
1747 lines
46 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 iCatButler, 2019-2023 Connor McLaughlin <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
#include "cpu_pgxp.h"
#include "bus.h"
#include "cpu_core.h"
#include "cpu_disasm.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "util/gpu_device.h"
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/log.h"
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>
// #define LOG_VALUES 1
// #define LOG_LOOKUPS 1
// TODO: Get rid of all the rs/rt subscripting.
// TODO: Don't update flags on Validate(), instead return it.
namespace CPU::PGXP {
namespace {
enum : u32
PGXP_MEM_SIZE = (static_cast<u32>(Bus::RAM_8MB_SIZE) + static_cast<u32>(CPU::SCRATCHPAD_SIZE)) / 4,
enum : u32
enum : u32
VALID_X = (1u << 0),
VALID_Y = (1u << 1),
VALID_Z = (1u << 2),
VALID_LOWZ = (1u << 16), // Valid Z from the low part of a 32-bit value.
VALID_HIGHZ = (1u << 17), // Valid Z from the high part of a 32-bit value.
VALID_TAINTED_Z = (1u << 31), // X/Y has been changed, Z may not be accurate.
union psx_value
u32 d;
s32 sd;
u16 l, h;
} w;
s16 l, h;
} sw;
} // namespace
static void CacheVertex(u32 value, const PGXP_value& vertex);
static PGXP_value* GetCachedVertex(u32 value);
static float TruncateVertexPosition(float p);
static bool IsWithinTolerance(float precise_x, float precise_y, int int_x, int int_y);
static void MakeValid(PGXP_value* pV, u32 psxV);
static void Validate(PGXP_value* pV, u32 psxV);
static void MaskValidate(PGXP_value* pV, u32 psxV, u32 mask, u32 validMask);
static double f16Sign(double in);
static double f16Unsign(double in);
static double f16Overflow(double in);
static PGXP_value* GetPtr(u32 addr);
static void ValidateAndCopyMem(PGXP_value* dest, u32 addr, u32 value);
static void ValidateAndCopyMem16(PGXP_value* dest, u32 addr, u32 value, bool sign);
static void CPU_MTC2_int(const PGXP_value& value, u32 reg);
static void CPU_BITWISE(u32 instr, u32 rdVal, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal);
static void WriteMem(const PGXP_value* value, u32 addr);
static void WriteMem16(const PGXP_value* src, u32 addr);
static void CopyZIfMissing(PGXP_value& dst, const PGXP_value& src);
static void SelectZ(PGXP_value& dst, const PGXP_value& src1, const PGXP_value& src2);
static void LogInstruction(u32 pc, u32 instr);
static void LogValue(const char* name, u32 rval, const PGXP_value* val);
static void LogValueStr(SmallStringBase& str, const char* name, u32 rval, const PGXP_value* val);
// clang-format off
#define LOG_VALUES_NV() do { LogInstruction(CPU::g_state.current_instruction_pc, instr); } while (0)
#define LOG_VALUES_1(name, rval, val) do { LogInstruction(CPU::g_state.current_instruction_pc, instr); LogValue(name, rval, val); } while (0)
#define LOG_VALUES_C1(rnum, rval) do { LogInstruction(CPU::g_state.current_instruction_pc,instr); LogValue(CPU::GetRegName(static_cast<CPU::Reg>(rnum)), rval, &g_state.pgxp_gpr[static_cast<u32>(rnum)]); } while(0)
#define LOG_VALUES_C2(r1num, r1val, r2num, r2val) do { LogInstruction(CPU::g_state.current_instruction_pc,instr); LogValue(CPU::GetRegName(static_cast<CPU::Reg>(r1num)), r1val, &g_state.pgxp_gpr[static_cast<u32>(r1num)]); LogValue(CPU::GetRegName(static_cast<CPU::Reg>(r2num)), r2val, &g_state.pgxp_gpr[static_cast<u32>(r2num)]); } while(0)
#define LOG_VALUES_LOAD(addr, val) do { LogInstruction(CPU::g_state.current_instruction_pc,instr); LogValue(TinyString::from_format("MEM[{:08X}]", addr).c_str(), val, GetPtr(addr)); } while(0)
#define LOG_VALUES_STORE(rnum, rval, addr) do { LOG_VALUES_C1(rnum, rval); std::fprintf(s_log, " addr=%08X", addr); } while(0)
#define LOG_VALUES_NV() (void)0
#define LOG_VALUES_1(name, rval, val) (void)0
#define LOG_VALUES_C1(rnum, rval) (void)0
#define LOG_VALUES_C2(r1num, r1val, r2num, r2val) (void)0
#define LOG_VALUES_LOAD(addr, val) (void)0
#define LOG_VALUES_STORE(rnum, rval, addr) (void)0
// clang-format on
static constexpr PGXP_value PGXP_value_invalid = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0, 0};
static constexpr PGXP_value PGXP_value_zero = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0, VALID_XY};
static PGXP_value* s_mem = nullptr;
static PGXP_value* s_vertex_cache = nullptr;
static std::FILE* s_log;
} // namespace CPU::PGXP
void CPU::PGXP::Initialize()
std::memset(g_state.pgxp_gpr, 0, sizeof(g_state.pgxp_gpr));
std::memset(g_state.pgxp_cop0, 0, sizeof(g_state.pgxp_cop0));
std::memset(g_state.pgxp_gte, 0, sizeof(g_state.pgxp_gte));
if (!s_mem)
s_mem = static_cast<PGXP_value*>(std::calloc(PGXP_MEM_SIZE, sizeof(PGXP_value)));
if (!s_mem)
Panic("Failed to allocate PGXP memory");
if (g_settings.gpu_pgxp_vertex_cache && !s_vertex_cache)
s_vertex_cache = static_cast<PGXP_value*>(std::calloc(VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE, sizeof(PGXP_value)));
if (!s_vertex_cache)
ERROR_LOG("Failed to allocate memory for vertex cache, disabling.");
g_settings.gpu_pgxp_vertex_cache = false;
if (s_vertex_cache)
std::memset(s_vertex_cache, 0, sizeof(PGXP_value) * VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE);
void CPU::PGXP::Reset()
std::memset(g_state.pgxp_gpr, 0, sizeof(g_state.pgxp_gpr));
std::memset(g_state.pgxp_cop0, 0, sizeof(g_state.pgxp_cop0));
std::memset(g_state.pgxp_gte, 0, sizeof(g_state.pgxp_gte));
if (s_mem)
std::memset(s_mem, 0, sizeof(PGXP_value) * PGXP_MEM_SIZE);
if (g_settings.gpu_pgxp_vertex_cache && s_vertex_cache)
std::memset(s_vertex_cache, 0, sizeof(PGXP_value) * VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE);
