition;
/// <summary>
@ -168,8 +170,8 @@ namespace reshadefx
op_type op;
reshadefx::type from, to;
uint32_t index = 0;
signed char swizzle[4] = {};
uint32_t index;
signed char swizzle[4];
uint32_t base = 0;
@ -7,14 +7,48 @@
#include "effect_expression.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace reshadefx
/// <summary>
/// A list of supported texture types.
/// Describes an annotation attached to a variable.
/// </summary>
enum class texture_type
struct annotation
reshadefx::type type = {};
std::string name;
reshadefx::constant value = {};
/// <summary>
/// Describes a struct member or parameter.
/// </summary>
struct member_type
reshadefx::type type = {};
uint32_t id = 0;
std::string name;
std::string semantic;
reshadefx::location location;
bool has_default_value = false;
reshadefx::constant default_value = {};
/// <summary>
/// Describes a struct type defined in effect code.
/// </summary>
struct struct_type
uint32_t id = 0;
std::string name;
std::string unique_name;
std::vector<member_type> member_list;
/// <summary>
/// Available texture types.
/// </summary>
enum class texture_type : uint8_t
texture_1d = 1,
texture_2d = 2,
@ -22,9 +56,9 @@ namespace reshadefx
/// <summary>
/// A list of supported texture formats.
/// Available texture formats.
/// </summary>
enum class texture_format
enum class texture_format : uint8_t
@ -46,9 +80,46 @@ namespace reshadefx
/// <summary>
/// A filtering type used for texture lookups.
/// Describes the properties of a <see cref="texture"/> object.
/// </summary>
enum class filter_mode
struct texture_desc
uint32_t width = 1;
uint32_t height = 1;
uint16_t depth = 1;
uint16_t levels = 1;
texture_type type = texture_type::texture_2d;
texture_format format = texture_format::rgba8;
/// <summary>
/// Describes a texture object defined in effect code.
/// </summary>
struct texture : texture_desc
uint32_t id = 0;
std::string name;
std::string unique_name;
std::string semantic;