mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 12:25:39 +00:00
2194 lines
65 KiB
2194 lines
65 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2014 Patrick Mours
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "effect_parser.hpp"
#include "effect_codegen.hpp"
#include <cmath> // std::isinf, std::isnan, std::signbit
#include <cctype> // std::tolower
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring> // stricmp, std::memcmp
#include <charconv> // std::from_chars, std::to_chars
#include <algorithm> // std::equal, std::find, std::find_if, std::max
#include <locale>
#include <sstream>
using namespace reshadefx;
inline char to_digit(unsigned int value)
assert(value < 10);
return '0' + static_cast<char>(value);
inline uint32_t align_up(uint32_t size, uint32_t alignment, uint32_t elements)
alignment -= 1;
return ((size + alignment) & ~alignment) * (elements - 1) + size;
class codegen_hlsl final : public codegen
codegen_hlsl(unsigned int shader_model, bool debug_info, bool uniforms_to_spec_constants) :
// Create default block and reserve a memory block to avoid frequent reallocations
std::string &block = _blocks.emplace(0, std::string()).first->second;
enum class naming
// Name should already be unique, so no additional steps are taken
// Will be numbered when clashing with another name
// Replace name with a code snippet
unsigned int _shader_model = 0;
bool _debug_info = false;
bool _uniforms_to_spec_constants = false;
std::unordered_map<id, std::string> _names;
std::unordered_map<id, std::string> _blocks;
std::string _cbuffer_block;
std::string _current_location;
std::string _current_function_declaration;
std::string _remapped_semantics[15];
std::vector<std::tuple<type, constant, id>> _constant_lookup;
#if 0
std::vector<sampler_binding> _sampler_lookup;
// Only write compatibility intrinsics to result if they are actually in use
bool _uses_bitwise_cast = false;
bool _uses_bitwise_intrinsics = false;
void optimize_bindings() override
#if 0
if (_shader_model < 40)
_module.num_sampler_bindings = static_cast<uint32_t>(_sampler_lookup.size());
for (technique &tech : _module.techniques)
for (pass &pass : tech.passes)
pass.sampler_bindings.assign(_sampler_lookup.begin(), _sampler_lookup.end());
std::string finalize_preamble() const
std::string preamble;
"int" #n " __asint(float" #n " v) {" \
"float" #n " e = 0;" \
"float" #n " f = frexp(v, e) * 2 - 1;" /* frexp does not include sign bit in HLSL, so can use as is */ \
"float" #n " m = ldexp(f, 23);" \
"return (v == 0) ? 0 : (v < 0 ? 2147483648 : 0) + (" /* Zero (does not handle negative zero) */ \
/* isnan(v) ? 2147483647 : */ /* NaN */ \
/* isinf(v) ? 2139095040 : */ /* Infinity */ \
"ldexp(e + 126, 23) + m);" \
"int" #n " __asuint(float" #n " v) { return __asint(v); }"
"float" #n " __asfloat(int" #n " v) {" \
"float" #n " m = v % exp2(23);" \
"float" #n " f = ldexp(m, -23);" \
"float" #n " e = floor(ldexp(v, -23) % 256);" \
"return (v > 2147483647 ? -1 : 1) * (" \
/* e == 0 ? ldexp(f, -126) : */ /* Denormalized */ \
/* e == 255 ? (m == 0 ? 1.#INF : -1.#IND) : */ /* Infinity and NaN */ \
"ldexp(1 + f, e - 127));" \
// See https://graphics.stanford.edu/%7Eseander/bithacks.html#CountBitsSetParallel
"uint" #n " __countbits(uint" #n " v) {" \
"v = v - ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555);" \
"v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333);" \
"v = (v + (v >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;" \
"v *= 0x01010101;" \
"return v >> 24;" \
"uint" #n " __countbits(uint" #n " v) {" \
"uint" #n " c = 0;" \
"while (any(v > 0)) {" \
"c += v % 2;" \
"v /= 2;" \
"}" \
"return c;" \
// See https://graphics.stanford.edu/%7Eseander/bithacks.html#ReverseParallel
"uint" #n " __reversebits(uint" #n " v) {" \
"v = ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555) | ((v & 0x55555555) << 1);" \
"v = ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333) | ((v & 0x33333333) << 2);" \
"v = ((v >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F) | ((v & 0x0F0F0F0F) << 4);" \
"v = ((v >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) | ((v & 0x00FF00FF) << 8);" \
"return (v >> 16) | (v << 16);" \
"uint" #n " __reversebits(uint" #n " v) {" \
"uint" #n " r = 0;" \
"for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {" \
"r *= 2;" \
"r += floor(x % 2);" \
"v /= 2;" \
"}" \
"return r;" \
// See https://graphics.stanford.edu/%7Eseander/bithacks.html#ZerosOnRightParallel
"uint" #n " __firstbitlow(uint" #n " v) {" \
"uint" #n " c = (v != 0) ? 31 : 32;" \
"v &= -int" #n "(v);" \
"c = (v & 0x0000FFFF) ? c - 16 : c;" \
"c = (v & 0x00FF00FF) ? c - 8 : c;" \
"c = (v & 0x0F0F0F0F) ? c - 4 : c;" \
"c = (v & 0x33333333) ? c - 2 : c;" \
"c = (v & 0x55555555) ? c - 1 : c;" \
"return c;" \
"uint" #n " __firstbitlow(uint" #n " v) {" \
"uint" #n " c = (v != 0) ? 31 : 32;" \
"for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {" \
"c = c > i && (v % 2) != 0 ? i : c;" \
"v /= 2;" \
"}" \
"return c;" \
"uint" #n " __firstbithigh(uint" #n " v) { return __firstbitlow(__reversebits(v)); }"
if (_shader_model >= 40)
preamble +=
"struct __sampler1D_int { Texture1D<int> t; SamplerState s; };\n"
"struct __sampler2D_int { Texture2D<int> t; SamplerState s; };\n"
"struct __sampler3D_int { Texture3D<int> t; SamplerState s; };\n"
"struct __sampler1D_uint { Texture1D<uint> t; SamplerState s; };\n"
"struct __sampler2D_uint { Texture2D<uint> t; SamplerState s; };\n"
"struct __sampler3D_uint { Texture3D<uint> t; SamplerState s; };\n"
"struct __sampler1D_float { Texture1D<float> t; SamplerState s; };\n"
"struct __sampler2D_float { Texture2D<float> t; SamplerState s; };\n"
"struct __sampler3D_float { Texture3D<float> t; SamplerState s; };\n"
"struct __sampler1D_float4 { Texture1D<float4> t; SamplerState s; };\n"
"struct __sampler2D_float4 { Texture2D<float4> t; SamplerState s; };\n"
"struct __sampler3D_float4 { Texture3D<float4> t; SamplerState s; };\n";
if (_uses_bitwise_intrinsics && _shader_model < 50)
preamble +=
if (!_cbuffer_block.empty())
#if 0
if (_shader_model >= 60)
preamble += "[[vk::binding(0, 0)]] "; // Descriptor set 0
preamble += "cbuffer _Globals {\n" + _cbuffer_block + "};\n";
preamble +=
"struct __sampler1D { sampler1D s; float1 pixelsize; };\n"
"struct __sampler2D { sampler2D s; float2 pixelsize; };\n"
"struct __sampler3D { sampler3D s; float3 pixelsize; };\n"
"uniform float2 __TEXEL_SIZE__ : register(c255);\n";
if (_uses_bitwise_cast)
preamble +=
if (_uses_bitwise_intrinsics)
preamble +=
if (!_cbuffer_block.empty())
preamble += _cbuffer_block;
return preamble;
std::string finalize_code() const override
std::string code = finalize_preamble();
// Add global definitions (struct types, global variables, sampler state declarations, ...)
