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"data": PackedByteArray(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 223, 223, 223, 136, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 223, 223, 223, 136, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 223, 223, 223, 136, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 223, 223, 223, 136, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 224, 255, 224, 224, 2
"format": "RGBA8",
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[sub_resource type="ImageTexture" id="425"]
2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
image = SubResource("Image_al4aj")
feat/godot configurator (#866)
* Added all TKeys, added DE column in localization
* Fix game scan TKeys
* Initial integration of IT, DE and SE translations
Fixes to compound translations
* Translation fixes, style unification
* Added localized resources, translation changes, changed Swedish to "sv"
* New font, UA, JA and ZH translations
Font fixes
New TKeys, some TKey changes
Theme fixes
* Theme fixes
FINALLY scrollbars
No more blur
Nice buttons
* Changed UA flag to a more consistent one
* 2x bigger toggles
More bleak disabled items
* Scaled localized icons
* Full BIOS check functionality, temp file management
Added BIOS check (both basic and expert)
Blocking godot until bios files are checked (to check if ok)
Calling function wrapper
Added conditions to check for runtime dir env var
Changed fallback dir
* Fixed prepare script
* Suggestion for alt row colours
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
* GODOT_CONFIGURATOR: reverted some mistakenly merged changes
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
Changed Ubuntu version to 20.04
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
* e
* ES-DE: outsourced
* RetroArch: migrated to AppImage
* XEMU: migrated to AppImage
* MELONDS: migrated to AppImage
* RPCS3: migrated to AppImage
* MANIFEST: little fixes
* MANIFEST: avoid overwriting native libraries
* MANIFEST: fixing ES-DE
* MANIFEST: fixed and normalized /app with FLATPAK_DEST
* MANIFEST: cleanup
* MANIFEST: test
* MANIFEST: test 2
* MANIFEST: RA keep changing hash, mendokusai
* MANIFEST: test 3
* MANIFEST: fixed RetroArch
* PPSSPP: added wanted sdl module
* PPSSPP: added wanted sdl module - more
* ES-DE: moved repo
* PPSSPP: outsourced
* PPSSPP: fixed link
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix2
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix3
* ES-DE: fixed link maybe
* MANIFEST: fixing copy actions
* PCSX2: removing troublesome file
* DOLPHIN: outsourced
* SOLARUS: outsourced
* MANIFEST: fixing file typoes missing for AppImage manifest
* MANIFEST: indentation fixes
* MANIFEST: lowercased rpcs3 sha
* MANIFEST: trying to figure out automation_task_list
* RPCS3: Xargon go home, you're drunk!
* RPCS3: Xargon, are you home yet?
* MANIFEST: fixed primehack placeholders
* MANIFEST: fixed copy commands (again)
* MANIFEST: just added a new line
* XEMU: release broken?
* XEMU: trying a move
* XEMU: trying a move
* XEMU: Dunno... I will just put ranndom commits messgaes as i will squash-merge this
* MANIFEST: reverting cpr -r commands
* XEMU: moved on the bottom just to see if something changes
* MELONDS: whoops
* DUCKSTATION: wrong cp target
* MANIFEST: trying a new method
* MANIFEST: trying a new method -fix
* MANFEST: moved thir party libraries in /app/usr/local/lib
* MANFEST: removing dolphin debug libraries
* MANFEST: removing primehack debug libraries
* MANFEST: removing primehack pkgconfig libraries
* MANFEST: removing cemu lib
* SOLARUS: removing errored libs
* MAME: reverted to its original state as itś not coming with libraries
* RYUJINX: fixing chmod command
* GZDOOM: outsourced
* MANIFEST: added debug for checking out where tf is our icon
* Submodules cleanup
* GZDOOM: cleanup
* MAME: restoring cp -rn and moving it to the end of the manifest
* MAME: restoring cp -rn and moving it to the end of the manifest
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions - part 2
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions - part 3
* FRAMEWORK: moved third party libs into /app/retrodeck/lib
* MANIFEST: added retrodeck-pre-build commands
* MANIFEST: module renamed
* ES-DE: re-removed 'files/lib/girepository-1.0'
* Adding debug
* GLOBAL: pathing the retrodeck components provided libraries
* RPCS3: moved bufgix in the proper module
* MANIFEST: moved component libraries into /app/retrodeck/lib
* MANIFEST: removing some debug cleanups
* MANIFEST: desktop file don't need to be executable
* ES-DE: re-adding libpoppler
* ES--DE: moved to the end to overwrite older libraries
* RYUJINX: fixed manifest
* MANIFEST: injecting needed libraries and discarding the troublesome ones
* MANIFEST: injecting needed libraries and discarding the troublesome ones - adding more
* MelonDS: outsourced but self built in QT6
* MANIFEST: automated the third party libs manager
* MANIFEST: fixed melonds build
* Ryujinx: downgraded to the older but working version
* MANIFEST: removed debug code
* WORKFLOW: running on self-hosted again
* MANIFEST: adding load library path directly in the manifest
* Revert "MANIFEST: adding load library path directly in the manifest"
This reverts commit 27914f0ffd563666c82d20018d764ff3197a9a8b.
* Whoops typo
* MANIFEST: including debug and pkgconfig's librareis
* MANIFEST: removing pkgconfig's librareis
* MANIFEST: cannot move so copy and remove
* MANIFEST: cannot move so copy and remove - fix
* Toying with automation file to make it work again
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: testing a different script
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: adding new sha function
* MAME: fixing link
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: using new HASH placeholder
* Revert "PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: using new HASH placeholder"
This reverts commit 45f1add494d7ae12fa43d58d7faa98ba82fdd739.
* MANIFEST: tweaks
* ATL: fixing ES-DE entry
* ATL: fixing ES-DE entry - fix2
* PPSSPP: fixed hash
* SOLARUS: fixing debug libs copy command
* APDATA: updated
* SOLARUS: that's not the library you're looking for
* GZDOOM: removing debug even here
* Revamped codename wordlist
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: retrodeck_function_wrapper.sh
* MANIFEST: following symlinks during library copy
* WORKFLOW: moving down the artifact preparation for fltahub as we don't even need it in cooker
* Manually adding missing libraries
* More codenames
* CEMU: added wrapper + RPCS3 fixes
* THE GREAT FOLDER MOVE (aka let's see how much things I can break in a single commit)
* emu: fixed dest filename for the wrapper
* Cemu: fixing wrapper installation
* CEMU: fixed wrapper again [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: cleanup [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: cleanup [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: trying to add LLVM to solve PCSX2, Duckstation issues
* MANIFEST: adding llvm doesn't change the situation, removed
* MANIFEST: trying to add vulkan
* MANIFEST: trying to add vulkan - removed as it should be already in (and that's broken)
* VULKAN: testing some libraries
* VULKAN: trying to add shaderc
* VULKAN: trying to add shaderc - nope [skip ci]
* Added logging as a function.
Added github workflow to build configurator
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
new file: tools/configurator/basic
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* Theme and Theme Inheritance
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Bold.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Bold.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Regular.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Regular.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Black.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Black.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Bold.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Bold.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-ExtraLight.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-ExtraLight.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Light.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Light.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Regular.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Regular.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-SemiBold.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-SemiBold.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/akrobat-extrabold-webfont.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/akrobat-extrabold-webfont.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-narrow.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-narrow.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-small.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-small.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/Rekku-test.xcf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/accesible_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/default_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/modern_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/retro_theme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.gd
* Added Emulator Select and Pick options.
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* Rekku and Logo animations
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
Untracked files:
* Add Wobble!
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.xcf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake0.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake0.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake4.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake4.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/rekku_animated.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build
* Add change data for about us section via a csv
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.Description.translation
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.URL.translation
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv.import
modified: tools/configurator/emu_list.yml
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
new file: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.Description.translation
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.URL.translation
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv.import
new file: configurator/export/configurator.console.exe
new file: configurator/export/configurator.exe
new file: configurator/export/configurator.pck
new file: configurator/export/configurator.sh
new file: configurator/export/configurator.x86_64
renamed: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv -> configurator/export/tk_about.txt
modified: configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: configurator/tk_about.gd
new file: configurator/tk_about.txt
* Improved parsing of files for pulling out data
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: main.gd
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tk_about.gd
modified: tk_about.txt
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build 2
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
new file: tools/configurator/data_list.json
new file: tools/configurator/data_list.yml
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* Adding json support and supporting class
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/basic
new file: tools/configurator/data.json
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/app_data.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_option.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_property.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/link.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/save_manager.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
deleted: tools/configurator/export/tk_about.txt
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_property.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/export/data_list.json
* Now includes modify json. Need cleaning up!
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build 3
* Manifest: renaming es-de module to stick with the repo name for updating purposes
* ES-DE: updated module with new artifact URL and SHA256 [skip ci]
* Revert "ES-DE: updated module with new artifact URL and SHA256 [skip ci]"
This reverts commit b85ad1573d6af60e765bc6183c8f2e24ae04e6e7.
