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ES-DE (EmulationStation Desktop Edition) v3.0 (development version) - Android documentation
All emulators are RetroArch cores unless marked as (Standalone)
The @ symbol indicates that the emulator is deprecated and will be removed in a future ES-DE release.
System name | Full name | Default emulator | Alternative emulators | Needs BIOS | Recommended game setup |
3do | 3DO Interactive Multiplayer | Opera | |||
adam | Coleco Adam | Placeholder | |||
ags | Adventure Game Studio Game Engine | Placeholder | |||
amiga | Commodore Amiga | PUAE | PUAE 2021 | Yes | |
amiga1200 | Commodore Amiga 1200 | PUAE | PUAE 2021 | Yes | |
amiga600 | Commodore Amiga 600 | PUAE | PUAE 2021 | Yes | |
amigacd32 | Commodore Amiga CD32 | PUAE | PUAE 2021 | Yes | |
amstradcpc | Amstrad CPC | Caprice32 | CrocoDS | No | Single archive or disk file |
android | Google Android | Placeholder | |||
apple2 | Apple II | Placeholder | |||
apple2gs | Apple IIGS | Placeholder | |||
arcade | Arcade | MAME - Current | MAME 2010, MAME 2003-Plus, MAME 2000, MAME4droid (Standalone), FinalBurn Neo, FB Alpha 2012, Flycast, Flycast (Standalone) |
Depends | |
arcadia | Emerson Arcadia 2001 | Placeholder | |||
archimedes | Acorn Archimedes | Placeholder | |||
arduboy | Arduboy Miniature Game System | Arduous | No | Single archive or .hex file | |
astrocde | Bally Astrocade | Placeholder | |||
atari2600 | Atari 2600 | Stella | Stella 2014 | No | Single archive or ROM file |
atari5200 | Atari 5200 | a5200 | Atari800 | Yes | Single archive or ROM file |
atari7800 | Atari 7800 ProSystem | ProSystem | Yes | Single archive or ROM file | |
atari800 | Atari 800 | Atari800 | Yes | ||
atarijaguar | Atari Jaguar | Virtual Jaguar | No | ||
atarijaguarcd | Atari Jaguar CD | Placeholder | |||
atarilynx | Atari Lynx | Handy | Beetle Lynx | ||
atarist | Atari ST [also STE and Falcon] | Hatari | Yes | Single archive or image file for single-diskette games, .m3u playlist for multi-diskette games | |
atarixe | Atari XE | Atari800 | Yes | ||
atomiswave | Sammy Corporation Atomiswave | Flycast | Flycast (Standalone) | Depends | Single archive file |
bbcmicro | Acorn Computers BBC Micro | Placeholder | |||
c64 | Commodore 64 | VICE x64sc Accurate | VICE x64 Fast, VICE x64 SuperCPU, VICE x128 |
No | Single archive or image file for tape, cartridge or single-diskette games, .m3u playlist for multi-diskette games |
cdimono1 | Philips CD-i | SAME CDi | Yes | Single .bin/.cue pair | |
cdtv | Commodore CDTV | PUAE | PUAE 2021 | Yes | |
chailove | ChaiLove Game Engine | ChaiLove | |||
channelf | Fairchild Channel F | FreeChaF | Yes | Single archive or ROM file | |
coco | Tandy Color Computer | Placeholder | |||
colecovision | Coleco ColecoVision | blueMSX | Gearcoleco | Yes | Single archive or ROM file |
consolearcade | Console Arcade Systems | Placeholder | |||
cps | Capcom Play System | MAME - Current | MAME 2010, MAME 2003-Plus, MAME 2000, MAME4droid (Standalone), FinalBurn Neo, FB Alpha 2012, FB Alpha 2012 CPS-1, FB Alpha 2012 CPS-2, FB Alpha 2012 CPS-3 |
Depends | |
cps1 | Capcom Play System I | MAME - Current | MAME 2010, MAME 2003-Plus, MAME 2000, MAME4droid (Standalone), FinalBurn Neo, FB Alpha 2012, FB Alpha 2012 CPS-1 |
Depends | |
cps2 | Capcom Play System II | MAME - Current | MAME 2010, MAME 2003-Plus, MAME 2000, MAME4droid (Standalone), FB Alpha 2012, FB Alpha 2012 CPS-2 |
Depends | |
cps3 | Capcom Play System III | MAME - Current | MAME 2010, MAME 2003-Plus, MAME 2000, MAME4droid (Standalone), FB Alpha 2012, FB Alpha 2012 CPS-3 |
Depends | |
crvision | VTech CreatiVision | Placeholder | |||
daphne | Daphne Arcade LaserDisc Emulator | DirkSimple | No | ||
desktop | Desktop Applications | Placeholder | |||
doom | Doom | PrBoom | No | ||
