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synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00

- audio buffer is now kept as full as possible with new audio buffering method rather than just half full like before (this is okay now that buffer overruns have been eliminated) - altered minimum size of audio buffer so that audio still works with a zero latency setting (obviously there will still be some latency)
414 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
414 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
#include "Supermodel.h"
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
#include <SDL/SDL_audio.h>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_audio.h>
#include <math.h>
// Model3 audio output is 44.1KHz 2-channel sound and frame rate is 60fps
#define SAMPLE_RATE 44100
#define NUM_CHANNELS 2
#define MAX_LATENCY 100
static bool enabled = true; // True if sound output is enabled
static unsigned latency = 20; // Audio latency to use (ie size of audio buffer) as percentage of max buffer size
static bool underRunLoop = true; // True if should loop back to beginning of buffer on under-run, otherwise sound is just skipped
static unsigned playSamples = 512; // Size (in samples) of callback play buffer
static UINT32 audioBufferSize = 0; // Size (in bytes) of audio buffer
static INT8 *audioBuffer = NULL; // Audio buffer
static UINT32 writePos = 0; // Current position at which writing into buffer
static UINT32 playPos = 0; // Current position at which playing data in buffer via callback
static bool writeWrapped = false; // True if write position has wrapped around at end of buffer but play position has not done so yet
static unsigned underRuns = 0; // Number of buffer under-runs that have occured
static unsigned overRuns = 0; // Number of buffer over-runs that have occured
static AudioCallbackFPtr callback = NULL; // Pointer to audio callback that is called when audio buffer is less than half empty
static void *callbackData = NULL; // Pointer to data to be passed to audio callback when it is called
void SetAudioCallback(AudioCallbackFPtr newCallback, void *newData)
// Lock audio whilst changing callback pointers
callback = newCallback;
callbackData = newData;
void SetAudioEnabled(bool newEnabled)
enabled = newEnabled;
static void PlayCallback(void *data, Uint8 *stream, int len)
//printf("PlayCallback(%d) [writePos = %u, writeWrapped = %s, playPos = %u, audioBufferSize = %u]\n",
// len, writePos, (writeWrapped ? "true" : "false"), playPos, audioBufferSize);
// Get current write position and adjust it if write has wrapped but play position has not
UINT32 adjWritePos = writePos;
if (writeWrapped)
adjWritePos += audioBufferSize;
// Check if play position overlaps write position (ie buffer under-run)
if (playPos + len > adjWritePos)
//printf("Audio buffer under-run #%u in PlayCallback(%d) [writePos = %u, writeWrapped = %s, playPos = %u, audioBufferSize = %u]\n",
// underRuns, len, writePos, (writeWrapped ? "true" : "false"), playPos, audioBufferSize);
// See what action to take on under-run
if (underRunLoop)
// If loop, then move play position back to beginning of data in buffer
playPos = adjWritePos + BYTES_PER_FRAME;
// Check if play position has moved past end of buffer
if (playPos >= audioBufferSize)
// If so, wrap it around to beginning again (but keep write wrapped flag as before)
playPos -= audioBufferSize;
// Otherwise, set write wrapped flag as will now appear as if write has wrapped but play position has not
writeWrapped = true;
// Otherwise, just copy silence to audio output stream and exit
memset(stream, 0, len);
INT8* src1;
INT8* src2;
UINT32 len1;
UINT32 len2;
// Check if play region extends past end of buffer
if (playPos + len > audioBufferSize)
// If so, split play region into two
src1 = audioBuffer + playPos;
src2 = audioBuffer;
len1 = audioBufferSize - playPos;
len2 = len - len1;
// Otherwise, just copy whole region
src1 = audioBuffer + playPos;
src2 = 0;
len1 = len;
len2 = 0;
// Check if audio is enabled
if (enabled)
// If so, copy play region into audio output stream
memcpy(stream, src1, len1);
// Also, if not looping on under-runs then blank region out
if (!underRunLoop)
memset(src1, 0, len1);
if (len2)
// If region was split into two, copy second half into audio output stream as well
memcpy(stream + len1, src2, len2);
// Also, if not looping on under-runs then blank region out
if (!underRunLoop)
memset(src2, 0, len2);
// Otherwise, just copy silence to audio output stream
memset(stream, 0, len);
// Move play position forward for next time
playPos += len;
bool bufferFull = adjWritePos + 2 * BYTES_PER_FRAME > playPos + audioBufferSize;
// Check if play position has moved past end of buffer
if (playPos >= audioBufferSize)
// If so, wrap it around to beginning again and reset write wrapped flag
playPos -= audioBufferSize;
writeWrapped = false;
// If buffer is not full then call audio callback
if (callback && !bufferFull)
static void MixChannels(unsigned numSamples, INT16 *leftBuffer, INT16 *rightBuffer, void *dest)
INT16 *p = (INT16*)dest;
#if (NUM_CHANNELS == 1)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
*p++ = leftBuffer[i] + rightBuffer[i]; // TODO: these should probably be clipped!