* If this breaks to gzdoom is ok
* If this breaks to gzdoom is ok - fix
* Migrated to the new latest links
* MAME: frixed url
* PCSX2: updated to 2.1.55
* Tidying up
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
deleted: tools/configurator/scripts/save_manager.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/data.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/Rekku-test.xcf
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png.import
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs/logs_popup_content.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
deleted: tools/configurator/export/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* Trying a new workflow
* Trying a new workflow - fix
* Trying a new workflow - fix 2
* Reverting workfolw edits
* WORKFLOW: targetting the old repo for the release
* WORKFLOW: updated some actions to a newever version to avoid deprecation at the end of the year
* MISSING_LIBS: trying to fetch libshaderc
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
renamed: tools/configurator/components/logs/logs_popup_content.tscn -> tools/configurator/components/logs_view/logs_popup_content.tscn
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/view_log.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/retrodeck.json
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/logs_popup_content.tscn
deleted: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/view_log.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* MANIFEST: removng a newline
* Feat/godot configurator (#871)
* Create Godot.yml
* Rename main.yml to godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/app.xemu.xemu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/app.xemu.xemu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation-nogui.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation-nogui.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.kuribo64.melonDS.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.kuribo64.melonDS.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.citra_emu.citra.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.citra_emu.citra.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.mamedev.MAME.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.mamedev.MAME.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/app.xemu.xemu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/app.xemu.xemu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation-nogui.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation-nogui.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.gnome.Yelp.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.gnome.Yelp.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.mamedev.MAME.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.mamedev.MAME.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.xfce.session.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.xfce.session.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/security-medium.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/security-medium.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/32/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/32/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (1).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (1).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (2).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (2).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (1).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (1).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (2).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (2).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch2.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch2.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch_invert.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch_invert.svg.import
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* ES-DE: new build for the smaller menu
* Icons!
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: .github/workflows/buid-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/buid-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: .github/workflows/buid-gdc.yml
Untracked files:
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* Create gd-test.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: data_list.json
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: data_list.json
modified: export_presets.cfg
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
deleted: ../../.github/workflows/godot.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: ../../.github/workflows/gd-test.yml
* Create test.yml
* Delete .github/workflows/test.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: export_presets.cfg
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
deleted: .github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: ../../.github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: main.tscn
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: ../../net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* FRAMEWORK: fixing online updater to point to the new org/repo
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* ES-DE: restored the retrodeck-main branch
* LIBRARIES: possible fix for dolphin and pcsx2 libretro cores
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
Co-authored-by: XargonWan <XargonWan@gmail.com>
* WORKFLOW: removed unused workflow
* MANIFEST: added runtime and modukle for godot configurator
* CONFIGURATOR: added "Open GODOT Configurator" entry in Developer Options menu
* MANIFEST: it seems like that the godot runtime is not giving us the command "godot" adding it manually
* MANIFEST: whoops
* MANIFEST: adding --headless to gotod command
* MANIFEST: fixes for retrodeck-configurator module
* MANIFEST: trying to fix the fontconfig issue
* MANIFEST: trying the missing --import for godot configurator
* FEATURES: added features file for future reference [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: fixed godot configurator and removed lefotver files
* MANIFEST: reverted godot edits
Co-authored-by: WallK <wallykrasiy@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: monkeyx-net <tim@monkeyx.net>
Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions <actions@github.com>
2024-08-08 14:46:53 +00:00
2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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[sub_resource type="ImageTexture" id="427"]
2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
image = SubResource("Image_e16go")
feat/godot configurator (#866)
* Added all TKeys, added DE column in localization
* Fix game scan TKeys
* Initial integration of IT, DE and SE translations
Fixes to compound translations
* Translation fixes, style unification
* Added localized resources, translation changes, changed Swedish to "sv"
* New font, UA, JA and ZH translations
Font fixes
New TKeys, some TKey changes
Theme fixes
* Theme fixes
FINALLY scrollbars
No more blur
Nice buttons
* Changed UA flag to a more consistent one
* 2x bigger toggles
More bleak disabled items
* Scaled localized icons
* Full BIOS check functionality, temp file management
Added BIOS check (both basic and expert)
Blocking godot until bios files are checked (to check if ok)
Calling function wrapper
Added conditions to check for runtime dir env var
Changed fallback dir
* Fixed prepare script
* Suggestion for alt row colours
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
* GODOT_CONFIGURATOR: reverted some mistakenly merged changes
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
Changed Ubuntu version to 20.04
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
* e
* ES-DE: outsourced
* RetroArch: migrated to AppImage
* XEMU: migrated to AppImage
* MELONDS: migrated to AppImage
* RPCS3: migrated to AppImage
* MANIFEST: little fixes
* MANIFEST: avoid overwriting native libraries
* MANIFEST: fixing ES-DE
* MANIFEST: fixed and normalized /app with FLATPAK_DEST
* MANIFEST: cleanup
* MANIFEST: test
* MANIFEST: test 2
* MANIFEST: RA keep changing hash, mendokusai
* MANIFEST: test 3
* MANIFEST: fixed RetroArch
* PPSSPP: added wanted sdl module
* PPSSPP: added wanted sdl module - more
* ES-DE: moved repo
* PPSSPP: outsourced
* PPSSPP: fixed link
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix2
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix3
* ES-DE: fixed link maybe
* MANIFEST: fixing copy actions
* PCSX2: removing troublesome file
* DOLPHIN: outsourced
* SOLARUS: outsourced
* MANIFEST: fixing file typoes missing for AppImage manifest
* MANIFEST: indentation fixes
* MANIFEST: lowercased rpcs3 sha
* MANIFEST: trying to figure out automation_task_list
* RPCS3: Xargon go home, you're drunk!
* RPCS3: Xargon, are you home yet?
* MANIFEST: fixed primehack placeholders
* MANIFEST: fixed copy commands (again)
* MANIFEST: just added a new line
* XEMU: release broken?
* XEMU: trying a move
* XEMU: trying a move
* XEMU: Dunno... I will just put ranndom commits messgaes as i will squash-merge this
* MANIFEST: reverting cpr -r commands
* XEMU: moved on the bottom just to see if something changes
* MELONDS: whoops
* DUCKSTATION: wrong cp target
* MANIFEST: trying a new method
* MANIFEST: trying a new method -fix
* MANFEST: moved thir party libraries in /app/usr/local/lib
* MANFEST: removing dolphin debug libraries
* MANFEST: removing primehack debug libraries
* MANFEST: removing primehack pkgconfig libraries
* MANFEST: removing cemu lib
* SOLARUS: removing errored libs
* MAME: reverted to its original state as itś not coming with libraries
* RYUJINX: fixing chmod command
* GZDOOM: outsourced
* MANIFEST: added debug for checking out where tf is our icon
* Submodules cleanup
* GZDOOM: cleanup
* MAME: restoring cp -rn and moving it to the end of the manifest
* MAME: restoring cp -rn and moving it to the end of the manifest
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions - part 2
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions - part 3
* FRAMEWORK: moved third party libs into /app/retrodeck/lib
* MANIFEST: added retrodeck-pre-build commands
* MANIFEST: module renamed
* ES-DE: re-removed 'files/lib/girepository-1.0'
* Adding debug
* GLOBAL: pathing the retrodeck components provided libraries
* RPCS3: moved bufgix in the proper module
* MANIFEST: moved component libraries into /app/retrodeck/lib
* MANIFEST: removing some debug cleanups
* MANIFEST: desktop file don't need to be executable
* ES-DE: re-adding libpoppler
* ES--DE: moved to the end to overwrite older libraries
* RYUJINX: fixed manifest
* MANIFEST: injecting needed libraries and discarding the troublesome ones
* MANIFEST: injecting needed libraries and discarding the troublesome ones - adding more
* MelonDS: outsourced but self built in QT6
* MANIFEST: automated the third party libs manager
* MANIFEST: fixed melonds build
* Ryujinx: downgraded to the older but working version
* MANIFEST: removed debug code
* WORKFLOW: running on self-hosted again
* MANIFEST: adding load library path directly in the manifest
* Revert "MANIFEST: adding load library path directly in the manifest"
This reverts commit 27914f0ffd563666c82d20018d764ff3197a9a8b.
* Whoops typo
* MANIFEST: including debug and pkgconfig's librareis
* MANIFEST: removing pkgconfig's librareis
* MANIFEST: cannot move so copy and remove
* MANIFEST: cannot move so copy and remove - fix
* Toying with automation file to make it work again
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: testing a different script
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: adding new sha function
* MAME: fixing link
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: using new HASH placeholder
* Revert "PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: using new HASH placeholder"
This reverts commit 45f1add494d7ae12fa43d58d7faa98ba82fdd739.
