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synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00
382 lines
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382 lines
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Executable file
#include "Supermodel.h"
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
#include <SDL/SDL_audio.h>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_audio.h>
#include <math.h>
// Model3 audio output is 44.1KHz 2-channel sound and frame rate is 60fps
#define SAMPLE_RATE 44100
#define NUM_CHANNELS 2
#define MAX_LATENCY 100
static bool enabled = true; // True if sound output is enabled
static unsigned latency = 20; // Audio latency to use (ie size of audio buffer) as percentage of max buffer size
static bool underRunLoop = true; // True if should loop back to beginning of buffer on under-run, otherwise sound is just skipped
static unsigned playSamples = 512; // Size (in samples) of callback play buffer
static UINT32 audioBufferSize = 0; // Size (in bytes) of audio buffer
static INT8 *audioBuffer = NULL; // Audio buffer
static UINT32 writePos = 0; // Current position at which writing into buffer
static UINT32 playPos = 0; // Current position at which playing data in buffer via callback
static bool writeWrapped = false; // True if write position has wrapped around at end of buffer but play position has not done so yet
static unsigned underRuns = 0; // Number of buffer under-runs that have occured
static unsigned overRuns = 0; // Number of buffer over-runs that have occured
static void PlayCallback(void *data, Uint8 *stream, int len)
//printf("PlayCallback(%d) [writePos = %u, writeWrapped = %s, playPos = %u, audioBufferSize = %u]\n",
// len, writePos, (writeWrapped ? "true" : "false"), playPos, audioBufferSize);
// Get current write position and adjust it if write has wrapped but play position has not
UINT32 adjWritePos = writePos;
if (writeWrapped)
adjWritePos += audioBufferSize;
// Check if play position overlaps write position (ie buffer under-run)
if (playPos + len > adjWritePos)
//printf("Audio buffer under-run #%u in PlayCallback(%d) [writePos = %u, writeWrapped = %s, playPos = %u, audioBufferSize = %u]\n",
// underRuns, len, writePos, (writeWrapped ? "true" : "false"), playPos, audioBufferSize);
// See what action to take on under-run
if (underRunLoop)
// If loop, then move play position back to beginning of data in buffer
playPos = adjWritePos + BYTES_PER_FRAME;
// Check if play position has moved past end of buffer
if (playPos >= audioBufferSize)
// If so, wrap it around to beginning again (but keep write wrapped flag as before)
playPos -= audioBufferSize;
// Otherwise, set write wrapped flag as will now appear as if write has wrapped but play position has not
writeWrapped = true;
// Otherwise, just copy silence to audio output stream and exit
memset(stream, 0, len);
INT8* src1;
INT8* src2;
UINT32 len1;
UINT32 len2;
// Check if play region extends past end of buffer
if (playPos + len > audioBufferSize)
// If so, split play region into two
src1 = audioBuffer + playPos;
src2 = audioBuffer;
len1 = audioBufferSize - playPos;
len2 = len - len1;
// Otherwise, just copy whole region
src1 = audioBuffer + playPos;
src2 = 0;
len1 = len;
len2 = 0;
// Check if audio is enabled
if (enabled)
// If so, copy play region into audio output stream
memcpy(stream, src1, len1);
// Also, if not looping on under-runs then blank region out
if (!underRunLoop)
memset(src1, 0, len1);
if (len2)
// If region was split into two, copy second half into audio output stream as well
memcpy(stream + len1, src2, len2);
// Also, if not looping on under-runs then blank region out
if (!underRunLoop)
memset(src2, 0, len2);
// Otherwise, just copy silence to audio output stream
memset(stream, 0, len);
// Move play position forward for next time
playPos += len;
// Check if play position has moved past end of buffer
if (playPos >= audioBufferSize)
// If so, wrap it around to beginning again and reset write wrapped flag
playPos -= audioBufferSize;
writeWrapped = false;
static void MixChannels(unsigned numSamples, INT16 *leftBuffer, INT16 *rightBuffer, void *dest)
INT16 *p = (INT16*)dest;
#if (NUM_CHANNELS == 1)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
*p++ = leftBuffer[i] + rightBuffer[i]; // TODO: these should probably be clipped!
if (g_Config.flipStereo) // swap left and right channels
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
*p++ = rightBuffer[i];
*p++ = leftBuffer[i];
else // stereo as God intended!
