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synced 2025-03-06 14:27:48 +00:00

* Feat/godot (#929) * On branch cooker Changes to be committed: modified: ../config/retrodeck/reference_lists/features.json modified: configurator.sh modified: configurator/TabContainer.gd modified: configurator/assets/themes/accesible_theme.tres modified: configurator/assets/themes/modern_theme.tres modified: configurator/assets/themes/retro_theme.tres modified: configurator/main.tscn modified: configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres * Signal test * s * Oops Data Recovery On branch cooker Changes to be committed: modified: tools/configurator/main.gd modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres * Sliding Rekku On branch cooker Changes to be committed: modified: tools/configurator/Rekku.gd modified: tools/configurator/main.gd modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn * Using less tabs? On branch cooker Changes to be committed: modified: tools/configurator/main.gd modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres * Generic Save experiment On branch cooker Changes to be committed: modified: tools/configurator/main.gd modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres * Let it flow On branch feat/godot Changes to be committed: new file: .github/workflows/build-godot.yml modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres * On branch feat/godot Changes to be committed: modified: .github/workflows/build-godot.yml * FLow 2.0 * Flow 2.1 * Flow 2.2 * Flow 2.3 * Flow 2.4 * Flow 2.5 * Flow 2.6 * Flow 2.7 * Flow 2.8 * Flow 2.9 * Flow 2.9 * Flow 2.91 * Flow 2.92 * Emualtor==System * FFS revert! * Progress on Cores at last! * Progress on Cores at lastgit add .! * Functions * Bios change * Removed need for BIOS tmp file for Godot * Rotten the core! * Push TEst * fixed duplicate * fixed duplicate * Tidied Bios reading * Rekku assistant * Icons and System Tab work * Generic buttons please * Generic buttons pleases * Generic buttons please2 * Rekku gets the saw * Dialogues * Fixed link to json file * Feat/godot (#927) * Tidied parameter code * Tricky bios dialogue! * Mini change * Tidying icons * And then there were 5! * Time to Cook * INITOOL: added * SET_SETTING_VALUE: edited to use initool * Revert "SET_SETTING_VALUE: edited to use initool" This reverts commitb56916c2b0
. * Revert "INITOOL: added" This reverts commit127bcdb6cd
. * POST_UPDATE: update_rd_conf to include steam_sync * INJECT_FRAMEWORK: added force args [skip ci] * Progress buttons * Reset! --------- Co-authored-by: Rekku <rekku@retrodeck.net> Co-authored-by: XargonWan <XargonWan@gmail.com> --------- Co-authored-by: Rekku <rekku@retrodeck.net> Co-authored-by: XargonWan <XargonWan@gmail.com> * Feedback changes and 16 bit icons * Launch button change * On branch feat/godot Changes to be committed: modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres modified: tools/configurator/scripts/SystemTab.gd * On branch feat/godot (#935) Changes to be committed: modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres modified: tools/configurator/scripts/SystemTab.gd Co-authored-by: Rekku <rekku@retrodeck.net> * Log file refactor * Log full path? * Ooops! * Fix for functions wrapper (#937) * On branch feat/godot Changes to be committed: modified: tools/configurator/main.tscn modified: tools/configurator/res/pixel_ui_theme/RetroDECKTheme.tres modified: tools/configurator/scripts/SystemTab.gd * Log file refactor * Log full path? * Ooops! --------- Co-authored-by: Rekku <rekku@retrodeck.net> * POST_UPDATE: even on PR [skip ci] * RETRODECK: You know? till now we never quit retrodeck in the end! [skip ci] * FRAMEWORK: added the possibility to run a game from cli * RUN_GAME: system name prettyfied * RUN_GAME: added retroarch cores * FEATURES: added more launch args * RUN_GAME: fixed retroarch * RUN_GAME: various fixes, time up * FEATURES: fixed libetro with libretro [skip ci] * RUN_GAME: emulator and system can now be passed as optional arguments * Reftactored logging and threading * URL * Desktop Mode * Hide logo --------- Co-authored-by: Rekku <rekku@retrodeck.net> Co-authored-by: XargonWan <XargonWan@gmail.com>
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145 lines
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check_network_connectivity() {
# This function will do a basic check for network availability and return "true" if it is working.
# USAGE: if [[ $(check_network_connectivity) == "true" ]]; then
if [[ ! -z $(wget --spider -t 1 $remote_network_target_1 | grep "HTTP response 200") ]]; then
local network_connected="true"
elif [[ ! -z $(wget --spider -t 1 $remote_network_target_2 | grep "HTTP response 200") ]]; then
local network_connected="true"
elif [[ ! -z $(wget --spider -t 1 $remote_network_target_3 | grep "HTTP response 200") ]]; then
local network_connected="true"
local network_connected="false"
echo "$network_connected"
check_desktop_mode() {
# This function will do a basic check of if we are running in Steam Deck game mode or not, and return "true" if we are outside of game mode
# USAGE: if [[ $(check_desktop_mode) == "true" ]]; then
if [[ ! $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP == "gamescope" ]]; then
echo "true"
echo "false"
check_is_steam_deck() {
# This function will check the internal product ID for the Steam Deck codename and return "true" if RetroDECK is running on a real Deck
# USAGE: if [[ $(check_is_steam_deck) == "true" ]]; then
if [[ $(cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name) =~ ^(Jupiter|Galileo)$ ]]; then
echo "true"
echo "false"