dos | DOS (PC) | DOSBox-Pure | DOSBox-Core, DOSBox-SVN |
No | |
dragon32 | Dragon Data Dragon 32 | Placeholder | |||
dreamcast | Sega Dreamcast | Flycast | Flycast (Standalone), Redream (Standalone) |
No | In separate folder interpreted as a file, with .m3u playlist if multi-disc game |
easyrpg | EasyRPG Game Engine | EasyRPG | No | ||
electron | Acorn Electron | Placeholder | |||
emulators | Emulators | Placeholder | |||
epic | Epic Games Store | Placeholder | |||
famicom | Nintendo Family Computer | Mesen | Nestopia UE, FCEUmm, QuickNES |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
fba | FinalBurn Alpha | FB Alpha 2012 | FB Alpha 2012 Neo Geo, FB Alpha 2012 CPS-1, FB Alpha 2012 CPS-2, FB Alpha 2012 CPS-3 |
Yes | |
fbneo | FinalBurn Neo | FinalBurn Neo | Yes | ||
fds | Nintendo Famicom Disk System | Mesen | Nestopia UE, FCEUmm |
Yes | Single archive or ROM file |
flash | Adobe Flash | Placeholder | |||
fm7 | Fujitsu FM-7 | Placeholder | |||
fmtowns | Fujitsu FM Towns | Placeholder | |||
fpinball | Future Pinball | Placeholder | |||
gamate | Bit Corporation Gamate | Placeholder | |||
gameandwatch | Nintendo Game and Watch | Handheld Electronic (GW) | No | ||
gamecom | Tiger Electronics Game.com | Placeholder | |||
gamegear | Sega Game Gear | Genesis Plus GX | Genesis Plus GX Wide, Gearsystem, SMS Plus GX, PicoDrive |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
gb | Nintendo Game Boy | Gambatte | SameBoy, Gearboy, TGB Dual, Mesen-S, bsnes, mGBA, VBA-M |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
gba | Nintendo Game Boy Advance | mGBA | VBA-M, VBA Next, gpSP |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
gbc | Nintendo Game Boy Color | Gambatte | SameBoy, Gearboy, TGB Dual, Mesen-S, bsnes, mGBA, VBA-M |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
gc | Nintendo GameCube | Dolphin | Dolphin (Standalone) | No | Disc image file for single-disc games, .m3u playlist for multi-disc games |
genesis | Sega Genesis | Genesis Plus GX | Genesis Plus GX Wide, PicoDrive |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
gmaster | Hartung Game Master | Placeholder | |||
gx4000 | Amstrad GX4000 | Caprice32 | CrocoDS | No | Single archive or ROM file |
intellivision | Mattel Electronics Intellivision | FreeIntv | Yes | Single archive or ROM file | |
j2me | Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) | SquirrelJME | No | Single .jar file | |
kodi | Kodi Home Theatre Software | Placeholder | |||
laserdisc | LaserDisc Games | DirkSimple | No | ||
lcdgames | LCD Handheld Games | Handheld Electronic (GW) | No | ||
lowresnx | LowRes NX Fantasy Console | LowRes NX | No | Single ROM file | |
lutris | Lutris Open Gaming Platform | Placeholder | |||
lutro | Lutro Game Engine | Lutro | |||
macintosh | Apple Macintosh | Placeholder | |||
mame | Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator | MAME - Current | MAME 2010, MAME 2003-Plus, MAME 2000, MAME4droid (Standalone), FinalBurn Neo, FB Alpha 2012, Flycast, Flycast (Standalone) |
Depends | |
mame-advmame | AdvanceMAME | Placeholder | |||
mastersystem | Sega Master System | Genesis Plus GX | Genesis Plus GX Wide, SMS Plus GX, Gearsystem, PicoDrive |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
megacd | Sega Mega-CD | Genesis Plus GX | Genesis Plus GX Wide, PicoDrive |
Yes | |
megacdjp | Sega Mega-CD [Japan] | Genesis Plus GX | Genesis Plus GX Wide, PicoDrive |
Yes | |
megadrive | Sega Mega Drive | Genesis Plus GX | Genesis Plus GX Wide, PicoDrive |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
megadrivejp | Sega Mega Drive [Japan] | Genesis Plus GX | Genesis Plus GX Wide, PicoDrive |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
megaduck | Creatronic Mega Duck | SameDuck | No | Single archive or ROM file | |
mess | Multi Emulator Super System | MESS 2015 | |||