* MANIFEST: tweaks
* ATL: fixing ES-DE entry
* ATL: fixing ES-DE entry - fix2
* PPSSPP: fixed hash
* SOLARUS: fixing debug libs copy command
* APDATA: updated
* SOLARUS: that's not the library you're looking for
* GZDOOM: removing debug even here
* Revamped codename wordlist
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: retrodeck_function_wrapper.sh
* MANIFEST: following symlinks during library copy
* WORKFLOW: moving down the artifact preparation for fltahub as we don't even need it in cooker
* Manually adding missing libraries
* More codenames
* CEMU: added wrapper + RPCS3 fixes
* THE GREAT FOLDER MOVE (aka let's see how much things I can break in a single commit)
* emu: fixed dest filename for the wrapper
* Cemu: fixing wrapper installation
* CEMU: fixed wrapper again [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: cleanup [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: cleanup [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: trying to add LLVM to solve PCSX2, Duckstation issues
* MANIFEST: adding llvm doesn't change the situation, removed
* MANIFEST: trying to add vulkan
* MANIFEST: trying to add vulkan - removed as it should be already in (and that's broken)
* VULKAN: testing some libraries
* VULKAN: trying to add shaderc
* VULKAN: trying to add shaderc - nope [skip ci]
* Added logging as a function.
Added github workflow to build configurator
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
new file: tools/configurator/basic
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* Theme and Theme Inheritance
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Bold.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Bold.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Regular.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Regular.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Black.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Black.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Bold.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Bold.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-ExtraLight.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-ExtraLight.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Light.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Light.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Regular.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Regular.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-SemiBold.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-SemiBold.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/akrobat-extrabold-webfont.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/akrobat-extrabold-webfont.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-narrow.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-narrow.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-small.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-small.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/Rekku-test.xcf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/accesible_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/default_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/modern_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/retro_theme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.gd
* Added Emulator Select and Pick options.
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* Rekku and Logo animations
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
Untracked files:
* Add Wobble!
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.xcf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake0.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake0.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake4.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake4.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/rekku_animated.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build
* Add change data for about us section via a csv
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.Description.translation
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.URL.translation
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv.import
modified: tools/configurator/emu_list.yml
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
new file: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.Description.translation
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.URL.translation
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv.import
new file: configurator/export/configurator.console.exe
new file: configurator/export/configurator.exe
new file: configurator/export/configurator.pck
new file: configurator/export/configurator.sh
new file: configurator/export/configurator.x86_64
renamed: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv -> configurator/export/tk_about.txt
modified: configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: configurator/tk_about.gd
new file: configurator/tk_about.txt
* Improved parsing of files for pulling out data
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: main.gd
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tk_about.gd
modified: tk_about.txt
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build 2
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
new file: tools/configurator/data_list.json
new file: tools/configurator/data_list.yml
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* Adding json support and supporting class
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/basic
new file: tools/configurator/data.json
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/app_data.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_option.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_property.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/link.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/save_manager.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
deleted: tools/configurator/export/tk_about.txt
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_property.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/export/data_list.json
* Now includes modify json. Need cleaning up!
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build 3
* Manifest: renaming es-de module to stick with the repo name for updating purposes
* ES-DE: updated module with new artifact URL and SHA256 [skip ci]
* Revert "ES-DE: updated module with new artifact URL and SHA256 [skip ci]"
This reverts commit b85ad1573d6af60e765bc6183c8f2e24ae04e6e7.
* If this breaks to gzdoom is ok
* If this breaks to gzdoom is ok - fix
* Migrated to the new latest links
* MAME: frixed url
* PCSX2: updated to 2.1.55
* Tidying up
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
deleted: tools/configurator/scripts/save_manager.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/data.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/Rekku-test.xcf
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png.import
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs/logs_popup_content.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
deleted: tools/configurator/export/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* Trying a new workflow
* Trying a new workflow - fix
* Trying a new workflow - fix 2
* Reverting workfolw edits
* WORKFLOW: targetting the old repo for the release
* WORKFLOW: updated some actions to a newever version to avoid deprecation at the end of the year
* MISSING_LIBS: trying to fetch libshaderc
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
renamed: tools/configurator/components/logs/logs_popup_content.tscn -> tools/configurator/components/logs_view/logs_popup_content.tscn
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/view_log.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/retrodeck.json
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/logs_popup_content.tscn
deleted: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/view_log.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* MANIFEST: removng a newline
* Feat/godot configurator (#871)
* Create Godot.yml
* Rename main.yml to godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/app.xemu.xemu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/app.xemu.xemu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation-nogui.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation-nogui.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.kuribo64.melonDS.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.kuribo64.melonDS.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.citra_emu.citra.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.citra_emu.citra.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.mamedev.MAME.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.mamedev.MAME.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/app.xemu.xemu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/app.xemu.xemu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation-nogui.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation-nogui.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.gnome.Yelp.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.gnome.Yelp.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.mamedev.MAME.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.mamedev.MAME.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.xfce.session.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.xfce.session.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/security-medium.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/security-medium.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/32/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/32/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (1).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (1).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (2).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (2).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (1).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (1).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (2).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (2).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch2.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch2.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch_invert.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch_invert.svg.import
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* ES-DE: new build for the smaller menu
* Icons!
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: .github/workflows/buid-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/buid-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: .github/workflows/buid-gdc.yml
Untracked files:
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* Create gd-test.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: data_list.json
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: data_list.json
modified: export_presets.cfg
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
deleted: ../../.github/workflows/godot.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: ../../.github/workflows/gd-test.yml
* Create test.yml
* Delete .github/workflows/test.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: export_presets.cfg
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
deleted: .github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: ../../.github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: main.tscn
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: ../../net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* FRAMEWORK: fixing online updater to point to the new org/repo
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* ES-DE: restored the retrodeck-main branch
* LIBRARIES: possible fix for dolphin and pcsx2 libretro cores
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
Co-authored-by: XargonWan <XargonWan@gmail.com>
* WORKFLOW: removed unused workflow
* MANIFEST: added runtime and modukle for godot configurator
* CONFIGURATOR: added "Open GODOT Configurator" entry in Developer Options menu
* MANIFEST: it seems like that the godot runtime is not giving us the command "godot" adding it manually
* MANIFEST: whoops
* MANIFEST: adding --headless to gotod command
* MANIFEST: fixes for retrodeck-configurator module
* MANIFEST: trying to fix the fontconfig issue
* MANIFEST: trying the missing --import for godot configurator
* FEATURES: added features file for future reference [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: fixed godot configurator and removed lefotver files
* MANIFEST: reverted godot edits
Co-authored-by: WallK <wallykrasiy@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: monkeyx-net <tim@monkeyx.net>
Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions <actions@github.com>
2024-08-08 14:46:53 +00:00
2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
image = SubResource("Image_ct7t0")
feat/godot configurator (#866)
* Added all TKeys, added DE column in localization
* Fix game scan TKeys
* Initial integration of IT, DE and SE translations
Fixes to compound translations
* Translation fixes, style unification
* Added localized resources, translation changes, changed Swedish to "sv"
* New font, UA, JA and ZH translations
Font fixes
New TKeys, some TKey changes
Theme fixes
* Theme fixes
FINALLY scrollbars
No more blur
Nice buttons
* Changed UA flag to a more consistent one
* 2x bigger toggles
More bleak disabled items
* Scaled localized icons
* Full BIOS check functionality, temp file management
Added BIOS check (both basic and expert)
Blocking godot until bios files are checked (to check if ok)
Calling function wrapper
Added conditions to check for runtime dir env var
Changed fallback dir
* Fixed prepare script
* Suggestion for alt row colours
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
* GODOT_CONFIGURATOR: reverted some mistakenly merged changes
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
Changed Ubuntu version to 20.04
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
* e
* ES-DE: outsourced
* RetroArch: migrated to AppImage
* XEMU: migrated to AppImage
* MELONDS: migrated to AppImage
* RPCS3: migrated to AppImage
* MANIFEST: little fixes
* MANIFEST: avoid overwriting native libraries
* MANIFEST: fixing ES-DE
* MANIFEST: fixed and normalized /app with FLATPAK_DEST
* MANIFEST: cleanup
* MANIFEST: test
* MANIFEST: test 2
* MANIFEST: RA keep changing hash, mendokusai
* MANIFEST: test 3
* MANIFEST: fixed RetroArch
* PPSSPP: added wanted sdl module
* PPSSPP: added wanted sdl module - more
* ES-DE: moved repo
* PPSSPP: outsourced
* PPSSPP: fixed link
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix2
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix3
* ES-DE: fixed link maybe
* MANIFEST: fixing copy actions
* PCSX2: removing troublesome file
* DOLPHIN: outsourced
* SOLARUS: outsourced
* MANIFEST: fixing file typoes missing for AppImage manifest
* MANIFEST: indentation fixes
* MANIFEST: lowercased rpcs3 sha
* MANIFEST: trying to figure out automation_task_list
* RPCS3: Xargon go home, you're drunk!
* RPCS3: Xargon, are you home yet?
* MANIFEST: fixed primehack placeholders
* MANIFEST: fixed copy commands (again)
* MANIFEST: just added a new line
* XEMU: release broken?