void CPU::PGXP::Shutdown()
if (s_vertex_cache)
s_vertex_cache = nullptr;
if (s_mem)
s_mem = nullptr;
std::memset(g_state.pgxp_gte, 0, sizeof(g_state.pgxp_gte));
std::memset(g_state.pgxp_gpr, 0, sizeof(g_state.pgxp_gpr));
std::memset(g_state.pgxp_cop0, 0, sizeof(g_state.pgxp_cop0));
// Instruction register decoding
#define op(_instr) (_instr >> 26) // The op part of the instruction register
#define func(_instr) ((_instr) & 0x3F) // The funct part of the instruction register
#define sa(_instr) ((_instr >> 6) & 0x1F) // The sa part of the instruction register
#define rd(_instr) ((_instr >> 11) & 0x1F) // The rd part of the instruction register
#define rt(_instr) ((_instr >> 16) & 0x1F) // The rt part of the instruction register
#define rs(_instr) ((_instr >> 21) & 0x1F) // The rs part of the instruction register
#define imm(_instr) (_instr & 0xFFFF) // The immediate part of the instruction register
#define cop2idx(_instr) (((_instr >> 11) & 0x1F) | ((_instr >> 17) & 0x20))
#define SX0 (g_state.pgxp_gte[12].x)
#define SY0 (g_state.pgxp_gte[12].y)
#define SX1 (g_state.pgxp_gte[13].x)
#define SY1 (g_state.pgxp_gte[13].y)
#define SX2 (g_state.pgxp_gte[14].x)
#define SY2 (g_state.pgxp_gte[14].y)
#define SXY0 (g_state.pgxp_gte[12])
#define SXY1 (g_state.pgxp_gte[13])
#define SXY2 (g_state.pgxp_gte[14])
#define SXYP (g_state.pgxp_gte[15])
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE void CPU::PGXP::MakeValid(PGXP_value* pV, u32 psxV)
if ((pV->flags & VALID_XY) == VALID_XY)
pV->x = static_cast<float>(static_cast<s16>(Truncate16(psxV)));
pV->y = static_cast<float>(static_cast<s16>(Truncate16(psxV >> 16)));
pV->z = 0.0f;
pV->value = psxV;
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE void CPU::PGXP::Validate(PGXP_value* pV, u32 psxV)
pV->flags = (pV->value == psxV) ? pV->flags : 0;
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE void CPU::PGXP::MaskValidate(PGXP_value* pV, u32 psxV, u32 mask, u32 validMask)
pV->flags = ((pV->value & mask) == (psxV & mask)) ? pV->flags : (pV->flags & ~validMask);
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE double CPU::PGXP::f16Sign(double in)
const s32 s = static_cast<s32>(static_cast<s64>(in * (USHRT_MAX + 1)));
return static_cast<double>(s) / static_cast<double>(USHRT_MAX + 1);
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE double CPU::PGXP::f16Unsign(double in)
return (in >= 0) ? in : (in + (USHRT_MAX + 1));
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE double CPU::PGXP::f16Overflow(double in)
double out = 0;
s64 v = ((s64)in) >> 16;
out = (double)v;
return out;
#if 0
if ((addr & CPU::PHYSICAL_MEMORY_ADDRESS_MASK) >= 0x0017A2B4 &&
return &s_mem[PGXP_MEM_SCRATCH_OFFSET + ((addr & SCRATCHPAD_OFFSET_MASK) >> 2)];
const u32 paddr = (addr & PHYSICAL_MEMORY_ADDRESS_MASK);
if (paddr < Bus::RAM_MIRROR_END)
return &s_mem[(paddr & Bus::g_ram_mask) >> 2];
return nullptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE void CPU::PGXP::ValidateAndCopyMem(PGXP_value* dest, u32 addr, u32 value)
PGXP_value* pMem = GetPtr(addr);
if (!pMem)
*dest = PGXP_value_invalid;
Validate(pMem, value);
*dest = *pMem;
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE void CPU::PGXP::ValidateAndCopyMem16(PGXP_value* dest, u32 addr, u32 value, bool sign)
PGXP_value* pMem = GetPtr(addr);
if (!pMem)
*dest = PGXP_value_invalid;
psx_value val{0}, mask{0};
u32 valid_mask = 0;
// determine if high or low word
const bool hiword = ((addr & 2) != 0);
if (hiword)
val.w.h = static_cast<u16>(value);
mask.w.h = 0xFFFF;
valid_mask = VALID_Y;
val.w.l = static_cast<u16>(value);
mask.w.l = 0xFFFF;
valid_mask = VALID_X;
// validate and copy whole value
MaskValidate(pMem, val.d, mask.d, valid_mask);
*dest = *pMem;
// if high word then shift
if (hiword)
dest->x = dest->y;
dest->SetValid(COMP_X, dest->HasValid(COMP_Y));
// only set y as valid if x is also valid.. don't want to make fake values
if (dest->HasValid(COMP_X))
dest->y = (dest->x < 0) ? -1.f * sign : 0.f;
dest->y = 0.0f;
dest->SetValid(COMP_Y, false);
dest->value = value;
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE void CPU::PGXP::WriteMem(const PGXP_value* value, u32 addr)
PGXP_value* pMem = GetPtr(addr);
if (pMem)
*pMem = *value;
pMem->flags |= VALID_LOWZ | VALID_HIGHZ;
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE void CPU::PGXP::WriteMem16(const PGXP_value* src, u32 addr)
PGXP_value* dest = GetPtr(addr);
if (!dest)
// determine if high or low word
const bool hiword = ((addr & 2) != 0);
if (hiword)
dest->y = src->x;
dest->SetValid(COMP_Y, src->HasValid(COMP_X));
dest->value = (dest->value & UINT32_C(0x0000FFFF)) | (src->value << 16);
dest->x = src->x;
dest->SetValid(COMP_X, src->HasValid(COMP_X));
dest->value = (dest->value & UINT32_C(0xFFFF0000)) | (src->value & UINT32_C(0x0000FFFF));
// overwrite z/w if valid
// TODO: Check modified
if (src->HasValid(COMP_Z))
dest->z = src->z;
dest->flags |= hiword ? VALID_HIGHZ : VALID_LOWZ;
dest->flags &= hiword ? ~VALID_HIGHZ : ~VALID_LOWZ;
if (dest->flags & VALID_Z && !(dest->flags & (VALID_HIGHZ | VALID_LOWZ)))
dest->flags &= ~VALID_Z;
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE void CPU::PGXP::CopyZIfMissing(PGXP_value& dst, const PGXP_value& src)
dst.z = dst.HasValid(COMP_Z) ? dst.z : src.z;
dst.flags |= (src.flags & VALID_Z);
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE void CPU::PGXP::SelectZ(PGXP_value& dst, const PGXP_value& src1, const PGXP_value& src2)
// Prefer src2 if src1 is missing Z, or is potentially an imprecise value, when src2 is precise.