code += _blocks.at(0);
// Add texture and sampler definitions
for (const sampler &info : _module.samplers)
code += _blocks.at(info.id);
// Add storage definitions
for (const storage &info : _module.storages)
code += _blocks.at(info.id);
// Add function definitions
for (const std::unique_ptr<function> &func : _functions)
code += _blocks.at(func->id);
return code;
std::string finalize_code_for_entry_point(const std::string &entry_point_name) const override
const auto entry_point_it = std::find_if(_functions.begin(), _functions.end(),
[&entry_point_name](const std::unique_ptr<function> &func) {
return func->unique_name == entry_point_name;
if (entry_point_it == _functions.end())
return {};
const function &entry_point = *entry_point_it->get();
std::string code = finalize_preamble();
if (_shader_model < 40 && entry_point.type == shader_type::pixel)
// Overwrite position semantic in pixel shaders
code += "#define POSITION VPOS\n";
// Add global definitions (struct types, global variables, sampler state declarations, ...)
code += _blocks.at(0);
const auto replace_binding =
[](std::string &code, uint32_t binding) {
for (size_t start = 0;;)
const size_t pos = code.find(": register(", start);
if (pos == std::string::npos)
const size_t beg = pos + 12;
const size_t end = code.find(')', beg);
const std::string replacement = std::to_string(binding);
code.replace(beg, end - beg, replacement);
start = beg + replacement.length();
// Add referenced texture and sampler definitions
for (uint32_t binding = 0; binding < entry_point.referenced_samplers.size(); ++binding)
if (entry_point.referenced_samplers[binding] == 0)
std::string block_code = _blocks.at(entry_point.referenced_samplers[binding]);
replace_binding(block_code, binding);
code += block_code;
// Add referenced storage definitions
for (uint32_t binding = 0; binding < entry_point.referenced_storages.size(); ++binding)
if (entry_point.referenced_storages[binding] == 0)
std::string block_code = _blocks.at(entry_point.referenced_storages[binding]);
replace_binding(block_code, binding);
code += block_code;
// Add referenced function definitions
for (const std::unique_ptr<function> &func : _functions)
if (func->id != entry_point.id &&
std::find(entry_point.referenced_functions.begin(), entry_point.referenced_functions.end(), func->id) == entry_point.referenced_functions.end())
code += _blocks.at(func->id);
return code;
template <bool is_param = false, bool is_decl = true>
void write_type(std::string &s, const type &type) const
if constexpr (is_decl)
if (type.has(type::q_static))
s += "static ";
if (type.has(type::q_precise))
s += "precise ";
if (type.has(type::q_groupshared))
s += "groupshared ";
if constexpr (is_param)
if (type.has(type::q_linear))
s += "linear ";
if (type.has(type::q_noperspective))
s += "noperspective ";
if (type.has(type::q_centroid))
s += "centroid ";
if (type.has(type::q_nointerpolation))
s += "nointerpolation ";
if (type.has(type::q_inout))
s += "inout ";
else if (type.has(type::q_in))
s += "in ";
else if (type.has(type::q_out))
s += "out ";
switch (type.base)
case type::t_void:
s += "void";
case type::t_bool:
s += "bool";
case type::t_min16int:
// Minimum precision types are only supported in shader model 4 and up
// Real 16-bit types were added in shader model 6.2
s += _shader_model >= 62 ? "int16_t" : _shader_model >= 40 ? "min16int" : "int";
case type::t_int:
s += "int";
case type::t_min16uint:
s += _shader_model >= 62 ? "uint16_t" : _shader_model >= 40 ? "min16uint" : "int";
case type::t_uint:
// In shader model 3, uints can only be used with known-positive values, so use ints instead
s += _shader_model >= 40 ? "uint" : "int";
case type::t_min16float:
s += _shader_model >= 62 ? "float16_t" : _shader_model >= 40 ? "min16float" : "float";
case type::t_float:
s += "float";
case type::t_struct:
s += id_to_name(type.struct_definition);
case type::t_sampler1d_int:
case type::t_sampler2d_int:
case type::t_sampler3d_int:
s += "__sampler";
s += to_digit(type.texture_dimension());
s += 'D';
if (_shader_model >= 40)
s += "_int";
if (type.rows > 1)
s += to_digit(type.rows);
case type::t_sampler1d_uint:
case type::t_sampler2d_uint:
case type::t_sampler3d_uint:
s += "__sampler";
s += to_digit(type.texture_dimension());
s += 'D';
if (_shader_model >= 40)
s += "_uint";
if (type.rows > 1)
s += to_digit(type.rows);
case type::t_sampler1d_float:
case type::t_sampler2d_float:
case type::t_sampler3d_float:
s += "__sampler";
s += to_digit(type.texture_dimension());
s += 'D';
if (_shader_model >= 40)
s += "_float";
if (type.rows > 1)
s += to_digit(type.rows);
case type::t_storage1d_int:
case type::t_storage2d_int:
case type::t_storage3d_int:
s += "RWTexture";
s += to_digit(type.texture_dimension());
s += "D<";
s += "int";
if (type.rows > 1)
s += to_digit(type.rows);
s += '>';
case type::t_storage1d_uint:
case type::t_storage2d_uint:
case type::t_storage3d_uint:
s += "RWTexture";
s += to_digit(type.texture_dimension());
s += "D<";
s += "uint";
if (type.rows > 1)
s += to_digit(type.rows);
s += '>';
case type::t_storage1d_float:
case type::t_storage2d_float:
case type::t_storage3d_float:
s += "RWTexture";
s += to_digit(type.texture_dimension());
s += "D<";
s += "float";
if (type.rows > 1)
s += to_digit(type.rows);
s += '>';
if (type.rows > 1)
s += to_digit(type.rows);
if (type.cols > 1)
s += 'x', s += to_digit(type.cols);
void write_constant(std::string &s, const type &data_type, const constant &data) const
if (data_type.is_array())
type elem_type = data_type;
elem_type.array_length = 0;
s += "{ ";
for (unsigned int a = 0; a < data_type.array_length; ++a)
write_constant(s, elem_type, a < static_cast<unsigned int>(data.array_data.size()) ? data.array_data[a] : constant {});
s += ", ";
// Remove trailing ", "
s.erase(s.size() - 2);
s += " }";
if (data_type.is_struct())
// The can only be zero initializer struct constants
assert(data.as_uint[0] == 0);
s += '(' + id_to_name(data_type.struct_definition) + ")0";
// There can only be numeric constants
if (!data_type.is_scalar())
write_type<false, false>(s, data_type), s += '(';
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data_type.components(); ++i)
switch (data_type.base)
case type::t_bool:
s += data.as_uint[i] ? "true" : "false";
case type::t_min16int:
case type::t_int:
s += std::to_string(data.as_int[i]);
case type::t_min16uint:
case type::t_uint:
s += std::to_string(data.as_uint[i]);
case type::t_min16float:
case type::t_float:
if (std::isnan(data.as_float[i])) {
s += "-1.#IND";
if (std::isinf(data.as_float[i])) {
s += std::signbit(data.as_float[i]) ? "1.#INF" : "-1.#INF";
#ifdef _MSC_VER
char temp[64];
const std::to_chars_result res = std::to_chars(temp, temp + sizeof(temp), data.as_float[i], std::chars_format::scientific, 8);
if (res.ec == std::errc())
s.append(temp, res.ptr);
