Bart Trzynadlowski
Added support for multiple value types in config nodes.
Removed Ptr_t and ConstPtr_t from public interface, moved config tree builders into their own file, and made them pass by reference and value.
Exceptions can be thrown now on lookup failures.
Removed s_empty_node -- failed lookups in [] operator create a permanent "hidden" child.
Updated comment in NewConfig.cpp.
2016-08-21 22:22:45 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Added copy constructor and assignment operator using C++11 move semantics
2016-08-19 00:01:45 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Support for deep copies via assignment operator. This will pave the way for elimination of Ptr_t and ConstPtr_t.
2016-08-18 04:14:36 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Added ValueAsBool(), ValueAsBoolWithDefault(), and ValueAsUnsignedWithDefault()
2016-08-10 03:27:01 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Added Util::Config::Node::ValueAsUnsigned() with support for base 10 and 16 ('0x' prefix)
2016-07-10 04:25:41 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Config::Node::Add() now supports nested keys (e.g., Add("foo/bar/baz", "0") will create three nested config nodes)
2016-07-09 15:19:17 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Changed Config::Node::Create() to Add() and added a Set() method (for INI semantics). Turned Test_Config.cpp into a proper unit test reporting pass/fail for each test.
2016-07-09 14:45:48 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
XML parsing support for new config system
2016-07-07 04:59:10 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Moved logging functions into OSD/Logger.cpp (eventually logging system will be reworked entirely) and added new config tree structure (not yet used).
2016-07-05 01:15:58 +00:00