dst.z = (!(src1.flags & VALID_Z) ||
(src1.flags & VALID_TAINTED_Z && (src2.flags & (VALID_Z | VALID_TAINTED_Z)) == VALID_Z)) ?
src2.z :
dst.flags |= ((src1.flags | src2.flags) & VALID_Z);
void CPU::PGXP::LogInstruction(u32 pc, u32 instr)
if (!s_log) [[unlikely]]
s_log = std::fopen("pgxp.log", "wb");
std::fputc('\n', s_log);
SmallString str;
DisassembleInstruction(&str, pc, instr);
std::fprintf(s_log, "%08X %08X %-20s", pc, instr, str.c_str());
void CPU::PGXP::LogValue(const char* name, u32 rval, const PGXP_value* val)
if (!s_log) [[unlikely]]
SmallString str;
LogValueStr(str, name, rval, val);
std::fprintf(s_log, " %s", str.c_str());
void CPU::PGXP::LogValueStr(SmallStringBase& str, const char* name, u32 rval, const PGXP_value* val)
str.append_format("{}=[{:08X}", name, rval);
if (!val)
str.append(", NULL]");
if (val->value != rval)
str.append_format(", PGXP{:08X}", val->value);
str.append_format(", {{{},{},{}}}", val->x, val->y, val->z);
if (val->flags & VALID_ALL)
str.append(", valid=");
if (val->flags & VALID_X)
if (val->flags & VALID_Y)
if (val->flags & VALID_Z)
// if (val->flags & VALID_TAINTED_Z)
// str.append(", tainted");
void CPU::PGXP::GTE_RTPS(float x, float y, float z, u32 value)
// push values down FIFO
SXY0 = SXY1;
SXY1 = SXY2;
SXY2.x = x;
SXY2.y = y;
SXY2.z = z;
SXY2.value = value;
SXY2.flags = VALID_ALL;
if (g_settings.gpu_pgxp_vertex_cache)
CacheVertex(value, SXY2);
#define VX(n) (psxRegs.CP2D.p[n << 1].sw.l)
#define VY(n) (psxRegs.CP2D.p[n << 1].sw.h)
#define VZ(n) (psxRegs.CP2D.p[(n << 1) + 1].sw.l)
int CPU::PGXP::GTE_NCLIP_valid(u32 sxy0, u32 sxy1, u32 sxy2)
Validate(&SXY0, sxy0);
Validate(&SXY1, sxy1);
Validate(&SXY2, sxy2);
// Don't use accurate clipping for game-constructed values, which don't have a valid Z.
return (((SXY0.flags & SXY1.flags & SXY2.flags & VALID_XYZ) == VALID_XYZ));
float nclip = ((SX0 * SY1) + (SX1 * SY2) + (SX2 * SY0) - (SX0 * SY2) - (SX1 * SY0) - (SX2 * SY1));
// ensure fractional values are not incorrectly rounded to 0
float nclipAbs = std::abs(nclip);
if ((0.1f < nclipAbs) && (nclipAbs < 1.f))
nclip += (nclip < 0.f ? -1 : 1);
// float AX = SX1 - SX0;
// float AY = SY1 - SY0;
// float BX = SX2 - SX0;
// float BY = SY2 - SY0;
//// normalise A and B
// float mA = sqrt((AX*AX) + (AY*AY));
// float mB = sqrt((BX*BX) + (BY*BY));
//// calculate AxB to get Z component of C
// float CZ = ((AX * BY) - (AY * BX)) * (1 << 12);
return nclip;
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE void CPU::PGXP::CPU_MTC2_int(const PGXP_value& value, u32 reg)
switch (reg)
case 15:
// push FIFO
SXY0 = SXY1;
SXY1 = SXY2;
SXY2 = value;
case 31:
g_state.pgxp_gte[reg] = value;
// Data transfer tracking
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_MFC2(u32 instr, u32 rdVal)
// CPU[Rt] = GTE_D[Rd]
const u32 idx = cop2idx(instr);
LOG_VALUES_1(CPU::GetGTERegisterName(idx), rdVal, &g_state.pgxp_gte[idx]);
Validate(&g_state.pgxp_gte[idx], rdVal);
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)] = g_state.pgxp_gte[idx];
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)].value = rdVal;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_MTC2(u32 instr, u32 rtVal)
// GTE_D[Rd] = CPU[Rt]
const u32 idx = cop2idx(instr);
LOG_VALUES_C1(rt(instr), rtVal);
Validate(&g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)], rtVal);
CPU_MTC2_int(g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)], idx);
g_state.pgxp_gte[idx].value = rtVal;
// Memory Access
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_LWC2(u32 instr, u32 addr, u32 rtVal)
// GTE_D[Rt] = Mem[addr]
LOG_VALUES_LOAD(addr, rtVal);
PGXP_value val;
ValidateAndCopyMem(&val, addr, rtVal);
CPU_MTC2_int(val, rt(instr));
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SWC2(u32 instr, u32 addr, u32 rtVal)
// Mem[addr] = GTE_D[Rt]
const u32 idx = rt(instr);
LOG_VALUES_1(CPU::GetGTERegisterName(idx), rtVal, &g_state.pgxp_gte[idx]);
std::fprintf(s_log, " addr=%08X", addr);
Validate(&g_state.pgxp_gte[idx], rtVal);
WriteMem(&g_state.pgxp_gte[idx], addr);
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE void CPU::PGXP::CacheVertex(u32 value, const PGXP_value& vertex)
const s16 sx = static_cast<s16>(value & 0xFFFFu);
const s16 sy = static_cast<s16>(value >> 16);
DebugAssert(sx >= -1024 && sx <= 1023 && sy >= -1024 && sy <= 1023);
s_vertex_cache[(sy + 1024) * VERTEX_CACHE_WIDTH + (sx + 1024)] = vertex;
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE CPU::PGXP_value* CPU::PGXP::GetCachedVertex(u32 value)
const s16 sx = static_cast<s16>(value & 0xFFFFu);
const s16 sy = static_cast<s16>(value >> 16);
return (sx >= -1024 && sx <= 1023 && sy >= -1024 && sy <= 1013) ?