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << data.as_float[i];
s += ss.str();
s += ", ";
// Remove trailing ", "
s.erase(s.size() - 2);
if (!data_type.is_scalar())
s += ')';
template <bool force_source = false>
void write_location(std::string &s, const location &loc)
if (loc.source.empty() || !_debug_info)
s += "#line " + std::to_string(loc.line);
size_t offset = s.size();
// Avoid writing the file name every time to reduce output text size
if constexpr (force_source)
s += " \"" + loc.source + '\"';
else if (loc.source != _current_location)
s += " \"" + loc.source + '\"';
_current_location = loc.source;
// Need to escape string for new DirectX Shader Compiler (dxc)
if (_shader_model >= 60)
for (; (offset = s.find('\\', offset)) != std::string::npos; offset += 2)
s.insert(offset, "\\", 1);
s += '\n';
void write_texture_format(std::string &s, texture_format format)
switch (format)
case texture_format::r32i:
s += "int";
case texture_format::r32u:
s += "uint";
case texture_format::unknown:
case texture_format::r8:
case texture_format::r16:
case texture_format::r16f:
case texture_format::r32f:
case texture_format::rg8:
case texture_format::rg16:
case texture_format::rg16f:
case texture_format::rg32f:
case texture_format::rgba8:
case texture_format::rgba16:
case texture_format::rgba16f:
case texture_format::rgba32f:
case texture_format::rgb10a2:
s += "float4";
std::string id_to_name(id id) const
assert(id != 0);
if (const auto names_it = _names.find(id);
names_it != _names.end())
return names_it->second;
return '_' + std::to_string(id);
template <naming naming_type = naming::general>
void define_name(const id id, std::string name)
if constexpr (naming_type != naming::expression)
if (name[0] == '_')
return; // Filter out names that may clash with automatic ones
name = escape_name(std::move(name));
if constexpr (naming_type == naming::general)
if (std::find_if(_names.begin(), _names.end(),
[&name](const auto &names_it) { return names_it.second == name; }) != _names.end())
name += '_' + std::to_string(id); // Append a numbered suffix if the name already exists
_names[id] = std::move(name);
std::string convert_semantic(const std::string &semantic, uint32_t max_attributes = 1)
if (_shader_model < 40)
if (semantic == "SV_POSITION")
return "POSITION"; // For pixel shaders this has to be "VPOS", so need to redefine that in post
if (semantic == "VPOS")
return "VPOS";
if (semantic == "SV_POINTSIZE")
return "PSIZE";
if (semantic.compare(0, 9, "SV_TARGET") == 0)
return "COLOR" + semantic.substr(9);
if (semantic == "SV_DEPTH")
return "DEPTH";
if (semantic == "SV_VERTEXID")
return "TEXCOORD0 /* VERTEXID */";
if (semantic == "SV_ISFRONTFACE")
return "VFACE";
size_t digit_index = semantic.size() - 1;
while (digit_index != 0 && semantic[digit_index] >= '0' && semantic[digit_index] <= '9')
const std::string semantic_base = semantic.substr(0, digit_index);
uint32_t semantic_digit = 0;
std::from_chars(semantic.c_str() + digit_index, semantic.c_str() + semantic.size(), semantic_digit);
if (semantic_base == "TEXCOORD")
if (semantic_digit < 15)
assert(_remapped_semantics[semantic_digit].empty() || _remapped_semantics[semantic_digit] == semantic); // Mixing custom semantic names and multiple TEXCOORD indices is not supported
_remapped_semantics[semantic_digit] = semantic;
// Shader model 3 only supports a selected list of semantic names, so need to remap custom ones to that
else if (
semantic_base != "COLOR" &&
semantic_base != "NORMAL" &&
semantic_base != "TANGENT" &&
semantic_base != "BINORMAL")
// Legal semantic indices are between 0 and 15, but skip first entry in case both custom semantic names and the common TEXCOORD0 exist
for (int i = 1; i < 15; ++i)
if (_remapped_semantics[i].empty() || _remapped_semantics[i] == semantic)
for (uint32_t a = 0; a < max_attributes && i + a < 15; ++a)
_remapped_semantics[i + a] = semantic_base + std::to_string(semantic_digit + a);
return "TEXCOORD" + std::to_string(i) + " /* " + semantic + " */";
if (semantic.compare(0, 5, "COLOR") == 0)
return "SV_TARGET" + semantic.substr(5);
return semantic;
static std::string escape_name(std::string name)
static const auto stringicmp = [](const std::string &a, const std::string &b) {
#ifdef _WIN32
return _stricmp(a.c_str(), b.c_str()) == 0;
return std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end(), [](std::string::value_type a, std::string::value_type b) { return std::tolower(a) == std::tolower(b); });
// HLSL compiler complains about "technique" and "pass" names in strict mode (no matter the casing)
if (stringicmp(name, "line") ||
stringicmp(name, "pass") ||
stringicmp(name, "technique") ||
stringicmp(name, "point") ||
stringicmp(name, "export") ||
stringicmp(name, "extern") ||
stringicmp(name, "compile") ||
stringicmp(name, "discard") ||
stringicmp(name, "half") ||
stringicmp(name, "in") ||
stringicmp(name, "lineadj") ||
stringicmp(name, "matrix") ||
stringicmp(name, "sample") ||
stringicmp(name, "sampler") ||
stringicmp(name, "shared") ||
stringicmp(name, "precise") ||
stringicmp(name, "register") ||
stringicmp(name, "texture") ||
stringicmp(name, "unorm") ||
stringicmp(name, "triangle") ||
stringicmp(name, "triangleadj") ||
stringicmp(name, "out") ||
stringicmp(name, "vector"))
// This is guaranteed to not clash with user defined names, since those starting with an underscore are filtered out in 'define_name'
name = '_' + name;
return name;
static void increase_indentation_level(std::string &block)
if (block.empty())
for (size_t pos = 0; (pos = block.find("\n\t", pos)) != std::string::npos; pos += 3)
block.replace(pos, 2, "\n\t\t");
block.insert(block.begin(), '\t');
id define_struct(const location &loc, struct_type &info) override
const id res = info.id = make_id();
define_name<naming::unique>(res, info.unique_name);
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
write_location(code, loc);
code += "struct " + id_to_name(res) + "\n{\n";
for (const member_type &member : info.member_list)
code += '\t';
write_type<true>(code, member.type); // HLSL allows interpolation attributes on struct members, so handle this like a parameter
code += ' ' + member.name;
if (member.type.is_array())
code += '[' + std::to_string(member.type.array_length) + ']';
if (!member.semantic.empty())
code += " : " + convert_semantic(member.semantic, std::max(1u, member.type.components() / 4) * std::max(1u, member.type.array_length));
code += ";\n";
code += "};\n";
return res;
id define_texture(const location &, texture &info) override
const id res = info.id = make_id();
return res;
id define_sampler(const location &loc, const texture &tex_info, sampler &info) override
const id res = info.id = create_block();
define_name<naming::unique>(res, info.unique_name);
std::string &code = _blocks.at(res);