check_for_version_update() {
# TODO logging
# This function will perform a basic online version check and alert the user if there is a new version available.
log d "Entering funtcion check_for_version_update"
wget -q --spider "https://api.github.com/repos/$git_organization_name/$update_repo/releases/latest"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# Check if $selected_branch is not set
if [[ -z "$selected_branch" ]]; then
# If $selected_branch is not set, get the latest release tag from GitHub API
local online_version=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/$git_organization_name/$update_repo/releases/latest" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')
local online_version=$(curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/$git_organization_name/$update_repo/releases" | jq -r --arg bn "$branch_name" 'sort_by(.published_at) | .[] | select(.tag_name | contains($bn)) | .tag_name' | tail -n 1)
if [[ ! "$update_ignore" == "$online_version" ]]; then
if [[ "$update_repo" == "RetroDECK" ]] && [[ $(sed -e 's/[\.a-z]//g' <<< $version) -le $(sed -e 's/[\.a-z]//g' <<< $online_version) ]]; then
choice=$(zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap --ok-label="OK" --extra-button="Ignore this version" \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK - New Update Available" \
--text="There is a new version of RetroDECK available: <span foreground='$blue'><b>$online_version</b></span>.\nYou can easily update from the app store you have installed, examples: KDE Discover or Gnome Software.\n\nIf you would like to ignore this notification, click the \"Ignore this version\" button.")
rc=$? # Capture return code, as "OK" button has no text value
if [[ $rc == "1" ]]; then # If any button other than "OK" was clicked
log i "Selected: \"OK\""
set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_ignore" "$online_version" retrodeck "options" # Store version to ignore for future checks
elif [[ "$update_repo" == "$cooker_repository_name" ]] && [[ ! $version == $online_version ]]; then
log i "Showing update request dialog as \"$online_version\" was found and is greater then \"$version\""
choice=$(rd_zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap --ok-label="Yes" --extra-button="No" --extra-button="Ignore this version" \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK - New Cooker Version Available" \
--text="There is a more recent version of RetroDECK cooker.\nYou are running version <span foreground='$blue'><b>$hard_version</b></span>. The latest is <span foreground='$blue'><b>$online_version</b></span>.\n\nWould you like to update?\nIf you would like to ignore this notification, click the \"Ignore this version\" button.\n\nIf you would like to disable these notifications entirely: disable Online Update Checks in the Configurator.")
rc=$? # Capture return code, as "Yes" button has no text value
if [[ $rc == "1" ]]; then # If any button other than "Yes" was clicked
if [[ $choice == "Ignore this version" ]]; then
log i "\"Ignore this version\" selected, updating \"$rd_conf\""
set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_ignore" "$online_version" retrodeck "options" # Store version to ignore for future checks.
else # User clicked "Yes"
install_release $online_version
else # Unable to reach the GitHub API for some reason
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Online Update" "RetroDECK is unable to reach the GitHub API to perform a version check.\nIt's possible that location is being blocked by your network or ISP.\n\nIf the problem continues, you will need to disable internal checks through the Configurator\nand perform updates manually through the Discover store."
validate_input() {
while IFS="^" read -r input action || [[ -n "$input" ]];
if [[ ! $input == "#"* ]] && [[ ! -z "$input" ]]; then
if [[ "$input" == "$1" ]]; then
eval "$action"
done < $input_validation
check_version_is_older_than() {
# This function will determine if a given version number is newer than the one currently read from retrodeck.cfg (which will be the previous running version at update time) and will return "true" if it is
# The given version to check should be in normal RetroDECK version notation of N.N.Nb (eg. 0.8.0b)
# USAGE: check_version_is_older_than "version"
local current_version="$version"
local new_version="$1"
local is_newer_version="false"
current_version_major_rev=$(sed 's/^\([0-9]*\)\..*/\1/' <<< "$current_version")
new_version_major_rev=$(sed 's/^\([0-9]*\)\..*/\1/' <<< "$new_version")
current_version_minor_rev=$(sed 's/^[0-9]*\.\([0-9]*\)\..*/\1/' <<< "$current_version")
new_version_minor_rev=$(sed 's/^[0-9]*\.\([0-9]*\)\..*/\1/' <<< "$new_version")
current_version_point_rev=$(sed 's/^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' <<< "$current_version")
new_version_point_rev=$(sed 's/^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' <<< "$new_version")
if [[ "$new_version_major_rev" -gt "$current_version_major_rev" ]]; then
elif [[ "$new_version_major_rev" -eq "$current_version_major_rev" ]]; then
if [[ "$new_version_minor_rev" -gt "$current_version_minor_rev" ]]; then
elif [[ "$new_version_minor_rev" -eq "$current_version_minor_rev" ]]; then
if [[ "$new_version_point_rev" -gt "$current_version_point_rev" ]]; then
# Perform post_update commands for current version if it is a cooker or PR
if grep -qF "cooker" <<< "$hard_version" || grep -qF "PR" <<< "$hard_version"; then
# If newly-installed version is a "cooker" or "PR" build, always perform post_update commands for current version
if [[ "$(echo $hard_version | cut -d'-' -f2)" == "$new_version" ]]; then
echo "$is_newer_version"