2024-02-04 16:14:05 +10:00

1497 lines
59 KiB

#ifndef _C4_YML_TREE_HPP_
#define _C4_YML_TREE_HPP_
#include "c4/error.hpp"
#include "c4/types.hpp"
#ifndef _C4_YML_COMMON_HPP_
#include "c4/yml/common.hpp"
#include <c4/charconv.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
C4_SUPPRESS_WARNING_MSVC(4251) // needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of struct
C4_SUPPRESS_WARNING_MSVC(4296) // expression is always 'boolean_value'
namespace c4 {
namespace yml {
struct NodeScalar;
struct NodeInit;
struct NodeData;
class NodeRef;
class ConstNodeRef;
class Tree;
/** encode a floating point value to a string. */
template<class T>
size_t to_chars_float(substr buf, T val)
static_assert(std::is_floating_point<T>::value, "must be floating point");
return to_chars(buf, csubstr(".nan"));
else if(C4_UNLIKELY(val == std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()))
return to_chars(buf, csubstr(".inf"));
else if(C4_UNLIKELY(val == -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()))
return to_chars(buf, csubstr("-.inf"));
return to_chars(buf, val);
/** decode a floating point from string. Accepts special values: .nan,
* .inf, -.inf */
template<class T>
bool from_chars_float(csubstr buf, T *C4_RESTRICT val)
static_assert(std::is_floating_point<T>::value, "must be floating point");
if(C4_LIKELY(from_chars(buf, val)))
return true;
else if(C4_UNLIKELY(buf == ".nan" || buf == ".NaN" || buf == ".NAN"))
*val = std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
return true;
else if(C4_UNLIKELY(buf == ".inf" || buf == ".Inf" || buf == ".INF"))
*val = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
return true;
else if(C4_UNLIKELY(buf == "-.inf" || buf == "-.Inf" || buf == "-.INF"))
*val = -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
return true;
return false;
/** the integral type necessary to cover all the bits marking node tags */
using tag_bits = uint16_t;
/** a bit mask for marking tags for types */
typedef enum : tag_bits {
// container types
TAG_MAP = 1, /**< !!map Unordered set of key: value pairs without duplicates. @see */
TAG_OMAP = 2, /**< !!omap Ordered sequence of key: value pairs without duplicates. @see */
TAG_PAIRS = 3, /**< !!pairs Ordered sequence of key: value pairs allowing duplicates. @see */
TAG_SET = 4, /**< !!set Unordered set of non-equal values. @see */
TAG_SEQ = 5, /**< !!seq Sequence of arbitrary values. @see */
// scalar types
TAG_BINARY = 6, /**< !!binary A sequence of zero or more octets (8 bit values). @see */
TAG_BOOL = 7, /**< !!bool Mathematical Booleans. @see */
TAG_FLOAT = 8, /**< !!float Floating-point approximation to real numbers. */
TAG_INT = 9, /**< !!float Mathematical integers. */
TAG_MERGE = 10, /**< !!merge Specify one or more mapping to be merged with the current one. */
TAG_NULL = 11, /**< !!null Devoid of value. */
TAG_STR = 12, /**< !!str A sequence of zero or more Unicode characters. */
TAG_TIMESTAMP = 13, /**< !!timestamp A point in time */
TAG_VALUE = 14, /**< !!value Specify the default value of a mapping */
TAG_YAML = 15, /**< !!yaml Specify the default value of a mapping */
} YamlTag_e;
YamlTag_e to_tag(csubstr tag);
csubstr from_tag(YamlTag_e tag);
csubstr from_tag_long(YamlTag_e tag);
csubstr normalize_tag(csubstr tag);
csubstr normalize_tag_long(csubstr tag);
struct TagDirective
/** Eg `!e!` in `%TAG !e!,2000:app/` */
csubstr handle;
/** Eg `,2000:app/` in `%TAG !e!,2000:app/` */
csubstr prefix;
/** The next node to which this tag directive applies */
size_t next_node_id;
/** the maximum number of tag directives in a Tree */
/** the integral type necessary to cover all the bits marking node types */
using type_bits = uint64_t;
/** a bit mask for marking node types */
typedef enum : type_bits {
// a convenience define, undefined below
#define c4bit(v) (type_bits(1) << v)
NOTYPE = 0, ///< no node type is set
VAL = c4bit(0), ///< a leaf node, has a (possibly empty) value
KEY = c4bit(1), ///< is member of a map, must have non-empty key
MAP = c4bit(2), ///< a map: a parent of keyvals
SEQ = c4bit(3), ///< a seq: a parent of vals
DOC = c4bit(4), ///< a document
STREAM = c4bit(5)|SEQ, ///< a stream: a seq of docs
KEYREF = c4bit(6), ///< a *reference: the key references an &anchor
VALREF = c4bit(7), ///< a *reference: the val references an &anchor
KEYANCH = c4bit(8), ///< the key has an &anchor
VALANCH = c4bit(9), ///< the val has an &anchor
KEYTAG = c4bit(10), ///< the key has an explicit tag/type
VALTAG = c4bit(11), ///< the val has an explicit tag/type
_TYMASK = c4bit(12)-1, // all the bits up to here
VALQUO = c4bit(12), ///< the val is quoted by '', "", > or |
KEYQUO = c4bit(13), ///< the key is quoted by '', "", > or |
// these flags are from a work in progress and should be used with care
_WIP_STYLE_FLOW_SL = c4bit(14), ///< mark container with single-line flow format (seqs as '[val1,val2], maps as '{key: val, key2: val2}')
_WIP_STYLE_FLOW_ML = c4bit(15), ///< mark container with multi-line flow format (seqs as '[val1,\nval2], maps as '{key: val,\nkey2: val2}')
_WIP_STYLE_BLOCK = c4bit(16), ///< mark container with block format (seqs as '- val\n', maps as 'key: val')
_WIP_KEY_LITERAL = c4bit(17), ///< mark key scalar as multiline, block literal |
_WIP_VAL_LITERAL = c4bit(18), ///< mark val scalar as multiline, block literal |
_WIP_KEY_FOLDED = c4bit(19), ///< mark key scalar as multiline, block folded >
_WIP_VAL_FOLDED = c4bit(20), ///< mark val scalar as multiline, block folded >
_WIP_KEY_SQUO = c4bit(21), ///< mark key scalar as single quoted
_WIP_VAL_SQUO = c4bit(22), ///< mark val scalar as single quoted
_WIP_KEY_DQUO = c4bit(23), ///< mark key scalar as double quoted
_WIP_VAL_DQUO = c4bit(24), ///< mark val scalar as double quoted
_WIP_KEY_PLAIN = c4bit(25), ///< mark key scalar as plain scalar (unquoted, even when multiline)
_WIP_VAL_PLAIN = c4bit(26), ///< mark val scalar as plain scalar (unquoted, even when multiline)
_WIP_KEY_FT_NL = c4bit(27), ///< features: mark key scalar as having \n in its contents
_WIP_VAL_FT_NL = c4bit(28), ///< features: mark val scalar as having \n in its contents
_WIP_KEY_FT_SQ = c4bit(29), ///< features: mark key scalar as having single quotes in its contents
_WIP_VAL_FT_SQ = c4bit(30), ///< features: mark val scalar as having single quotes in its contents
_WIP_KEY_FT_DQ = c4bit(31), ///< features: mark key scalar as having double quotes in its contents
