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synced 2025-03-06 14:27:43 +00:00

Also removed support for the thumbnail game media type and fixed an issue where the logo and logotext were displayed at the same time in the gamelist view.
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// EmulationStation Desktop Edition
// FileData.h
// Provides game file data structures and functions to access and sort this information.
// Also provides functions to look up paths to media files and for launching games
// (launching initiated in ViewController).
#include "MetaData.h"
#include "utils/FileSystemUtil.h"
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_map>
class SystemData;
class Window;
struct SystemEnvironmentData;
enum FileType {
GAME = 1, // Cannot have children.
// A tree node that holds information for a file.
class FileData
FileData(FileType type,
const std::string& path,
SystemEnvironmentData* envData,
SystemData* system);
virtual ~FileData();
virtual const std::string& getName();
const std::string& getSortName();
const bool getFavorite();
const bool getKidgame();
const bool getHidden();
const bool getCountAsGame();
const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& getGameCount() const { return mGameCount; }
const bool getExcludeFromScraper();
const std::vector<FileData*> getChildrenRecursive() const;
FileType getType() const { return mType; }
const std::string& getPath() const { return mPath; }
FileData* getParent() const { return mParent; }
const std::unordered_map<std::string, FileData*>& getChildrenByFilename() const
return mChildrenByFilename;
const std::vector<FileData*>& getChildren() const { return mChildren; }
SystemData* getSystem() const { return mSystem; }
SystemEnvironmentData* getSystemEnvData() const { return mEnvData; }
// These functions are used by GameSelectorComponent.
const std::vector<FileData*>& getChildrenLastPlayed() const { return mChildrenLastPlayed; }
const std::vector<FileData*>& getChildrenMostPlayed() const { return mChildrenMostPlayed; }
void setUpdateChildrenLastPlayed(bool state) { mUpdateChildrenLastPlayed = state; }
void setUpdateChildrenMostPlayed(bool state) { mUpdateChildrenMostPlayed = state; }
void setUpdateListCallback(const std::function<void()>& func) { mUpdateListCallback = func; }
const bool getOnlyFoldersFlag() const { return mOnlyFolders; }
const bool getHasFoldersFlag() const { return mHasFolders; }
static const std::string getROMDirectory();
static const std::string getMediaDirectory();
const std::string getMediafilePath(const std::string& subdirectory) const;
const std::string getImagePath() const;
const std::string get3DBoxPath() const;
const std::string getBackCoverPath() const;
const std::string getCoverPath() const;
const std::string getFanArtPath() const;
const std::string getMarqueePath() const;
const std::string getPhysicalMediaPath() const;
const std::string getMiximagePath() const;
const std::string getScreenshotPath() const;
const std::string getTitleScreenPath() const;
const std::string getVideoPath() const;
const bool getDeletionFlag() const { return mDeletionFlag; }
void setDeletionFlag(bool setting) { mDeletionFlag = setting; }
const std::vector<FileData*>& getChildrenListToDisplay();
std::vector<FileData*> getFilesRecursive(unsigned int typeMask,
bool displayedOnly = false,
bool countAllGames = true) const;
std::vector<FileData*> getScrapeFilesRecursive(bool includeFolders,
bool excludeRecursively,
bool respectExclusions) const;
void addChild(FileData* file); // Error if mType != FOLDER
void removeChild(FileData* file); // Error if mType != FOLDER
const bool isPlaceHolder() const { return mType == PLACEHOLDER; }
virtual void refreshMetadata() { return; }
virtual std::string getKey() { return getFileName(); }
const bool isArcadeAsset() const;
const bool isArcadeGame() const;
const std::string& getFullPath() const { return getPath(); }
std::string getFileName() { return Utils::FileSystem::getFileName(getPath()); }
virtual FileData* getSourceFileData() { return this; }
const std::string& getSystemName() const { return mSystemName; }
// Returns our best guess at the "real" name for this file.
std::string getDisplayName() const;
// As above, but also remove parenthesis.
std::string getCleanName() const;
void launchGame();
const std::string findEmulatorPath(std::string& command);
using ComparisonFunction = bool(const FileData* a, const FileData* b);
struct SortType {
ComparisonFunction* comparisonFunction;
std::string description;
SortType(ComparisonFunction* sortFunction, const std::string& sortDescription)
: comparisonFunction(sortFunction)
, description(sortDescription)
void sort(ComparisonFunction& comparator, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& gameCount);
void sortFavoritesOnTop(ComparisonFunction& comparator,
std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& gameCount);
void sort(const SortType& type, bool mFavoritesOnTop = false);
MetaDataList metadata;
// Only count the games, a cheaper alternative to a full sort when that is not required.
void countGames(std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& gameCount);
void updateLastPlayedList();
void updateMostPlayedList();
void setSortTypeString(std::string typestring) { mSortTypeString = typestring; }
const std::string& getSortTypeString() const { return mSortTypeString; }
const FileData::SortType& getSortTypeFromString(const std::string& desc) const;
FileData* mSourceFileData;
FileData* mParent;
std::string mSystemName;
std::string mSortTypeString = "";
FileType mType;
std::string mPath;
SystemEnvironmentData* mEnvData;
SystemData* mSystem;
std::unordered_map<std::string, FileData*> mChildrenByFilename;
std::vector<FileData*> mChildren;
std::vector<FileData*> mFilteredChildren;
std::vector<FileData*> mChildrenLastPlayed;
std::vector<FileData*> mChildrenMostPlayed;
std::function<void()> mUpdateListCallback;
// The pair includes all games, and favorite games.
std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> mGameCount;
bool mOnlyFolders;
bool mHasFolders;
bool mUpdateChildrenLastPlayed;
bool mUpdateChildrenMostPlayed;
// Used for flagging a game for deletion from its gamelist.xml file.
bool mDeletionFlag;
class CollectionFileData : public FileData
CollectionFileData(FileData* file, SystemData* system);
const std::string& getName();
void refreshMetadata();
FileData* getSourceFileData() { return mSourceFileData; }
std::string getKey() { return getFullPath(); }
// Needs to be updated when metadata changes.
std::string mCollectionFileName;
bool mDirty;
#endif // ES_APP_FILE_DATA_H