// Default to a register index equivalent to the entry in the sampler list (this is later overwritten in 'finalize_code_for_entry_point' to a more optimal placement)
const uint32_t default_binding = static_cast<uint32_t>(_module.samplers.size());
uint32_t sampler_state_binding = 0;
if (_shader_model >= 40)
#if 0
// Try and reuse a sampler binding with the same sampler description
const auto existing_sampler_it = std::find_if(_sampler_lookup.begin(), _sampler_lookup.end(),
[&info](const sampler_desc &existing_info) {
existing_info.filter == info.filter &&
existing_info.address_u == info.address_u &&
existing_info.address_v == info.address_v &&
existing_info.address_w == info.address_w &&
existing_info.min_lod == info.min_lod &&
existing_info.max_lod == info.max_lod &&
existing_info.lod_bias == info.lod_bias;
if (existing_sampler_it != _sampler_lookup.end())
sampler_state_binding = existing_sampler_it->binding;
sampler_state_binding = static_cast<uint32_t>(_sampler_lookup.size());
sampler_binding s;
s.filter = info.filter;
s.address_u = info.address_u;
s.address_v = info.address_v;
s.address_w = info.address_w;
s.min_lod = info.min_lod;
s.max_lod = info.max_lod;
s.lod_bias = info.lod_bias;
s.binding = sampler_state_binding;
if (_shader_model >= 60)
_blocks.at(0) += "[[vk::binding(" + std::to_string(sampler_state_binding) + ", 1)]] "; // Descriptor set 1
_blocks.at(0) += "SamplerState __s" + std::to_string(sampler_state_binding) + " : register(s" + std::to_string(sampler_state_binding) + ");\n";
if (_shader_model >= 60)
code += "[[vk::binding(" + std::to_string(default_binding) + ", 2)]] "; // Descriptor set 2
code += "Texture";
code += to_digit(static_cast<unsigned int>(tex_info.type));
code += "D<";
write_texture_format(code, tex_info.format);
code += "> __" + info.unique_name + "_t : register(t" + std::to_string(default_binding) + "); \n";
write_location(code, loc);
code += "static const ";
write_type(code, info.type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res) + " = { __" + info.unique_name + "_t, __s" + std::to_string(sampler_state_binding) + " };\n";
code += "Texture";
code += to_digit(static_cast<unsigned int>(tex_info.type));
code += "D<";
write_texture_format(code, tex_info.format);
code += "> __" + info.unique_name + "_t : register(t" + std::to_string(default_binding) + "); \n";
code += "SamplerState __" + info.unique_name + "_s : register(s" + std::to_string(default_binding) + "); \n";
write_location(code, loc);
code += "static const ";
write_type(code, info.type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res) + " = { __" + info.unique_name + "_t, __" + info.unique_name + "_s };\n";
const unsigned int texture_dimension = info.type.texture_dimension();
code += "sampler";
code += to_digit(texture_dimension);
code += "D __" + info.unique_name + "_s : register(s" + std::to_string(default_binding) + ");\n";
write_location(code, loc);
code += "static const ";
write_type(code, info.type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res) + " = { __" + info.unique_name + "_s, float" + to_digit(texture_dimension) + '(';
if (tex_info.semantic.empty())
code += "1.0 / " + std::to_string(tex_info.width);
if (texture_dimension >= 2)
code += ", 1.0 / " + std::to_string(tex_info.height);
if (texture_dimension >= 3)
code += ", 1.0 / " + std::to_string(tex_info.depth);
// Expect application to set inverse texture size via a define if it is not known here
code += tex_info.semantic + "_PIXEL_SIZE";
code += ") }; \n";
return res;
id define_storage(const location &loc, const texture &, storage &info) override
const id res = info.id = create_block();
define_name<naming::unique>(res, info.unique_name);
// Default to a register index equivalent to the entry in the storage list (this is later overwritten in 'finalize_code_for_entry_point' to a more optimal placement)
const uint32_t default_binding = static_cast<uint32_t>(_module.storages.size());
if (_shader_model >= 50)
std::string &code = _blocks.at(res);
write_location(code, loc);
#if 0
if (_shader_model >= 60)
code += "[[vk::binding(" + std::to_string(default_binding) + ", 3)]] "; // Descriptor set 3
write_type(code, info.type);
code += ' ' + info.unique_name + " : register(u" + std::to_string(default_binding) + ");\n";
return res;
id define_uniform(const location &loc, uniform &info) override
const id res = make_id();
define_name<naming::unique>(res, info.name);
if (_uniforms_to_spec_constants && info.has_initializer_value)
info.size = info.type.components() * 4;
if (info.type.is_array())
info.size *= info.type.array_length;
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
write_location(code, loc);
assert(!info.type.has(type::q_static) && !info.type.has(type::q_const));
code += "static const ";
write_type(code, info.type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res) + " = ";
if (!info.type.is_scalar())
write_type<false, false>(code, info.type);
code += "(SPEC_CONSTANT_" + info.name + ");\n";
if (info.type.is_matrix())
info.size = align_up(info.type.cols * 4, 16, info.type.rows);
else // Vectors are column major (1xN), matrices are row major (NxM)
info.size = info.type.rows * 4;
// Arrays are not packed in HLSL by default, each element is stored in a four-component vector (16 bytes)
if (info.type.is_array())
info.size = align_up(info.size, 16, info.type.array_length);
if (_shader_model < 40)
_module.total_uniform_size /= 4;
// Data is packed into 4-byte boundaries (see https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-packing-rules)
// This is already guaranteed, since all types are at least 4-byte in size
info.offset = _module.total_uniform_size;
// Additionally, HLSL packs data so that it does not cross a 16-byte boundary
const uint32_t remaining = 16 - (info.offset & 15);
if (remaining != 16 && info.size > remaining)
info.offset += remaining;
_module.total_uniform_size = info.offset + info.size;
write_location<true>(_cbuffer_block, loc);
if (_shader_model >= 40)
_cbuffer_block += '\t';
if (info.type.is_matrix()) // Force row major matrices
_cbuffer_block += "row_major ";
type type = info.type;
if (_shader_model < 40)
// The HLSL compiler tries to evaluate boolean values with temporary registers, which breaks branches, so force it to use constant float registers
if (type.is_boolean())
type.base = type::t_float;
// Simply put each uniform into a separate constant register in shader model 3 for now
info.offset *= 4;
_module.total_uniform_size *= 4;
write_type(_cbuffer_block, type);
_cbuffer_block += ' ' + id_to_name(res);
if (info.type.is_array())
_cbuffer_block += '[' + std::to_string(info.type.array_length) + ']';
if (_shader_model < 40)
// Every constant register is 16 bytes wide, so divide memory offset by 16 to get the constant register index
// Note: All uniforms are floating-point in shader model 3, even if the uniform type says different!!