_WIP_VAL_FT_DQ = c4bit(32), ///< features: mark val scalar as having double quotes in its contents
#undef c4bit
} NodeType_e;
/** wraps a NodeType_e element with some syntactic sugar and predicates */
struct NodeType
NodeType_e type;
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE NodeType() : type(NOTYPE) {}
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE NodeType(NodeType_e t) : type(t) {}
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE NodeType(type_bits t) : type((NodeType_e)t) {}
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE const char *type_str() const { return type_str(type); }
static const char* type_str(NodeType_e t);
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE void set(NodeType_e t) { type = t; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE void set(type_bits t) { type = (NodeType_e)t; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE void add(NodeType_e t) { type = (NodeType_e)(type|t); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE void add(type_bits t) { type = (NodeType_e)(type|t); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE void rem(NodeType_e t) { type = (NodeType_e)(type & ~t); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE void rem(type_bits t) { type = (NodeType_e)(type & ~t); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE void clear() { type = NOTYPE; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE operator NodeType_e & C4_RESTRICT () { return type; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE operator NodeType_e const& C4_RESTRICT () const { return type; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator== (NodeType_e t) const { return type == t; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator!= (NodeType_e t) const { return type != t; }
#if defined(__clang__)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnull-dereference"
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# if __GNUC__ >= 6
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnull-dereference"
# endif
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_notype() const { return type == NOTYPE; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_stream() const { return ((type & STREAM) == STREAM) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_doc() const { return (type & DOC) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_container() const { return (type & (MAP|SEQ|STREAM)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_map() const { return (type & MAP) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_seq() const { return (type & SEQ) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_key() const { return (type & KEY) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_val() const { return (type & VAL) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_val() const { return (type & KEYVAL) == VAL; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_keyval() const { return (type & KEYVAL) == KEYVAL; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_key_tag() const { return (type & (KEY|KEYTAG)) == (KEY|KEYTAG); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_val_tag() const { return ((type & VALTAG) && (type & (VAL|MAP|SEQ))); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_key_anchor() const { return (type & (KEY|KEYANCH)) == (KEY|KEYANCH); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_key_anchor() const { return (type & (KEY|KEYANCH)) == (KEY|KEYANCH); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_val_anchor() const { return (type & VALANCH) != 0 && (type & (VAL|SEQ|MAP)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_val_anchor() const { return (type & VALANCH) != 0 && (type & (VAL|SEQ|MAP)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_anchor() const { return (type & (KEYANCH|VALANCH)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_anchor() const { return (type & (KEYANCH|VALANCH)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_key_ref() const { return (type & KEYREF) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_val_ref() const { return (type & VALREF) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_ref() const { return (type & (KEYREF|VALREF)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_anchor_or_ref() const { return (type & (KEYANCH|VALANCH|KEYREF|VALREF)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_key_quoted() const { return (type & (KEY|KEYQUO)) == (KEY|KEYQUO); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_val_quoted() const { return (type & (VAL|VALQUO)) == (VAL|VALQUO); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_quoted() const { return (type & (KEY|KEYQUO)) == (KEY|KEYQUO) || (type & (VAL|VALQUO)) == (VAL|VALQUO); }
// these predicates are a work in progress and subject to change. Don't use yet.
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool default_block() const { return (type & (_WIP_STYLE_BLOCK|_WIP_STYLE_FLOW_ML|_WIP_STYLE_FLOW_SL)) == 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool marked_block() const { return (type & (_WIP_STYLE_BLOCK)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool marked_flow_sl() const { return (type & (_WIP_STYLE_FLOW_SL)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool marked_flow_ml() const { return (type & (_WIP_STYLE_FLOW_ML)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool marked_flow() const { return (type & (_WIP_STYLE_FLOW_ML|_WIP_STYLE_FLOW_SL)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool key_marked_literal() const { return (type & (_WIP_KEY_LITERAL)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool val_marked_literal() const { return (type & (_WIP_VAL_LITERAL)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool key_marked_folded() const { return (type & (_WIP_KEY_FOLDED)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool val_marked_folded() const { return (type & (_WIP_VAL_FOLDED)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool key_marked_squo() const { return (type & (_WIP_KEY_SQUO)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool val_marked_squo() const { return (type & (_WIP_VAL_SQUO)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool key_marked_dquo() const { return (type & (_WIP_KEY_DQUO)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool val_marked_dquo() const { return (type & (_WIP_VAL_DQUO)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool key_marked_plain() const { return (type & (_WIP_KEY_PLAIN)) != 0; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool val_marked_plain() const { return (type & (_WIP_VAL_PLAIN)) != 0; }
