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synced 2024-11-24 23:25:38 +00:00
Moved Renderer::drawText stuff to the Font class. Fonts are now used as std::shared_ptrs.
115 lines
3.3 KiB
115 lines
3.3 KiB
#include "GuiInputConfig.h"
#include "../Window.h"
#include "../Renderer.h"
#include "../Font.h"
#include "GuiGameList.h"
#include "../Log.h"
static const int inputCount = 10;
static std::string inputName[inputCount] = { "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "A", "B", "Menu", "Select", "PageUp", "PageDown"};
static std::string inputDispName[inputCount] = { "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "Accept", "Back", "Menu", "Jump to Letter", "Page Up", "Page Down"};
//MasterVolUp and MasterVolDown are also hooked up, but do not appear on this screen.
//If you want, you can manually add them to es_input.cfg.
GuiInputConfig::GuiInputConfig(Window* window, InputConfig* target) : GuiComponent(window), mTargetConfig(target), mCanSkip(false)
mCurInputId = 0;
LOG(LogInfo) << "Configuring device " << target->getDeviceId();
void GuiInputConfig::update(int deltaTime)
bool GuiInputConfig::input(InputConfig* config, Input input)
if(config != mTargetConfig || input.value == 0)
return false;
if(mCurInputId >= inputCount)
if(input.type == TYPE_BUTTON || input.type == TYPE_KEY)
if(mTargetConfig->getPlayerNum() < mWindow->getInputManager()->getNumPlayers() - 1)
mWindow->pushGui(new GuiInputConfig(mWindow, mWindow->getInputManager()->getInputConfigByPlayer(mTargetConfig->getPlayerNum() + 1)));
mWindow->getInputManager()->startPolling(); //enable polling again since we're done
delete this;
return true;
if(mCanSkip && config->isMappedTo("a", input))
return true;
if(config->getMappedTo(input).size() > 0)
mErrorMsg = "Already mapped!";
return true;
input.configured = true;
LOG(LogInfo) << " [" << input.string() << "] -> " << inputName[mCurInputId];
config->mapInput(inputName[mCurInputId], input);
mErrorMsg = "";
//for buttons with not enough buttons, press A to skip
if(mCurInputId >= 7)
mCanSkip = true;
return true;
return false;
void GuiInputConfig::render()
std::shared_ptr<Font> font = mWindow->getResourceManager()->getFont(Font::getDefaultPath(), FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM);
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "PLAYER " << mTargetConfig->getPlayerNum() + 1 << ", press...";
font->drawText(stream.str(), 10, 10, 0x000000FF);
int y = 14 + font->getHeight();
for(int i = 0; i < mCurInputId; i++)
font->drawText(inputDispName[i], 10, y, 0x00CC00FF);
y += font->getHeight() + 5;
if(mCurInputId >= inputCount)
font->drawCenteredText("Basic config done!", 0, (int)(Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 0.4), 0x00CC00FF);
font->drawCenteredText("Press any button to continue.", 0, (int)(Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 0.4) + font->getHeight() + 4, 0x000000FF);
font->drawText(inputDispName[mCurInputId], 10, y, 0x000000FF);
int textWidth = 0;
font->sizeText(inputDispName[mCurInputId], &textWidth, NULL);
textWidth += 14;
if(Renderer::getScreenWidth() / 2.5f > textWidth)
textWidth = (int)(Renderer::getScreenWidth() / 2.5f);
font->drawText("press Accept to skip", textWidth, y, 0x0000AAFF);
font->drawCenteredText(mErrorMsg, 0, Renderer::getScreenHeight() - font->getHeight() - 10, 0xFF0000FF);