_cbuffer_block += " : register(c" + std::to_string(info.offset / 16) + ')';
_cbuffer_block += ";\n";
return res;
id define_variable(const location &loc, const type &type, std::string name, bool global, id initializer_value) override
// Constant variables with a constant initializer can just point to the initializer SSA variable, since they cannot be modified anyway, thus saving an unnecessary assignment
if (initializer_value != 0 && type.has(type::q_const) &&
std::find_if(_constant_lookup.begin(), _constant_lookup.end(),
[initializer_value](const auto &x) {
return initializer_value == std::get<2>(x);
}) != _constant_lookup.end())
return initializer_value;
const id res = make_id();
if (!name.empty())
define_name<naming::general>(res, name);
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
write_location(code, loc);
if (!global)
code += '\t';
write_type(code, type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res);
if (type.is_array())
code += '[' + std::to_string(type.array_length) + ']';
if (initializer_value != 0)
code += " = " + id_to_name(initializer_value);
code += ";\n";
return res;
id define_function(const location &loc, function &info) override
const id res = info.id = make_id();
define_name<naming::unique>(res, info.unique_name);
assert(_current_block == 0 && (_current_function_declaration.empty() || info.type != shader_type::unknown));
std::string &code = _current_function_declaration;
write_location(code, loc);
write_type(code, info.return_type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res) + '(';
for (member_type ¶m : info.parameter_list)
param.id = make_id();
define_name<naming::unique>(param.id, param.name);
code += '\n';
write_location(code, param.location);
code += '\t';
write_type<true>(code, param.type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(param.id);
if (param.type.is_array())
code += '[' + std::to_string(param.type.array_length) + ']';
if (!param.semantic.empty())
code += " : " + convert_semantic(param.semantic, std::max(1u, param.type.cols / 4u) * std::max(1u, param.type.array_length));
code += ',';
// Remove trailing comma
if (!info.parameter_list.empty())
code += ')';
if (!info.return_semantic.empty())
code += " : " + convert_semantic(info.return_semantic);
code += '\n';
_current_function = _functions.back().get();
return res;
void define_entry_point(function &func) override
// Modify entry point name since a new function is created for it below
assert(!func.unique_name.empty() && func.unique_name[0] == 'F');
if (_shader_model < 40 || func.type == shader_type::compute)
func.unique_name[0] = 'E';
if (func.type == shader_type::compute)
func.unique_name +=
'_' + std::to_string(func.num_threads[0]) +
'_' + std::to_string(func.num_threads[1]) +
'_' + std::to_string(func.num_threads[2]);
if (std::find_if(_module.entry_points.begin(), _module.entry_points.end(),
[&func](const std::pair<std::string, shader_type> &entry_point) {
return entry_point.first == func.unique_name;
}) != _module.entry_points.end())
_module.entry_points.emplace_back(func.unique_name, func.type);
// Only have to rewrite the entry point function signature in shader model 3 and for compute (to write "numthreads" attribute)
if (_shader_model >= 40 && func.type != shader_type::compute)
function entry_point = func;
const auto is_color_semantic = [](const std::string &semantic) {
return semantic.compare(0, 9, "SV_TARGET") == 0 || semantic.compare(0, 5, "COLOR") == 0; };
const auto is_position_semantic = [](const std::string &semantic) {
return semantic == "SV_POSITION" || semantic == "POSITION"; };
const id ret = make_id();
define_name<naming::general>(ret, "ret");
std::string position_variable_name;
if (func.type == shader_type::vertex && func.return_type.is_struct())
// If this function returns a struct which contains a position output, keep track of its member name
for (const member_type &member : get_struct(func.return_type.struct_definition).member_list)
if (is_position_semantic(member.semantic))
position_variable_name = id_to_name(ret) + '.' + member.name;
if (is_color_semantic(func.return_semantic))
// The COLOR output semantic has to be a four-component vector in shader model 3, so enforce that
entry_point.return_type.rows = 4;
if (is_position_semantic(func.return_semantic))
if (func.type == shader_type::vertex)
// Keep track of the position output variable
position_variable_name = id_to_name(ret);
for (member_type ¶m : entry_point.parameter_list)
if (func.type == shader_type::vertex && param.type.is_struct())
for (const member_type &member : get_struct(param.type.struct_definition).member_list)
if (is_position_semantic(member.semantic))
position_variable_name = id_to_name(param.id) + '.' + member.name;
if (is_color_semantic(param.semantic))
param.type.rows = 4;
if (is_position_semantic(param.semantic))
if (func.type == shader_type::vertex)
// Keep track of the position output variable
position_variable_name = id_to_name(param.id);
else if (func.type == shader_type::pixel)
// Change the position input semantic in pixel shaders
param.semantic = "VPOS";
if (func.type == shader_type::compute)
_current_function_declaration += "[numthreads(" +
std::to_string(func.num_threads[0]) + ", " +
std::to_string(func.num_threads[1]) + ", " +
std::to_string(func.num_threads[2]) + ")]\n";
define_function({}, entry_point);
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
// Clear all color output parameters so no component is left uninitialized
for (const member_type ¶m : entry_point.parameter_list)
if (is_color_semantic(param.semantic))
code += '\t' + id_to_name(param.id) + " = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n";
code += '\t';
if (is_color_semantic(func.return_semantic))
code += "const float4 " + id_to_name(ret) + " = float4(";
else if (!func.return_type.is_void())
write_type(code, func.return_type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(ret) + " = ";
// Call the function this entry point refers to
code += id_to_name(func.id) + '(';
for (size_t i = 0; i < func.parameter_list.size(); ++i)
code += id_to_name(entry_point.parameter_list[i].id);
const member_type ¶m = func.parameter_list[i];
if (is_color_semantic(param.semantic))
code += '.';
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < param.type.rows; c++)
code += "xyzw"[c];
code += ", ";
// Remove trailing ", "
if (!entry_point.parameter_list.empty())
code.erase(code.size() - 2);
code += ')';
// Cast the output value to a four-component vector
if (is_color_semantic(func.return_semantic))
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < (4 - func.return_type.rows); c++)
code += ", 0.0";
code += ')';
code += ";\n";
// Shift everything by half a viewport pixel to workaround the different half-pixel offset in D3D9 (https://aras-p.info/blog/2016/04/08/solving-dx9-half-pixel-offset/)
if (func.type == shader_type::vertex && !position_variable_name.empty()) // Check if we are in a vertex shader definition
code += '\t' + position_variable_name + ".xy += __TEXEL_SIZE__ * " + position_variable_name + ".ww;\n";
leave_block_and_return(func.return_type.is_void() ? 0 : ret);
id emit_load(const expression &exp, bool force_new_id) override
if (exp.is_constant)