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
*p++ = leftBuffer[i];
*p++ = rightBuffer[i];
#endif // NUM_CHANNELS
static void LogAudioInfo(SDL_AudioSpec *fmt)
InfoLog("Audio device information:");
InfoLog(" Frequency: %d", fmt->freq);
InfoLog(" Channels: %d", fmt->channels);
InfoLog("Sample Format: %d", fmt->format);
BOOL OpenAudio()
// Initialize SDL audio sub-system
if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) != 0)
return ErrorLog("Unable to initialize SDL audio sub-system: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
// Set up audio specification
SDL_AudioSpec fmt;
memset(&fmt, 0, sizeof(SDL_AudioSpec));
fmt.freq = SAMPLE_RATE;
fmt.channels = NUM_CHANNELS;
fmt.format = AUDIO_S16SYS;
fmt.samples = playSamples;
fmt.callback = PlayCallback;
// Try opening SDL audio output with that specification
SDL_AudioSpec obtained;
if (SDL_OpenAudio(&fmt, &obtained) < 0)
return ErrorLog("Unable to open 44.1KHz 2-channel audio with SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
// Check if obtained format is what we really requested
if ((obtained.freq!=fmt.freq) || (obtained.channels!=fmt.channels) || (obtained.format!=fmt.format))
ErrorLog("Incompatible audio settings (44.1KHz, 16-bit required). Check drivers!\n");
// Check what buffer sample size was actually obtained, and use that
playSamples = obtained.samples;
// Create audio buffer
audioBufferSize = SAMPLE_RATE * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE * latency / MAX_LATENCY;
int roundBuffer = 2 * playSamples;
audioBufferSize = max<int>(roundBuffer, (audioBufferSize / roundBuffer) * roundBuffer);
audioBuffer = new(std::nothrow) INT8[audioBufferSize];
if (audioBuffer == NULL)
float audioBufMB = (float)audioBufferSize / (float)0x100000;
return ErrorLog("Insufficient memory for audio latency buffer (need %1.1f MB).", audioBufMB);
memset(audioBuffer, 0, sizeof(INT8) * audioBufferSize);
// Set initial play position to be beginning of buffer and initial write position to be half-way into buffer
playPos = 0;
writePos = (BYTES_PER_FRAME + audioBufferSize) / 2;
writeWrapped = false;
// Reset counters
underRuns = 0;
overRuns = 0;
// Start audio playing
return OKAY;
void OutputAudio(unsigned numSamples, INT16 *leftBuffer, INT16 *rightBuffer)
//printf("OutputAudio(%u) [writePos = %u, writeWrapped = %s, playPos = %u, audioBufferSize = %u]\n",
// numSamples, writePos, (writeWrapped ? "true" : "false"), playPos, audioBufferSize);
UINT32 bytesRemaining;
UINT32 bytesToCopy;
INT16 *src;
// Number of samples should never be more than max number of samples per frame
if (numSamples > SAMPLES_PER_FRAME)
// Mix together left and right channels into single chunk of data
MixChannels(numSamples, leftBuffer, rightBuffer, mixBuffer);
// Lock SDL audio callback so that it doesn't interfere with following code
// Calculate number of bytes for current sound chunk
UINT32 numBytes = numSamples * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE;
// Get end of current play region (writing must occur past this point)
UINT32 playEndPos = playPos + BYTES_PER_FRAME;
// Undo any wrap-around of the write position that may have occured to create following ordering: playPos < playEndPos < writePos
if (playEndPos > writePos && writeWrapped)
writePos += audioBufferSize;
// Check if play region has caught up with write position and now overlaps it (ie buffer under-run)
if (playEndPos > writePos)
//printf("Audio buffer under-run #%u in OutputAudio(%u) [writePos = %u, writeWrapped = %s, playPos = %u, audioBufferSize = %u, numBytes = %u]\n",
// underRuns, numSamples, writePos, (writeWrapped ? "true" : "false"), playPos, audioBufferSize, numBytes);
// See what action to take on under-run
if (underRunLoop)
// If loop, then move play position back to beginning of data in buffer
playPos = writePos + numBytes + BYTES_PER_FRAME;
// Check if play position has moved past end of buffer
if (playPos >= audioBufferSize)
// If so, wrap it around to beginning again (but keep write wrapped flag as before)
playPos -= audioBufferSize;
// Otherwise, set write wrapped flag as will now appear as if write has wrapped but play position has not
writeWrapped = true;
writePos += audioBufferSize;
// Otherwise, bump write position forward in chunks until it is past end of play region
writePos += numBytes;
while (playEndPos > writePos);
// Check if write position has caught up with play region and now overlaps it (ie buffer over-run)
bool overRun = writePos + numBytes > playPos + audioBufferSize;
// Move write position back to within buffer
if (writePos >= audioBufferSize)
writePos -= audioBufferSize;
// Handle buffer over-run
if (overRun)
//printf("Audio buffer over-run #%u in OutputAudio(%u) [writePos = %u, writeWrapped = %s, playPos = %u, audioBufferSize = %u, numBytes = %u]\n",
// overRuns, numSamples, writePos, (writeWrapped ? "true" : "false"), playPos, audioBufferSize, numBytes);
// Discard current chunk of data
goto Finish;
src = mixBuffer;
INT8 *dst1;
INT8 *dst2;
UINT32 len1;
UINT32 len2;
// Check if write region extends past end of buffer
if (writePos + numBytes > audioBufferSize)
// If so, split write region into two
dst1 = audioBuffer + writePos;
dst2 = audioBuffer;
len1 = audioBufferSize - writePos;
len2 = numBytes - len1;
// Otherwise, just copy whole region
dst1 = audioBuffer + writePos;
dst2 = 0;
len1 = numBytes;
len2 = 0;
// Copy chunk to write position in buffer
bytesRemaining = numBytes;
bytesToCopy = (bytesRemaining > len1 ? len1 : bytesRemaining);
memcpy(dst1, src, bytesToCopy);
// Adjust for number of bytes copied
bytesRemaining -= bytesToCopy;
src = (INT16*)((UINT8*)src + bytesToCopy);
if (bytesRemaining)
// If write region was split into two, copy second half of chunk into buffer as well
bytesToCopy = (bytesRemaining > len2 ? len2 : bytesRemaining);
memcpy(dst2, src, bytesToCopy);
// Move write position forward for next time
writePos += numBytes;
// Check if write position has moved past end of buffer
if (writePos >= audioBufferSize)
// If so, wrap it around to beginning again and set write wrapped flag
writePos -= audioBufferSize;
writeWrapped = true;
// Unlock SDL audio callback
void CloseAudio()
// Close SDL audio output
// Delete audio buffer
if (audioBuffer != NULL)
delete[] audioBuffer;
audioBuffer = NULL;
} |