#if defined(__clang__)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
/** a node scalar is a csubstr, which may be tagged and anchored. */
struct NodeScalar
csubstr tag;
csubstr scalar;
csubstr anchor;
/// initialize as an empty scalar
inline NodeScalar() noexcept : tag(), scalar(), anchor() {}
/// initialize as an untagged scalar
template<size_t N>
inline NodeScalar(const char (&s)[N]) noexcept : tag(), scalar(s), anchor() {}
inline NodeScalar(csubstr s ) noexcept : tag(), scalar(s), anchor() {}
/// initialize as a tagged scalar
template<size_t N, size_t M>
inline NodeScalar(const char (&t)[N], const char (&s)[N]) noexcept : tag(t), scalar(s), anchor() {}
inline NodeScalar(csubstr t , csubstr s ) noexcept : tag(t), scalar(s), anchor() {}
~NodeScalar() noexcept = default;
NodeScalar(NodeScalar &&) noexcept = default;
NodeScalar(NodeScalar const&) noexcept = default;
NodeScalar& operator= (NodeScalar &&) noexcept = default;
NodeScalar& operator= (NodeScalar const&) noexcept = default;
bool empty() const noexcept { return tag.empty() && scalar.empty() && anchor.empty(); }
void clear() noexcept { tag.clear(); scalar.clear(); anchor.clear(); }
void set_ref_maybe_replacing_scalar(csubstr ref, bool has_scalar) noexcept
csubstr trimmed = ref.begins_with('*') ? ref.sub(1) : ref;
anchor = trimmed;
if((!has_scalar) || !scalar.ends_with(trimmed))
scalar = ref;
/** convenience class to initialize nodes */
struct NodeInit
NodeType type;
NodeScalar key;
NodeScalar val;
/// initialize as an empty node
NodeInit() : type(NOTYPE), key(), val() {}
/// initialize as a typed node
NodeInit(NodeType_e t) : type(t), key(), val() {}
/// initialize as a sequence member
NodeInit(NodeScalar const& v) : type(VAL), key(), val(v) { _add_flags(); }
/// initialize as a mapping member
NodeInit( NodeScalar const& k, NodeScalar const& v) : type(KEYVAL), key(k.tag, k.scalar), val(v.tag, v.scalar) { _add_flags(); }
/// initialize as a mapping member with explicit type
NodeInit(NodeType_e t, NodeScalar const& k, NodeScalar const& v) : type(t ), key(k.tag, k.scalar), val(v.tag, v.scalar) { _add_flags(); }
/// initialize as a mapping member with explicit type (eg SEQ or MAP)
NodeInit(NodeType_e t, NodeScalar const& k ) : type(t ), key(k.tag, k.scalar), val( ) { _add_flags(KEY); }
void clear()
void _add_flags(type_bits more_flags=0)
type = (type|more_flags);
if( ! key.tag.empty())
type = (type|KEYTAG);
if( ! val.tag.empty())
type = (type|VALTAG);
if( ! key.anchor.empty())
type = (type|KEYANCH);
if( ! val.anchor.empty())
type = (type|VALANCH);
bool _check() const
// key cannot be empty
RYML_ASSERT(key.scalar.empty() == ((type & KEY) == 0));
// key tag cannot be empty
RYML_ASSERT(key.tag.empty() == ((type & KEYTAG) == 0));
// val may be empty even though VAL is set. But when VAL is not set, val must be empty
RYML_ASSERT(((type & VAL) != 0) || val.scalar.empty());
// val tag cannot be empty
RYML_ASSERT(val.tag.empty() == ((type & VALTAG) == 0));
return true;
/** contains the data for each YAML node. */
struct NodeData
NodeType m_type;
NodeScalar m_key;
NodeScalar m_val;
size_t m_parent;
size_t m_first_child;
size_t m_last_child;
size_t m_next_sibling;
size_t m_prev_sibling;
class RYML_EXPORT Tree
/** @name construction and assignment */
/** @{ */
Tree() : Tree(get_callbacks()) {}
Tree(Callbacks const& cb);
Tree(size_t node_capacity, size_t arena_capacity=0) : Tree(node_capacity, arena_capacity, get_callbacks()) {}
Tree(size_t node_capacity, size_t arena_capacity, Callbacks const& cb);
Tree(Tree const& that) noexcept;
Tree(Tree && that) noexcept;
Tree& operator= (Tree const& that) noexcept;
Tree& operator= (Tree && that) noexcept;
/** @} */
/** @name memory and sizing */
/** @{ */
void reserve(size_t node_capacity);
/** clear the tree and zero every node
* @note does NOT clear the arena
* @see clear_arena() */
void clear();
inline void clear_arena() { m_arena_pos = 0; }
inline bool empty() const { return m_size == 0; }
inline size_t size() const { return m_size; }
inline size_t capacity() const { return m_cap; }
inline size_t slack() const { RYML_ASSERT(m_cap >= m_size); return m_cap - m_size; }
Callbacks const& callbacks() const { return m_callbacks; }
void callbacks(Callbacks const& cb) { m_callbacks = cb; }
/** @} */
/** @name node getters */
/** @{ */
//! get the index of a node belonging to this tree.
//! @p n can be nullptr, in which case a
size_t id(NodeData const* n) const
if( ! n)
return NONE;
RYML_ASSERT(n >= m_buf && n < m_buf + m_cap);
return static_cast<size_t>(n - m_buf);
//! get a pointer to a node's NodeData.
//! i can be NONE, in which case a nullptr is returned
inline NodeData *get(size_t i)
if(i == NONE)
return nullptr;
RYML_ASSERT(i >= 0 && i < m_cap);
return m_buf + i;
//! get a pointer to a node's NodeData.
//! i can be NONE, in which case a nullptr is returned.
inline NodeData const *get(size_t i) const
if(i == NONE)
return nullptr;
RYML_ASSERT(i >= 0 && i < m_cap);
return m_buf + i;
//! An if-less form of get() that demands a valid node index.
//! This function is implementation only; use at your own risk.
inline NodeData * _p(size_t i) { RYML_ASSERT(i != NONE && i >= 0 && i < m_cap); return m_buf + i; }
//! An if-less form of get() that demands a valid node index.
//! This function is implementation only; use at your own risk.
inline NodeData const * _p(size_t i) const { RYML_ASSERT(i != NONE && i >= 0 && i < m_cap); return m_buf + i; }
//! Get the id of the root node
size_t root_id() { if(m_cap == 0) { reserve(16); } RYML_ASSERT(m_cap > 0 && m_size > 0); return 0; }
//! Get the id of the root node
size_t root_id() const { RYML_ASSERT(m_cap > 0 && m_size > 0); return 0; }
//! Get a NodeRef of a node by id
NodeRef ref(size_t id);
//! Get a NodeRef of a node by id
ConstNodeRef ref(size_t id) const;
//! Get a NodeRef of a node by id
ConstNodeRef cref(size_t id);
//! Get a NodeRef of a node by id
ConstNodeRef cref(size_t id) const;
//! Get the root as a NodeRef
NodeRef rootref();
//! Get the root as a NodeRef
ConstNodeRef rootref() const;
//! Get the root as a NodeRef
ConstNodeRef crootref();
//! Get the root as a NodeRef
ConstNodeRef crootref() const;
//! find a root child by name, return it as a NodeRef
//! @note requires the root to be a map.