return emit_constant(exp.type, exp.constant);
else if (exp.chain.empty() && !force_new_id) // Can refer to values without access chain directly
return exp.base;
const id res = make_id();
static const char s_matrix_swizzles[16][5] = {
"_m00", "_m01", "_m02", "_m03",
"_m10", "_m11", "_m12", "_m13",
"_m20", "_m21", "_m22", "_m23",
"_m30", "_m31", "_m32", "_m33"
std::string type, expr_code = id_to_name(exp.base);
for (const expression::operation &op : exp.chain)
switch (op.op)
case expression::operation::op_cast:
write_type<false, false>(type, op.to);
// Cast is in parentheses so that a subsequent operation operates on the casted value
expr_code = "((" + type + ')' + expr_code + ')';
case expression::operation::op_member:
expr_code += '.';
expr_code += get_struct(op.from.struct_definition).member_list[op.index].name;
case expression::operation::op_dynamic_index:
expr_code += '[' + id_to_name(op.index) + ']';
case expression::operation::op_constant_index:
if (op.from.is_vector() && !op.from.is_array())
expr_code += '.',
expr_code += "xyzw"[op.index];
expr_code += '[' + std::to_string(op.index) + ']';
case expression::operation::op_swizzle:
expr_code += '.';
for (int i = 0; i < 4 && op.swizzle[i] >= 0; ++i)
if (op.from.is_matrix())
expr_code += s_matrix_swizzles[op.swizzle[i]];
expr_code += "xyzw"[op.swizzle[i]];
if (force_new_id)
// Need to store value in a new variable to comply with request for a new ID
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
code += '\t';
write_type(code, exp.type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res) + " = " + expr_code + ";\n";
// Avoid excessive variable definitions by instancing simple load operations in code every time
define_name<naming::expression>(res, std::move(expr_code));
return res;
void emit_store(const expression &exp, id value) override
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
write_location(code, exp.location);
code += '\t' + id_to_name(exp.base);
static const char s_matrix_swizzles[16][5] = {
"_m00", "_m01", "_m02", "_m03",
"_m10", "_m11", "_m12", "_m13",
"_m20", "_m21", "_m22", "_m23",
"_m30", "_m31", "_m32", "_m33"
for (const expression::operation &op : exp.chain)
switch (op.op)
case expression::operation::op_member:
code += '.';
code += get_struct(op.from.struct_definition).member_list[op.index].name;
case expression::operation::op_dynamic_index:
code += '[' + id_to_name(op.index) + ']';
case expression::operation::op_constant_index:
code += '[' + std::to_string(op.index) + ']';
case expression::operation::op_swizzle:
code += '.';
for (int i = 0; i < 4 && op.swizzle[i] >= 0; ++i)
if (op.from.is_matrix())
code += s_matrix_swizzles[op.swizzle[i]];
code += "xyzw"[op.swizzle[i]];
code += " = " + id_to_name(value) + ";\n";
id emit_constant(const type &data_type, const constant &data) override
const id res = make_id();
if (data_type.is_array())
if (const auto it = std::find_if(_constant_lookup.begin(), _constant_lookup.end(),
[&data_type, &data](const std::tuple<type, constant, id> &x) {
if (!(std::get<0>(x) == data_type && std::memcmp(&std::get<1>(x).as_uint[0], &data.as_uint[0], sizeof(uint32_t) * 16) == 0 && std::get<1>(x).array_data.size() == data.array_data.size()))
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.array_data.size(); ++i)
if (std::memcmp(&std::get<1>(x).array_data[i].as_uint[0], &data.array_data[i].as_uint[0], sizeof(uint32_t) * 16) != 0)
return false;
return true;
it != _constant_lookup.end())
return std::get<2>(*it); // Reuse existing constant instead of duplicating the definition
_constant_lookup.push_back({ data_type, data, res });
// Put constant variable into global scope, so that it can be reused in different blocks
std::string &code = _blocks.at(0);
// Array constants need to be stored in a constant variable as they cannot be used in-place
code += "static const ";
write_type<false, false>(code, data_type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res);
code += '[' + std::to_string(data_type.array_length) + ']';
code += " = ";
write_constant(code, data_type, data);
code += ";\n";
return res;
std::string code;
write_constant(code, data_type, data);
define_name<naming::expression>(res, std::move(code));
return res;
id emit_unary_op(const location &loc, tokenid op, const type &res_type, id val) override
const id res = make_id();
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
write_location(code, loc);
code += '\t';
write_type(code, res_type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res) + " = ";
if (_shader_model < 40 && op == tokenid::tilde)
code += "0xFFFFFFFF - "; // Emulate bitwise not operator on shader model 3
code += char(op);
code += id_to_name(val) + ";\n";
return res;
id emit_binary_op(const location &loc, tokenid op, const type &res_type, const type &, id lhs, id rhs) override
const id res = make_id();
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
write_location(code, loc);
code += '\t';
write_type(code, res_type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res) + " = ";
if (_shader_model < 40)
// See bitwise shift operator emulation below
if (op == tokenid::less_less || op == tokenid::less_less_equal)
code += '(';
else if (op == tokenid::greater_greater || op == tokenid::greater_greater_equal)
code += "floor(";
code += id_to_name(lhs) + ' ';
switch (op)
case tokenid::plus:
case tokenid::plus_plus:
case tokenid::plus_equal:
code += '+';
case tokenid::minus:
case tokenid::minus_minus:
case tokenid::minus_equal:
code += '-';
case tokenid::star:
case tokenid::star_equal:
code += '*';
case tokenid::slash:
case tokenid::slash_equal:
code += '/';
case tokenid::percent:
case tokenid::percent_equal:
code += '%';
case tokenid::caret:
case tokenid::caret_equal:
code += '^';
case tokenid::pipe:
case tokenid::pipe_equal:
code += '|';
case tokenid::ampersand:
case tokenid::ampersand_equal:
code += '&';
case tokenid::less_less:
case tokenid::less_less_equal:
code += _shader_model >= 40 ? "<<" : ") * exp2("; // Emulate bitwise shift operators on shader model 3
case tokenid::greater_greater:
case tokenid::greater_greater_equal:
code += _shader_model >= 40 ? ">>" : ") / exp2(";
case tokenid::pipe_pipe:
code += "||";
case tokenid::ampersand_ampersand:
code += "&&";
case tokenid::less:
code += '<';
case tokenid::less_equal:
code += "<=";
case tokenid::greater:
code += '>';
case tokenid::greater_equal:
code += ">=";
case tokenid::equal_equal:
code += "==";
case tokenid::exclaim_equal:
code += "!=";
code += ' ' + id_to_name(rhs);
if (_shader_model < 40)
// See bitwise shift operator emulation above
if (op == tokenid::less_less || op == tokenid::less_less_equal ||
op == tokenid::greater_greater || op == tokenid::greater_greater_equal)
code += ')';
code += ";\n";
return res;
id emit_ternary_op(const location &loc, tokenid op, const type &res_type, id condition, id true_value, id false_value) override
if (op != tokenid::question)
return assert(false), 0; // Should never happen, since this is the only ternary operator currently supported
const id res = make_id();
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
write_location(code, loc);
code += '\t';
write_type(code, res_type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res);