* XEMU: trying a move
* XEMU: trying a move
* XEMU: Dunno... I will just put ranndom commits messgaes as i will squash-merge this
* MANIFEST: reverting cpr -r commands
* XEMU: moved on the bottom just to see if something changes
* MELONDS: whoops
* DUCKSTATION: wrong cp target
* MANIFEST: trying a new method
* MANIFEST: trying a new method -fix
* MANFEST: moved thir party libraries in /app/usr/local/lib
* MANFEST: removing dolphin debug libraries
* MANFEST: removing primehack debug libraries
* MANFEST: removing primehack pkgconfig libraries
* MANFEST: removing cemu lib
* SOLARUS: removing errored libs
* MAME: reverted to its original state as itś not coming with libraries
* RYUJINX: fixing chmod command
* GZDOOM: outsourced
* MANIFEST: added debug for checking out where tf is our icon
* Submodules cleanup
* GZDOOM: cleanup
* MAME: restoring cp -rn and moving it to the end of the manifest
* MAME: restoring cp -rn and moving it to the end of the manifest
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions - part 2
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions - part 3
* FRAMEWORK: moved third party libs into /app/retrodeck/lib
* MANIFEST: added retrodeck-pre-build commands
* MANIFEST: module renamed
* ES-DE: re-removed 'files/lib/girepository-1.0'
* Adding debug
* GLOBAL: pathing the retrodeck components provided libraries
* RPCS3: moved bufgix in the proper module
* MANIFEST: moved component libraries into /app/retrodeck/lib
* MANIFEST: removing some debug cleanups
* MANIFEST: desktop file don't need to be executable
* ES-DE: re-adding libpoppler
* ES--DE: moved to the end to overwrite older libraries
* RYUJINX: fixed manifest
* MANIFEST: injecting needed libraries and discarding the troublesome ones
* MANIFEST: injecting needed libraries and discarding the troublesome ones - adding more
* MelonDS: outsourced but self built in QT6
* MANIFEST: automated the third party libs manager
* MANIFEST: fixed melonds build
* Ryujinx: downgraded to the older but working version
* MANIFEST: removed debug code
* WORKFLOW: running on self-hosted again
* MANIFEST: adding load library path directly in the manifest
* Revert "MANIFEST: adding load library path directly in the manifest"
This reverts commit 27914f0ffd563666c82d20018d764ff3197a9a8b.
* Whoops typo
* MANIFEST: including debug and pkgconfig's librareis
* MANIFEST: removing pkgconfig's librareis
* MANIFEST: cannot move so copy and remove
* MANIFEST: cannot move so copy and remove - fix
* Toying with automation file to make it work again
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: testing a different script
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: adding new sha function
* MAME: fixing link
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: using new HASH placeholder
* Revert "PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: using new HASH placeholder"
This reverts commit 45f1add494d7ae12fa43d58d7faa98ba82fdd739.
* MANIFEST: tweaks
* ATL: fixing ES-DE entry
* ATL: fixing ES-DE entry - fix2
* PPSSPP: fixed hash
* SOLARUS: fixing debug libs copy command
* APDATA: updated
* SOLARUS: that's not the library you're looking for
* GZDOOM: removing debug even here
* Revamped codename wordlist
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: retrodeck_function_wrapper.sh
* MANIFEST: following symlinks during library copy
* WORKFLOW: moving down the artifact preparation for fltahub as we don't even need it in cooker
* Manually adding missing libraries
* More codenames
* CEMU: added wrapper + RPCS3 fixes
* THE GREAT FOLDER MOVE (aka let's see how much things I can break in a single commit)
* emu: fixed dest filename for the wrapper
* Cemu: fixing wrapper installation
* CEMU: fixed wrapper again [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: cleanup [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: cleanup [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: trying to add LLVM to solve PCSX2, Duckstation issues
* MANIFEST: adding llvm doesn't change the situation, removed
* MANIFEST: trying to add vulkan
* MANIFEST: trying to add vulkan - removed as it should be already in (and that's broken)
* VULKAN: testing some libraries
* VULKAN: trying to add shaderc
* VULKAN: trying to add shaderc - nope [skip ci]
* Added logging as a function.
Added github workflow to build configurator
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
new file: tools/configurator/basic
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* Theme and Theme Inheritance
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Bold.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Bold.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Regular.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Regular.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Black.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Black.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Bold.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Bold.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-ExtraLight.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-ExtraLight.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Light.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Light.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Regular.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Regular.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-SemiBold.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-SemiBold.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/akrobat-extrabold-webfont.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/akrobat-extrabold-webfont.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-narrow.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-narrow.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-small.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-small.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/Rekku-test.xcf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/accesible_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/default_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/modern_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/retro_theme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.gd
* Added Emulator Select and Pick options.
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* Rekku and Logo animations
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
Untracked files:
* Add Wobble!
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.xcf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake0.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake0.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake4.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake4.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/rekku_animated.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build
* Add change data for about us section via a csv
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.Description.translation
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.URL.translation
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv.import
modified: tools/configurator/emu_list.yml
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
new file: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.Description.translation
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.URL.translation
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv.import
new file: configurator/export/configurator.console.exe
new file: configurator/export/configurator.exe
new file: configurator/export/configurator.pck
new file: configurator/export/configurator.sh
new file: configurator/export/configurator.x86_64
renamed: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv -> configurator/export/tk_about.txt
modified: configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: configurator/tk_about.gd
new file: configurator/tk_about.txt
* Improved parsing of files for pulling out data
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: main.gd
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tk_about.gd
modified: tk_about.txt
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build 2
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
new file: tools/configurator/data_list.json
new file: tools/configurator/data_list.yml
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* Adding json support and supporting class
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/basic
new file: tools/configurator/data.json
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/app_data.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_option.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_property.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/link.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/save_manager.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
deleted: tools/configurator/export/tk_about.txt
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_property.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/export/data_list.json
* Now includes modify json. Need cleaning up!
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build 3
* Manifest: renaming es-de module to stick with the repo name for updating purposes
* ES-DE: updated module with new artifact URL and SHA256 [skip ci]
* Revert "ES-DE: updated module with new artifact URL and SHA256 [skip ci]"
This reverts commit b85ad1573d6af60e765bc6183c8f2e24ae04e6e7.
* If this breaks to gzdoom is ok
* If this breaks to gzdoom is ok - fix
* Migrated to the new latest links
* MAME: frixed url
* PCSX2: updated to 2.1.55
* Tidying up
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
deleted: tools/configurator/scripts/save_manager.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/data.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/Rekku-test.xcf
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png.import
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs/logs_popup_content.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
deleted: tools/configurator/export/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* Trying a new workflow
* Trying a new workflow - fix
* Trying a new workflow - fix 2
* Reverting workfolw edits
* WORKFLOW: targetting the old repo for the release
* WORKFLOW: updated some actions to a newever version to avoid deprecation at the end of the year
* MISSING_LIBS: trying to fetch libshaderc
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
renamed: tools/configurator/components/logs/logs_popup_content.tscn -> tools/configurator/components/logs_view/logs_popup_content.tscn
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/view_log.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/retrodeck.json
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/logs_popup_content.tscn
deleted: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/view_log.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* MANIFEST: removng a newline
* Feat/godot configurator (#871)
* Create Godot.yml
* Rename main.yml to godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/app.xemu.xemu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/app.xemu.xemu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation-nogui.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation-nogui.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.kuribo64.melonDS.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.kuribo64.melonDS.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.citra_emu.citra.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.citra_emu.citra.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.mamedev.MAME.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.mamedev.MAME.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/app.xemu.xemu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/app.xemu.xemu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation-nogui.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation-nogui.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.gnome.Yelp.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.gnome.Yelp.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.mamedev.MAME.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.mamedev.MAME.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.xfce.session.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.xfce.session.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/security-medium.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/security-medium.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/32/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/32/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (1).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (1).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (2).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (2).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (1).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (1).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (2).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (2).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch2.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch2.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch_invert.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch_invert.svg.import
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* ES-DE: new build for the smaller menu
* Icons!