NodeRef operator[] (csubstr key);
//! find a root child by name, return it as a NodeRef
//! @note requires the root to be a map.
ConstNodeRef operator[] (csubstr key) const;
//! find a root child by index: return the root node's @p i-th child as a NodeRef
//! @note @i is NOT the node id, but the child's position
NodeRef operator[] (size_t i);
//! find a root child by index: return the root node's @p i-th child as a NodeRef
//! @note @i is NOT the node id, but the child's position
ConstNodeRef operator[] (size_t i) const;
//! get the i-th document of the stream
//! @note @i is NOT the node id, but the doc position within the stream
NodeRef docref(size_t i);
//! get the i-th document of the stream
//! @note @i is NOT the node id, but the doc position within the stream
ConstNodeRef docref(size_t i) const;
/** @} */
/** @name node property getters */
/** @{ */
NodeType type(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type; }
const char* type_str(size_t node) const { return NodeType::type_str(_p(node)->m_type); }
csubstr const& key (size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT(has_key(node)); return _p(node)->m_key.scalar; }
csubstr const& key_tag (size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT(has_key_tag(node)); return _p(node)->m_key.tag; }
csubstr const& key_ref (size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT(is_key_ref(node) && ! has_key_anchor(node)); return _p(node)->m_key.anchor; }
csubstr const& key_anchor(size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT( ! is_key_ref(node) && has_key_anchor(node)); return _p(node)->m_key.anchor; }
NodeScalar const& keysc (size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT(has_key(node)); return _p(node)->m_key; }
csubstr const& val (size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT(has_val(node)); return _p(node)->m_val.scalar; }
csubstr const& val_tag (size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT(has_val_tag(node)); return _p(node)->m_val.tag; }
csubstr const& val_ref (size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT(is_val_ref(node) && ! has_val_anchor(node)); return _p(node)->m_val.anchor; }
csubstr const& val_anchor(size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT( ! is_val_ref(node) && has_val_anchor(node)); return _p(node)->m_val.anchor; }
NodeScalar const& valsc (size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT(has_val(node)); return _p(node)->m_val; }
/** @} */
/** @name node predicates */
/** @{ */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_stream(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_stream(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_doc(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_doc(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_container(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_container(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_map(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_map(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_seq(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_seq(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_key(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.has_key(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_val(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.has_val(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_val(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_val(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_keyval(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_keyval(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_key_tag(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.has_key_tag(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_val_tag(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.has_val_tag(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_key_anchor(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.has_key_anchor(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_key_anchor(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_key_anchor(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_val_anchor(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.has_val_anchor(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_val_anchor(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_val_anchor(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_anchor(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.has_anchor(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_anchor(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_anchor(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_key_ref(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_key_ref(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_val_ref(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_val_ref(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_ref(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_ref(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_anchor_or_ref(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_anchor_or_ref(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_key_quoted(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_key_quoted(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_val_quoted(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_val_quoted(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_quoted(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_type.is_quoted(); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool parent_is_seq(size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT(has_parent(node)); return is_seq(_p(node)->m_parent); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool parent_is_map(size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT(has_parent(node)); return is_map(_p(node)->m_parent); }
/** true when key and val are empty, and has no children */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool empty(size_t node) const { return ! has_children(node) && _p(node)->m_key.empty() && (( ! (_p(node)->m_type & VAL)) || _p(node)->m_val.empty()); }
/** true when the node has an anchor named a */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_anchor(size_t node, csubstr a) const { return _p(node)->m_key.anchor == a || _p(node)->m_val.anchor == a; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool key_is_null(size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT(has_key(node)); NodeData const* C4_RESTRICT n = _p(node); return !n->m_type.is_key_quoted() && _is_null(n->m_key.scalar); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool val_is_null(size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT(has_val(node)); NodeData const* C4_RESTRICT n = _p(node); return !n->m_type.is_val_quoted() && _is_null(n->m_val.scalar); }
static bool _is_null(csubstr s) noexcept
return s.str == nullptr ||
s == "~" ||
s == "null" ||
s == "Null" ||
s == "NULL";
/** @} */
/** @name hierarchy predicates */
/** @{ */
bool is_root(size_t node) const { RYML_ASSERT(_p(node)->m_parent != NONE || node == 0); return _p(node)->m_parent == NONE; }
bool has_parent(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_parent != NONE; }
/** true if @p node has a child with id @p ch */
bool has_child(size_t node, size_t ch) const { return _p(ch)->m_parent == node; }
/** true if @p node has a child with key @p key */
bool has_child(size_t node, csubstr key) const { return find_child(node, key) != npos; }
/** true if @p node has any children key */
bool has_children(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_first_child != NONE; }
/** true if @p node has a sibling with id @p sib */
bool has_sibling(size_t node, size_t sib) const { return _p(node)->m_parent == _p(sib)->m_parent; }
/** true if one of the node's siblings has the given key */
bool has_sibling(size_t node, csubstr key) const { return find_sibling(node, key) != npos; }
/** true if node is not a single child */
bool has_other_siblings(size_t node) const
NodeData const *n = _p(node);
if(C4_LIKELY(n->m_parent != NONE))
n = _p(n->m_parent);
return n->m_first_child != n->m_last_child;
return false;
RYML_DEPRECATED("use has_other_siblings()") bool has_siblings(size_t /*node*/) const { return true; }
/** @} */
/** @name hierarchy getters */
/** @{ */
size_t parent(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_parent; }
size_t prev_sibling(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_prev_sibling; }
size_t next_sibling(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_next_sibling; }
/** O(#num_children) */
size_t num_children(size_t node) const;
size_t child_pos(size_t node, size_t ch) const;
size_t first_child(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_first_child; }
size_t last_child(size_t node) const { return _p(node)->m_last_child; }
size_t child(size_t node, size_t pos) const;
size_t find_child(size_t node, csubstr const& key) const;
/** O(#num_siblings) */
/** counts with this */
size_t num_siblings(size_t node) const { return is_root(node) ? 1 : num_children(_p(node)->m_parent); }
/** does not count with this */
size_t num_other_siblings(size_t node) const { size_t ns = num_siblings(node); RYML_ASSERT(ns > 0); return ns-1; }
size_t sibling_pos(size_t node, size_t sib) const { RYML_ASSERT( ! is_root(node) || node == root_id()); return child_pos(_p(node)->m_parent, sib); }
size_t first_sibling(size_t node) const { return is_root(node) ? node : _p(_p(node)->m_parent)->m_first_child; }
size_t last_sibling(size_t node) const { return is_root(node) ? node : _p(_p(node)->m_parent)->m_last_child; }
size_t sibling(size_t node, size_t pos) const { return child(_p(node)->m_parent, pos); }
size_t find_sibling(size_t node, csubstr const& key) const { return find_child(_p(node)->m_parent, key); }
size_t doc(size_t i) const { size_t rid = root_id(); RYML_ASSERT(is_stream(rid)); return child(rid, i); } //!< gets the @p i document node index. requires that the root node is a stream.