if (res_type.is_array())
code += '[' + std::to_string(res_type.array_length) + ']';
code += " = " + id_to_name(condition) + " ? " + id_to_name(true_value) + " : " + id_to_name(false_value) + ";\n";
return res;
id emit_call(const location &loc, id function, const type &res_type, const std::vector<expression> &args) override
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (const expression &arg : args)
assert(arg.chain.empty() && arg.base != 0);
const id res = make_id();
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
write_location(code, loc);
code += '\t';
if (!res_type.is_void())
write_type(code, res_type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res);
if (res_type.is_array())
code += '[' + std::to_string(res_type.array_length) + ']';
code += " = ";
code += id_to_name(function) + '(';
for (const expression &arg : args)
code += id_to_name(arg.base);
code += ", ";
// Remove trailing ", "
if (!args.empty())
code.erase(code.size() - 2);
code += ");\n";
return res;
id emit_call_intrinsic(const location &loc, id intrinsic, const type &res_type, const std::vector<expression> &args) override
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (const expression &arg : args)
assert(arg.chain.empty() && arg.base != 0);
const id res = make_id();
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
#define IMPLEMENT_INTRINSIC_HLSL(name, i, code) name##i,
#include "effect_symbol_table_intrinsics.inl"
write_location(code, loc);
code += '\t';
if (!res_type.is_void())
write_type(code, res_type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res) + " = ";
switch (intrinsic)
#define IMPLEMENT_INTRINSIC_HLSL(name, i, code) case name##i: code break;
#include "effect_symbol_table_intrinsics.inl"
code += ";\n";
return res;
id emit_construct(const location &loc, const type &res_type, const std::vector<expression> &args) override
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (const expression &arg : args)
assert((arg.type.is_scalar() || res_type.is_array()) && arg.chain.empty() && arg.base != 0);
const id res = make_id();
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
write_location(code, loc);
code += '\t';
write_type(code, res_type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res);
if (res_type.is_array())
code += '[' + std::to_string(res_type.array_length) + ']';
code += " = ";
if (res_type.is_array())
code += "{ ";
write_type<false, false>(code, res_type), code += '(';
for (const expression &arg : args)
code += id_to_name(arg.base);
code += ", ";
// Remove trailing ", "
if (!args.empty())
code.erase(code.size() - 2);
if (res_type.is_array())
code += " }";
code += ')';
code += ";\n";
return res;
void emit_if(const location &loc, id condition_value, id condition_block, id true_statement_block, id false_statement_block, unsigned int flags) override
assert(condition_value != 0 && condition_block != 0 && true_statement_block != 0 && false_statement_block != 0);
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
std::string &true_statement_data = _blocks.at(true_statement_block);
std::string &false_statement_data = _blocks.at(false_statement_block);
code += _blocks.at(condition_block);
write_location(code, loc);
code += '\t';
if (flags & 0x1) code += "[flatten] ";
if (flags & 0x2) code += "[branch] ";
code += "if (" + id_to_name(condition_value) + ")\n\t{\n";
code += true_statement_data;
code += "\t}\n";
if (!false_statement_data.empty())
code += "\telse\n\t{\n";
code += false_statement_data;
code += "\t}\n";
// Remove consumed blocks to save memory
id emit_phi(const location &loc, id condition_value, id condition_block, id true_value, id true_statement_block, id false_value, id false_statement_block, const type &res_type) override
assert(condition_value != 0 && condition_block != 0 && true_value != 0 && true_statement_block != 0 && false_value != 0 && false_statement_block != 0);
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
std::string &true_statement_data = _blocks.at(true_statement_block);
std::string &false_statement_data = _blocks.at(false_statement_block);
const id res = make_id();
code += _blocks.at(condition_block);
code += '\t';
write_type(code, res_type);
code += ' ' + id_to_name(res) + ";\n";
write_location(code, loc);
code += "\tif (" + id_to_name(condition_value) + ")\n\t{\n";
code += (true_statement_block != condition_block ? true_statement_data : std::string());
code += "\t\t" + id_to_name(res) + " = " + id_to_name(true_value) + ";\n";
code += "\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n";
code += (false_statement_block != condition_block ? false_statement_data : std::string());
code += "\t\t" + id_to_name(res) + " = " + id_to_name(false_value) + ";\n";
code += "\t}\n";
// Remove consumed blocks to save memory
return res;
void emit_loop(const location &loc, id condition_value, id prev_block, id header_block, id condition_block, id loop_block, id continue_block, unsigned int flags) override
assert(prev_block != 0 && header_block != 0 && loop_block != 0 && continue_block != 0);
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
std::string &loop_data = _blocks.at(loop_block);
std::string &continue_data = _blocks.at(continue_block);
code += _blocks.at(prev_block);
std::string attributes;
if (flags & 0x1)
attributes += "[unroll] ";
if (flags & 0x2)
attributes += _shader_model >= 40 ? "[fastopt] " : "[loop] ";
// Condition value can be missing in infinite loop constructs like "for (;;)"
std::string condition_name = condition_value != 0 ? id_to_name(condition_value) : "true";
if (condition_block == 0)
// Convert the last SSA variable initializer to an assignment statement
const size_t pos_assign = continue_data.rfind(condition_name);
const size_t pos_prev_assign = continue_data.rfind('\t', pos_assign);
continue_data.erase(pos_prev_assign + 1, pos_assign - pos_prev_assign - 1);
// We need to add the continue block to all "continue" statements as well
const std::string continue_id = "__CONTINUE__" + std::to_string(continue_block);
for (size_t offset = 0; (offset = loop_data.find(continue_id, offset)) != std::string::npos; offset += continue_data.size())
loop_data.replace(offset, continue_id.size(), continue_data);
code += "\tbool " + condition_name + ";\n";
write_location(code, loc);
code += '\t' + attributes;
code += "do\n\t{\n\t\t{\n";
code += loop_data; // Encapsulate loop body into another scope, so not to confuse any local variables with the current iteration variable accessed in the continue block below
code += "\t\t}\n";
code += continue_data;
code += "\t}\n\twhile (" + condition_name + ");\n";
std::string &condition_data = _blocks.at(condition_block);
// Work around D3DCompiler putting uniform variables that are used as the loop count register into integer registers (only in SM3)
// Only applies to dynamic loops with uniform variables in the condition, where it generates a loop instruction like "rep i0", but then expects the "i0" register to be set externally
// Moving the loop condition into the loop body forces it to move the uniform variable into a constant register instead and geneates a fixed number of loop iterations with "defi i0, 255, ..."