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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modified: data_list.json
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* modified: data_list.json
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modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* Changes to be committed:
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deleted: ../../.github/workflows/godot.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* Create test.yml
* Delete .github/workflows/test.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: export_presets.cfg
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
deleted: .github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: main.tscn
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: ../../net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* FRAMEWORK: fixing online updater to point to the new org/repo
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* ES-DE: restored the retrodeck-main branch
* LIBRARIES: possible fix for dolphin and pcsx2 libretro cores
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
Co-authored-by: XargonWan <XargonWan@gmail.com>
* WORKFLOW: removed unused workflow
* MANIFEST: added runtime and modukle for godot configurator
* CONFIGURATOR: added "Open GODOT Configurator" entry in Developer Options menu
* MANIFEST: it seems like that the godot runtime is not giving us the command "godot" adding it manually
* MANIFEST: whoops
* MANIFEST: adding --headless to gotod command
* MANIFEST: fixes for retrodeck-configurator module
* MANIFEST: trying to fix the fontconfig issue
* MANIFEST: trying the missing --import for godot configurator
* FEATURES: added features file for future reference [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: fixed godot configurator and removed lefotver files
* MANIFEST: reverted godot edits
Co-authored-by: WallK <wallykrasiy@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: monkeyx-net <tim@monkeyx.net>
Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions <actions@github.com>
2024-08-08 14:46:53 +00:00
2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
2024-02-18 09:47:11 +00:00
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2023-12-20 07:42:22 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
2024-02-18 09:47:11 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2023-12-20 07:42:22 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-02-18 09:47:11 +00:00
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2023-12-20 06:55:29 +00:00
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2023-12-20 07:42:22 +00:00
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2023-12-20 06:55:29 +00:00
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2024-02-18 09:47:11 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-02-18 09:47:11 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-02-18 09:47:11 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-02-18 09:47:11 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-02-18 08:32:34 +00:00
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cache/0/32/0/kerning_overrides/37/0 = Vector2(0, 0)
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cache/0/31/0/kerning_overrides/37/0 = Vector2(0, 0)
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cache/0/30/0/kerning_overrides/29/0 = Vector2(0, 0)
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cache/0/29/0/kerning_overrides/37/0 = Vector2(0, 0)
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cache/0/28/0/kerning_overrides/37/0 = Vector2(0, 0)
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cache/0/27/0/kerning_overrides/37/0 = Vector2(0, 0)
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cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/37/0 = Vector2(0, 0)
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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[sub_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" id="508"]
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2023-12-15 15:33:08 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2023-12-21 10:00:33 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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[sub_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" id="423"]
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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[sub_resource type="ImageTexture" id="306"]
2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
image = SubResource("Image_3an0s")
2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
[sub_resource type="Image" id="Image_g6xo6"]
2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
data = {
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
image = SubResource("Image_g6xo6")
feat/godot configurator (#866)
* Added all TKeys, added DE column in localization
* Fix game scan TKeys
* Initial integration of IT, DE and SE translations
Fixes to compound translations
* Translation fixes, style unification
* Added localized resources, translation changes, changed Swedish to "sv"
* New font, UA, JA and ZH translations
Font fixes
New TKeys, some TKey changes
Theme fixes
* Theme fixes
FINALLY scrollbars
No more blur
Nice buttons
* Changed UA flag to a more consistent one
* 2x bigger toggles
More bleak disabled items
* Scaled localized icons
* Full BIOS check functionality, temp file management
Added BIOS check (both basic and expert)
Blocking godot until bios files are checked (to check if ok)
Calling function wrapper
Added conditions to check for runtime dir env var
Changed fallback dir
* Fixed prepare script
* Suggestion for alt row colours
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
* GODOT_CONFIGURATOR: reverted some mistakenly merged changes
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
Changed Ubuntu version to 20.04
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
* e
* ES-DE: outsourced
* RetroArch: migrated to AppImage
* XEMU: migrated to AppImage
* MELONDS: migrated to AppImage
* RPCS3: migrated to AppImage
* MANIFEST: little fixes
* MANIFEST: avoid overwriting native libraries
* MANIFEST: fixing ES-DE
* MANIFEST: fixed and normalized /app with FLATPAK_DEST
* MANIFEST: cleanup
* MANIFEST: test
* MANIFEST: test 2
* MANIFEST: RA keep changing hash, mendokusai
* MANIFEST: test 3
* MANIFEST: fixed RetroArch
* PPSSPP: added wanted sdl module
* PPSSPP: added wanted sdl module - more
* ES-DE: moved repo
* PPSSPP: outsourced
* PPSSPP: fixed link
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix2
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix3
* ES-DE: fixed link maybe
* MANIFEST: fixing copy actions
* PCSX2: removing troublesome file
* DOLPHIN: outsourced
* SOLARUS: outsourced
* MANIFEST: fixing file typoes missing for AppImage manifest
* MANIFEST: indentation fixes
* MANIFEST: lowercased rpcs3 sha
* MANIFEST: trying to figure out automation_task_list
* RPCS3: Xargon go home, you're drunk!
* RPCS3: Xargon, are you home yet?
* MANIFEST: fixed primehack placeholders
* MANIFEST: fixed copy commands (again)
* MANIFEST: just added a new line
* XEMU: release broken?
* XEMU: trying a move
* XEMU: trying a move
* XEMU: Dunno... I will just put ranndom commits messgaes as i will squash-merge this
* MANIFEST: reverting cpr -r commands
* XEMU: moved on the bottom just to see if something changes
* MELONDS: whoops
* DUCKSTATION: wrong cp target
* MANIFEST: trying a new method
* MANIFEST: trying a new method -fix
* MANFEST: moved thir party libraries in /app/usr/local/lib
* MANFEST: removing dolphin debug libraries
* MANFEST: removing primehack debug libraries
* MANFEST: removing primehack pkgconfig libraries
* MANFEST: removing cemu lib
* SOLARUS: removing errored libs
* MAME: reverted to its original state as itś not coming with libraries
* RYUJINX: fixing chmod command
* GZDOOM: outsourced
* MANIFEST: added debug for checking out where tf is our icon
* Submodules cleanup
* GZDOOM: cleanup
* MAME: restoring cp -rn and moving it to the end of the manifest
* MAME: restoring cp -rn and moving it to the end of the manifest
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions - part 2
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions - part 3
* FRAMEWORK: moved third party libs into /app/retrodeck/lib
* MANIFEST: added retrodeck-pre-build commands
* MANIFEST: module renamed
* ES-DE: re-removed 'files/lib/girepository-1.0'
* Adding debug
* GLOBAL: pathing the retrodeck components provided libraries
* RPCS3: moved bufgix in the proper module
* MANIFEST: moved component libraries into /app/retrodeck/lib
* MANIFEST: removing some debug cleanups
* MANIFEST: desktop file don't need to be executable
* ES-DE: re-adding libpoppler
* ES--DE: moved to the end to overwrite older libraries
* RYUJINX: fixed manifest
* MANIFEST: injecting needed libraries and discarding the troublesome ones
* MANIFEST: injecting needed libraries and discarding the troublesome ones - adding more
* MelonDS: outsourced but self built in QT6
* MANIFEST: automated the third party libs manager
* MANIFEST: fixed melonds build
* Ryujinx: downgraded to the older but working version
* MANIFEST: removed debug code
* WORKFLOW: running on self-hosted again
* MANIFEST: adding load library path directly in the manifest
* Revert "MANIFEST: adding load library path directly in the manifest"
This reverts commit 27914f0ffd563666c82d20018d764ff3197a9a8b.
* Whoops typo
* MANIFEST: including debug and pkgconfig's librareis
* MANIFEST: removing pkgconfig's librareis
* MANIFEST: cannot move so copy and remove
* MANIFEST: cannot move so copy and remove - fix
* Toying with automation file to make it work again
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: testing a different script
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: adding new sha function
* MAME: fixing link
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: using new HASH placeholder
* Revert "PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: using new HASH placeholder"
This reverts commit 45f1add494d7ae12fa43d58d7faa98ba82fdd739.
* MANIFEST: tweaks
* ATL: fixing ES-DE entry
* ATL: fixing ES-DE entry - fix2
* PPSSPP: fixed hash
* SOLARUS: fixing debug libs copy command
* APDATA: updated
* SOLARUS: that's not the library you're looking for
* GZDOOM: removing debug even here
* Revamped codename wordlist
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: retrodeck_function_wrapper.sh
* MANIFEST: following symlinks during library copy
* WORKFLOW: moving down the artifact preparation for fltahub as we don't even need it in cooker
* Manually adding missing libraries
* More codenames
* CEMU: added wrapper + RPCS3 fixes
* THE GREAT FOLDER MOVE (aka let's see how much things I can break in a single commit)
* emu: fixed dest filename for the wrapper
* Cemu: fixing wrapper installation
* CEMU: fixed wrapper again [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: cleanup [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: cleanup [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: trying to add LLVM to solve PCSX2, Duckstation issues
* MANIFEST: adding llvm doesn't change the situation, removed
* MANIFEST: trying to add vulkan
* MANIFEST: trying to add vulkan - removed as it should be already in (and that's broken)
* VULKAN: testing some libraries
* VULKAN: trying to add shaderc
* VULKAN: trying to add shaderc - nope [skip ci]
* Added logging as a function.
Added github workflow to build configurator
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
new file: tools/configurator/basic
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* Theme and Theme Inheritance
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Bold.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Bold.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Regular.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Regular.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Black.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Black.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Bold.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Bold.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-ExtraLight.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-ExtraLight.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Light.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Light.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Regular.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Regular.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-SemiBold.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-SemiBold.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/akrobat-extrabold-webfont.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/akrobat-extrabold-webfont.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-narrow.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-narrow.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-small.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-small.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/Rekku-test.xcf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/accesible_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/default_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/modern_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/retro_theme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.gd
* Added Emulator Select and Pick options.
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* Rekku and Logo animations
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
Untracked files:
* Add Wobble!