/** @} */
/** @name node modifiers */
/** @{ */
void to_keyval(size_t node, csubstr key, csubstr val, type_bits more_flags=0);
void to_map(size_t node, csubstr key, type_bits more_flags=0);
void to_seq(size_t node, csubstr key, type_bits more_flags=0);
void to_val(size_t node, csubstr val, type_bits more_flags=0);
void to_map(size_t node, type_bits more_flags=0);
void to_seq(size_t node, type_bits more_flags=0);
void to_doc(size_t node, type_bits more_flags=0);
void to_stream(size_t node, type_bits more_flags=0);
void set_key(size_t node, csubstr key) { RYML_ASSERT(has_key(node)); _p(node)->m_key.scalar = key; }
void set_val(size_t node, csubstr val) { RYML_ASSERT(has_val(node)); _p(node)->m_val.scalar = val; }
void set_key_tag(size_t node, csubstr tag) { RYML_ASSERT(has_key(node)); _p(node)->m_key.tag = tag; _add_flags(node, KEYTAG); }
void set_val_tag(size_t node, csubstr tag) { RYML_ASSERT(has_val(node) || is_container(node)); _p(node)->m_val.tag = tag; _add_flags(node, VALTAG); }
void set_key_anchor(size_t node, csubstr anchor) { RYML_ASSERT( ! is_key_ref(node)); _p(node)->m_key.anchor = anchor.triml('&'); _add_flags(node, KEYANCH); }
void set_val_anchor(size_t node, csubstr anchor) { RYML_ASSERT( ! is_val_ref(node)); _p(node)->m_val.anchor = anchor.triml('&'); _add_flags(node, VALANCH); }
void set_key_ref (size_t node, csubstr ref ) { RYML_ASSERT( ! has_key_anchor(node)); NodeData* C4_RESTRICT n = _p(node); n->m_key.set_ref_maybe_replacing_scalar(ref, n->m_type.has_key()); _add_flags(node, KEY|KEYREF); }
void set_val_ref (size_t node, csubstr ref ) { RYML_ASSERT( ! has_val_anchor(node)); NodeData* C4_RESTRICT n = _p(node); n->m_val.set_ref_maybe_replacing_scalar(ref, n->m_type.has_val()); _add_flags(node, VAL|VALREF); }
void rem_key_anchor(size_t node) { _p(node)->m_key.anchor.clear(); _rem_flags(node, KEYANCH); }
void rem_val_anchor(size_t node) { _p(node)->m_val.anchor.clear(); _rem_flags(node, VALANCH); }
void rem_key_ref (size_t node) { _p(node)->m_key.anchor.clear(); _rem_flags(node, KEYREF); }
void rem_val_ref (size_t node) { _p(node)->m_val.anchor.clear(); _rem_flags(node, VALREF); }
void rem_anchor_ref(size_t node) { _p(node)->m_key.anchor.clear(); _p(node)->m_val.anchor.clear(); _rem_flags(node, KEYANCH|VALANCH|KEYREF|VALREF); }
/** @} */
/** @name tree modifiers */
/** @{ */
/** reorder the tree in memory so that all the nodes are stored
* in a linear sequence when visited in depth-first order.
* This will invalidate existing ids, since the node id is its
* position in the node array. */
void reorder();
/** Resolve references (aliases <- anchors) in the tree.
* Dereferencing is opt-in; after parsing, Tree::resolve()
* has to be called explicitly for obtaining resolved references in the
* tree. This method will resolve all references and substitute the
* anchored values in place of the reference.
* This method first does a full traversal of the tree to gather all
* anchors and references in a separate collection, then it goes through
* that collection to locate the names, which it does by obeying the YAML
* standard diktat that "an alias node refers to the most recent node in
* the serialization having the specified anchor"
* So, depending on the number of anchor/alias nodes, this is a
* potentially expensive operation, with a best-case linear complexity
* (from the initial traversal). This potential cost is the reason for
* requiring an explicit call.