// Check 'condition_name' instead of 'condition_value' here to also catch cases where a constant boolean expression was passed in as loop condition
bool use_break_statement_for_condition = (_shader_model < 40 && condition_name != "true") &&
std::find_if(_module.uniforms.begin(), _module.uniforms.end(),
[&](const uniform &info) {
return condition_data.find(info.name) != std::string::npos || condition_name.find(info.name) != std::string::npos;
}) != _module.uniforms.end();
// If the condition data is just a single line, then it is a simple expression, which we can just put into the loop condition as-is
if (!use_break_statement_for_condition && std::count(condition_data.begin(), condition_data.end(), '\n') == 1)
// Convert SSA variable initializer back to a condition expression
const size_t pos_assign = condition_data.find('=');
condition_data.erase(0, pos_assign + 2);
const size_t pos_semicolon = condition_data.rfind(';');
condition_name = std::move(condition_data);
code += condition_data;
// Convert the last SSA variable initializer to an assignment statement
const size_t pos_assign = condition_data.rfind(condition_name);
const size_t pos_prev_assign = condition_data.rfind('\t', pos_assign);
condition_data.erase(pos_prev_assign + 1, pos_assign - pos_prev_assign - 1);
const std::string continue_id = "__CONTINUE__" + std::to_string(continue_block);
for (size_t offset = 0; (offset = loop_data.find(continue_id, offset)) != std::string::npos; offset += continue_data.size())
loop_data.replace(offset, continue_id.size(), continue_data + condition_data);
write_location(code, loc);
code += '\t' + attributes;
if (use_break_statement_for_condition)
code += "while (true)\n\t{\n\t\tif (" + condition_name + ")\n\t\t{\n";
code += "while (" + condition_name + ")\n\t{\n\t\t{\n";
code += loop_data;
code += "\t\t}\n";
if (use_break_statement_for_condition)
code += "\t\telse break;\n";
code += continue_data;
code += condition_data;
code += "\t}\n";
// Remove consumed blocks to save memory
void emit_switch(const location &loc, id selector_value, id selector_block, id default_label, id default_block, const std::vector<id> &case_literal_and_labels, const std::vector<id> &case_blocks, unsigned int flags) override
assert(selector_value != 0 && selector_block != 0 && default_label != 0 && default_block != 0);
assert(case_blocks.size() == case_literal_and_labels.size() / 2);
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
code += _blocks.at(selector_block);
if (_shader_model >= 40)
write_location(code, loc);
code += '\t';
if (flags & 0x1) code += "[flatten] ";
if (flags & 0x2) code += "[branch] ";
if (flags & 0x4) code += "[forcecase] ";
if (flags & 0x8) code += "[call] ";
code += "switch (" + id_to_name(selector_value) + ")\n\t{\n";
std::vector<id> labels = case_literal_and_labels;
for (size_t i = 0; i < labels.size(); i += 2)
if (labels[i + 1] == 0)
continue; // Happens if a case was already handled, see below
code += "\tcase " + std::to_string(labels[i]) + ": ";
if (labels[i + 1] == default_label)
code += "default: ";
default_label = 0;
for (size_t k = i + 2; k < labels.size(); k += 2)
if (labels[k + 1] == 0 || labels[k + 1] != labels[i + 1])
code += "case " + std::to_string(labels[k]) + ": ";
labels[k + 1] = 0;
assert(case_blocks[i / 2] != 0);
std::string &case_data = _blocks.at(case_blocks[i / 2]);
code += "{\n";
code += case_data;
code += "\t}\n";
if (default_label != 0 && default_block != _current_block)
std::string &default_data = _blocks.at(default_block);
code += "\tdefault: {\n";
code += default_data;
code += "\t}\n";
code += "\t}\n";
else // Switch statements do not work correctly in SM3 if a constant is used as selector value (this is a D3DCompiler bug), so replace them with if statements
write_location(code, loc);
code += "\t[unroll] do { "; // This dummy loop makes "break" statements work
if (flags & 0x1) code += "[flatten] ";
if (flags & 0x2) code += "[branch] ";
std::vector<id> labels = case_literal_and_labels;
for (size_t i = 0; i < labels.size(); i += 2)
if (labels[i + 1] == 0)
continue; // Happens if a case was already handled, see below
code += "if (" + id_to_name(selector_value) + " == " + std::to_string(labels[i]);
for (size_t k = i + 2; k < labels.size(); k += 2)
if (labels[k + 1] == 0 || labels[k + 1] != labels[i + 1])
code += " || " + id_to_name(selector_value) + " == " + std::to_string(labels[k]);
labels[k + 1] = 0;
assert(case_blocks[i / 2] != 0);
std::string &case_data = _blocks.at(case_blocks[i / 2]);
code += ")\n\t{\n";
code += case_data;
code += "\t}\n\telse\n\t";
code += "{\n";
if (default_block != _current_block)
std::string &default_data = _blocks.at(default_block);
code += default_data;
code += "\t} } while (false);\n";
// Remove consumed blocks to save memory
for (const id case_block : case_blocks)
id create_block() override
const id res = make_id();
std::string &block = _blocks.emplace(res, std::string()).first->second;
// Reserve a decently big enough memory block to avoid frequent reallocations
return res;
id set_block(id id) override
_last_block = _current_block;
_current_block = id;
return _last_block;
void enter_block(id id) override
_current_block = id;
id leave_block_and_kill() override
if (!is_in_block())
return 0;
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
code += "\tdiscard;\n";
const type &return_type = _current_function->return_type;
if (!return_type.is_void())
// HLSL compiler doesn't handle discard like a shader kill
// Add a return statement to exit functions in case discard is the last control flow statement
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/discard--sm4---asm-
code += "\treturn ";
write_constant(code, return_type, constant());
code += ";\n";
return set_block(0);
id leave_block_and_return(id value) override
if (!is_in_block())
return 0;
// Skip implicit return statement
if (!_current_function->return_type.is_void() && value == 0)
return set_block(0);
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
code += "\treturn";
if (value != 0)
code += ' ' + id_to_name(value);
code += ";\n";
return set_block(0);
id leave_block_and_switch(id, id) override
if (!is_in_block())
return _last_block;
return set_block(0);
id leave_block_and_branch(id target, unsigned int loop_flow) override
if (!is_in_block())
return _last_block;
std::string &code = _blocks.at(_current_block);
switch (loop_flow)
case 1:
code += "\tbreak;\n";
case 2: // Keep track of continue target block, so we can insert its code here later
code += "__CONTINUE__" + std::to_string(target) + "\tcontinue;\n";
return set_block(0);
id leave_block_and_branch_conditional(id, id, id) override
if (!is_in_block())
return _last_block;
return set_block(0);
void leave_function() override
assert(_current_function != nullptr && _last_block != 0);
_blocks.emplace(_current_function->id, _current_function_declaration + "{\n" + _blocks.at(_last_block) + "}\n");
_current_function = nullptr;
codegen *reshadefx::create_codegen_hlsl(unsigned int shader_model, bool debug_info, bool uniforms_to_spec_constants)
return new codegen_hlsl(shader_model, debug_info, uniforms_to_spec_constants);