if (g_Config.flipStereo) // swap left and right channels
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
*p++ = rightBuffer[i];
*p++ = leftBuffer[i];
else // stereo as God intended!
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
*p++ = leftBuffer[i];
*p++ = rightBuffer[i];
#endif // NUM_CHANNELS
static void LogAudioInfo(SDL_AudioSpec *fmt)
InfoLog("Audio device information:");
InfoLog(" Frequency: %d", fmt->freq);
InfoLog(" Channels: %d", fmt->channels);
InfoLog("Sample Format: %d", fmt->format);
bool OpenAudio()
// Initialize SDL audio sub-system
if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) != 0)
return ErrorLog("Unable to initialize SDL audio sub-system: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
// Set up audio specification
SDL_AudioSpec fmt;
memset(&fmt, 0, sizeof(SDL_AudioSpec));
fmt.freq = SAMPLE_RATE;
fmt.channels = NUM_CHANNELS;
fmt.format = AUDIO_S16SYS;
fmt.samples = playSamples;
fmt.callback = PlayCallback;
// Try opening SDL audio output with that specification
SDL_AudioSpec obtained;
if (SDL_OpenAudio(&fmt, &obtained) < 0)
return ErrorLog("Unable to open 44.1KHz 2-channel audio with SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
// Check if obtained format is what we really requested
if ((obtained.freq!=fmt.freq) || (obtained.channels!=fmt.channels) || (obtained.format!=fmt.format))
ErrorLog("Incompatible audio settings (44.1KHz, 16-bit required). Check drivers!\n");
// Check what buffer sample size was actually obtained, and use that
playSamples = obtained.samples;
// Create audio buffer
audioBufferSize = SAMPLE_RATE * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE * latency / MAX_LATENCY;
int minBufferSize = 3 * BYTES_PER_FRAME;
audioBufferSize = max<int>(minBufferSize, audioBufferSize);
audioBuffer = new(std::nothrow) INT8[audioBufferSize];
if (audioBuffer == NULL)
float audioBufMB = (float)audioBufferSize / (float)0x100000;
return ErrorLog("Insufficient memory for audio latency buffer (need %1.1f MB).", audioBufMB);
memset(audioBuffer, 0, sizeof(INT8) * audioBufferSize);
// Set initial play position to be beginning of buffer and initial write position to be half-way into buffer
playPos = 0;
writePos = min<int>(audioBufferSize - BYTES_PER_FRAME, (BYTES_PER_FRAME + audioBufferSize) / 2);
writeWrapped = false;
// Reset counters
underRuns = 0;
overRuns = 0;
// Start audio playing
return OKAY;
bool OutputAudio(unsigned numSamples, INT16 *leftBuffer, INT16 *rightBuffer)
//printf("OutputAudio(%u) [writePos = %u, writeWrapped = %s, playPos = %u, audioBufferSize = %u]\n",
// numSamples, writePos, (writeWrapped ? "true" : "false"), playPos, audioBufferSize);
UINT32 bytesRemaining;
UINT32 bytesToCopy;
INT16 *src;
// Number of samples should never be more than max number of samples per frame
if (numSamples > SAMPLES_PER_FRAME)
// Mix together left and right channels into single chunk of data
MixChannels(numSamples, leftBuffer, rightBuffer, mixBuffer);
// Lock SDL audio callback so that it doesn't interfere with following code
// Calculate number of bytes for current sound chunk
UINT32 numBytes = numSamples * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE;
// Get end of current play region (writing must occur past this point)
UINT32 playEndPos = playPos + BYTES_PER_FRAME;