model2 | Sega Model 2 | MAME - Current | Yes | ||
model3 | Sega Model 3 | Placeholder | |||
moto | Thomson MO/TO Series | Theodore | |||
msx | MSX | blueMSX | fMSX | Yes | |
msx1 | MSX1 | blueMSX | fMSX | Yes | |
msx2 | MSX2 | blueMSX | fMSX | Yes | |
msxturbor | MSX Turbo R | blueMSX | |||
mugen | M.U.G.E.N Game Engine | Placeholder | |||
multivision | Othello Multivision | Gearsystem | |||
naomi | Sega NAOMI | Flycast | Flycast (Standalone) | Yes | Single archive file + .chd file in subdirectory if GD-ROM game |
naomi2 | Sega NAOMI 2 | Flycast | Flycast (Standalone) | Yes | Single archive file + .chd file in subdirectory if GD-ROM game |
naomigd | Sega NAOMI GD-ROM | Flycast | Flycast (Standalone) | Yes | Single archive file + .chd file in subdirectory if GD-ROM game |
n3ds | Nintendo 3DS | Citra | Citra (Standalone), Citra MMJ (Standalone) |
No | Single ROM file |
n64 | Nintendo 64 | Mupen64Plus-Next | M64Plus FZ (Standalone), ParaLLEl N64 |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
n64dd | Nintendo 64DD | Mupen64Plus-Next | ParaLLEl N64 | Yes | |
nds | Nintendo DS | DeSmuME | DeSmuME 2015, melonDS DS, melonDS, DraStic (Standalone) |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
neogeo | SNK Neo Geo | FinalBurn Neo | MAME4droid (Standalone) | Yes | Single archive or ROM file |
neogeocd | SNK Neo Geo CD | NeoCD | FinalBurn Neo | Yes | |
neogeocdjp | SNK Neo Geo CD [Japan] | NeoCD | FinalBurn Neo | Yes | |
nes | Nintendo Entertainment System | Mesen | Nestopia UE, FCEUmm, QuickNES |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
ngage | Nokia N-Gage | Placeholder | |||
ngp | SNK Neo Geo Pocket | Beetle NeoPop | RACE | ||
ngpc | SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color | Beetle NeoPop | RACE | ||
odyssey2 | Magnavox Odyssey 2 | O2EM | Yes | Single archive or ROM file | |
openbor | OpenBOR Game Engine | Placeholder | |||
oric | Tangerine Computer Systems Oric | Placeholder | |||
palm | Palm OS | Mu | |||
pc | IBM PC | DOSBox-Pure | DOSBox-Core, DOSBox-SVN |
No | |
pc88 | NEC PC-8800 Series | QUASI88 | Yes | ||
pc98 | NEC PC-9800 Series | Neko Project II Kai | Neko Project II | ||
pcarcade | PC Arcade Systems | Placeholder | |||
pcengine | NEC PC Engine | Beetle PCE | Beetle PCE FAST | No | Single archive or ROM file |
pcenginecd | NEC PC Engine CD | Beetle PCE | Beetle PCE FAST | Yes | |
pcfx | NEC PC-FX | Beetle PC-FX | Yes | ||
pico8 | PICO-8 Fantasy Console | Retro8 | No | ||
plus4 | Commodore Plus/4 | VICE xplus4 | No | Single archive or image file for tape, cartridge or single-diskette games, .m3u playlist for multi-diskette games | |
pokemini | Nintendo Pokémon Mini | PokeMini | No | ||
ports | Ports | ECWolf (Wolfenstein 3D) | NXEngine (Cave Story), OpenLara (Tomb Raider), Super Bros War |
Yes for ECWolf | |
ps2 | Sony PlayStation 2 | AetherSX2 (Standalone) | Yes | ||
ps3 | Sony PlayStation 3 | Placeholder | |||
ps4 | Sony PlayStation 4 | Placeholder | |||
psp | Sony PlayStation Portable | PPSSPP | PPSSPP (Standalone) | No | Single disc image file |
psvita | Sony PlayStation Vita | Placeholder | |||
psx | Sony PlayStation | Beetle PSX | Beetle PSX HW, PCSX ReARMed, SwanStation, DuckStation (Standalone) |
Yes | .chd file for single-disc games, .m3u playlist for multi-disc games |
pv1000 | Casio PV-1000 | Placeholder | |||
quake | Quake | TyrQuake | vitaQuake 2, vitaQuake 2 [Rogue], vitaQuake 2 [Xatrix], vitaQuake 2 [Zaero] |
No | |
samcoupe | MGT SAM Coupé | Placeholder | |||
satellaview | Nintendo Satellaview | Snes9x - Current | Snes9x 2010, bsnes, bsnes-hd, bsnes-mercury Accuracy, Mesen-S |
saturn | Sega Saturn | Beetle Saturn | YabaSanshiro, Yabause |
Yes | In separate folder interpreted as a file, with .m3u playlist if multi-disc game |
saturnjp | Sega Saturn [Japan] | Beetle Saturn | YabaSanshiro, Yabause |