&s_vertex_cache[(sy + 1024) * VERTEX_CACHE_WIDTH + (sx + 1024)] :
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE float CPU::PGXP::TruncateVertexPosition(float p)
const s32 int_part = static_cast<s32>(p);
const float int_part_f = static_cast<float>(int_part);
return static_cast<float>(static_cast<s16>(int_part << 5) >> 5) + (p - int_part_f);
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE bool CPU::PGXP::IsWithinTolerance(float precise_x, float precise_y, int int_x, int int_y)
const float tolerance = g_settings.gpu_pgxp_tolerance;
if (tolerance < 0.0f)
return true;
return (std::abs(precise_x - static_cast<float>(int_x)) <= tolerance &&
std::abs(precise_y - static_cast<float>(int_y)) <= tolerance);
bool CPU::PGXP::GetPreciseVertex(u32 addr, u32 value, int x, int y, int xOffs, int yOffs, float* out_x, float* out_y,
float* out_w)
const PGXP_value* vert = GetPtr(addr);
if (vert && ((vert->flags & VALID_XY) == VALID_XY) && (vert->value == value))
// There is a value here with valid X and Y coordinates
*out_x = TruncateVertexPosition(vert->x) + static_cast<float>(xOffs);
*out_y = TruncateVertexPosition(vert->y) + static_cast<float>(yOffs);
*out_w = vert->z / 32768.0f;
GL_INS_FMT("0x{:08X} {},{} => {},{} ({},{},{}) ({},{})", addr, x, y, *out_x, *out_y,
TruncateVertexPosition(vert->x), TruncateVertexPosition(vert->y), vert->z, std::abs(*out_x - x),
std::abs(*out_y - y));
if (IsWithinTolerance(*out_x, *out_y, x, y))
// check validity of z component
return ((vert->flags & VALID_Z) == VALID_Z);
if (g_settings.gpu_pgxp_vertex_cache)
vert = GetCachedVertex(value);
if (vert && (vert->flags & VALID_XY) == VALID_XY)
*out_x = TruncateVertexPosition(vert->x) + static_cast<float>(xOffs);
*out_y = TruncateVertexPosition(vert->y) + static_cast<float>(yOffs);
*out_w = vert->z / 32768.0f;
if (IsWithinTolerance(*out_x, *out_y, x, y))
return false;
// no valid value can be found anywhere, use the native PSX data
*out_x = static_cast<float>(x);
*out_y = static_cast<float>(y);
*out_w = 1.0f;
return false;
// Instruction register decoding
#define op(_instr) (_instr >> 26) // The op part of the instruction register
#define func(_instr) ((_instr) & 0x3F) // The funct part of the instruction register
#define sa(_instr) ((_instr >> 6) & 0x1F) // The sa part of the instruction register
#define rd(_instr) ((_instr >> 11) & 0x1F) // The rd part of the instruction register
#define rt(_instr) ((_instr >> 16) & 0x1F) // The rt part of the instruction register
#define rs(_instr) ((_instr >> 21) & 0x1F) // The rs part of the instruction register
#define imm(_instr) (_instr & 0xFFFF) // The immediate part of the instruction register
#define imm_sext(_instr) \
static_cast<s32>(static_cast<s16>(_instr & 0xFFFF)) // The immediate part of the instruction register
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_LW(u32 instr, u32 addr, u32 rtVal)
// Rt = Mem[Rs + Im]
LOG_VALUES_LOAD(addr, rtVal);
ValidateAndCopyMem(&g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)], addr, rtVal);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_LBx(u32 instr, u32 addr, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_LOAD(addr, rtVal);
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)] = PGXP_value_invalid;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_LH(u32 instr, u32 addr, u32 rtVal)
// Rt = Mem[Rs + Im] (sign extended)
LOG_VALUES_LOAD(addr, rtVal);
ValidateAndCopyMem16(&g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)], addr, rtVal, true);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_LHU(u32 instr, u32 addr, u32 rtVal)
// Rt = Mem[Rs + Im] (zero extended)
LOG_VALUES_LOAD(addr, rtVal);
ValidateAndCopyMem16(&g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)], addr, rtVal, false);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SB(u32 instr, u32 addr, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_STORE(rt(instr), rtVal, addr);
WriteMem(&PGXP_value_invalid, addr);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SH(u32 instr, u32 addr, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_STORE(rt(instr), rtVal, addr);
PGXP_value* val = &g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
Validate(val, rtVal);
WriteMem16(val, addr);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SW(u32 instr, u32 addr, u32 rtVal)
// Mem[Rs + Im] = Rt
LOG_VALUES_STORE(rt(instr), rtVal, addr);
PGXP_value* val = &g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
Validate(val, rtVal);
WriteMem(val, addr);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_MOVE_Packed(u32 rd_and_rs, u32 rsVal)
const u32 Rs = (rd_and_rs & 0xFFu);
const u32 Rd = (rd_and_rs >> 8);
CPU_MOVE(Rd, Rs, rsVal);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_MOVE(u32 Rd, u32 Rs, u32 rsVal)
const u32 instr = 0;
LOG_VALUES_C1(Rs, rsVal);
Validate(&g_state.pgxp_gpr[Rs], rsVal);
g_state.pgxp_gpr[Rd] = g_state.pgxp_gpr[Rs];
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_ADDI(u32 instr, u32 rsVal)
LOG_VALUES_C1(rs(instr), rsVal);
// Rt = Rs + Imm (signed)
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
psx_value tempImm;
tempImm.d = SignExtend32(static_cast<u16>(imm(instr)));
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
prtVal = prsVal;
if (tempImm.d == 0)
if (rsVal == 0)
// x is low precision value
prtVal.x = static_cast<float>(tempImm.sw.l);
prtVal.y = static_cast<float>(tempImm.sw.h);
prtVal.flags |= VALID_X | VALID_Y | VALID_TAINTED_Z;
prtVal.value = tempImm.d;
prtVal.x = (float)f16Unsign(prtVal.x);
prtVal.x += (float)tempImm.w.l;
// carry on over/underflow
float of = (prtVal.x > USHRT_MAX) ? 1.f : (prtVal.x < 0) ? -1.f : 0.f;
prtVal.x = (float)f16Sign(prtVal.x);
// ret.x -= of * (USHRT_MAX + 1);
prtVal.y += tempImm.sw.h + of;
// truncate on overflow/underflow
prtVal.y += (prtVal.y > SHRT_MAX) ? -(USHRT_MAX + 1) : (prtVal.y < SHRT_MIN) ? USHRT_MAX + 1 : 0.f;
prtVal.value = rsVal + tempImm.d;
prtVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_ANDI(u32 instr, u32 rsVal)
LOG_VALUES_C1(rs(instr), rsVal);