// Undo any wrap-around of the write position that may have occured to create following ordering: playPos < playEndPos < writePos
if (playEndPos > writePos && writeWrapped)
writePos += audioBufferSize;
// Check if play region has caught up with write position and now overlaps it (ie buffer under-run)
if (playEndPos > writePos)
//printf("Audio buffer under-run #%u in OutputAudio(%u) [writePos = %u, writeWrapped = %s, playPos = %u, audioBufferSize = %u, numBytes = %u]\n",
// underRuns, numSamples, writePos, (writeWrapped ? "true" : "false"), playPos, audioBufferSize, numBytes);
// See what action to take on under-run
if (underRunLoop)
// If loop, then move play position back to beginning of data in buffer
playPos = writePos + numBytes + BYTES_PER_FRAME;
// Check if play position has moved past end of buffer
if (playPos >= audioBufferSize)
// If so, wrap it around to beginning again (but keep write wrapped flag as before)
playPos -= audioBufferSize;
// Otherwise, set write wrapped flag as will now appear as if write has wrapped but play position has not
writeWrapped = true;
writePos += audioBufferSize;
// Otherwise, bump write position forward in chunks until it is past end of play region
writePos += numBytes;
while (playEndPos > writePos);
// Check if write position has caught up with play region and now overlaps it (ie buffer over-run)
bool overRun = writePos + numBytes > playPos + audioBufferSize;
bool bufferFull = writePos + 2 * BYTES_PER_FRAME > playPos + audioBufferSize;
// Move write position back to within buffer
if (writePos >= audioBufferSize)
writePos -= audioBufferSize;
// Handle buffer over-run
if (overRun)
//printf("Audio buffer over-run #%u in OutputAudio(%u) [writePos = %u, writeWrapped = %s, playPos = %u, audioBufferSize = %u, numBytes = %u]\n",
// overRuns, numSamples, writePos, (writeWrapped ? "true" : "false"), playPos, audioBufferSize, numBytes);
bufferFull = true;
// Discard current chunk of data
goto Finish;
src = mixBuffer;
INT8 *dst1;
INT8 *dst2;
UINT32 len1;
UINT32 len2;
// Check if write region extends past end of buffer
if (writePos + numBytes > audioBufferSize)
// If so, split write region into two
dst1 = audioBuffer + writePos;
dst2 = audioBuffer;
len1 = audioBufferSize - writePos;
len2 = numBytes - len1;
// Otherwise, just copy whole region
dst1 = audioBuffer + writePos;
dst2 = 0;
len1 = numBytes;
len2 = 0;
// Copy chunk to write position in buffer
bytesRemaining = numBytes;
bytesToCopy = (bytesRemaining > len1 ? len1 : bytesRemaining);
memcpy(dst1, src, bytesToCopy);
// Adjust for number of bytes copied
bytesRemaining -= bytesToCopy;
src = (INT16*)((UINT8*)src + bytesToCopy);
if (bytesRemaining)
// If write region was split into two, copy second half of chunk into buffer as well
bytesToCopy = (bytesRemaining > len2 ? len2 : bytesRemaining);
memcpy(dst2, src, bytesToCopy);
// Move write position forward for next time
writePos += numBytes;
// Check if write position has moved past end of buffer
if (writePos >= audioBufferSize)
// If so, wrap it around to beginning again and set write wrapped flag
writePos -= audioBufferSize;
writeWrapped = true;
// Unlock SDL audio callback
// Return whether buffer is half full
return bufferFull;
void CloseAudio()
// Close SDL audio output
// Delete audio buffer
if (audioBuffer != NULL)
delete[] audioBuffer;
audioBuffer = NULL;
} |