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** Supermodel
** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson
** This file is part of Supermodel.
** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
** any later version.
** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
** more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
** with Supermodel. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* CodeAnalyser.h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Types.h"
#include "Debugger.h"
#include "AddressTable.h"
#include "BlockFile.h"
namespace Debugger
class CCPUDebug;
class CRegion;
class CLabel;
enum ELabelFlags
LFNone = 0,
LFEntryPoint = 1,
LFExcepHandler = 2,
LFInterHandler = 4,
LFJumpTarget = 8,
LFLoopPoint = 16,
LFSubroutine = 32,
LFUnseenCode = 64,
LFAll = (LFEntryPoint | LFExcepHandler | LFInterHandler | LFJumpTarget | LFSubroutine | LFLoopPoint | LFUnseenCode)
* Class that represents an entry point into a program's code in memory, eg a CPU's reset address or exception handler's address etc.
class CEntryPoint
char autoLabelStr[255];
UINT32 addr;
ELabelFlags autoFlag;
const char *autoLabel;
CEntryPoint(const CEntryPoint &other);
CEntryPoint(UINT32 eAddr, ELabelFlags eAutoFlag, const char *eAutoLabel);
CEntryPoint &operator=(const CEntryPoint &other);
bool operator==(const CEntryPoint &other);
bool operator!=(const CEntryPoint &other);
* Class that represents an auto-generated label that resulted from code analysis, eg a known entry point or the destination of a subroutine call.
class CAutoLabel : public CAddressRef
static const char *s_defaultLabelFmts[];
const char *m_subLabels[7];
unsigned m_acquired;
const char *CreateDefaultSubLabel(ELabelFlags flag);
static const unsigned numLabelFlags;
static ELabelFlags GetLabelFlag(int index);
static int GetFlagIndex(ELabelFlags flag);
static const char *GetFlagString(ELabelFlags flag);
ELabelFlags flags;
CAutoLabel(CCPUDebug *lCPU, UINT32 lAddr);
void Acquire();
void Release();
void AddFlag(ELabelFlags flag, const char *subLabel);
bool GetLabel(char *label, ELabelFlags flag = LFAll);
bool ContainsSubLabel(const char *subLabel);
class CCodeAnalyser;
* Class that holds the results of having analysed the program code.
class CCodeAnalysis
friend class CCodeAnalyser;
std::vector<CEntryPoint> m_entryPoints;
std::vector<UINT32> m_unseenEntryAddrs;
std::vector<bool> m_seenIndices;
std::vector<bool> m_validIndices;
std::map<UINT32,CAutoLabel*> m_autoLabelsMap;
unsigned m_acquired;
CCodeAnalysis(CCodeAnalyser *aAnalyser);
CCodeAnalysis(CCodeAnalyser *aAnalyser, unsigned aTotalIndices, std::vector<CEntryPoint> &entryPoints, std::vector<UINT32> &m_unseenEntryAddrs);
CCodeAnalysis(CCodeAnalysis *oldAnalysis, std::vector<CEntryPoint> &entryPoints, std::vector<UINT32> &m_unseenEntryAddrs);
void FinishAnalysis();
CCodeAnalyser *analyser;
std::set<unsigned> validIndexSet;
std::vector<CAutoLabel*> autoLabels;
void Acquire();
void Release();
bool IsAddrValid(UINT32 addr);
bool GetNextValidAddr(UINT32 &addr);
bool IsIndexValid(unsigned index);
bool GetNextValidIndex(unsigned &index);
bool HasSeenAddr(UINT32 addr);
bool HaveSeenIndex(unsigned index);
CAutoLabel *GetAutoLabel(UINT32 addr);
CAutoLabel *GetAutoLabel(const char *subLabel);
std::vector<CAutoLabel*> GetAutoLabels(ELabelFlags flag);
* Class that analyses a program's code to work out all the reachable program locations from a given set of entry points into the code.
* During the analysis, it keeps track of valid memory locations (to help with the disassembly of code for CPUs with variable-length
* instruction sets) and generates a set of auto-labels that identify places of interest such as subroutines, jump destinations and
* exception handlers etc.
* This sort of analysis works well for static addressing modes but not so well for dynamic address referencing or self-modifying code.
* To allow for the latter cases the analyser updates its analysis whenever it encounters an unseen memory location or it sees
* that code has changed from a previous inspection.
class CCodeAnalyser
std::vector<CRegion*> m_codeRegions;
std::vector<unsigned> m_indexBounds;
std::vector<UINT32> m_customEntryAddrs;
bool m_abortAnalysis;
void CheckEntryPoints(std::vector<CEntryPoint> &entryPoints, std::vector<UINT32> &unseenEntryAddrs, std::vector<CEntryPoint> &prevPoints,
bool &needsAnalysis, bool &reanalyse);
void GatherEntryPoints(std::vector<CEntryPoint> &entryPoints, std::vector<UINT32> &unseenEntryAddrs, bool &reanalyse);
void AddEntryPoint(std::vector<CEntryPoint> &entryPoints, UINT32 addr, ELabelFlags autoFlag, const char *autoLabel);
void AnalyseCode(std::vector<bool> &seenIndices, std::vector<bool> &validIndices, std::set<unsigned> &validIndexSet, std::map<UINT32, CAutoLabel*> &autoLabelsMap, UINT32 addr);
void AddFlagToAddr(std::map<UINT32, CAutoLabel*> &autoLabelsMap, UINT32 addr, ELabelFlags autoFlag, const char *autoLabel);
CCPUDebug *cpu;
CCodeAnalysis emptyAnalysis;
CCodeAnalysis *analysis;
unsigned instrAlign;
unsigned totalIndices;
CCodeAnalyser(CCPUDebug *aCPU);
void Reset();
bool GetAddrOfIndex(unsigned index, UINT32 &addr);
bool GetIndexOfAddr(UINT32 addr, unsigned &index);
// Methods to check, run or abort analysis
bool NeedsAnalysis();
bool AnalyseCode();
void AbortAnalysis();
// Methods to manipulate custom entry addresses
void ClearCustomEntryAddrs();
void AddCustomEntryAddr(UINT32 entryAddr);
bool RemoveCustomEntryAddr(UINT32 entryAddr);
bool LoadState(CBlockFile *state);
bool SaveState(CBlockFile *state);