It's now possible to start a game directly from the slideshow screensaver. Also fixed toggling of the video screensaver which was not working as expected.
Adds the ability for users to change the following features in OMX Player's subtitles (game info for screen saver).
- font size
- font file path
- italic font file path
- subtitle position
These changes can be made in the GUI menus via the Video Screen Saver menu, or directly in the es_settings.cfg file.
Safe OMX Player defaults are hard-coded into the EmulationStation application.
Here's an example of the new keys loaded/saved into in the es_settings.cfg file:
- `<int name="SubtitleSize" value="38" />`
- `<string name="SubtitleFont" value="/usr/local/share/fonts/slkscr.ttf" />`
- `<string name="SubtitleItalicFont" value="/usr/local/share/fonts/slkscrb.ttf" />`
- `<string name="SubtitleAlignment" value="center" />`
This change adds an image slideshow screensaver mode with optional
background audio. The existing menu and video screensaver have been
refactored to include this new mode.
By default, the slideshow screensaver will show images from the
game list, but it can be configured in the menu to use a custom
directory instead.