Located all license files in a separate directory, added a preliminary coding style guide, updated the README file and created a NEWS file to track the most important changes for each release.
940 B
Alec "Aloshi" Lofquist (original version) http://www.aloshi.com RetroPie Community (RetroPie fork) https://retropie.org.uk Leon Styhre (Desktop Edition fork)
UI Art & Design
Nils Bonenberger
cURL http://curl.haxx.se
FreeType http://www.freetype.org
FreeImage http://www.freeimage.sourceforge.net
libVLC https://wiki.videolan.org/LibVLC
nanosvg https://github.com/memononen/nanosvg
pugixml http://pugixml.org
RapdidJSON http://rapidjson.org
SDL 2 http://www.libsdl.org
DejaVu font https://dejavu-fonts.github.io
DroidSans FallBackFull font https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base
Font Awesome https://fontawesome.com
GNU FreeFont https://www.gnu.org/software/freefont
Nanum font https://hangeul.naver.com
Open Sans font https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Open+Sans
MAME ROM information https://www.mamedev.org