RetroDECK/tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (2).svg
monkeyx-net b6999bb5b0 On branch feat/godot-configurator
Changes to be committed:
	modified:   net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
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	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/app.xemu.xemu.png.import
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	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.kuribo64.melonDS.png.import
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	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png.import
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	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.citra_emu.citra.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.citra_emu.citra.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.mamedev.MAME.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.mamedev.MAME.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png.import
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	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/retroarch.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/128/retroarch.png.import
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	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/app.xemu.xemu.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation-nogui.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation-nogui.png.import
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	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/duckstation.png.import
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	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.pcsx2.PCSX2.png.import
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	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/net.rpcs3.RPCS3.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.gnome.Yelp.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.gnome.Yelp.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.mamedev.MAME.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.mamedev.MAME.png.import
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	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP_.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.xfce.session.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.xfce.session.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/org.zdoom.GZDoom.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/retroarch.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/retroarch.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/security-medium.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/16/security-medium.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/32/retroarch.png
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/32/retroarch.png.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (1).svg
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (1).svg.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (2).svg
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu (2).svg.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu.svg
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/dolphin-emu.svg.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (1).svg
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (1).svg.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (2).svg
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch (2).svg.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch.svg
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch.svg.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch2.svg
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch2.svg.import
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch_invert.svg
	new file:   tools/configurator/assets/icons/retroarch_invert.svg.import
	modified:   tools/configurator/
	modified:   tools/configurator/main.tscn
	modified:   tools/configurator/project.godot
	modified:   tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres
2024-08-05 13:37:45 +01:00

1 line
2.5 KiB

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