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.xcf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake0.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake0.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake4.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake4.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/rekku_animated.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build
* Add change data for about us section via a csv
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.Description.translation
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.URL.translation
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv.import
modified: tools/configurator/emu_list.yml
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
new file: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.Description.translation
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.URL.translation
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv.import
new file: configurator/export/configurator.console.exe
new file: configurator/export/configurator.exe
new file: configurator/export/configurator.pck
new file: configurator/export/configurator.sh
new file: configurator/export/configurator.x86_64
renamed: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv -> configurator/export/tk_about.txt
modified: configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: configurator/tk_about.gd
new file: configurator/tk_about.txt
* Improved parsing of files for pulling out data
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: main.gd
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tk_about.gd
modified: tk_about.txt
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build 2
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
new file: tools/configurator/data_list.json
new file: tools/configurator/data_list.yml
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* Adding json support and supporting class
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/basic
new file: tools/configurator/data.json
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/app_data.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_option.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_property.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/link.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/save_manager.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
deleted: tools/configurator/export/tk_about.txt
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_property.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/export/data_list.json
* Now includes modify json. Need cleaning up!
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build 3
* Manifest: renaming es-de module to stick with the repo name for updating purposes
* ES-DE: updated module with new artifact URL and SHA256 [skip ci]
* Revert "ES-DE: updated module with new artifact URL and SHA256 [skip ci]"
This reverts commit b85ad1573d6af60e765bc6183c8f2e24ae04e6e7.
* If this breaks to gzdoom is ok
* If this breaks to gzdoom is ok - fix
* Migrated to the new latest links
* MAME: frixed url
* PCSX2: updated to 2.1.55
* Tidying up
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
deleted: tools/configurator/scripts/save_manager.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/data.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/Rekku-test.xcf
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png.import
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs/logs_popup_content.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
deleted: tools/configurator/export/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* Trying a new workflow
* Trying a new workflow - fix
* Trying a new workflow - fix 2
* Reverting workfolw edits
* WORKFLOW: targetting the old repo for the release
* WORKFLOW: updated some actions to a newever version to avoid deprecation at the end of the year
* MISSING_LIBS: trying to fetch libshaderc
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
renamed: tools/configurator/components/logs/logs_popup_content.tscn -> tools/configurator/components/logs_view/logs_popup_content.tscn
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/view_log.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/retrodeck.json
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/logs_popup_content.tscn
deleted: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/view_log.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* MANIFEST: removng a newline
* Feat/godot configurator (#871)
* Create Godot.yml
* Rename main.yml to godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/app.xemu.xemu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/app.xemu.xemu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation-nogui.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation-nogui.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.kuribo64.melonDS.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.kuribo64.melonDS.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.citra_emu.citra.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.citra_emu.citra.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.mamedev.MAME.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.mamedev.MAME.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/app.xemu.xemu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/app.xemu.xemu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation-nogui.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation-nogui.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.gnome.Yelp.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.gnome.Yelp.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.mamedev.MAME.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.mamedev.MAME.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.xfce.session.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.xfce.session.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/security-medium.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/security-medium.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/32/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/32/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (1).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (1).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (2).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (2).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (1).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (1).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (2).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (2).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch2.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch2.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch_invert.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch_invert.svg.import
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* ES-DE: new build for the smaller menu
* Icons!
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: .github/workflows/buid-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/buid-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: .github/workflows/buid-gdc.yml
Untracked files:
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* Create gd-test.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: data_list.json
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: data_list.json
modified: export_presets.cfg
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
deleted: ../../.github/workflows/godot.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: ../../.github/workflows/gd-test.yml
* Create test.yml
* Delete .github/workflows/test.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: export_presets.cfg
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
deleted: .github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: ../../.github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: main.tscn
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: ../../net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* FRAMEWORK: fixing online updater to point to the new org/repo
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* ES-DE: restored the retrodeck-main branch
* LIBRARIES: possible fix for dolphin and pcsx2 libretro cores
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
Co-authored-by: XargonWan <XargonWan@gmail.com>
* WORKFLOW: removed unused workflow
* MANIFEST: added runtime and modukle for godot configurator
* CONFIGURATOR: added "Open GODOT Configurator" entry in Developer Options menu
* MANIFEST: it seems like that the godot runtime is not giving us the command "godot" adding it manually
* MANIFEST: whoops
* MANIFEST: adding --headless to gotod command
* MANIFEST: fixes for retrodeck-configurator module
* MANIFEST: trying to fix the fontconfig issue
* MANIFEST: trying the missing --import for godot configurator
* FEATURES: added features file for future reference [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: fixed godot configurator and removed lefotver files
* MANIFEST: reverted godot edits
Co-authored-by: WallK <wallykrasiy@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: monkeyx-net <tim@monkeyx.net>
Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions <actions@github.com>
2024-08-08 14:46:53 +00:00
2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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feat/godot configurator (#866)
* Added all TKeys, added DE column in localization
* Fix game scan TKeys
* Initial integration of IT, DE and SE translations
Fixes to compound translations
* Translation fixes, style unification
* Added localized resources, translation changes, changed Swedish to "sv"
* New font, UA, JA and ZH translations
Font fixes
New TKeys, some TKey changes
Theme fixes
* Theme fixes
FINALLY scrollbars
No more blur
Nice buttons
* Changed UA flag to a more consistent one
* 2x bigger toggles
More bleak disabled items
* Scaled localized icons
* Full BIOS check functionality, temp file management
Added BIOS check (both basic and expert)
Blocking godot until bios files are checked (to check if ok)
Calling function wrapper
Added conditions to check for runtime dir env var
Changed fallback dir
* Fixed prepare script
* Suggestion for alt row colours
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
* GODOT_CONFIGURATOR: reverted some mistakenly merged changes
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
Changed Ubuntu version to 20.04
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
* Update cooker-selfhosted.yml
* e
* ES-DE: outsourced
* RetroArch: migrated to AppImage
* XEMU: migrated to AppImage
* MELONDS: migrated to AppImage
* RPCS3: migrated to AppImage
* MANIFEST: little fixes
* MANIFEST: avoid overwriting native libraries
* MANIFEST: fixing ES-DE
* MANIFEST: fixed and normalized /app with FLATPAK_DEST
* MANIFEST: cleanup
* MANIFEST: test
* MANIFEST: test 2
* MANIFEST: RA keep changing hash, mendokusai
* MANIFEST: test 3
* MANIFEST: fixed RetroArch
* PPSSPP: added wanted sdl module
* PPSSPP: added wanted sdl module - more
* ES-DE: moved repo
* PPSSPP: outsourced
* PPSSPP: fixed link
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix2
* PPSSPP: fixed link - fix3
* ES-DE: fixed link maybe
* MANIFEST: fixing copy actions
* PCSX2: removing troublesome file
* DOLPHIN: outsourced
* SOLARUS: outsourced
* MANIFEST: fixing file typoes missing for AppImage manifest
* MANIFEST: indentation fixes
* MANIFEST: lowercased rpcs3 sha
* MANIFEST: trying to figure out automation_task_list
* RPCS3: Xargon go home, you're drunk!
* RPCS3: Xargon, are you home yet?
* MANIFEST: fixed primehack placeholders
* MANIFEST: fixed copy commands (again)
* MANIFEST: just added a new line
* XEMU: release broken?
* XEMU: trying a move
* XEMU: trying a move
* XEMU: Dunno... I will just put ranndom commits messgaes as i will squash-merge this
* MANIFEST: reverting cpr -r commands
* XEMU: moved on the bottom just to see if something changes
* MELONDS: whoops
* DUCKSTATION: wrong cp target
* MANIFEST: trying a new method
* MANIFEST: trying a new method -fix
* MANFEST: moved thir party libraries in /app/usr/local/lib
* MANFEST: removing dolphin debug libraries
* MANFEST: removing primehack debug libraries
* MANFEST: removing primehack pkgconfig libraries
* MANFEST: removing cemu lib
* SOLARUS: removing errored libs
* MAME: reverted to its original state as itś not coming with libraries
* RYUJINX: fixing chmod command
* GZDOOM: outsourced
* MANIFEST: added debug for checking out where tf is our icon
* Submodules cleanup
* GZDOOM: cleanup
* MAME: restoring cp -rn and moving it to the end of the manifest
* MAME: restoring cp -rn and moving it to the end of the manifest
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions - part 2
* Applying flathub dev bbhtt's suggestions - part 3
* FRAMEWORK: moved third party libs into /app/retrodeck/lib
* MANIFEST: added retrodeck-pre-build commands
* MANIFEST: module renamed
* ES-DE: re-removed 'files/lib/girepository-1.0'
* Adding debug
* GLOBAL: pathing the retrodeck components provided libraries
* RPCS3: moved bufgix in the proper module
* MANIFEST: moved component libraries into /app/retrodeck/lib
* MANIFEST: removing some debug cleanups
* MANIFEST: desktop file don't need to be executable
* ES-DE: re-adding libpoppler
* ES--DE: moved to the end to overwrite older libraries
* RYUJINX: fixed manifest
* MANIFEST: injecting needed libraries and discarding the troublesome ones
* MANIFEST: injecting needed libraries and discarding the troublesome ones - adding more
* MelonDS: outsourced but self built in QT6
* MANIFEST: automated the third party libs manager
* MANIFEST: fixed melonds build
* Ryujinx: downgraded to the older but working version
* MANIFEST: removed debug code
* WORKFLOW: running on self-hosted again
* MANIFEST: adding load library path directly in the manifest
* Revert "MANIFEST: adding load library path directly in the manifest"
This reverts commit 27914f0ffd563666c82d20018d764ff3197a9a8b.