// Rt = Rs & Imm
const u32 rtVal = rsVal & imm(instr);
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
psx_value vRt;
vRt.d = rtVal;
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
prtVal = prsVal;
prtVal.value = rtVal;
prtVal.y = 0.f; // remove upper 16-bits
prtVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z;
switch (imm(instr))
case 0:
// if 0 then x == 0
prtVal.x = 0.0f;
case 0xFFFF:
// if saturated then x == x
// otherwise x is low precision value
prtVal.x = vRt.sw.l;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_ORI(u32 instr, u32 rsVal)
LOG_VALUES_C1(rs(instr), rsVal);
// Rt = Rs | Imm
const u32 rtVal = rsVal | imm(instr);
Validate(&g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)], rsVal);
PGXP_value ret = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
psx_value vRt;
vRt.d = rtVal;
switch (imm(instr))
case 0:
// if 0 then x == x
// otherwise x is low precision value
ret.x = vRt.sw.l;
ret.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z;
ret.value = rtVal;
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)] = ret;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_XORI(u32 instr, u32 rsVal)
LOG_VALUES_C1(rs(instr), rsVal);
// Rt = Rs ^ Imm
const u32 rtVal = rsVal ^ imm(instr);
Validate(&g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)], rsVal);
PGXP_value ret = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
psx_value vRt;
vRt.d = rtVal;
switch (imm(instr))
case 0:
// if 0 then x == x
// otherwise x is low precision value
ret.x = vRt.sw.l;
ret.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z;
ret.value = rtVal;
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)] = ret;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SLTI(u32 instr, u32 rsVal)
LOG_VALUES_C1(rs(instr), rsVal);
// Rt = Rs < Imm (signed)
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
const float fimmx = static_cast<float>(static_cast<s16>(imm(instr)));
const float fimmy = fimmx < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
prtVal.x = (prsVal.GetValidY(rsVal) < fimmy || prsVal.GetValidX(rsVal) < fimmx) ? 1.f : 0.f;
prtVal.y = 0.0f;
prtVal.z = prsVal.z;
prtVal.flags = prsVal.flags | VALID_X | VALID_Y | VALID_TAINTED_Z;
prtVal.value = BoolToUInt32(static_cast<s32>(rsVal) < imm_sext(instr));
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SLTIU(u32 instr, u32 rsVal)
LOG_VALUES_C1(rs(instr), rsVal);
// Rt = Rs < Imm (Unsigned)
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
Validate(&g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)], rsVal);
const float fimmx = static_cast<float>(static_cast<s16>(imm(instr)));
const float fimmy = fimmx < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
prtVal.x =
(f16Unsign(prsVal.GetValidY(rsVal)) < f16Unsign(fimmy) || f16Unsign(prsVal.GetValidX(rsVal)) < fimmx) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
prtVal.y = 0.f;
prtVal.z = prsVal.z;
prtVal.flags = prsVal.flags | VALID_X | VALID_Y | VALID_TAINTED_Z;
prtVal.value = BoolToUInt32(rsVal < imm(instr));
// Load Upper
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_LUI(u32 instr)
// Rt = Imm << 16
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)] = PGXP_value_zero;
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)].y = (float)(s16)imm(instr);
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)].value = static_cast<u32>(imm(instr)) << 16;
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)].flags = VALID_XY;
// Register Arithmetic
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_ADD(u32 instr, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rs(instr), rsVal, rt(instr), rtVal);
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
PGXP_value& prdVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rd(instr)];
// Rd = Rs + Rt (signed)
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
if (rtVal == 0)
prdVal = prsVal;
CopyZIfMissing(prdVal, prtVal);
else if (rsVal == 0)
prdVal = prtVal;
CopyZIfMissing(prdVal, prsVal);
const double x = f16Unsign(prsVal.GetValidX(rsVal)) + f16Unsign(prtVal.GetValidX(rtVal));
// carry on over/underflow
const float of = (x > USHRT_MAX) ? 1.f : (x < 0) ? -1.f : 0.f;
prdVal.x = static_cast<float>(f16Sign(x));
// prdVal.x -= of * (USHRT_MAX + 1);
prdVal.y = prsVal.GetValidY(rsVal) + prtVal.GetValidY(rtVal) + of;
// truncate on overflow/underflow
prdVal.y += (prdVal.y > SHRT_MAX) ? -(USHRT_MAX + 1) : (prdVal.y < SHRT_MIN) ? USHRT_MAX + 1 : 0.f;
prdVal.value = rsVal + rtVal;
// valid x/y only if one side had a valid x/y
prdVal.flags = prsVal.flags | (prtVal.flags & VALID_XY) | VALID_TAINTED_Z;
SelectZ(prdVal, prsVal, prtVal);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SUB(u32 instr, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rs(instr), rsVal, rt(instr), rtVal);
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
PGXP_value& prdVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rd(instr)];
// Rd = Rs - Rt (signed)
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
if (rtVal == 0)
prdVal = prsVal;
CopyZIfMissing(prdVal, prtVal);
const double x = f16Unsign(prsVal.GetValidX(rsVal)) - f16Unsign(prtVal.GetValidX(rtVal));
// carry on over/underflow
const float of = (x > USHRT_MAX) ? 1.f : (x < 0) ? -1.f : 0.f;
prdVal.x = static_cast<float>(f16Sign(x));
// prdVal.x -= of * (USHRT_MAX + 1);
prdVal.y = prsVal.GetValidY(rsVal) - (prtVal.GetValidY(rtVal) - of);
// truncate on overflow/underflow
prdVal.y += (prdVal.y > SHRT_MAX) ? -(USHRT_MAX + 1) : (prdVal.y < SHRT_MIN) ? USHRT_MAX + 1 : 0.f;
prdVal.value = rsVal - rtVal;
// valid x/y only if one side had a valid x/y
prdVal.flags = prsVal.flags | (prtVal.flags & VALID_XY) | VALID_TAINTED_Z;
SelectZ(prdVal, prsVal, prtVal);
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE void CPU::PGXP::CPU_BITWISE(u32 instr, u32 rdVal, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal)
// Rd = Rs & Rt
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
psx_value vald, vals, valt;
vald.d = rdVal;
vals.d = rsVal;
valt.d = rtVal;