void resolve();
/** @} */
/** @name tag directives */
/** @{ */
void resolve_tags();
size_t num_tag_directives() const;
size_t add_tag_directive(TagDirective const& td);
void clear_tag_directives();
size_t resolve_tag(substr output, csubstr tag, size_t node_id) const;
csubstr resolve_tag_sub(substr output, csubstr tag, size_t node_id) const
size_t needed = resolve_tag(output, tag, node_id);
return needed <= output.len ? output.first(needed) : output;
using tag_directive_const_iterator = TagDirective const*;
tag_directive_const_iterator begin_tag_directives() const { return m_tag_directives; }
tag_directive_const_iterator end_tag_directives() const { return m_tag_directives + num_tag_directives(); }
struct TagDirectiveProxy
tag_directive_const_iterator b, e;
tag_directive_const_iterator begin() const { return b; }
tag_directive_const_iterator end() const { return e; }
TagDirectiveProxy tag_directives() const { return TagDirectiveProxy{begin_tag_directives(), end_tag_directives()}; }
/** @} */
/** @name modifying hierarchy */
/** @{ */
/** create and insert a new child of @p parent. insert after the (to-be)
* sibling @p after, which must be a child of @p parent. To insert as the
* first child, set after to NONE */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t insert_child(size_t parent, size_t after)
RYML_ASSERT(parent != NONE);
RYML_ASSERT(is_container(parent) || is_root(parent));
RYML_ASSERT(after == NONE || (_p(after)->m_parent == parent));
size_t child = _claim();
_set_hierarchy(child, parent, after);
return child;
/** create and insert a node as the first child of @p parent */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t prepend_child(size_t parent) { return insert_child(parent, NONE); }
/** create and insert a node as the last child of @p parent */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t append_child(size_t parent) { return insert_child(parent, _p(parent)->m_last_child); }
#if defined(__clang__)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnull-dereference"
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# if __GNUC__ >= 6
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnull-dereference"
# endif
//! create and insert a new sibling of n. insert after "after"
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t insert_sibling(size_t node, size_t after)
return insert_child(_p(node)->m_parent, after);
/** create and insert a node as the first node of @p parent */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t prepend_sibling(size_t node) { return prepend_child(_p(node)->m_parent); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t append_sibling(size_t node) { return append_child(_p(node)->m_parent); }
/** remove an entire branch at once: ie remove the children and the node itself */
inline void remove(size_t node)
/** remove all the node's children, but keep the node itself */
void remove_children(size_t node);
/** change the @p type of the node to one of MAP, SEQ or VAL. @p
* type must have one and only one of MAP,SEQ,VAL; @p type may
* possibly have KEY, but if it does, then the @p node must also
* have KEY. Changing to the same type is a no-op. Otherwise,
* changing to a different type will initialize the node with an
* empty value of the desired type: changing to VAL will
* initialize with a null scalar (~), changing to MAP will
* initialize with an empty map ({}), and changing to SEQ will
* initialize with an empty seq ([]). */
bool change_type(size_t node, NodeType type);
bool change_type(size_t node, type_bits type)
return change_type(node, (NodeType)type);
#if defined(__clang__)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
/** change the node's position in the parent */
void move(size_t node, size_t after);
/** change the node's parent and position */
void move(size_t node, size_t new_parent, size_t after);
/** change the node's parent and position to a different tree
* @return the index of the new node in the destination tree */
size_t move(Tree * src, size_t node, size_t new_parent, size_t after);
/** ensure the first node is a stream. Eg, change this tree
* to
* If the root is already a stream, this is a no-op.
void set_root_as_stream();
/** recursively duplicate a node from this tree into a new parent,
* placing it after one of its children
* @return the index of the copy */
size_t duplicate(size_t node, size_t new_parent, size_t after);
/** recursively duplicate a node from a different tree into a new parent,
* placing it after one of its children
* @return the index of the copy */
size_t duplicate(Tree const* src, size_t node, size_t new_parent, size_t after);
/** recursively duplicate the node's children (but not the node)
* @return the index of the last duplicated child */
size_t duplicate_children(size_t node, size_t parent, size_t after);
/** recursively duplicate the node's children (but not the node), where
* the node is from a different tree
* @return the index of the last duplicated child */
size_t duplicate_children(Tree const* src, size_t node, size_t parent, size_t after);
void duplicate_contents(size_t node, size_t where);
void duplicate_contents(Tree const* src, size_t node, size_t where);
/** duplicate the node's children (but not the node) in a new parent, but
* omit repetitions where a duplicated node has the same key (in maps) or
* value (in seqs). If one of the duplicated children has the same key
* (in maps) or value (in seqs) as one of the parent's children, the one
* that is placed closest to the end will prevail. */
size_t duplicate_children_no_rep(size_t node, size_t parent, size_t after);
size_t duplicate_children_no_rep(Tree const* src, size_t node, size_t parent, size_t after);
void merge_with(Tree const* src, size_t src_node=NONE, size_t dst_root=NONE);
/** @} */
/** @name internal string arena */
/** @{ */
/** get the current size of the tree's internal arena */
RYML_DEPRECATED("use arena_size() instead") size_t arena_pos() const { return m_arena_pos; }
/** get the current size of the tree's internal arena */
inline size_t arena_size() const { return m_arena_pos; }
/** get the current capacity of the tree's internal arena */
inline size_t arena_capacity() const { return m_arena.len; }
/** get the current slack of the tree's internal arena */
inline size_t arena_slack() const { RYML_ASSERT(m_arena.len >= m_arena_pos); return m_arena.len - m_arena_pos; }
/** get the current arena */
substr arena() const { return m_arena.first(m_arena_pos); }
/** return true if the given substring is part of the tree's string arena */
bool in_arena(csubstr s) const
return m_arena.is_super(s);
/** serialize the given floating-point variable to the tree's
* arena, growing it as needed to accomodate the serialization.
* @note Growing the arena may cause relocation of the entire
* existing arena, and thus change the contents of individual
* nodes, and thus cost O(numnodes)+O(arenasize). To avoid this
* cost, ensure that the arena is reserved to an appropriate size
* using .reserve_arena()
* @see alloc_arena() */
template<class T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, csubstr>::type
to_arena(T const& C4_RESTRICT a)
substr rem(m_arena.sub(m_arena_pos));
size_t num = to_chars_float(rem, a);
if(num > rem.len)
rem = _grow_arena(num);
num = to_chars_float(rem, a);
RYML_ASSERT(num <= rem.len);
rem = _request_span(num);
return rem;
/** serialize the given non-floating-point variable to the tree's
* arena, growing it as needed to accomodate the serialization.
* @note Growing the arena may cause relocation of the entire
* existing arena, and thus change the contents of individual
* nodes, and thus cost O(numnodes)+O(arenasize). To avoid this
* cost, ensure that the arena is reserved to an appropriate size
* using .reserve_arena()
* @see alloc_arena() */
template<class T>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_floating_point<T>::value, csubstr>::type
to_arena(T const& C4_RESTRICT a)
substr rem(m_arena.sub(m_arena_pos));
size_t num = to_chars(rem, a);
if(num > rem.len)
rem = _grow_arena(num);
num = to_chars(rem, a);
RYML_ASSERT(num <= rem.len);
rem = _request_span(num);
return rem;
/** serialize the given csubstr to the tree's arena, growing the
* arena as needed to accomodate the serialization.