* Whoops typo
* MANIFEST: including debug and pkgconfig's librareis
* MANIFEST: removing pkgconfig's librareis
* MANIFEST: cannot move so copy and remove
* MANIFEST: cannot move so copy and remove - fix
* Toying with automation file to make it work again
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: testing a different script
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: adding new sha function
* MAME: fixing link
* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: using new HASH placeholder
* Revert "PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: using new HASH placeholder"
This reverts commit 45f1add494d7ae12fa43d58d7faa98ba82fdd739.
* MANIFEST: tweaks
* ATL: fixing ES-DE entry
* ATL: fixing ES-DE entry - fix2
* PPSSPP: fixed hash
* SOLARUS: fixing debug libs copy command
* APDATA: updated
* SOLARUS: that's not the library you're looking for
* GZDOOM: removing debug even here
* Revamped codename wordlist
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: retrodeck_function_wrapper.sh
* MANIFEST: following symlinks during library copy
* WORKFLOW: moving down the artifact preparation for fltahub as we don't even need it in cooker
* Manually adding missing libraries
* More codenames
* CEMU: added wrapper + RPCS3 fixes
* THE GREAT FOLDER MOVE (aka let's see how much things I can break in a single commit)
* emu: fixed dest filename for the wrapper
* Cemu: fixing wrapper installation
* CEMU: fixed wrapper again [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: cleanup [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: cleanup [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: trying to add LLVM to solve PCSX2, Duckstation issues
* MANIFEST: adding llvm doesn't change the situation, removed
* MANIFEST: trying to add vulkan
* MANIFEST: trying to add vulkan - removed as it should be already in (and that's broken)
* VULKAN: testing some libraries
* VULKAN: trying to add shaderc
* VULKAN: trying to add shaderc - nope [skip ci]
* Added logging as a function.
Added github workflow to build configurator
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
new file: tools/configurator/basic
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* Theme and Theme Inheritance
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Bold.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Bold.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Regular.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/OpenDyslexic3/OpenDyslexic3-Regular.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Black.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Black.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Bold.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Bold.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-ExtraLight.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-ExtraLight.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Light.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Light.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Regular.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-Regular.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-SemiBold.otf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/Akrobat-SemiBold.otf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/akrobat-extrabold-webfont.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/akrobat/akrobat-extrabold-webfont.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-narrow.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-narrow.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-small.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro-small.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro.ttf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/fonts/munro/munro.ttf.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/Rekku-test.xcf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/accesible_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/default_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/modern_theme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/assets/themes/retro_theme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.gd
* Added Emulator Select and Pick options.
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* Rekku and Logo animations
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
Untracked files:
* Add Wobble!
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_anim.xcf
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake0.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake0.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake1.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake1.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake4.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/retrodeck_base_shake4.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/rekku_animated.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build
* Add change data for about us section via a csv
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.Description.translation
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.URL.translation
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv
new file: tools/configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv.import
modified: tools/configurator/emu_list.yml
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
new file: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.Description.translation
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.URL.translation
deleted: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv.import
new file: configurator/export/configurator.console.exe
new file: configurator/export/configurator.exe
new file: configurator/export/configurator.pck
new file: configurator/export/configurator.sh
new file: configurator/export/configurator.x86_64
renamed: configurator/assets/data_lists/tk_about.csv -> configurator/export/tk_about.txt
modified: configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: configurator/tk_about.gd
new file: configurator/tk_about.txt
* Improved parsing of files for pulling out data
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: main.gd
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tk_about.gd
modified: tk_about.txt
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build 2
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
new file: tools/configurator/data_list.json
new file: tools/configurator/data_list.yml
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* Adding json support and supporting class
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/basic
new file: tools/configurator/data.json
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/app_data.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_option.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_property.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/link.gd
new file: tools/configurator/scripts/save_manager.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
deleted: tools/configurator/export/tk_about.txt
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/emulator_property.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: tools/configurator/export/data_list.json
* Now includes modify json. Need cleaning up!
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
* ES-DE: testing out the new compact menu - newer build 3
* Manifest: renaming es-de module to stick with the repo name for updating purposes
* ES-DE: updated module with new artifact URL and SHA256 [skip ci]
* Revert "ES-DE: updated module with new artifact URL and SHA256 [skip ci]"
This reverts commit b85ad1573d6af60e765bc6183c8f2e24ae04e6e7.
* If this breaks to gzdoom is ok
* If this breaks to gzdoom is ok - fix
* Migrated to the new latest links
* MAME: frixed url
* PCSX2: updated to 2.1.55
* Tidying up
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
deleted: tools/configurator/scripts/save_manager.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/data.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/Rekku-test.xcf
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/base.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink1.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/blink2.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/eyes-open.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-A.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-O.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/mouth-base.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-down.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-blink-up.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-idle.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak1.png.import
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png
deleted: tools/configurator/assets/graphics/Rekku/rekku-speak2.png.import
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/bios_check/bios_check.gd
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs/logs_popup_content.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
deleted: tools/configurator/export/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* Trying a new workflow
* Trying a new workflow - fix
* Trying a new workflow - fix 2
* Reverting workfolw edits
* WORKFLOW: targetting the old repo for the release
* WORKFLOW: updated some actions to a newever version to avoid deprecation at the end of the year
* MISSING_LIBS: trying to fetch libshaderc
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
renamed: tools/configurator/components/logs/logs_popup_content.tscn -> tools/configurator/components/logs_view/logs_popup_content.tscn
new file: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/view_log.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/data_list.json
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
new file: tools/configurator/retrodeck.json
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/class_functions.gd
modified: tools/configurator/scripts/data_handler.gd
modified: tools/configurator/tk_about.gd
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: tools/configurator/components/logs.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/logs_popup_content.tscn
deleted: tools/configurator/components/logs_view/view_log.gd
modified: tools/configurator/components/popup.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* MANIFEST: removng a newline
* Feat/godot configurator (#871)
* Create Godot.yml
* Rename main.yml to godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Update godot.yml
* Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/app.xemu.xemu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/app.xemu.xemu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation-nogui.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation-nogui.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/duckstation.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.kuribo64.melonDS.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.kuribo64.melonDS.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.citra_emu.citra.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.citra_emu.citra.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.mamedev.MAME.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.mamedev.MAME.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/app.xemu.xemu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/app.xemu.xemu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation-nogui.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation-nogui.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.gnome.Yelp.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.gnome.Yelp.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.mamedev.MAME.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.mamedev.MAME.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.xfce.session.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.xfce.session.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/security-medium.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/security-medium.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/32/retroarch.png
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/32/retroarch.png.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (1).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (1).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (2).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (2).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (1).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (1).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (2).svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (2).svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch.svg.import
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch2.svg
new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch2.svg.import
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new file: tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch_invert.svg.import
modified: tools/configurator/main.gd
modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn
modified: tools/configurator/project.godot
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* ES-DE: new build for the smaller menu
* Icons!