Yes | In separate folder interpreted as a file, with .m3u playlist if multi-disc game |
scummvm | ScummVM Game Engine | ScummVM | No | ||
scv | Epoch Super Cassette Vision | Placeholder | |||
sega32x | Sega Mega Drive 32X | PicoDrive | No | Single archive or ROM file | |
sega32xjp | Sega Super 32X [Japan] | PicoDrive | No | Single archive or ROM file | |
sega32xna | Sega Genesis 32X [North America] | PicoDrive | No | Single archive or ROM file | |
segacd | Sega CD | Genesis Plus GX | Genesis Plus GX Wide, PicoDrive |
Yes | |
sfc | Nintendo SFC (Super Famicom) | Snes9x - Current | Snes9x 2010, bsnes, bsnes-hd, bsnes-mercury Accuracy, Beetle Supafaust, Mesen-S |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
sg-1000 | Sega SG-1000 | Genesis Plus GX | Genesis Plus GX Wide, Gearsystem, blueMSX |
No | |
sgb | Nintendo Super Game Boy | Mesen-S | SameBoy, mGBA |
Single archive or ROM file | |
snes | Nintendo SNES (Super Nintendo) | Snes9x - Current | Snes9x 2010, bsnes, bsnes-hd, bsnes-mercury Accuracy, Beetle Supafaust, Mesen-S |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
snesna | Nintendo SNES (Super Nintendo) [North America] | Snes9x - Current | Snes9x 2010, bsnes, bsnes-hd, bsnes-mercury Accuracy, Beetle Supafaust, Mesen-S |
No | Single archive or ROM file |
solarus | Solarus Game Engine | Placeholder | |||
spectravideo | Spectravideo | blueMSX | |||
steam | Valve Steam | Placeholder | |||
stv | Sega Titan Video Game System | MAME - Current | MAME4droid (Standalone) | Yes | Single archive file |
sufami | Bandai SuFami Turbo | Snes9x - Current | Snes9x 2010, bsnes, bsnes-hd, bsnes-mercury Accuracy |
supergrafx | NEC SuperGrafx | Beetle SuperGrafx | Beetle PCE | ||
supervision | Watara Supervision | Potator | No | Single archive or ROM file | |
supracan | Funtech Super A'Can | Placeholder | |||
switch | Nintendo Switch | Yuzu (Standalone) | Yes | ||
symbian | Symbian | Placeholder | |||
tanodragon | Tano Dragon | Placeholder | |||
tg16 | NEC TurboGrafx-16 | Beetle PCE | Beetle PCE FAST | No | Single archive or ROM file |
tg-cd | NEC TurboGrafx-CD | Beetle PCE | Beetle PCE FAST | Yes | |
ti99 | Texas Instruments TI-99 | Placeholder | |||
tic80 | TIC-80 Fantasy Computer | TIC-80 | No | Single .tic file | |
to8 | Thomson TO8 | Theodore | |||
triforce | Namco-Sega-Nintendo Triforce | Placeholder | |||
trs-80 | Tandy TRS-80 | Placeholder | |||
type-x | Taito Type X | Placeholder | |||
uzebox | Uzebox Open Source Console | Uzem | |||
vectrex | GCE Vectrex | vecx | No | Single archive or ROM file | |
vic20 | Commodore VIC-20 | VICE xvic | No | Single archive or tape, cartridge or diskette image file | |
videopac | Philips Videopac G7000 | O2EM | Yes | Single archive or ROM file | |
virtualboy | Nintendo Virtual Boy | Beetle VB | No | ||
vpinball | Visual Pinball | Placeholder | |||
vsmile | VTech V.Smile | Placeholder | |||
wasm4 | WASM-4 Fantasy Console | WASM-4 | No | Single .wasm file | |
wii | Nintendo Wii | Dolphin | Dolphin (Standalone) | No | |
wiiu | Nintendo Wii U | Placeholder | |||
windows | Microsoft Windows | Placeholder | |||
windows3x | Microsoft Windows 3.x | DOSBox-Pure | No | ||
windows9x | Microsoft Windows 9x | DOSBox-Pure | No | ||
wonderswan | Bandai WonderSwan | Beetle Cygne | No | Single archive or ROM file | |
wonderswancolor | Bandai WonderSwan Color | Beetle Cygne | No | Single archive or ROM file | |
x1 | Sharp X1 | X Millennium | No | Single archive or diskette/tape file | |
x68000 | Sharp X68000 | PX68k | Yes | ||
xbox | Microsoft Xbox | Placeholder | |||
xbox360 | Microsoft Xbox 360 | Placeholder | |||
zmachine | Infocom Z-machine | Placeholder | |||
zx81 | Sinclair ZX81 | EightyOne | |||
zxnext | Sinclair ZX Spectrum Next | Placeholder | |||
zxspectrum | Sinclair ZX Spectrum | Fuse | No |