* @note Growing the arena may cause relocation of the entire
* existing arena, and thus change the contents of individual
* nodes, and thus cost O(numnodes)+O(arenasize). To avoid this
* cost, ensure that the arena is reserved to an appropriate size
* using .reserve_arena()
* @see alloc_arena() */
csubstr to_arena(csubstr a)
if(a.len > 0)
substr rem(m_arena.sub(m_arena_pos));
size_t num = to_chars(rem, a);
if(num > rem.len)
rem = _grow_arena(num);
num = to_chars(rem, a);
RYML_ASSERT(num <= rem.len);
return _request_span(num);
if(a.str == nullptr)
return csubstr{};
else if(m_arena.str == nullptr)
// Arena is empty and we want to store a non-null
// zero-length string.
// Even though the string has zero length, we need
// some "memory" to store a non-nullptr string
return _request_span(0);
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE csubstr to_arena(const char *s)
return to_arena(to_csubstr(s));
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE csubstr to_arena(std::nullptr_t)
return csubstr{};
/** copy the given substr to the tree's arena, growing it by the
* required size
* @note Growing the arena may cause relocation of the entire
* existing arena, and thus change the contents of individual
* nodes, and thus cost O(numnodes)+O(arenasize). To avoid this
* cost, ensure that the arena is reserved to an appropriate size
* using .reserve_arena()
* @see alloc_arena() */
substr copy_to_arena(csubstr s)
substr cp = alloc_arena(s.len);
RYML_ASSERT(cp.len == s.len);
#if (!defined(__clang__)) && (defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 10)
C4_SUPPRESS_WARNING_GCC("-Wstringop-overflow=") // no need for terminating \0
C4_SUPPRESS_WARNING_GCC( "-Wrestrict") // there's an assert to ensure no violation of restrict behavior
memcpy(cp.str, s.str, s.len);
#if (!defined(__clang__)) && (defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 10)
return cp;
/** grow the tree's string arena by the given size and return a substr
* of the added portion
* @note Growing the arena may cause relocation of the entire
* existing arena, and thus change the contents of individual
* nodes, and thus cost O(numnodes)+O(arenasize). To avoid this
* cost, ensure that the arena is reserved to an appropriate size
* using .reserve_arena().
* @see reserve_arena() */
substr alloc_arena(size_t sz)
if(sz > arena_slack())
_grow_arena(sz - arena_slack());
substr s = _request_span(sz);
return s;
/** ensure the tree's internal string arena is at least the given capacity
* @note This operation has a potential complexity of O(numNodes)+O(arenasize).
* Growing the arena may cause relocation of the entire
* existing arena, and thus change the contents of individual nodes. */
void reserve_arena(size_t arena_cap)
if(arena_cap > m_arena.len)
substr buf;
buf.str = (char*) m_callbacks.m_allocate(arena_cap, m_arena.str, m_callbacks.m_user_data);
buf.len = arena_cap;
RYML_ASSERT(m_arena.len >= 0);
_relocate(buf); // does a memcpy and changes nodes using the arena
m_callbacks.m_free(m_arena.str, m_arena.len, m_callbacks.m_user_data);
m_arena = buf;
/** @} */
substr _grow_arena(size_t more)
size_t cap = m_arena.len + more;
cap = cap < 2 * m_arena.len ? 2 * m_arena.len : cap;
cap = cap < 64 ? 64 : cap;
return m_arena.sub(m_arena_pos);
substr _request_span(size_t sz)
substr s;
s = m_arena.sub(m_arena_pos, sz);
m_arena_pos += sz;
return s;
substr _relocated(csubstr s, substr next_arena) const
RYML_ASSERT(m_arena.sub(0, m_arena_pos).is_super(s));
auto pos = (s.str - m_arena.str);
substr r(next_arena.str + pos, s.len);
RYML_ASSERT(r.str - next_arena.str == pos);
RYML_ASSERT(next_arena.sub(0, m_arena_pos).is_super(r));
return r;
/** @name lookup */
/** @{ */
struct lookup_result
size_t target;
size_t closest;
size_t path_pos;
csubstr path;
inline operator bool() const { return target != NONE; }
lookup_result() : target(NONE), closest(NONE), path_pos(0), path() {}
lookup_result(csubstr path_, size_t start) : target(NONE), closest(start), path_pos(0), path(path_) {}
/** get the part ot the input path that was resolved */
csubstr resolved() const;
/** get the part ot the input path that was unresolved */
csubstr unresolved() const;
/** for example[0].baz */
lookup_result lookup_path(csubstr path, size_t start=NONE) const;
/** defaulted lookup: lookup @p path; if the lookup fails, recursively modify
* the tree so that the corresponding lookup_path() would return the
* default value.
* @see lookup_path() */
size_t lookup_path_or_modify(csubstr default_value, csubstr path, size_t start=NONE);
/** defaulted lookup: lookup @p path; if the lookup fails, recursively modify
* the tree so that the corresponding lookup_path() would return the
* branch @p src_node (from the tree @p src).