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export/configurator.pck
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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Untracked files:
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
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* Create gd-test.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: data_list.json
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: data_list.json
modified: export_presets.cfg
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
deleted: ../../.github/workflows/godot.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: ../../.github/workflows/gd-test.yml
* Create test.yml
* Delete .github/workflows/test.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
new file: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: export_presets.cfg
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
deleted: .github/workflows/go-simple.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: tools/configurator/export_presets.cfg
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
deleted: ../../.github/workflows/build-configurator.yml
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* modified: main.tscn
modified: res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: ../../net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: ../../.github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* FRAMEWORK: fixing online updater to point to the new org/repo
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: .github/workflows/build-gdc.yml
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
* ES-DE: restored the retrodeck-main branch
* LIBRARIES: possible fix for dolphin and pcsx2 libretro cores
* On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
modified: net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
Co-authored-by: XargonWan <XargonWan@gmail.com>
* WORKFLOW: removed unused workflow
* MANIFEST: added runtime and modukle for godot configurator
* CONFIGURATOR: added "Open GODOT Configurator" entry in Developer Options menu
* MANIFEST: it seems like that the godot runtime is not giving us the command "godot" adding it manually
* MANIFEST: whoops
* MANIFEST: adding --headless to gotod command
* MANIFEST: fixes for retrodeck-configurator module
* MANIFEST: trying to fix the fontconfig issue
* MANIFEST: trying the missing --import for godot configurator
* FEATURES: added features file for future reference [skip ci]
* MANIFEST: fixed godot configurator and removed lefotver files
* MANIFEST: reverted godot edits
Co-authored-by: WallK <wallykrasiy@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: monkeyx-net <tim@monkeyx.net>
Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions <actions@github.com>
2024-08-08 14:46:53 +00:00
2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2023-12-20 07:42:22 +00:00
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2024-02-18 09:47:11 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-08-15 13:38:09 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-02-18 08:32:34 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
2024-02-18 08:32:34 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-08-12 11:52:55 +00:00
Button/colors/font_color_pressed = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-02-19 07:15:59 +00:00
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2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
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2024-02-18 09:47:11 +00:00
HScrollBar/styles/grabber = SubResource("StyleBoxTexture_g6bu4")
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HScrollBar/styles/scroll_focus = SubResource("StyleBoxTexture_8681i")
2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
HSeparator/styles/separator = SubResource("576")
HSlider/icons/grabber = SubResource("250")
HSlider/icons/grabber_disabled = SubResource("251")
HSlider/icons/grabber_highlight = SubResource("252")
HSlider/icons/tick = SubResource("29")
HSlider/styles/grabber_area = SubResource("4")
HSlider/styles/grabber_area_highlight = SubResource("248")
HSlider/styles/slider = SubResource("249")
ItemList/colors/font_color = Color(0.866667, 0.866667, 0.866667, 1)
ItemList/colors/font_color_selected = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
ItemList/colors/guide_color = Color(0.266667, 0.266667, 0.266667, 1)
ItemList/constants/hseparation = 0
ItemList/constants/icon_margin = 2
ItemList/constants/line_separation = 0
ItemList/constants/vseparation = 0
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ItemList/styles/bg_focus = SubResource("462")
ItemList/styles/cursor_unfocused = null
ItemList/styles/selected = SubResource("476")
ItemList/styles/selected_focus = SubResource("490")
LineEdit/colors/clear_button_color = Color(0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 1)
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LineEdit/colors/cursor_color = Color(0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1)
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LineEdit/colors/font_color_uneditable = Color(0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 0.5)
LineEdit/colors/selection_color = Color(0.49, 0.49, 0.49, 1)
LineEdit/constants/minimum_spaces = 12
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LineEdit/styles/focus = SubResource("127")
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LineEdit/styles/read_only = SubResource("51")
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LinkButton/colors/font_color_hover = Color(0.831373, 0.831373, 0.831373, 1)
LinkButton/colors/font_color_pressed = Color(0.560784, 0.560784, 0.560784, 1)
LinkButton/constants/underline_spacing = 0
LinkButton/styles/focus = SubResource("540")
2024-01-11 12:55:30 +00:00
MarginContainer/constants/margin_bottom = 5
MarginContainer/constants/margin_left = 5
MarginContainer/constants/margin_right = 5
MarginContainer/constants/margin_top = 5
2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
OptionButton/colors/font_color = Color(0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 1)
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OptionButton/colors/font_color_focus = Color(0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1)
OptionButton/colors/font_color_hover = Color(0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1)
OptionButton/colors/font_color_pressed = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
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OptionButton/styles/hover = SubResource("160")
OptionButton/styles/normal = SubResource("78")
OptionButton/styles/pressed = SubResource("176")
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PopupMenu/colors/font_color = Color(0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 1)
PopupMenu/colors/font_color_accel = Color(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8)
PopupMenu/colors/font_color_disabled = Color(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.8)
PopupMenu/colors/font_color_hover = Color(0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 1)
PopupMenu/colors/font_color_separator = Color(0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 1)
PopupMenu/constants/hseparation = 4
PopupMenu/constants/vseparation = 4
PopupMenu/fonts/font_separator = SubResource("2")
PopupMenu/icons/checked = SubResource("230")
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PopupMenu/icons/unchecked = SubResource("232")
PopupMenu/styles/hover = SubResource("243")
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PopupMenu/styles/panel = SubResource("202")
PopupMenu/styles/panel_disabled = SubResource("205")
PopupMenu/styles/separator = SubResource("206")
ProgressBar/colors/font_color = Color(0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1)
ProgressBar/colors/font_color_shadow = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
ProgressBar/styles/bg = SubResource("507")
ProgressBar/styles/fg = SubResource("508")
2023-12-15 15:33:08 +00:00
ProgressBar/styles/fill = SubResource("StyleBoxTexture_2fae3")
2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
SpinBox/icons/updown = SubResource("319")
TabContainer/colors/font_color_bg = Color(0.486275, 0.486275, 0.486275, 1)
TabContainer/colors/font_color_disabled = Color(0.403922, 0.403922, 0.403922, 1)
TabContainer/colors/font_color_fg = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
TabContainer/constants/hseparation = 0
TabContainer/constants/label_valign_bg = 0
TabContainer/constants/label_valign_fg = 0
TabContainer/constants/side_margin = 0
TabContainer/constants/top_margin = 0
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TabContainer/icons/increment = null
TabContainer/icons/increment_highlight = null
TabContainer/icons/menu = null
TabContainer/icons/menu_highlight = null
TabContainer/styles/panel = SubResource("420")
TabContainer/styles/tab_bg = SubResource("525")
TabContainer/styles/tab_disabled = SubResource("422")
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Tabs/colors/font_color_bg = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
Tabs/colors/font_color_disabled = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
Tabs/colors/font_color_fg = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
Tabs/constants/hseparation = 0
Tabs/constants/label_valign_bg = 0
Tabs/constants/label_valign_fg = 0
Tabs/constants/top_margin = 0
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Tabs/icons/decrement_highlight = null
Tabs/icons/increment = null
Tabs/icons/increment_highlight = null
Tabs/styles/button = null
Tabs/styles/button_pressed = null
Tabs/styles/tab_bg = null
Tabs/styles/tab_disabled = null
Tabs/styles/tab_fg = null
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TextEdit/colors/brace_mismatch_color = Color(1, 0.2, 0.2, 1)
TextEdit/colors/breakpoint_color = Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.4, 0.2)
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TextEdit/colors/code_folding_color = Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
TextEdit/colors/completion_background_color = Color(0.17, 0.16, 0.2, 1)
TextEdit/colors/completion_existing_color = Color(0.87, 0.87, 0.87, 0.13)
TextEdit/colors/completion_font_color = Color(0.67, 0.67, 0.67, 1)
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TextEdit/colors/current_line_color = Color(0.25, 0.25, 0.26, 0.8)
TextEdit/colors/executing_line_color = Color(0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.4)
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TextEdit/colors/number_color = Color(0.92, 0.58, 0.2, 1)
TextEdit/colors/safe_line_number_color = Color(0.67, 0.78, 0.67, 0.6)
TextEdit/colors/selection_color = Color(0.49, 0.49, 0.49, 1)
TextEdit/colors/symbol_color = Color(0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1)
TextEdit/colors/word_highlighted_color = Color(0.8, 0.9, 0.9, 0.15)
TextEdit/constants/completion_lines = 7
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TextEdit/constants/completion_scroll_width = 6
TextEdit/constants/line_spacing = 2
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TextEdit/styles/read_only = SubResource("293")
TooltipLabel/colors/font_color = Color(0.866667, 0.866667, 0.866667, 1)
TooltipLabel/colors/font_color_shadow = Color(0.133333, 0.133333, 0.133333, 1)
TooltipLabel/constants/shadow_offset_x = 0
TooltipLabel/constants/shadow_offset_y = 0
TooltipPanel/styles/panel = SubResource("409")
Tree/icons/checked = SubResource("334")
Tree/icons/unchecked = SubResource("336")
Tree/styles/bg = SubResource("360")
2023-12-20 07:42:22 +00:00
VScrollBar/styles/grabber = SubResource("StyleBoxTexture_c4ymr")
2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
VScrollBar/styles/grabber_highlight = SubResource("393")
2023-12-20 07:42:22 +00:00
VScrollBar/styles/grabber_pressed = SubResource("StyleBoxTexture_bo7kv")
2024-02-18 09:47:11 +00:00
VScrollBar/styles/scroll = SubResource("StyleBoxTexture_frxxy")
VScrollBar/styles/scroll_focus = SubResource("StyleBoxTexture_w2ibl")
2023-12-15 14:37:37 +00:00
VSeparator/constants/separation = 2
VSeparator/styles/separator = SubResource("563")
VSlider/icons/grabber = SubResource("250")
VSlider/icons/grabber_disabled = SubResource("251")
VSlider/icons/grabber_highlight = SubResource("252")
VSlider/icons/tick = SubResource("111")
VSlider/styles/grabber_area = SubResource("4")
VSlider/styles/grabber_area_highlight = SubResource("4")
VSlider/styles/slider = SubResource("249")
WindowDialog/colors/title_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
WindowDialog/constants/close_h_ofs = 5
WindowDialog/constants/close_v_ofs = 19
WindowDialog/constants/scaleborder_size = 4
WindowDialog/constants/title_height = 36
WindowDialog/icons/close = SubResource("20")
WindowDialog/icons/close_highlight = SubResource("20")
WindowDialog/styles/panel = SubResource("19")