PGXP_value ret;
ret.flags = ((prsVal.flags | prtVal.flags) & VALID_XY) ? (VALID_XY | VALID_TAINTED_Z) : 0;
if (vald.w.l == 0)
ret.x = 0.f;
else if (vald.w.l == vals.w.l)
ret.x = prsVal.GetValidX(rsVal);
else if (vald.w.l == valt.w.l)
ret.x = prtVal.GetValidX(rtVal);
ret.x = static_cast<float>(vald.sw.l);
if (vald.w.h == 0)
ret.y = 0.f;
else if (vald.w.h == vals.w.h)
ret.y = prsVal.GetValidY(rsVal);
else if (vald.w.h == valt.w.h)
ret.y = prtVal.GetValidY(rtVal);
ret.y = static_cast<float>(vald.sw.h);
SelectZ(ret, prsVal, prtVal);
ret.value = rdVal;
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rd(instr)] = ret;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_AND_(u32 instr, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rs(instr), rsVal, rt(instr), rtVal);
// Rd = Rs & Rt
const u32 rdVal = rsVal & rtVal;
CPU_BITWISE(instr, rdVal, rsVal, rtVal);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_OR_(u32 instr, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rs(instr), rsVal, rt(instr), rtVal);
// Rd = Rs | Rt
const u32 rdVal = rsVal | rtVal;
CPU_BITWISE(instr, rdVal, rsVal, rtVal);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_XOR_(u32 instr, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rs(instr), rsVal, rt(instr), rtVal);
// Rd = Rs ^ Rt
const u32 rdVal = rsVal ^ rtVal;
CPU_BITWISE(instr, rdVal, rsVal, rtVal);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_NOR(u32 instr, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rs(instr), rsVal, rt(instr), rtVal);
// Rd = Rs NOR Rt
const u32 rdVal = ~(rsVal | rtVal);
CPU_BITWISE(instr, rdVal, rsVal, rtVal);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SLT(u32 instr, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rs(instr), rsVal, rt(instr), rtVal);
// Rd = Rs < Rt (signed)
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
PGXP_value ret = prsVal;
ret.x = (prsVal.GetValidY(rsVal) < prtVal.GetValidY(rtVal) ||
f16Unsign(prsVal.GetValidX(rsVal)) < f16Unsign(prtVal.GetValidX(rtVal))) ?
1.f :
ret.y = 0.f;
ret.value = BoolToUInt32(static_cast<s32>(rsVal) < static_cast<s32>(rtVal));
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rd(instr)] = ret;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SLTU(u32 instr, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rs(instr), rsVal, rt(instr), rtVal);
// Rd = Rs < Rt (unsigned)
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
PGXP_value ret = prsVal;
ret.x = (f16Unsign(prsVal.GetValidY(rsVal)) < f16Unsign(prtVal.GetValidY(rtVal)) ||
f16Unsign(prsVal.GetValidX(rsVal)) < f16Unsign(prtVal.GetValidX(rtVal))) ?
1.f :
ret.y = 0.f;
ret.value = BoolToUInt32(rsVal < rtVal);
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rd(instr)] = ret;
// Register mult/div
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_MULT(u32 instr, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rs(instr), rsVal, rt(instr), rtVal);
// Hi/Lo = Rs * Rt (signed)
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
PGXP_value& ploVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[static_cast<u8>(Reg::lo)];
PGXP_value& phiVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[static_cast<u8>(Reg::hi)];
ploVal = prsVal;
CopyZIfMissing(ploVal, prsVal);
// Z/valid is the same
phiVal = ploVal;
double xx, xy, yx, yy;
double lx = 0, ly = 0, hx = 0, hy = 0;
const float rsx = prsVal.GetValidX(rsVal);
const float rsy = prsVal.GetValidY(rsVal);
const float rtx = prtVal.GetValidX(rtVal);
const float rty = prtVal.GetValidY(rtVal);
// Multiply out components
xx = f16Unsign(rsx) * f16Unsign(rtx);
xy = f16Unsign(rsx) * (rty);
yx = (rsy)*f16Unsign(rtx);
yy = (rsy) * (rty);
// Split values into outputs
lx = xx;
ly = f16Overflow(xx);
ly += xy + yx;
hx = f16Overflow(ly);
hx += yy;
hy = f16Overflow(hx);
ploVal.x = (float)f16Sign(lx);
ploVal.y = (float)f16Sign(ly);
ploVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z | (prtVal.flags & VALID_XY);
phiVal.x = (float)f16Sign(hx);
phiVal.y = (float)f16Sign(hy);
phiVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z | (prtVal.flags & VALID_XY);
// compute PSX value
const u64 result = static_cast<u64>(static_cast<s64>(SignExtend64(rsVal)) * static_cast<s64>(SignExtend64(rtVal)));
phiVal.value = Truncate32(result >> 32);
ploVal.value = Truncate32(result);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_MULTU(u32 instr, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rs(instr), rsVal, rt(instr), rtVal);
// Hi/Lo = Rs * Rt (unsigned)
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
PGXP_value& ploVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[static_cast<u8>(Reg::lo)];
PGXP_value& phiVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[static_cast<u8>(Reg::hi)];
ploVal = prsVal;
CopyZIfMissing(ploVal, prsVal);
// Z/valid is the same
phiVal = ploVal;
double xx, xy, yx, yy;
double lx = 0, ly = 0, hx = 0, hy = 0;
const float rsx = prsVal.GetValidX(rsVal);
const float rsy = prsVal.GetValidY(rsVal);
const float rtx = prtVal.GetValidX(rtVal);
const float rty = prtVal.GetValidY(rtVal);
// Multiply out components
xx = f16Unsign(rsx) * f16Unsign(rtx);
xy = f16Unsign(rsx) * f16Unsign(rty);
yx = f16Unsign(rsy) * f16Unsign(rtx);
yy = f16Unsign(rsy) * f16Unsign(rty);
// Split values into outputs
lx = xx;
ly = f16Overflow(xx);
ly += xy + yx;
hx = f16Overflow(ly);
hx += yy;
hy = f16Overflow(hx);
ploVal.x = (float)f16Sign(lx);
ploVal.y = (float)f16Sign(ly);
ploVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z | (prtVal.flags & VALID_XY);
phiVal.x = (float)f16Sign(hx);
phiVal.y = (float)f16Sign(hy);
phiVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z | (prtVal.flags & VALID_XY);
// compute PSX value
const u64 result = ZeroExtend64(rsVal) * ZeroExtend64(rtVal);
phiVal.value = Truncate32(result >> 32);
ploVal.value = Truncate32(result);
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_DIV(u32 instr, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rs(instr), rsVal, rt(instr), rtVal);
// Lo = Rs / Rt (signed)