* @see lookup_path() */
size_t lookup_path_or_modify(Tree const *src, size_t src_node, csubstr path, size_t start=NONE);
/** @} */
struct _lookup_path_token
csubstr value;
NodeType type;
_lookup_path_token() : value(), type() {}
_lookup_path_token(csubstr v, NodeType t) : value(v), type(t) {}
inline operator bool() const { return type != NOTYPE; }
bool is_index() const { return value.begins_with('[') && value.ends_with(']'); }
size_t _lookup_path_or_create(csubstr path, size_t start);
void _lookup_path (lookup_result *r) const;
void _lookup_path_modify(lookup_result *r);
size_t _next_node (lookup_result *r, _lookup_path_token *parent) const;
size_t _next_node_modify(lookup_result *r, _lookup_path_token *parent);
void _advance(lookup_result *r, size_t more) const;
_lookup_path_token _next_token(lookup_result *r, _lookup_path_token const& parent) const;
void _clear();
void _free();
void _copy(Tree const& that);
void _move(Tree & that);
void _relocate(substr next_arena);
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE void _check_next_flags(size_t, type_bits) {}
void _check_next_flags(size_t node, type_bits f)
auto n = _p(node);
type_bits o = n->m_type; // old
if(f & MAP)
RYML_ASSERT_MSG((f & SEQ) == 0, "cannot mark simultaneously as map and seq");
RYML_ASSERT_MSG((f & VAL) == 0, "cannot mark simultaneously as map and val");
RYML_ASSERT_MSG((o & SEQ) == 0, "cannot turn a seq into a map; clear first");
RYML_ASSERT_MSG((o & VAL) == 0, "cannot turn a val into a map; clear first");
else if(f & SEQ)
RYML_ASSERT_MSG((f & MAP) == 0, "cannot mark simultaneously as seq and map");
RYML_ASSERT_MSG((f & VAL) == 0, "cannot mark simultaneously as seq and val");
RYML_ASSERT_MSG((o & MAP) == 0, "cannot turn a map into a seq; clear first");
RYML_ASSERT_MSG((o & VAL) == 0, "cannot turn a val into a seq; clear first");
if(f & KEY)
auto pid = parent(node); C4_UNUSED(pid);
if((f & VAL) && !is_root(node))
auto pid = parent(node); C4_UNUSED(pid);
RYML_ASSERT(is_map(pid) || is_seq(pid));
inline void _set_flags(size_t node, NodeType_e f) { _check_next_flags(node, f); _p(node)->m_type = f; }
inline void _set_flags(size_t node, type_bits f) { _check_next_flags(node, f); _p(node)->m_type = f; }
inline void _add_flags(size_t node, NodeType_e f) { NodeData *d = _p(node); type_bits fb = f | d->m_type; _check_next_flags(node, fb); d->m_type = (NodeType_e) fb; }
inline void _add_flags(size_t node, type_bits f) { NodeData *d = _p(node); f |= d->m_type; _check_next_flags(node, f); d->m_type = f; }
inline void _rem_flags(size_t node, NodeType_e f) { NodeData *d = _p(node); type_bits fb = d->m_type & ~f; _check_next_flags(node, fb); d->m_type = (NodeType_e) fb; }
inline void _rem_flags(size_t node, type_bits f) { NodeData *d = _p(node); f = d->m_type & ~f; _check_next_flags(node, f); d->m_type = f; }
void _set_key(size_t node, csubstr key, type_bits more_flags=0)
_p(node)->m_key.scalar = key;
_add_flags(node, KEY|more_flags);
void _set_key(size_t node, NodeScalar const& key, type_bits more_flags=0)
_p(node)->m_key = key;
_add_flags(node, KEY|more_flags);
void _set_val(size_t node, csubstr val, type_bits more_flags=0)
RYML_ASSERT(num_children(node) == 0);
RYML_ASSERT(!is_seq(node) && !is_map(node));
_p(node)->m_val.scalar = val;
_add_flags(node, VAL|more_flags);
void _set_val(size_t node, NodeScalar const& val, type_bits more_flags=0)
RYML_ASSERT(num_children(node) == 0);
RYML_ASSERT( ! is_container(node));
_p(node)->m_val = val;
_add_flags(node, VAL|more_flags);
void _set(size_t node, NodeInit const& i)
NodeData *n = _p(node);
RYML_ASSERT(n->m_key.scalar.empty() || i.key.scalar.empty() || i.key.scalar == n->m_key.scalar);
_add_flags(node, i.type);
if( ! i.key.scalar.empty())
_set_key(node, i.key.scalar);
n->m_key.tag = i.key.tag;
n->m_val = i.val;
void _set_parent_as_container_if_needed(size_t in)
NodeData const* n = _p(in);
size_t ip = parent(in);
if(ip != NONE)
if( ! (is_seq(ip) || is_map(ip)))
if((in == first_child(ip)) && (in == last_child(ip)))
if( ! n->m_key.empty() || has_key(in))
_add_flags(ip, MAP);
_add_flags(ip, SEQ);
void _seq2map(size_t node)
for(size_t i = first_child(node); i != NONE; i = next_sibling(i))
NodeData *C4_RESTRICT ch = _p(i);
ch->m_key = ch->m_val;
auto *C4_RESTRICT n = _p(node);
size_t _do_reorder(size_t *node, size_t count);
void _swap(size_t n_, size_t m_);
void _swap_props(size_t n_, size_t m_);
void _swap_hierarchy(size_t n_, size_t m_);
void _copy_hierarchy(size_t dst_, size_t src_);
inline void _copy_props(size_t dst_, size_t src_)
_copy_props(dst_, this, src_);
inline void _copy_props_wo_key(size_t dst_, size_t src_)
_copy_props_wo_key(dst_, this, src_);
void _copy_props(size_t dst_, Tree const* that_tree, size_t src_)
auto & C4_RESTRICT dst = *_p(dst_);
auto const& C4_RESTRICT src = *that_tree->_p(src_);
dst.m_type = src.m_type;
dst.m_key = src.m_key;
dst.m_val = src.m_val;
void _copy_props_wo_key(size_t dst_, Tree const* that_tree, size_t src_)
auto & C4_RESTRICT dst = *_p(dst_);
auto const& C4_RESTRICT src = *that_tree->_p(src_);
dst.m_type = (src.m_type & ~_KEYMASK) | (dst.m_type & _KEYMASK);
dst.m_val = src.m_val;
inline void _clear_type(size_t node)
_p(node)->m_type = NOTYPE;
inline void _clear(size_t node)
auto *C4_RESTRICT n = _p(node);
n->m_type = NOTYPE;
n->m_parent = NONE;
n->m_first_child = NONE;
n->m_last_child = NONE;
inline void _clear_key(size_t node)
_rem_flags(node, KEY);
inline void _clear_val(size_t node)
_rem_flags(node, VAL);
void _clear_range(size_t first, size_t num);
size_t _claim();
void _claim_root();
void _release(size_t node);
void _free_list_add(size_t node);
void _free_list_rem(size_t node);
void _set_hierarchy(size_t node, size_t parent, size_t after_sibling);
void _rem_hierarchy(size_t node);
// members are exposed, but you should NOT access them directly
NodeData * m_buf;
size_t m_cap;
size_t m_size;
size_t m_free_head;
size_t m_free_tail;
substr m_arena;
size_t m_arena_pos;
Callbacks m_callbacks;
TagDirective m_tag_directives[RYML_MAX_TAG_DIRECTIVES];
} // namespace yml
} // namespace c4
#endif /* _C4_YML_TREE_HPP_ */