// Hi = Rs % Rt (signed)
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
PGXP_value& ploVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[static_cast<u8>(Reg::lo)];
PGXP_value& phiVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[static_cast<u8>(Reg::hi)];
ploVal = prsVal;
CopyZIfMissing(ploVal, prsVal);
// Z/valid is the same
phiVal = ploVal;
double vs = f16Unsign(prsVal.GetValidX(rsVal)) + prsVal.GetValidY(rsVal) * (double)(1 << 16);
double vt = f16Unsign(prtVal.GetValidX(rtVal)) + prtVal.GetValidY(rtVal) * (double)(1 << 16);
double lo = vs / vt;
ploVal.y = (float)f16Sign(f16Overflow(lo));
ploVal.x = (float)f16Sign(lo);
ploVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z | (prtVal.flags & VALID_XY);
double hi = fmod(vs, vt);
phiVal.y = (float)f16Sign(f16Overflow(hi));
phiVal.x = (float)f16Sign(hi);
phiVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z | (prtVal.flags & VALID_XY);
// compute PSX value
if (static_cast<s32>(rtVal) == 0)
// divide by zero
ploVal.value = (static_cast<s32>(rsVal) >= 0) ? UINT32_C(0xFFFFFFFF) : UINT32_C(1);
phiVal.value = static_cast<u32>(static_cast<s32>(rsVal));
else if (rsVal == UINT32_C(0x80000000) && static_cast<s32>(rtVal) == -1)
// unrepresentable
ploVal.value = UINT32_C(0x80000000);
phiVal.value = 0;
ploVal.value = static_cast<u32>(static_cast<s32>(rsVal) / static_cast<s32>(rtVal));
phiVal.value = static_cast<u32>(static_cast<s32>(rsVal) % static_cast<s32>(rtVal));
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_DIVU(u32 instr, u32 rsVal, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rs(instr), rsVal, rt(instr), rtVal);
// Lo = Rs / Rt (unsigned)
// Hi = Rs % Rt (unsigned)
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
PGXP_value& ploVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[static_cast<u8>(Reg::lo)];
PGXP_value& phiVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[static_cast<u8>(Reg::hi)];
ploVal = prsVal;
CopyZIfMissing(ploVal, prsVal);
// Z/valid is the same
phiVal = ploVal;
double vs = f16Unsign(prsVal.GetValidX(rsVal)) + f16Unsign(prsVal.GetValidY(rsVal)) * (double)(1 << 16);
double vt = f16Unsign(prtVal.GetValidX(rtVal)) + f16Unsign(prtVal.GetValidY(rtVal)) * (double)(1 << 16);
double lo = vs / vt;
ploVal.y = (float)f16Sign(f16Overflow(lo));
ploVal.x = (float)f16Sign(lo);
ploVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z | (prtVal.flags & VALID_XY);
double hi = fmod(vs, vt);
phiVal.y = (float)f16Sign(f16Overflow(hi));
phiVal.x = (float)f16Sign(hi);
phiVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z | (prtVal.flags & VALID_XY);
if (rtVal == 0)
// divide by zero
ploVal.value = UINT32_C(0xFFFFFFFF);
phiVal.value = rsVal;
ploVal.value = rsVal / rtVal;
phiVal.value = rsVal % rtVal;
// Shift operations (sa)
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SLL(u32 instr, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C1(rt(instr), rtVal);
// Rd = Rt << Sa
const u32 rdVal = rtVal << sa(instr);
const u32 sh = sa(instr);
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
// TODO: Shift flags
double x = f16Unsign(prtVal.x);
double y = f16Unsign(prtVal.y);
if (sh >= 32)
x = 0.f;
y = 0.f;
else if (sh == 16)
y = f16Sign(x);
x = 0.f;
else if (sh >= 16)
y = x * (1 << (sh - 16));
y = f16Sign(y);
x = 0.f;
x = x * (1 << sh);
y = y * (1 << sh);
y += f16Overflow(x);
x = f16Sign(x);
y = f16Sign(y);
PGXP_value& prdVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rd(instr)];
prdVal = prtVal;
prdVal.x = static_cast<float>(x);
prdVal.y = static_cast<float>(y);
prdVal.value = rdVal;
prdVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SRL(u32 instr, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C1(rt(instr), rtVal);
// Rd = Rt >> Sa
const u32 rdVal = rtVal >> sa(instr);
const u32 sh = sa(instr);
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
double x = prtVal.x;
double y = f16Unsign(prtVal.y);
psx_value iX;
iX.d = rtVal;
psx_value iY;
iY.d = rtVal; = ( << 16) >> 16; // remove Y
iY.sw.l = iX.sw.h; // overwrite x with sign(x)
// Shift test values
psx_value dX; = >> sh;
psx_value dY;
dY.d = iY.d >> sh;
if (dX.sw.l != iX.sw.h)
x = x / (1 << sh);
x = dX.sw.l; // only sign bits left
if (dY.sw.l != iX.sw.h)
if (sh == 16)
x = y;
else if (sh < 16)
x += y * (1 << (16 - sh));
if (g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)].x < 0)
x += 1 << (16 - sh);
x += y / (1 << (sh - 16));
if ((dY.sw.h == 0) || (dY.sw.h == -1))
y = dY.sw.h;
y = y / (1 << sh);
x = f16Sign(x);
y = f16Sign(y);
PGXP_value& prdVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rd(instr)];
prdVal = prtVal;
prdVal.x = static_cast<float>(x);
prdVal.y = static_cast<float>(y);
prdVal.value = rdVal;
prdVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SRA(u32 instr, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C1(rt(instr), rtVal);
// Rd = Rt >> Sa
const u32 rdVal = static_cast<u32>(static_cast<s32>(rtVal) >> sa(instr));
const u32 sh = sa(instr);
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
double x = prtVal.x;
double y = prtVal.y;
psx_value iX;
iX.d = rtVal;
psx_value iY;
iY.d = rtVal; = ( << 16) >> 16; // remove Y
iY.sw.l = iX.sw.h; // overwrite x with sign(x)
// Shift test values
psx_value dX; = >> sh;
psx_value dY; = >> sh;
if (dX.sw.l != iX.sw.h)
x = x / (1 << sh);
x = dX.sw.l; // only sign bits left
if (dY.sw.l != iX.sw.h)
if (sh == 16)
x = y;
else if (sh < 16)
x += y * (1 << (16 - sh));
if (g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)].x < 0)
x += 1 << (16 - sh);
x += y / (1 << (sh - 16));
if ((dY.sw.h == 0) || (dY.sw.h == -1))
y = dY.sw.h;
y = y / (1 << sh);
x = f16Sign(x);
y = f16Sign(y);
PGXP_value& prdVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rd(instr)];
prdVal = prtVal;
prdVal.x = static_cast<float>(x);
prdVal.y = static_cast<float>(y);
prdVal.value = rdVal;
prdVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z;
// Use low precision/rounded values when we're not shifting an entire component,
// and it's not originally from a 3D value. Too many false positives in P2/etc.
// What we probably should do is not set the valid flag on non-3D values to begin
// with, only letting them become valid when used in another expression.
if (!(prdVal.flags & VALID_Z) && sh < 16)
prdVal.flags = 0;
MakeValid(&prdVal, rdVal);
// Shift operations variable
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SLLV(u32 instr, u32 rtVal, u32 rsVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rt(instr), rtVal, rs(instr), rsVal);
// Rd = Rt << Rs
const u32 rdVal = rtVal << rsVal;
const u32 sh = rsVal & 0x1F;
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
double x = f16Unsign(prtVal.x);
double y = f16Unsign(prtVal.y);
if (sh >= 32)
x = 0.f;
y = 0.f;
else if (sh == 16)
y = f16Sign(x);
x = 0.f;
else if (sh >= 16)
y = x * (1 << (sh - 16));
y = f16Sign(y);
x = 0.f;
x = x * (1 << sh);
y = y * (1 << sh);
y += f16Overflow(x);
x = f16Sign(x);
y = f16Sign(y);
PGXP_value& prdVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rd(instr)];
prdVal = prtVal;
prdVal.x = static_cast<float>(x);
prdVal.y = static_cast<float>(y);
prdVal.value = rdVal;
prdVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SRLV(u32 instr, u32 rtVal, u32 rsVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rt(instr), rtVal, rs(instr), rsVal);
// Rd = Rt >> Sa
const u32 rdVal = rtVal >> rsVal;
const u32 sh = rsVal & 0x1F;
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
double x = prtVal.x;
double y = f16Unsign(prtVal.y);
psx_value iX;
iX.d = rtVal;
psx_value iY;
iY.d = rtVal; = ( << 16) >> 16; // remove Y
iY.sw.l = iX.sw.h; // overwrite x with sign(x)
// Shift test values
psx_value dX; = >> sh;
psx_value dY;
dY.d = iY.d >> sh;
if (dX.sw.l != iX.sw.h)
x = x / (1 << sh);
x = dX.sw.l; // only sign bits left
if (dY.sw.l != iX.sw.h)
if (sh == 16)
x = y;
else if (sh < 16)
x += y * (1 << (16 - sh));
if (g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)].x < 0)
x += 1 << (16 - sh);
x += y / (1 << (sh - 16));
if ((dY.sw.h == 0) || (dY.sw.h == -1))
y = dY.sw.h;
y = y / (1 << sh);
PGXP_value& prdVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rd(instr)];
prdVal = prtVal;
prdVal.x = static_cast<float>(f16Sign(x));
prdVal.y = static_cast<float>(f16Sign(y));
prdVal.value = rdVal;
prdVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_SRAV(u32 instr, u32 rtVal, u32 rsVal)
LOG_VALUES_C2(rt(instr), rtVal, rs(instr), rsVal);
// Rd = Rt >> Sa
const u32 rdVal = static_cast<u32>(static_cast<s32>(rtVal) >> rsVal);
const u32 sh = rsVal & 0x1F;
PGXP_value& prtVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
PGXP_value& prsVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rs(instr)];
Validate(&prtVal, rtVal);
Validate(&prsVal, rsVal);
double x = prtVal.x;
double y = prtVal.y;
psx_value iX;
iX.d = rtVal;
psx_value iY;
iY.d = rtVal; = ( << 16) >> 16; // remove Y
iY.sw.l = iX.sw.h; // overwrite x with sign(x)
// Shift test values
psx_value dX; = >> sh;
psx_value dY; = >> sh;
if (dX.sw.l != iX.sw.h)
x = x / (1 << sh);
x = dX.sw.l; // only sign bits left
if (dY.sw.l != iX.sw.h)
if (sh == 16)
x = y;
else if (sh < 16)
x += y * (1 << (16 - sh));
if (g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)].x < 0)
x += 1 << (16 - sh);
x += y / (1 << (sh - 16));
if ((dY.sw.h == 0) || (dY.sw.h == -1))
y = dY.sw.h;
y = y / (1 << sh);
PGXP_value& prdVal = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rd(instr)];
prdVal = prtVal;
prdVal.x = static_cast<float>(f16Sign(x));
prdVal.y = static_cast<float>(f16Sign(y));
prdVal.value = rdVal;
prdVal.flags |= VALID_TAINTED_Z;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_MFC0(u32 instr, u32 rdVal)
LOG_VALUES_1(TinyString::from_format("cop0_{}", rd(instr)).c_str(), rdVal, &g_state.pgxp_cop0[rd(instr)]);
// CPU[Rt] = CP0[Rd]
Validate(&g_state.pgxp_cop0[rd(instr)], rdVal);
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)] = g_state.pgxp_cop0[rd(instr)];
g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)].value = rdVal;
void CPU::PGXP::CPU_MTC0(u32 instr, u32 rdVal, u32 rtVal)
LOG_VALUES_C1(rt(instr), rtVal);
// CP0[Rd] = CPU[Rt]
Validate(&g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)], rtVal);
g_state.pgxp_cop0[rd(instr)] = g_state.pgxp_gpr[rt(instr)];
g_state.pgxp_cop0[rd(instr)].value = rdVal;